Roof-terrace: treat the thermal bridge and dew point

10/08/2022 By acomputer 724 Views

Roof-terrace: treat the thermal bridge and dew point

La règlementation thermique oblige à renforcer l'isolation thermique, tout comme l'étanchéité à l'air des bâtiments. Ces dispositions compliquent la gestion des phénomènes de condensation sous les planchers toiture-terrasse (appelée point de rosée).Roof-terrace: treat the thermal bridge and dew point Roof-terrace: treat the thermal bridge and dew point

Indeed, the presence of insulation in the plenum keeps the floor in the cold zone, which lowers the dew point under the vapor barrier.It is therefore necessary to place the entire insulation above the floor to keep it in hot zone.

Roof-terrace: treat the thermal bridge and dew point

In addition, acroters, in reinforced concrete, must be linked to the compression table.Which makes the implementation of breakers very difficult.

Roof-terrace: treat the thermal bridge and dew point

The Seacbois solution makes it possible to treat thermal bridges without placing insulation in the plenum or around the heel of the beam.Thus the beam remains in a hot zone and the dew point is held above the vapor barrier while treating the thermal bridge:- PSI Longitudinal = 0.25 W/(M.K)- PSI transversal = 0.29 W/(M.K) In all cases, the risk of condensation is deleted, including at the level of the floor anchoring in the chaining.For more information, you can consult the report of the rules for the right construction of the Terraces of the CSFE (French Syndicale Chambre de l'Etanchité) on our website: www.SEAC-GF.Fr
