Terracotta and RE 2020: at the rendezvous of low carbon requirements

22/09/2022 By acomputer 644 Views

Terracotta and RE 2020: at the rendezvous of low carbon requirements


À l’aube de la RE 2020, la terre cuite affiche un bilan environnemental qui contribue à réduire l’impact environnemental des bâtiments et à améliorer le confort des occupants. Elle regarde plus loin.Terre cuite et RE 2020 : au rendez-vous des exigences bas carbone Terre cuite et RE 2020 : au rendez-vous des exigences bas carbone

Photo © Wienerberger

"The terracotta responds in all respects to the challenges of the next RE 2020," announces Frédéric Didier, managing director of Wienerberger.Because, this regulation with the application made for January 1 is based on several indicators subject to thresholds to be observed, "with a new entry data which is the carbon part", adds Gérard Merlin, product marketing and development managerProduct at Wienerberger.

Admittedly, the design offices do not yet have calculation engines, "but the latest simulations made from that of the CSTB made it possible to find that the terracotta reaches the threshold values required for the BBIO, the CEP, orstill degrees of discomfort (DH) which require products with strong inertia.It is also part of the new low carbon requirements ".

With less than 3 % of greenhouse gas emissions, whether in vertical collective or individual house, the impact of the brick is already low on the total carbon balance of the building."But, this value only makes sense replaced in a building," recalls Nelly Monteil, communications manager of the French Federation of Tiles and Bricks.

On the Route de la REP also

Still, on January 1st is only a first step."According to the criteria and the proposed thresholds which will become more and more severe, we are working on a very ambitious program to accompany them," reveals Frédéric Didier.

The proof: decarbonation is in pipes, a 2050 low carbon factory program is already activated by the terracotta sector.The manufacturing processes that are constantly improving, the optimization of thermal energy consumption is added by the use of biogas or biomass.

"The third important axis relates to the products.After having worked for 15 years to improve thermal performance and the comfort of buildings, today there is also a question of bringing so many advantages to our customers with less carbon impact per square meter posed, "added the manager.

Towards a reduction in terracotta bricks

Good news also for arduousness on site."We are working on the eco-design of our products to provide equally efficient solutions, but with less material.Lightening the products is a development track, such as covering, recyclability, circulability of our solutions at the end of life, ”lists Gérard Merlin.

"The response of tomorrow will be a balanced solution between performance, low carbon, and taking into account economic constraints".A challenge that terracotta manufacturers already come up.Especially since another requirement is emerging for 2022: the extended responsibility of producers (REP).

Terre cuite et RE 2020 : au rendez-vous des exigences bas carbone

"We are going to respond to it in connection with an eco-organization to have a virtuous approach in building waste management," reveals Frédéric Didier.Re 2020 Ready, these are the 2050s issues that the terracotta is targeting today.

Frédéric Didier, Managing Director of Wienerberger: "Materials must be on equal arms"

"We 100 % share the vision of reducing the carbon impact of building products and materials as much as possible.We have therefore established a roadmap aimed at carbon neutrality by 2050.We even put an issue in the very short term since from 2023, we will have reduced our 15 % footprint compared to 2019.

On the other hand, an element does not suit us in the RE 2020 as it is designed today: that of having established the dynamic ACV* instead of the standard of normal ACV which is used in a homogeneous manner inEurope.This dynamic ACV gives the advantage to bio -based materials on the carbon part at the start of life and in particular wood.

Admittedly, the tree captures CO2 during its life, but we are not for deforestation.In addition, the vast majority of wood used in construction comes from imports with the known consequences in terms of transport, but also for the French trade balance.(…)

The terracotta sector is already part of a real approach to circular economy: the career, the factory and the customer are located within a limited geographical perimeter.There is no question of opposing materials but of thinking more broadly on the design of buildings by favoring a mix of construction products.All must be on equal arms by leaving free will to project management and project management.

* Life cycle analysis

Solution 1: less water and less arduousness

Pose to the pistol has considerably reduced resource consumption and increased comfort at work.

© Terreal

What are its characteristics ?

Dryfix at Wienerberger, Califix at Terreal or Fix’Bric at Bouyer Leroux, this binder rhymes with savings of size in situ.10 tonnes of mortar in traditional pose at 300 kg with rolled masonry, this implementation only requires 10 kg of glue.Hence a real gain also on the waste generated, on aggregates, therefore sand and water.From 400 liters of traditional water, this consumption has increased to 70 liters in rolled, 5 liters with the pistol installation.

In what configurations are we implementing this solution?

This pistol installation is intended for the creation of buildings up to R + 1 + attic in accordance with the DTU 20.1 revised which integrates the masonry of bricks mounted with thin mortar joints.Under technical advice, this solution applies to rectified bricks ranging from 15 cm to 42 cm thick.This process can be used in seismic areas for bricks from 20 cm to 42 cm.

What are the singular points?

The binders must be applied with the appropriate pistols developed by the manufacturers to ensure regular calibration.The first row is carried out on a flat and level seat.Flatness and horizontality are verified on the periphery of the work.In height, a preliminary layout is essential.Also in length for the positioning of the berries in order to limit the number of cuts.In seismic regions, the lengths of the bracing walls must be verified by referring to the technical advice of the product.Otherwise, have it checked and control by the calculation of a structure design office.

Avantages : fortement économe en ressources, pénibilité minimisée, classé A+ sans émission de COV, limite la microfissuration des enduits, mise en œuvre possible en zone sismique.

Limite : les températures d’utilisation et de stockage doivent être respectées, nécessite une bonne préparation du support, respect des délais d’application et nécessité d’adapter la longueur maximale d’encollage, port d’EPI obligatoire

Solution 2: Geosourcée brick

To meet the objective of limiting the carbon impact in the new constructions established by the RE 2020, the time is also for low carbon bricks because eco-designed, and ultra-loocavores.

© Nature Brick Porotherm

What are its characteristics ?

The brick of 20 responds intrinsically to the challenges of the RE 2020, it reinvents itself geosourcée in the west of France for a low -carbon stamped offer.It is made from a raw material extracted less than 15 km from its production site.

It incorporates into its process a biocombustible from biomass capable of reducing energy consumption by 10 % to 15 % while improving the thermal performance of the brick.Its designer with large cells also optimizes the walls of walls while lightening it.A plus for transport and handling when palletizing is also optimized: 50 bricks represent 7.5 m2 against 5 m2 for a traditional non -isolated brick.

In what configurations are we implementing this solution?

With an R of 0.8 m2.K/W, it is used with thermal insulation reported from the interior to reach a wall of 5.2 m2 k/W with a 10 + 140 complex in Th 32, and 4.6 m2.K/W with a 10 + 120 complex in TH 32.With equivalent wall performance (masonry + dubbing) it offers a surface gain of 2 %.Its mechanical resistance is once and a half of ordinary masonry.

What are the singular points?

Those specific to the masonry carried out with elements of 20 and the laying with thin joints if necessary.

Avantage : calibrée pour la RE 2020, éco-conçue et éco-responsable, produit local et circuit court, solution complète avec ses accessoires, compatible avec pose joints minces (roulée ou au pistolet).

Limites : disponible uniquement dans l’Ouest de la France pour des chantiers de proximité.

Solution 3: Bioclimatic brick

With distributed insulation, synonymous with all seasons, the monomur could finally take off thanks to the RE 2020 also in version with integrated insulation.

© Bouyer Leroux

What are its characteristics ?

With distributed insulation, and now also with integrated insulation thanks to a hygrophobic insulation in its cells (rock wool), the monomur displays qualities that could be boosted by the RE 2020.Among these: lifespan of at least 100 years, tightness in the air without reported elements, correction optimized in the intermediate floors thanks to isolated planets and other accessories (chests, lintels, posts, etc.), resistanceOn fire, comfort all seasons, free from pollutants or VOCs, perspirant qualities and hygrometry specific to terracotta with relative humidity less than 1 %, insensitivity to parasites...

In what configurations are we implementing this solution?

In individual house, but also in collective housing or for the creation of tertiary buildings, monomur is a structural constructive system with thermo-acoustic properties.This rectified brick can be implemented in rolled masonry or with pistol glue (in R+1+attic only).

What are the singular points?

For an efficient thermal assessment, the choice should not relate only to the thermal resistance or the coefficient of the UP wall but especially on the reinforced treatment of thermal bridges as a function of the type of wall and its dedicated accessories: planets, chests ...Singular points must be verified and carried out according to standard NF DTU 20.1.

Avantages : 100 % minéral, ressource naturelle, plusieurs épaisseurs adaptées selon les contraintes d’emprises foncières et les zones climatiques.

Limites : solution qui reste plus coûteuse par rapport à une brique de 20 traditionnelle.

Source: Batirama.Com/ Stéphanie Lacaze-Haertelmeyer