This year, Ava should not come to upset the festivities of Saint-Hubert the weekly newsletter of CHASSONS.COM

04/06/2022 By acomputer 738 Views

This year, Ava should not come to upset the festivities of Saint-Hubert the weekly newsletter of CHASSONS.COM

Every year, since 2011, the collective Abolisons la Vènerie aujourd'hui (Ava) comes to create trouble during the traditional festivities of Saint-Hubert. They organize what they call a "counter-party", always in provocation and hatred of running hunting. This year, the town hall of Plessis-Brion (Oise) said "stop". A municipal decree dated 26 October prohibits any gathering opposed to running hunting.

«Risques de trouble de voisinage»

The mayor of the commune, Jean-Pierre Damien, justified this order by referring to "risks of neighbourhood disturbance". He persists and signs, insisting that "no authorization will be given for the gathering of a demonstration in opposition to the running hunt." the one originally planned for this Saturday was to take place in the morning of Avenue du Château et de l'Eglise Notre-Dame where the castle of Rivecourt's mistress of crew, Florence de Lageneste, is located.

Cette année, AVA ne devrait pas venir contrarier les festivités de la Saint-Hubert LA NEWSLETTER HEBDOMADAIRE DE CHASSONS.COM

It is a breath of relaxation for the crew who will finally be able to celebrate Saint-Hubert without being on the lookout for possible spoilers. However, Ava did not allow himself to be defeated, and planned a rally in Compiègne. The following are invited: "all inhabitants overwhelmed by chaos on the roads and in the city", "walkers put in danger and restricted in their movements by the prefectural decree that privatizes the forests of Compiègne and Laigue", "democrats revolted by these prohibitions of demonstrations who fall like seigneurial edites", and "lovers of nature who are no longer tired of this barbarity." "

Like every weekend for too long, volunteers will then go "watch the hunt" for the day. Putting in the way their lives, the lives of hunters and animals in danger.