Thermal colanders: the infernal daily life of current air houses

27/01/2023 By acomputer 687 Views

Thermal colanders: the infernal daily life of current air houses

The thermal colanders prohibited for rental in 2028?The associations engaged alongside the poorest, including Secours Catholique, regret that the law "climate and resilience", in public discussion in the National Assembly on Monday, March 29, is not up to the issues.Because for Alain, Claire, Pascal, Thierry and for millions of French people, living in an energy colander is heavy with economic and social consequences.Right now.

"I need to drink at night," explains Alain, in his fifties, graying favorites, very blue eyes."The winter mornings, my bottle of water, placed on the floor next to the bed, was frozen.»»

Depuis trois ans, avec Claire et leurs deux enfants, ils louent à un particulier « une maison de courants d’air»» amarrée aux quais de Bray-sur-Seine, aux confins de la Seine-et-Marne et de l’Yonne.Red and black bricks, orange tile roof.An empty garage occupies the ground floor.We access the house, upstairs, by a narrow staircase.

70 m2.Pieces in a row.Toilet, bathroom, kitchen, two bedrooms, a living room.In the extension, an attic where it should not make more than 10 ° C.Children, 13 and 15, each have a room.Alain and Claire sleep in the living room.Converted, noon and evening, in the dining room."We are forced to cross two other rooms to arrive at the back room. C’est là qu’on voit que c’était pas fait pour être un logement»», déplore Alain.

Passoires thermiques : le quotidien infernal des maisons courants d’air

« C’est une grange, résume-t-il, une ancienne coopérative de pinard transformée en habitation»».Inexpensively.In this month of February, he barely made 15 ° C inside.The cold fits by the garage below, by the attic at the end: more than six meters of ceiling and the frame.

Also by windows. « Des fins de série qui ont passé des mois sur des palettes, dehors»», diagnotisque Alain, qui a travaillé plusieurs années dans le bâtiment et s’y connait en récup’. Il adore chiner parmi « les monstres»», avant le ramassage des encombrants.Years earlier, he was a companion of Emmaus.The rain infiltrates the kitchen window. « Ça suinte sur les portes quand il fait froid»», raconte Alain.