10 reasons not to eat salmon

30/08/2022 By acomputer 721 Views

10 reasons not to eat salmon

Nos amis à nageoires ne nous ressemblent peut-être pas, mais nous nous avons plus en commun que vous ne le pensez. Les poissons ont une mémoire à long terme, une vie sociale complexe et des capacités cognitives avancées. Ils utilisent des outils, communiquent avec leur propre langage et peuvent même reconnaître des schémas qui les aident à naviguer dans l’eau. Les saumons se souviennent de la chimie de l’eau le long des chemins qu’ils empruntent lorsqu’ils descendent vers l’océan. Des années plus tard, ils peuvent retracer ces itinéraires en suivant la signature olfactive distincte de leurs cours d’eau d’origine. Ces animaux étonnants méritent votre compassion et votre considération – pas de finir sous votre fourchette.10 raisons de ne pas manger de saumon 10 raisons de ne pas manger de saumon

Voici d’autres raisons pour lesquelles vous ne devriez pas manger de saumon :

1.The salmon are intelligent

The fish are intelligent.A scientist at the University of Oxford, Theresa Burt de Perera, recently discovered that fish learn even faster than dogs.Fish learn from each other, have a long -term memory and can recognize each other.They collect information by indiscreetly listening to what is going on around them, and some species even use tools, which, until recently, was considered a characteristic specific to humans.Like dogs and cats with which we share our houses, they also like to play, discover new things and spend time with their friends.

2.Arsenic and other poisons

Mmmm, does that mean a plate full of poison?Fish have extremely high levels of chemicals such as arsenic, mercury, PCBS, DDT, dioxins and lead in their flesh and fat.The day's grip may even contain industrial fire delayer.The chemical residues present in salmon flesh can be up to 9 million times greater than those of the water in which they live.

3.Breeding harms

The majority of the flesh of the most popular fish consumed in France, salmon, comes from breeding.These fish, which are raised by millions in cages made of nets in coastal waters, also kill the populations of wild fish, since it takes more than 3 kg of commercially caught fish (species not consumed by humans) to produce 1kg of breeding fish.

4.Sea lice are not beautiful to see

10 raisons de ne pas manger de saumon

Salmon are commonly suffering from chronic seasick infestation, a parasite that eats up to the face bones of the fish of the fish.The salmon are also often with madness and suffer from wounds and other injuries due to promiscuity, because these fish which can measure up to 1.50 m are forced to live in the equivalent of a small bathtub each.

5.Salmon struck to death

Fish farmers often use bats to hit the big salmon to death.All the methods used to shoot down fish are abject and cruel.Fish can have split branchies while they are still alive and little salmon are often packed in ice and left to suffocate slowly or die of cold.

6.Open sewers

Everyone likes the big apple, but would you eat something that was caught in the sewers of the city?According to the Norwegian government, salmon and trout farming in Norway alone produce an amount of wastewater equivalent to that of the city of New York.The massive quantities of untreated wastewater, corpses of fish and food sludge loaded with antibiotics which deposit under the cages of the breeding salmon can in fact rot the bottom of the ocean, thus destroying aVital habitat for the marine ecosystem already put to the test and transforming coastal waters into open -air sewers.

7.Brain damage

Usually, when mothers transmit things to their children, it is a good thing - but when pregnant or breastfeeding women eat fish, they transmit the toxins they consume at their babies.Studies have also shown that children born of mothers who eat fish are slower to speak, to walk and to develop their fine motor skills, that they have a lower memory and a shorter duration of attention.Scientists from the Harvard public health school have discovered that the consumption of fish can lead to an irreversible alteration of the brain functions of children, both in the uterus and in their growth.

8.Don't forget the PCBS

Do you have the flank memory?There may be a rocky eel.Scientists have proven that people who consume only two portions of fish per month have trouble remembering the information they learned 30 minutes earlier.The culprit is the high level of mercury, lead and PCB in their blood.PCBs, synthetic chemicals that pollute water and concentrate in fish flesh, act like hormones, causing ravages in the nervous system and contributing to various diseases other than memory loss and vertigo, including thecancer, infertility and other sexual problems.

9.For your health

A tartare sauce with these carcinogenic toxins?Many persistent organic pollutants are found in salmon.Indeed, these pollutants accumulate in fatty tissues, and fatty fish, like salmon - which are also nourished with fish oil - are therefore particularly affected.In addition, the flesh of the salmon contains high quantities of cholesterol and fats that obstruct the arteries.

10.Fishless fish

Please your taste buds without harming salmon by choosing vegan seafood products.These options are easy to find online and in certain stores, and they offer tons of flavors without any cruelty, contaminants or cholesterol.There are even a multitude of delicious vegan salmon recipes on the Internet, as well as new innovative products such as Odontella's vegetable signs.

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