Saint-Gobain leaves the heating and sanitary distribution in the United Kingdom

01/12/2022 By acomputer 777 Views

Saint-Gobain leaves the heating and sanitary distribution in the United Kingdom 14/12/20210

Saint-Gobain will sell to Wolseley UK three of its last four specialized plumbing, heating and sanitary distribution brands in the United Kingdom: Neville Lumb, DHS and Bassetts.

These transactions are scheduled to be finalized in early 2022. Saint-Gobain has also entered into exclusive negotiations with Wolseley UK for the sale of Ideal Bathrooms, its last retail brand specializing in plumbing, heating and sanitary products. UK.

These four brands employ 485 people and have 25 points of sale, generating a turnover of around 130 million euros in 2020.

Saint-Gobain portfolio optimization strategy

Saint-Gobain leaves heating distribution- sanitaryware in the United Kingdom

Once these transactions are finalized, given the sale of Graham (revenue of approximately €260 million in 2020, 130 points of sale) in August 2021, Saint-Gobain will no longer have any brand distribution company specializing in plumbing, heating and sanitary services in the United Kingdom.

These transactions are part of the pursuit of Saint-Gobain's portfolio optimization strategy, aimed at improving the Group's growth and profitability profile, in line with the objectives of the “Grow & Impact”, emphasizes the group.
