5 bizarre impacts that underwear can have on our health

12/08/2022 By acomputer 687 Views

5 bizarre impacts that underwear can have on our health

2- The thong, propagator of the bacteria E.Coli

If you have predispositions to urinary and vaginal infections, you will have to say goodbye to your good old thong.Admittedly, this is very useful when wearing a tight outfit, but as gynecologists Jill M.Rabin and Shieva Ghofrany at the Huffington Post, the thong can be a danger to health.First of all, there is the problem of matter.Often synthetic or lace, the thong prevents air from circulating.Then comes the problem of compression.Extremely fine, the thong lets the skin come into contact with clothes, which causes irritation in the crotch.

But beyond the material, it is above all the form of the underwear that poses a problem.The thong walks easily and thus moves bacteria.The doctor.Rabin indicates to the Huffington Post: "If you have a small bacteria - e.Coli is the most common bacteria found in the colon- and you are physically active, the thong will move the bacteria.It is enough that it moves one centimeter for the bacteria to be found in the vagina or the urethra ".The two gynecologists recommend favoring cotton underwear but do not want to create psychosis for all that: "If a person is in good health, there is not really danger".Also note that if the thongs do not cause hemorrhoids, they can exacerbate them.

5 impacts bizarres que les sous-vêtements peuvent avoir sur notre santé