Sexuality and family planning - contraception, and if it was finally the turn of men?

08/08/2022 By acomputer 743 Views

Sexuality and family planning - contraception, and if it was finally the turn of men?

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Sexuality and family planning - contraception, and if it was finally the turn of men?

Remontée testiculaire, slip chauffant ou encore vasectomie: des méthodes masculines de contraception existent mais peinent à se généraliser. Quelles en sont les raisons? Éclairage avec des témoins, un urologue et un conseiller en santé sexuelle.Sexuality and family planning - contraception, and if it was finally the turn of men? Sexuality and family planning - contraception, and if it was finally the turn of men?

Catherine Cochard

It may be a detail, but when he answers our questions, journalist Guillaume Daudin is wearing a ring around the penis and testicles.Called Andro-Switch, this device maintains the body's heat grants, which drops the production of sperm."I put it in the morning and remove it in the evening," says the Frenchman.Some imagine that it is a burden, it is actually very simple."It is with this so -called thermal method that he takes the charge of contraception in his couple.

Sexuality and family planning - contraception, and if it was finally the turn of men?

Male contraception is at the heart of Guillaume Daudin's investigation and his colleague Stéphane Jourdain, published in October in the form of a comic illustrated by Caroline Lee."The contracepts - investigation into the last taboo" makes an inventory of the subject and the brakes to its democratization.