Shortage of materials and construction of houses: interview with Damien Hereng (FFCMI)

11/01/2023 By acomputer 727 Views

Shortage of materials and construction of houses: interview with Damien Hereng (FFCMI)

While the individual house market rebounds, manufacturers must manage increases in unprecedented materials and disturbing delivery delays.DamienHereng, president of the FFCMI* testifies.

What is the situation of materials today on the front of the construction of individual houses?

DamienHereng : Selon les régions, on a pu constater que l’acier manquait, tout comme les poutrelles béton pour réaliser les planchers ou encore les briques, sans oublier le bois de charpente ou les panneaux OSB destinés à fabriquer les planchers bois.The shortage is wide since it can concern insulators in certain regions as well as the thermodynamic balloons whose electronic cards are sometimes "missing".

In the case of OSB panels for example, some deliveries are announced for November depending on the region!This lack of availability will generate site delays which are counted in several months, which is regrettable because the activity of the manufacturers has returned strongly to the segment of individual houses

Have you recorded high increases in material price?

Pénurie de matériaux et construction de maisons : Interview de DamienHereng (FFCMI)

D.H. : La pénurie engendre des hausses de tarifs sur l’ensemble des familles de matériaux, sans exception.And we record increases every week!Steel products have thus increased up to 40 % while other secondary products have increases up to 4 and 5 %.

Which means that in the end, the manufacturer's cost prices will increase by 3 to 4,000 euros.If we take an average house price at 130,000 euros, we see that we are talking about significant increases.

What are the consequences of these price increases for your customers?

D.H. : Comme les règles de financements ont été durcies par les banques, ces hausses de prix contribuent à désolvabiliser une partie de la clientèle, constituée majoritairement de primo-accédants sans revenus extensibles.To this will be added the additional costs linked to the new 2020 environmental regulations, applicable in principle on January 1, 2022.We estimate these additional costs linked to the RE 2020 between 5 and 7 %.

How does your union react at the moment in relation to these unpublished difficulties?

D.H. : Les pouvoirs publics ont été interpellés à ce sujet.We must meet contractual deadlines, however, the shortage of raw material is not clearly considered today in the private markets, as a case of force majeure.Delay penalties could therefore be applied unless an exceptional regime was put in place in relation to this rule.

The other difficulty concerns the inadequacy between our selling prices, established about 8 months before the delivery of the construction, and the cost prices, revised downwards with the price increases.Therefore, either we try to take more time to try to hold our margins, or we agree to advance the sites by accepting reduction in margins.In this situation, we try to move forward in the most reasonable possible conditions in the interest of all.

Can the individual house become a luxury product?

D.H.: I do not believe that.The concept of building bars has long been rejected by the inhabitants who now want to live in housing and individual houses.And the number of accession to accession has increased a lot today, especially due to periods of confinement linked to the health crisis.Admittedly, the accession aid devices have disappeared but is it just socially speaking?

The densification policy to the extreme of cities will not be sustainable over time in my opinion.In addition, the individual house is not necessarily incompatible with land sobriety.Still, the dichotomy must be settled between the public authorities who want to slow down the expansion of cities and the local urban planning rules of the communities which fear densification.We see it in many PLUs which have been modified with for example recoil rules that tend to increase ...

The FFCMI, a union dedicated to the individual house

Union organization dedicated to 100 % to the construction of individual houses, the FFCMI (Federation of individual house manufacturers) is a professional organization at the service of the profession of house builder for 25 years. Elle regroupe 340 adhérents et représente 17 % du marché de la production de maisons, selon son président DamienHereng, élu en 2019.Note, alongside this professional organization, another union, LCA-FFB, recently become the habit-affb pole which brings together, in addition to the manufacturers of Landciduals, real estate developers and land developers

Source: Batirama.Com/ Fabienne Leroy