20 tips that you do not know on Polo G, the new n ° 1 of the US rap

17/11/2022 By acomputer 719 Views

20 tips that you do not know on Polo G, the new n ° 1 of the US rap

HASlors que son nouvel album « Hall of Fame»» cartonne, arrêtons-nous sur son parcours…20 trucs que vous ne savez pas sur Polo G, le nouveau n°1 du rap US

1.The pseudo of rapper of Taurus Tremani Bartlett pays tribute to his favorite clothing brand (Polo Ralph Lauren), as well as to one of his best friends who died at 16 who was nicknamed Gucci.

On his social networks, he nicknamed ‘Capalot’: "In Chicago, this word is used a lot.It designates an all except relaxed type.»»

2.The very first song he recorded is o.D.HAS. (Only Drillas HASllowed).The lyrics partially take up a freestyle he had written when he was 14 years old.

3.Polo G experienced several troubles with the law.

According to the files of the Chicago Police Department, he was arrested on October 25, 2017 after being checked with between 10 and 30 grams of SR cannabis, before reoffending on December 14, 2017.This time it had to pay a deposit of $ 1,500 to be released.

4.Polo G, 21, is managed by her mother, Stacia Mac, 39 years old.

The night of the end -of -year ball in 2017, he announced that he wanted to end his studies to embark on music.His mother then gave him a year to succeed, otherwise he returned to class.

"It was a necessity that I became his momage.He was trying to finance himself alone.He didn't want to depend on me financially, he didn't want to be a burden.He understood that as a mother of four was complicated for me.He goes on jobs and combins to afford hours of studios, at the risk of getting into trouble.»»

Stacia Mac a donc décidé de l’aider financièrement, puis quand sa carrière a commencé à décoller en 2019, c’est elle qui a négocié son deal avec Columbia Records.20 trucs que vous ne savez pas sur Polo G, le nouveau n°1 du rap US

5. Bon attention, Stacia Mac est loin de se contenter d’être une femme de l’ombre, elle qui sur Instagram n’hésite pas à jouer de ses charmes, comme lorsque pour son anniversaire elle s’est mise en scène en lingerie couronne sur la tête – légende : « Le genre de chaleur qui casse le thermomètre»».

There are many subscribers who comment that she looks more like Polo G sister than to her mother.

20 trucs que vous ne savez pas sur Polo G, le nouveau n°1 du rap US

6.Polo G was addicted to drugs for three years.

"For three years I swallowed ecstasys.I thought I had to get rumored to feel alive. Il a fallu que je passe près de la mort pour comprendre qu’il fallait que je fasse attention à ma santé (…) HASux personnes qui luttent contre une addiction, ce que je veux leur dire c’est que la vie ne se résume pas qu’à ça.It's worth investing your energy in other things than that.»»

7.The click occurred after an evening in which he failed to lose his life.

During the night of August 11 to 12, 2019, Polo G made an overdose after mixing ecstasy, xanax and alcohol.It was after waking up the next day in the emergency room that he convinced himself to stay sober.

8.In addition to rappers of the Chicagoane scene (Lil Durk, G Herbo, Chief Keef ...), Polo G quotes Lil Wayne at the head of rappers who have had the most influence on him.

Quand cette année Polo G a eu la chance de poser avec Weezy sur le morceau Gang Gang, de son propre aveu ce dernier lui a « marché dessus»».Not discouraged, he wants his idol to grant him revenge.

9.Big fan of horror movies, he was tattooed on his right forearm the faces of the greatest serial killers in cinema: Jason Voorhees of the Friday 13 series, Michael Myers of the Halloween series, Ghostface de laSeries of Scream and Freddy Kruger of the Freddy series.

10.Polo G is in a relationship with the Crystal Blease tiktofer (more than half a million subscribers).

En 2019, le rappeur lui a dédié la chanson Ms. Capalot pour lui exprimer tout le bien qu’il pense d’elle, et accessoirement lui promettre de lui donner un jour son nom de famille.20 trucs que vous ne savez pas sur Polo G, le nouveau n°1 du rap US

11.Together they had a child, a little boy named Tremani born July 6, 2019.

Nicknamed ‘Daoda’, it can be seen in the clip of Rapstar, but also and above all on Instagram where it is followed by more than 165,000 subscribers.

12. Rapstar devait à la base être intitulé HASmiri, du nom de la célèbre marque de vêtements (« My pants HASmiri, yes, I’m winnin’, clearly»»).

If like many US rappers, Polo G particularly appreciates his jeans at $ 1,000 each (minimum), his representatives have apparently prohibited him from using this name.

13.Very friend with the late Juice WRLD also from Chicago, Polo G, however, collaborated with him only on two little songs, Lonely Road and Flex.

Polo explained that he and Juice actually preferred to hang out together outside the studios: "We were every day together, but that had nothing to do with music.He was the one who called me before I was known, he didn't have to do it, but he did it.»»

14. S’il a intitulé son second album The GOHAST, n’allez pas croire qu’il se considère comme le « greatest of all time»».

"It's a play on words about my zodiac sign.I am Capricorn (‘Goat’ means goat editor's note).Many very talented people are Capricorn, like LeBron James, Martin Luther King, Denzel Washington, Tiger Woods… All are sizes in their fields.»»

15.Although his discography already has a lot of hits, Polo G is not one to try to hit the charts at all costs.

"I don't write my singles as if I wanted them to be hits.I try above all to say things with my heart.This is what matters.»»

16. Si vous souhaitez vous adjoindre les services de Polo G en featuring, il vous en coûtera 150 000 dollars le couplet.20 trucs que vous ne savez pas sur Polo G, le nouveau n°1 du rap US

And the price should even increase in the future: "The more it goes, the more the price goes up because everything I do I do it seriously.»»

Note, however, that the rapper is ready to compromise if the feeling is there.

17. Le nom de son label, ODHAS, a un sens bien particulier : « Les trois lettres sont pour Only Dreamers HASchieve (‘Seuls les rêveurs y arrivent’), car dans nos communautés on nous rabâche que nous ne pouvons pas le faire.I want to send the message that we can control our future, that we can encourage our artists to go to the end of their dreams.»»

18.Does Polo G be taken for the new 2PAC?

Très critiqué pour avoir rappé « They say I’m Pac rebirth, never put out a weak verse»» sur Rapstar (« On dit de moi que je suis la réincarnation de ‘Pac, jamais je ne rappe un couplet faible»»), Polo G a pu compter sur le soutien de sa mère qui est venu expliquer qu’il s’agit plus d’un hommage qu’autre chose.

"When my son looks at 2pac, he sees someone versatile, someone who was not afraid to talk about the angry subjects, someone whom he can be inspired on many plans.»»

19. HASutre personnalité aujourd’hui disparue dont il admire le parcours : Malcom X.

"He had to get there by all means.He had this strength in him.Without this strength, he would not have left in this way.For me those who fight against oppression know how it will end.»»

Polo G was tattooed his face on the left forearm.

20.Unlike his habits, his latest album Hall of Fame invites rappers who are not necessarily part of his nearby circle like Dababy, Young Thug, Roddy Rich or Nicki Minaj.

As soon as the project tracklist unveiled (10 solo songs, 10 duo songs), Polo G explained it: "This time I said to myself" fuck it "and I went to debauch my favorite artists and the next Hall of Famers.»»

À LIRE HASUSSICes jeunes rappeurs qui ont signé un deal millionnaire

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