All about the rebozo ritual after pregnancy

12/12/2022 By acomputer 706 Views

All about the rebozo ritual after pregnancy

Par Marine Chassang Filipe
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Peut-être avez-vous déjà entendu parler du Rebozo, un soin qui peut se pratiquer après un accouchement pour permettre à la jeune maman de renouer avec son corps et de retrouver un bien-être physique, mental et émotionnel. On vous explique.

What is Rebozo?

Le Rebozo désigne deux choses : un objet et un soin. Le Rebozo est tout d'abord le nom d’un châle léger en coton, très utilisé par les femmes avant, pendant et après la grossesse au Mexique, et dont le tissage est assez robuste pour supporter le poids du corps. Il est souvent offert aux jeunes filles lors de leur puberté, symbole de féminité. Son utilisation est multiple : châle vestimentaire, hamac, écharpe de portage du bébé, baluchon, etc. Il est également très utilisé par les sages-femmes traditionnelles, lors de l'accouchement pour soulager les douleurs des contractions et bercer et apaiser la future maman en plein travail, mais aussi pour resserrer le bassin après la naissance du bébé. Tout savoir sur le rituel Rebozo après la grossesse Tout savoir sur le rituel Rebozo après la grossesse

This object gave its name to a care, which is inspired by a Mexican ancestral rite.For 40 days after childbirth, the young mother is encouraged to stay lying in order to rest and enjoy her newborn before resuming the course of her (new)) life.She is thus pampered and pampered by other women in her community.It is at the end of this period of "transition" that the rebozo is provided to him: a 4-hand massage and body tightening movements to allow it to refocus on itself, to find a feeling of support and'balance, to reconnect with his body simply.This ritual symbolizes, for the woman who receives it, the end of her pregnancy and the beginning of her new life as a mother.The rebozo ritual is practiced today in many French care centers and institutes.

The rebozo ritual post-elimination

Tout savoir sur le rituel Rebozo après la grossesse

After nine months of pregnancy and childbirth, it is not always easy to reclaim your body during this delicate period of postpartum.Between the hormones, the fatigue, and this little baby that we discover on a daily basis, you can quickly feel distraught and upset by these changes and this new rhythm.The REBOZO ritual, which can also be described as "passage ritual", thus helps young mothers to live this stage gently, by allowing them to refocus on themselves, by reconnecting with their bodies and their minds and inpromoting relaxation and letting go.This complete treatment, which brings well-being and vitality, is therefore ideal to practice (40 days minimum)) after childbirth, during the first months of her baby, while the woman begins a new chapter in her life.If it is particularly recommended after childbirth, it is also advised for all women who live an important step in their lives (divorce, abortion, move...)).

How is a rebozo ritual treatment going?

This treatment is provided for women by women in a warm, intimate and benevolent place.It is practiced naked, in underwear or in swimsuit, depending on the choice of the mother.It lasts about 3 hours and includes three main steps: a holistic massage with 4 hands with essential oils which promotes relaxation, letting go and soothes the mind, a steam bath to plants to open pores and eliminate toxins, andEnvelopment and tightening of the body with the Rebozo fabric at 7 key points: the head, the shoulders, the belly, the pelvis, the thighs, the calves and the feet.

During this last stage, the two practitioners then place themselves on each side of the woman and come to tighten and loosen the 7 parts of her body.They thus operating the repatriation of energies, as well as the physical, emotional and mental refocusing.After that, the woman is invited to free herself from the fabrics and the cotton cover in which she was draped.After care, a time of exchange is planned if the woman wishes to return to the experience of this experience.Throughout the treatment, it can also drink an infusion in plants, which promotes elimination, detoxification and purification.

Can we practice this care if we are breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding women can completely enjoy this ritual, practitioners do not touch their chest or private parts.Nevertheless, it is advisable to prevent the Institute at the time of reservation of care, in particular for the choice of essential oils used.

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