Oil production in disrupted Arabia after a drone attack

30/12/2022 By acomputer 700 Views

Oil production in disrupted Arabia after a drone attack

It will be obviously necessary to restore the situation.Saudi oil production, half reduced after drone attacks from Yemeni Houthis on Saturday against two strategic installations of the Aramco oil company, should not return to normal before ""weeks rather than days,"" said Reuters on Sundaya source aware of the situation.Recognizing the seriousness of the attacks, which notably targeted the world's largest transformation site, Ryad authorities have advanced any delay before the total production of production.According to the Minister of Energy, Prince Abdoulaziz Ben Salman, quoted on Saturday by the official SPA agency, 5.7 million barrels per day are affected by the partial interruption, that is, almost half of Saudi production, or5% of daily world oil trade.

The United States has attributed attacks on Iran.They were claimed by Téhéran allies, the Yemeni Houthi rebels, against which Saudi Arabia and its Sunni Arab allies have been intervening militarily since 2015.""Tehran is behind a hundred attacks on Saudi Arabia while (President Hassan) Rohani and (his Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohamad Javad) Zarif claim to engage in diplomacy,"" he wrote on Twitter.""In the midst of all these calls for de -escalation, Iran has just launched an unprecedented attack on the planet's energy supply.""

L'Iran qualifie les accusations d'""insensées""

Selon l'agence SPA, Donald Trump, lors d'une conversation téléphonique avec le prince héritier Mohamed ben Salman, a déclaré que les Etats-Unis étaient prêts à coopérer avec l'Arabie saoudite pour ""garantir sa sécurité"".The American administration said it was ready to exploit the emergency oil reserves of the United States if necessary to compensate for any disruption of the oil markets after this act of aggression, said spokesperson for the Energy Secretary.

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— Raj Vitthalpura Mon May 04 05:23:04 +0000 2020

L'Iran a réfuté dimanche comme ""insensées""les accusations américaines tenant la République islamique pour responsable d'une attaque de drones contre des installations pétrolières saoudiennes revendiquée par des rebelles yéménites. ""Des accusations et remarques aussi stériles et aveugles sont incompréhensibles et insensées"", a déclaré le porte-parole des Affaires étrangères iraniennes, Abbas Moussavi, laissant entendre qu'elles avaient pour but de justifier ""des actions futures"" contre l'Iran.

(with AFP and Reuters)


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