A parliamentarian from Reunion challenges France on the kere in the South

28/04/2022 By acomputer 856 Views

A parliamentarian from Reunion challenges France on the kere in the South

Food insecurity in the south of Madagascar, particularly in the districts of Amboasary Atsimo, Ambovombe and Ampanihy are still relevant. The images of children weakened by this great famine have circulated on all the media in the Indian Ocean in recent days and have made the parliamentarians of the sister islands react. This is particularly the case of the Reunionese senator, Nassimah Dindar, who challenges the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean Yves Le Drian who paid a visit to Madagascar at the beginning of the year.

In a questionnaire which should be read and answered on October 15, Nassimah Dindar calls on the head of French diplomacy to react to the situation. “The Malagasy State has announced the opening of four nutritional centers. And Reunion, united as usual, is mobilizing to help these neighboring populations. But France also has an essential role to play,” she says.

According to this elected representative from Reunion, it is a question, on the one hand, of responding to the vital emergency and, on the other hand, of helping to provide these regions with equipment, such as a pipeline, making it possible to transport water regularly. Like many technicians in the field, Nassimah Dindar believes that this expensive but essential equipment would definitively solve the problem of drought and the famine it causes.

Une parlementaire réunionnaise interpelle la France sur le kere dans Sud

The deputy of Amboasary Atsimo, Solange Angèle, also confides that the situation is still worrying. Admittedly, all 18 municipalities are all affected by the famine situation but in 12 of them, the situation is even more serious. The children, very weak and emaciated, are unable to stand up. For lack of food, the population falls back on cacti, a sort of mixture of clay and tamarind juice. With the drought, no rain for 9 months, there is no harvest, even the cattle are dying for lack of water.

"After eating the food brought by the authorities, children fell ill, not being used to eating anymore," says another source who wishes to remain anonymous. The MP for Amboasary Atsimo believes that more health and nutritional assistance will be needed in particular to prevent their state of health from deteriorating further.

MP Solange Angèle also denounces certain attempts to take advantage of the situation by raising funds. “We are tempted to say stop helping us, and leave us in our difficulties, because there are people who are selling the famine in this region to line their pockets. Stop selling and exploiting this situation,” she demanded.