10 things to do every day to have good private hygiene, according to gynaecologists

05/06/2022 By acomputer 780 Views

10 things to do every day to have good private hygiene, according to gynaecologists

Taking care of one's intimate area is essential to our health. In addition to causing discomfort and discomfort, neglecting one's hygiene can lead to serious health conditions, which are disabling for anyone living with them on a daily basis.

However, as you know, these genitals require a very specific hygiene, different from other parts of our anatomy (we will not clean it as one would wash his ears for example).

Because the reproductive system is subdivided into several different parts, the way to care for each area is sometimes different. But the unanimous elements to focus on are: the vulva, the vagina and the vaginal flora (known as "Döderlein flora").

Intimate hygiene: two elements play a crucial role in the protection of female genital parts

If the vaginal flora is the one most heard in the advertisements, the vulva should also not be neglected.

10 gestes à adopter au quotidien pour avoir une bonne hygiène intime, d’après les gynécologues

The vaginal flora is composed of lactobacilli (good bacteria) that maintain the acidity of the vagina at a good level to combat bad bacteria and germs, and ultimately prevent infections (mycoses). It can be seen as an inner invisible barrier. Taking care of it is essentially about keeping this bacterial ecosystem intact.

Vulva, on the other hand, protects the entrance of the vagina and prevents bacteria from entering and proliferating in the vagina. It can be regarded as an external physical barrier. Attention to hygiene is mainly to maintain hydration so that it is not dry and irritated, but always in a reasonable way in order to preserve its full effectiveness.

The daily gestures you need to take in order to have a good personal hygiene

Some innocuous gestures allow us to pamper these two essential elements of our intimate area, the air of nothing. Adopting them on a daily basis can save us from many infections and genital diseases.

What are they?

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