Prohibit hunting hunting: when the Vennerie Society responds to 11 ecological senators!The weekly newsletter

12/07/2022 By acomputer 670 Views

Prohibit hunting hunting: when the Vennerie Society responds to 11 ecological senators!The weekly newsletter

A group of eleven environmental senators recently exposed the bills of bills aimed at prohibiting 'cruel' practices and in particular hunting for August 28 last. Obviously this project includes serious inaccuracies that the company of Vennerie wished to correct point by point .Tre to want to ban hunting for the sole explanation of your reasons which are, for the most part, unfounded and exaggeratedly dogmatic, is quite incomprehensible from an elected representative of the Republic. Permit me to send you a note that Taken point by point the elements that you develop in the presentation of the reasons for your bill I stand at your entire disposal to answer all the additional questions and take advantage of this letter to invite each of you to visit one From our kennels, in order to better realize the reality of a hunting crew. Pierre de Roualle, president of the Vennerie Society

"Courre hunting is a particularly violent practice since it consists in continuing and tracking for several hours, using a pack of dogs and producing a maximum of noise using Cors and Dogs, a wild animal until exhaustion. The killing of the animal is also made there at the dagger or the Épieu. "Falseoffirmer that hunting to be violent would be violent is to disregard nature, its laws and its functioning. Indeed, hunting with hounds, which consists in chasing a pack of dogs of wild animals, is only the illustration of the cycle of nature and the rules of predation which wants animals to eat others . For millions of years, wild animals have been developing their skills to escape their predators; This is what allowed their species to reach us. Curry hunt reproduces the exact scheme of nature. It is, therefore, the most ecological. The use of the term "exhaustion" is also inappropriate since dogs hunt a wild animal not until exhaustion but until it overcome its tricks. The six animals hunted (deer, wild boar, deer, fox, hare and rabbit) constituted their physical and sensory skills on the fact that, in the cycle of nature, they are the prey of other mammals; So for them, running and escaping their predator is natural. When the animal comes out victorious of this confrontation, that is to say three times out of four, it never dies of exhaustion and quickly recovers from this race, like a marathoner who quickly finds his strength . It should be noted that fatigue is a factor that concerns both the chased animal and the dogs that hunt it, the confrontation is loyal; It is governed by ethical principles. In most cases dogs get tired before the animal. This is the reason why hunting out of hounds takes between 4 and 5,000 animals out of the 18,000 hunts carried out each season by our 390 crews. Brought back to the number of hunters, the number of samples is low. The attraction of the olderie lies more in the quest and the science of the dog than in the sole objective of the taking.

"The killing of the animal is also made there in the dagger or the Épieu."Not always you are right, for the 80 crews hunting the wild boar or the deer.But you inform that it would be suffering from suffering for the animal at abusions, which is false.The moment when the man intervenes by killing a deer or a boar to the dagger or the Épieu is made to shorten the confrontation (the abesses) between the pack and the chased animal.This action is carried out by experienced hinders with dignity, speed and efficiency.On the other hand, in the 310 crews that hunt the deer, the fox, the hare or the rabbit, these are taken by dogs without human intervention.

Interdire la chasse à courre: Quand la société de vènerie répond à 11 sénateurs écolos! LA NEWSLETTER HEBDOMADAIRE DE CHASSONS.COM

"Besides her great brutality towards animals prosecuted, hunting for hounding is not an activity without consequences on the rest of the fauna she disturbs. It affects the populations of deer, because the search for the deer leads to hunting the best potential breeders. It is also particularly harmful at the time of the helm and seriously disturbs the balance of the forest: ringtone of trunk, commendable and coming from crews, dogs, vehicles. »False you are wrong by thinking that our motivation is the search for the trophy. When hunting with hounds, the animal is chosen by dogs whose predation instinct leads them to select the one in whom they detect a weakness, regardless of its trophy. In doing so, hunting, first taking the weakest animals, contributes to the positive selection of wildlife. If the man had to choose, he would not hunt the best breeders, the most able to ensure the perpetuation of the species. Bringing back, moreover, hunting to hunting deer alone (9% of crews) is ignoring the reality of contemporary olderie who has never known so many crews (390) and enthusiasts (100,000). Regarding the hunts during the brown, an anthropomorphic sensitivity suggests that they disturb the act of reproduction. In reality, the populations of the animals that we chase have never been so abundant; This is the reason why most are subject to hunting plan (cf. The presence of predators has never altered the capacity of wild fauna to reproduce. In addition, the passage of the hunts does not prevent deer from returning to hold the places of Bras from the same evening. A simple tour in a forest where you hunt on hut would allow you to understand it, or rather, to hear it. As for the comings and goings of the crews and dogs, they are of an almost null impact compared to road traffic which generates each year in the forest 65,000 collisions between vehicles and wild animals. The majority of crews hunt near their territory. The carbon borrowing of the olderie is really insignificant.

"The development of dwellings, roads and tourism in the forest now make this incident practice impossible. It is simply unsuitable for our time and our territories. False you say that "incidents" have multiplied lately, invoking urbanization and the impossible cohabitation between residents and hunters. Out of 15,000 hunting days organized between September 15, 2020 and March 31, 2021 (number of hunts reduced in 2020 for health reasons), our opponents claim to count 37 incidents which they describe as "serious", of which 15 are 15 Pure inventions and the rest perfectly minor, without any body damage noted. Or an "event" every 682 hunts; Many sports activities generate formally formidable incidents. Courre hunting is not dangerous for those who practice it, those who follow it or those who meet it in the forest. Certain territories close to Paris have indeed become peri -urban, the subdivisions have encroached the space occupied by wild fauna until then; The crews concerned are aware of this reality and take measures to ensure harmonious cohabitation with residents and forest users.

"In addition, it should be noted that the practice of hunting today concerns a minority of practitioners and whose profile is mainly urban and favored. Thus, according to the Sommer Foundation and the Ipsos Institute, 70% of hunters are urban. Almost half of French hunters live in cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants: 13% in cities of 20,000 to 99,999 inhabitants, 22.5% from 100,000 to 1,999,999 inhabitants, and almost 11% in the 'Parisian agglomeration. "Fauxrès recently, that is to say on September 20, Julien Bayou, secretary general of Europe Ecologie les Verts, said on France Info:" What we are presented as a rural activity is a fake News complete because hunting is today a city dweller, CSP+ frames ”. A few days later, Arte, in one of his episodes of Fact Checking, denied the words of Mr. Bayou: “In 2014 and in 2015, the Office of Information and Economic forecasting on the FNC order, carried out two surveys on the Profile of hunting practitioners. Results, 45% of hunters are inactive or retired. The others, or 55%, are workers, employees, farmers, craftsmen or intermediate professions. 39% are executives or occupy a liberal profession. »Information taken up by Liberation on September 23. To complete, we invite you to read the sociological study carried out on hinders in 2019 and which you will find in PJ. 2/3 of the hornors are rural people who live in the countryside. Let us note another of your erroneous claims: when hunting at hounds, 25% of practitioners are women and not 5% (cf. "La Vénerie en figure", Courre hunting is also practiced with family, bringing together all socio-professional categories around the same passion.

“The erosion of the number of hunters is also characterized since it goes from 2,350,000 in 1984 to 1,100,000 in 2015 to go under the bar of the symbolic million in 2020-984,000 for the 2020-2021 season according to the office French for biodiversity (OFB). It should also be noted that less than 4% of hunters are farmers and that women represent only 5% of practitioners. Far from attacking rural populations, the supervision of hunting practices is simply the supervision of a leisure on a small part of the population, sociologically away from the clichés conveyed. False you seem to consider it insignificant this figure of a million practitioners and thereby make little case of the freedom of "minorities". A shame in a society that permanently praises the benefits of diversity and a very surprising position on the part of representatives of the Republic. The demonstrations of September 18 in several cities in France have shown how rural people felt injured and despised by an self -proclaimed city "elite". Let us remember all the same that hunting is the third leisure of the French after football and tennis and well in front of all other sports activities. What do we do with other activities such as basketball, fishing or motor racing. We prohibit them on the pretext that they represent only few practitioners?

“Courre hunting is an anachronistic practice and already prohibited in many countries.»Fauxla hunting, anachronistic?Far from your statements according to which hunting is the leisure of a minority, its persistence in France demonstrates its very strong rural anchoring, its strong establishment in 70 departments and the attraction it exercises with its 10,000 practitioners and100,000 followers and sympathizers.The practice has been much democratized and the crews have long been for associations in associations.The crews give access to all those who are interested.There is something for everyone.The explosion of the Lièvre Vennerie, which is generally practiced on foot, requires a very low financial participation, two to three hundred euros per year.