Purchasing power, housing, health, environment ... which changes on January 1, 2022

06/12/2022 By acomputer 717 Views

Purchasing power, housing, health, environment ... which changes on January 1, 2022



The minimum wage will be increased automatically by 0.9 % on January 1 to reach € 1,603 gross per month, an increase of € 14.It therefore stands at € 1,269 net per month.This increase is content to follow only legal mechanisms, taking into account the effects of the price increase for 20 % of households at the lowest income.

→ Analysis.No additional increase in the minimum wage, the pressure rises for all wages

► Pensions

Retirement pensions will be upgraded by 1.1 %.This increase "will concern all basic pensions with the exception of those of lawyers.It will apply to pensions of retirees From the private sector, the public service, special regimes and independents, "according to service-public.Fr.

► Officials and telework

Officials can now claim compensation of € 2.50 per day of telework, up to an annual amount of € 220, or 88 days per year."The" telework package "can benefit civil servants, contractual agents under public law, state workers, magistrates and apprentices regardless of their body or job framework and their functions", specifies the Ministry of Transformationand the public service.

Social benefits/health

► Patient Package Emergencies

The "rest at the expense" for emergency passes not followed by hospitalization will no longer be calculated according to the "moderator ticket" of 20 %, but on the basis of a new "emergency patient package" set at 19.61€ and also reimbursed by complementary health.The amount will be "reduced" to € 8.51 for certain audiences such as chronic patients (ALD) and others will remain exempt, such as pregnant women.

→ Debate.Is it legitimate to charge the emergency room?

► new calculation of the allocation to disabled adults (AAH)

People affecting the allocation to disabled adults living as a couple will benefit from a lump sum reduction of € 5,000 on the revenues of the non -beneficiary of the AAH, increased by € 1,100 per child.This measure will increase the allowance from 110 to 120 € per month on average for 120,000 to 130,000 beneficiaries, according to the Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES).

→ Analysis.Allowance to disabled adults: "we cannot make everything weigh on spouses"

► Additional health for all simplified for beneficiaries of the RSA and the minimum old age

Access to complementary solidarity health (CSS) is simplified for beneficiaries of active solidarity income (RSA) and minimum old age (ASPA).People who are asking for the RSA will be automatically covered by the CSS.The objective is that 95 % of the new RSA beneficiaries are covered by the complementary solidarity health by 2025.The beneficiaries of the minimum old age will be presumed eligible.

→ Reread.Agnès Buzyn launches the complementary solidarity health, replacement for the CMU

► End of the shared medical file

Tested since July 2021 in three departments (Haute-Garonne, Loire-Atlantique, Somme), the digital health space "my health area" replaces the shared medical file (DMP).This is an improved version of the DMP to store and share all health data, exchange with health professionals and manage their medical appointments.


► Help for BAFA

Exceptional aid of € 200 is paid subject to passing the BAFA.About 20,000 young people can benefit from it to partially finance their training in the animation professions, whose cost is around € 900.

→ Maintenance.Sarah El Haïry: "Training aid of € 200 to counter the shortage of animators"

Pouvoir d’achat, logement, santé, environnement… Ce qui change au 1er janvier 2022

► Free contraception

Les Frais liés à la contraception sont désormais intégralement pris en charge pour toutes les femmes jusqu’à l’âge de 25 ans, et non plus seulement les mineures, comme c’était le cas jusqu’à présent.This extension is motivated "by the decline in the use of contraception, often linked to financial reasons", according to the Ministry of Health.

→ Analysis.Free contraception for 18-25 year olds, useful for some, false good idea for others

► Culture pass

The culture pass is extended in January to young people aged 15 to 17.The system, which allows access to a multitude of cultural activities, has previously been reserved for 18 -year -olds since May.It includes "an individual part, for young people aged 15 to 17, and a collective part, usable in the school framework, for the benefit of college students from the fourth and high school students", specifies the decree.

→ to read.The culture pass becomes widespread everywhere in France with a credit of € 300


► Backight act during a rental

The deposit system evolves.The surety deed can now be signed in electronic form.It can be provided for a fixed or indefinite period, in which case the deposit may end at any time.Another change: natural persons who are surety no longer have the obligation to copy word for word the legal formula to express their consent, in order to avoid litigation.

► Building permit online

Building permits can now be deposited online.All municipalities must be able to receive in electronic form requests for urban planning authorization, and those of more than 3,500 inhabitants to ensure their instruction in dematerialized form.This "meets the challenges of simplification and modernization of public services" according to the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

► Launch of France Renov ’

The new Public France Rénov ’supports households wishing to carry out energy renovation work in their accommodation.According to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, this service will give "neutral, free and personalized" advice ".Its objectives are to inform households, guide them during their renovation project and ensure a social mission to those whose income is the most modest.

→ Read also.Thermal renovation, the difficult quest for the rest at zero load


Building trustees are now required to send the co -owners a sheet indicating their prices and their services.This should allow them to more easily compare the different agencies and to be able to change the trustee.

► Real estate credit

The maximum duration of the mortgage is now 25 years.Some households will however be able to go into debt over 27 years, when the loan includes a two -year depreciation.This is the case for those who buy new good, or an old good on which they carry out work (the amount of which represents at least 25 % of the total cost of the operation).

→ to read Le crédit immobilier n’a jamais été si peu cher

Dues and taxes

► Property tax

La taxe foncière devrait connaître une hausse de 3,4 % en 2022 selon les chifFres de l’Insee.

► Housing tax

The housing tax has a final relief before its total suppression in 2023."In 2022, households who have not yet benefited from the abolition of their housing tax can claim an exemption of 65 % of this tax on their main residence, whatever their income," specifies the tax site.

→ Analysis.Housing tax, endangered tax

► income tax

The income tax scale will be revalued by 1.4 % in 2022 to take into account inflation.The entry threshold in the different sections of the scale will therefore increase: from 10,084 to 10,225 € for the first to 11 %, from 25,710 to 26,070 € for the 30 %tranche, etc..A person whose taxable net income has not increased beyond 1.4 % will therefore see their income tax decrease over the same period.

► Tax credit for home jobs

As of January 1, 2022, the tax credit for the employment of an employee at home will be paid every month.


► New part of € 2

To mark the 20th anniversary of the single currency, a new part of € 2 is put into circulation from January 1, 2022. « On y découvre le chêne et l’olivier, la force et la sagesse, ainsi que la devise de la République Française », décrit le ministère de l’économie. Le 1er janvier 2002, l’euro avait remplacé le Franc.

► Incoming the price of the stamp

Mail rates will increase by 4.7 % on January 1.The price of the green stamp - fold distributed in 48 hours in mainland France - will go from 1.08 to 1.16 € (+ 7.4 %), while that of the red stamp - priority letter, theoretically distributed the next day - will climb from1.28 to € 1.43 (+ 11.7 %).As for the ecopli - the cheapest formula for a shipment in four days on average, with a gray stamp - it will increase by 8 cents to € 1.14 (+ 7.5 %).

► Free water at the restaurant

As of January 1, 2022, catering establishments and drinking speeds "are required to indicate visible on their card or on a display space the possibility for consumers to request free drinking water",in accordance with the law relating to the fight against waste and the circular economy.

► Legal compliance guarantee

The legal compliance guarantee for used products is extended by 6 months.A lack of conformity that appeared within 12 months on a second -hand product is now presumed to exist at the time of purchase, unless proven otherwise.An extension of 6 months is also applied to the legal guarantee of compliance for a device repaired in the context of the legal guarantee of conformity.Concretely, if a new household appliance breaks down for its two -year warranty period and it is repaired, the warranty is extended by six months.


► No rise in electricity prices on January 1, but in February 2022.The price of electricity had to increase 12 % in February, but the Prime Minister announced at the end of September a "price shield" to limit this increase to 4 %.

→ Debate.Gas price: is the "price shield" for energy a good solution?

► No increase in gas prices.Faced with the sharp increase in the regulated rate, the government has decided to block the price of gas until the end of 2022.

Animal environment / well-being

► End of single -use plastics

Fin des emballages en plastique autour de certains Fruits et légumes non transformés, interdiction des jouets en plastique offerts dans les menus pour enfants, obligation pour les établissements recevant du public (gares, bibliothèques, écoles, universités, hôpitaux...) to allow access to a drinking water point, prohibition of plastic packaging for the delivery of newspapers, magazines and advertisements, end of purchases by the state of single -use plastic products for use at workplacesor during the events he organizes.

→ To go further.Fruits and vegetables, end programmed for plastic

► New automotive penalty

New penalty for new vehicles registered from January 1.It will apply from 128 g of CO2/km (instead of 133) with, for this level of pollution, a taxation of € 50.He goes up to up to € 40,000 for a level above 223 g of CO2/km, knowing that the amount of the penalty will not be able to exceed 50 % of the price of the vehicle.In addition, a new "weight penalty" will concern new vehicles weighing more than 1.8 tonnes, at the rate of € 10/kg.In both cases, large families can benefit from discounts.Rechargeable electric and hybrid vehicles are not affected.

► Prohibition to eliminate unsold non -food

The elimination of unsuccessful non -food is prohibited.This concerns the products covered by the extended liability sectors of producers (clothing, furniture, electrical and electronic products...), hygiene and childcare products, awakening and leisure products, school books and supplies, preservation and cooking equipment.Companies must now give or recycle their unsold products.

→ Analysis.Televisions or shampoos, these unsold people who can no longer be destroyed

► Liability of Market Places

The Market Places (Amazon, Cdiscount...) must ensure that manufacturers are well funding eco-organizations responsible for managing the end of life of their product categories.The customer must be informed of greenhouse gas emissions linked to his internet and mobile consumptions.Internet access providers and mobile operators must communicate to their subscribers the greenhouse gas emissions linked to their consumption.

► End of raw castration of the piglets

It is now forbidden to castrate piglets without anesthesia, in the name of animal welfare.Breeders will be able to continue to practice this operation provided that their buyers demand it and if they respect a specific protocol.Castration can be "carried out either by surgical castration with anesthesia and analgesia", an option favored by professionals, "or by immunocastration" (injection of a vaccine to stop the production of steroids). Cette pratique concerne la majorité des élevages Français et 10 millions de porcelets par an.