The European Biker Federation in search of the future for the motorcycle in town

23/02/2023 By acomputer 762 Views

The European Biker Federation in search of the future for the motorcycle in town

Motorcycles before July 2004 prohibited in areas with low Paris emissions, paid parking for non -electric motorcycles and scooters: restrictions accumulate on the headset of Ile -de -France bikers and scooters, which will also have to slow down at 30 km/hIn almost all the streets of the capital from August 30 ("apart from the ring road, the boulevards of the marshals and a few axes", warns the municipality)!

Toutes ces mesures visant ni plus ni moins qu'à bannir les moteurs thermiques des centre-villes inquiètent la Fédération européenne des associations de motards, qui constate leur généralisation en Europe à travers "la pression croissante des conseils municipaux sur les motos plus anciennes (< Euro 3) et les menaces voire même les plans concrets pour les bannir comme à Paris, Londres et plusieurs villes italiennes".

To better understand the consequences of this (Ré) pressure, the fema calls on bikers to participate in its online survey before August 9 which is entitled "Survey on motorcycle emissions and possible ban on the sale of new petrol motorcycles"".This investigation includes 10 questions around the upheaval of the habits that bikers and scooters are ready to cope.

La Fédération européenne des motards en quête d'avenir pour la moto en ville

The fear of seeing two-wheelers use to another mode of transport is quite clearly reflected in the extent that four questions out of ten (!) Take the end of the motorcycle as an alternative if access to cities was limited to models "more recent "or" low -power "(less than 60 hp) or" without emissions (electric/fuel cell) "...

Electric motorcycle or Segway: the only choice of biker?!

Clearly, this survey addresses this inevitable transition through only two choices for "switchers": either convert to the electric motorcycle, or adopt another mode of transport such as individual mobility vehicles (scooters, bikes and other mono-drillselectricity) or public transport.

FEMA omits, surprisingly, other alternatives such as hybrid engines (petrol/electric) developed in particular by Honda in Asia on its PCX scooter (for more than three years!) Or the promising possibilities offered by new summary fuels.

Not to mention that the ZFE calendar has just taken a serious brake: the Senate voted on June 22 a decline from 2025 to 2030 of their compulsory deployment in all agglomerations of more than 150,000 inhabitants!Objective of this five -year postponement?"Act in a non-punitive way and to give time to the alternatives to develop", summarizes with common sense the senator of the Bas-Rhin Elsa Schalck (LR).