09/01/2023 By acomputer 671 Views

All outside, for sex too?

Sex according to Maïa

Curfew at 9 p.m. and soon 11 p.m., mild temperatures...Need to catch up with lost time after a sexual year marked by the all-domestic, comrades?It looks like the signals are green to set off your sexuality.Why not extracting it from the cocoon from the home?Welcome to the world of outdoor sex - anywhere (or almost)...But not just how.

Let's start with the motivations: take air, of course, but also take risks!Lovers can choose to grant improvised relationships, bring variety in their couple, test a fantasy, or simply live an intense experience.The most hedonistic will mention the caress of water, wind or stars on their skin.The most adventurous will slide the possibility of another type of caress...that of impromptu participants.

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A reminder to the law is imposed at this stage: according to article 222-32 of the penal code, "the sexual exhibition imposed on the sight of others in a place accessible to the eyes of the public is punished with one year D'imprisonment and 15,000 euros fine ".Let us never forget that 28 % of women have already faced an exhibitionist (Ifop, April 2018): "Deconstorm" his penis is one thing, impose it on the sight of someone who has nothingAsked, it is clearly another!

Toutes et tous dehors, pour le sexe aussi ?

This column will therefore stick to a very innocent version of sex outside ... without denying the charms of the prohibition.According to an IFOP survey dating from 2013, 28 % of French people find the idea of being surprised while they make love.And almost the same proportion of them want to look!Apparently, voyeurs and exhibitionists often meet: 16 % of French people have already been surprised in full hugs.

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These practices are relatively common.We can talk about it publicly, we can laugh with friends.This benevolence contrasts with a frozen "official" discourse, straight in its boots.Makeing love outdoors would be an irresponsible act, which would endanger good manners (it is discussed) and children (it cannot be discussed).These practices would also demonstrate our horrible self -controlling.

Now, when contemporary thinkers (the American historian Christopher Lasch, the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Marie-France Hirigoyen, the essayist Gilles Lipovetsky) tell us about narcissism, it is generally to announce the end of the world (I summarize: "The West is disintegrated in a navel -turned navel which will cut the crowds and destroy our civilization ”).

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