The wishes of the Narbonnais for their neighborhood: a revival of vitality and a surplus of security expected in Razimbaud

07/10/2022 By acomputer 710 Views

The wishes of the Narbonnais for their neighborhood: a revival of vitality and a surplus of security expected in Razimbaud

Le mardi, c'est jour de marché dans le quartier Razimbaud. Boulevard du Roussillon, une poignée de marchands déploient leurs étals et les habitants viennent remplir leur panier. Un lieu de vie et de rencontre que les riverains apprécient particulièrement et qu'ils aimeraient d'ailleurs "maintenir car ça nous va très bien !", lance Lydie 85 ans. "Nous avons peur que le marché hebdomadaire s'éclaircisse car il y a moins de monde... alors qu'on pourrait au contraire le développer. Un petit stand de vêtements s'est installé récemment et il a du succès", reprend-elle.Les vœux des Narbonnais pour leur quartier : un regain de vitalité et un surplus de sécurité attendus à Razimbaud Les vœux des Narbonnais pour leur quartier : un regain de vitalité et un surplus de sécurité attendus à Razimbaud

From commercial vitality, residents ask for more!Like Angela, 41, a market seller on the market: "I grew up in Razimbaud and before there was a bar, a hairdresser, a tobacco office...It was a sector full of life, but today the neighborhood is dead!There was also solidarity between the inhabitants.But all of this was lost, what a mess.This neighborhood should come back to life.There is a lot of work to do, but we could get there! ".For Boujemaa, 71, who has lived in Razimbaud for 36 years, "it is because of the breakages and thefts that the businesses have left".

Improve the black security point

Another resident also points to safety issues: "The entrance doors for buildings are not safe and you can open them with the foot.The mailboxes are broken and you can hide narcotics...There are even tenants who sell cigarettes!At night in the neighborhood, traffic takes place, young people drugs with gas (nitrogen oxide, editor's note), we have wild rodeos...When we call the police, she does not come.Anyway, offenders are arrested and released the next day ".Philippe, 53, also denounces the sale of drugs, "from 6 pm, in the form of a drive", especially in the wooded parts of the district.However, "I like Razimbaud, people are nice and many elderly people live here," he said.

Parking and traffic: work and civility are requested

In another area, the inhabitants want the parking spaces to be released by the roots of the parasol pines will finally be refurbished."Some have become impracticable for vehicles, as the coating is distorted," said Marc, 46 years old.In the small rue Pressensé, the residents claim a little more civility in parking: "We live in a calm corner of Razimbaud, but the drivers do not respect unilateral parking.It happens that we can neither enter nor leave our garage.Or to have to go all around, even to roll in a prohibited direction, because we can no longer turn left...It's annoying, when we could resolve this concern easily! ", Pestent Claude, 73 years old, and Jeanine, 75 years old.

Emphasize the renovation of housing

Les vœux des Narbonnais pour leur quartier : un regain de vitalité et un surplus de sécurité attendus à Razimbaud

Gérard, 62, notes that the social housing park "is deteriorating more and more".His neighbor Laurent, 50, living for 17 years, issues the wish to see the social landlord "invest in priority in the thermal and sound insulation of the apartments...Instead of moving the shower stores, which is useless!In my accommodation, the ceiling is attached and I can't heat up properly: with the radiator on 24 hours a day, I barely reach 18 degrees.The walls are very humid and wet when it rains.We can't take it anymore and the charges will further increase ".Laurent assures him: "I reported it several times to the lessor, but I have never been heard".In terms of good resolutions for 2022, he would like the situation to evolve, before making the radical decision "to move!".

Read also: "Productive districts": the Grand Narbonne is focusing on insertion and revival Razimbaud

Read also: Narbonne: in Razimbaud, "we want our children to know the lively district of our childhood!"

Dirt, rats and cockroaches: a large household is expected

"Rue d'Aosta, in front of the buildings, we find in a mess of papers, tea towels...And masks (perhaps contaminated by the covid!).One day, it's clean, and the next day it's over.Once, I fell at the foot of the staircase of the pharmacy so dirty! "Said Lydie, 85 years old.Laurent, 50, regrets the behavior of certain inhabitants "who make barbecues and the emptying of cars directly in the street".

"It is a question of mentality and incivility...Some tenants throw their bins directly through the window window, "observes Gérard 62 years old.Worse, "the neighborhood is stuffed with cockroaches...And even rats that are no longer afraid of man since they follow us! "Relays several inhabitants, who ask in unison" a great deratization operation! ".