The United States offers massive aid to migrate to electric (and that does not please Europe)

26/10/2022 By acomputer 682 Views

The United States offers massive aid to migrate to electric (and that does not please Europe)

In fact, the Americans pollute. Ils sont de loin les plus gros producteurs de plastique par habitant et ont projeté plus de CO2 dans l’histoire qu’aucun autre pays.Also, the government of Joe Biden signed up with a target of carbon neutrality by 2050;However to achieve this, the proposals must break lines ... and the piggy bank.

In this sense, the "build back Better", the social and environmental counterpart of the "Build Back Better Plan", offers many measures to support the ecological transition.Taking advantage of an envelope of $ 300 billion dedicated to renewable energies, the American president wants to give a large impulse to the electric in the form of tax credits up to 12,500 dollars for the purchase of a vehicleand up to 30 % of the amount of a solar installation: "[...] The tax credit may reach $ 12,500 for an electric vehicle made in the United States in factories administered by unions, for a middle-class family ”.

Les Etats-Unis proposent des aides massives pour migrer vers l'électrique (et ça ne plaît pas à l'Europe)

If this offer can make consumers dream, its detractors fear an increase in inflation and a poor distribution of tax credits, considered by some as "subsidies for the rich".