All these incredible scandals revealed by paparazzi

23/08/2022 By acomputer 740 Views

All these incredible scandals revealed by paparazzi

Justin Bieber
Publié par Betty B.le .
Crédits : LOENKE / Yediot Aharonot / The Telegraph / TMZ / Killing Michael Jackson / AFP / The Sun / Diana, 7 Days / Podcast Armchair Expert / Access Hollywood / The Howard Stern Show / Touche pas à mon poste / L'Express
Temps de lecture :18 minutes

With the mass arrival of paparazzi, the people who experiences a real turning point.Witness these incredible scandals revealed in recent years.Focus.

Depuis plus d'un demi-siècle, les paparazzis traquent les célébrités à la recherche d'un scoop à revendre aux magazines. Et une chose est sûre, ils portent bien leur nom : le mot est la contraction de petits moustiques et des éclairs du flash. Une image plus que parlante ! Souvent critiquée et dénigrée, cette profession se démocratise rapidement au fil des années. On le sait, le métier de ces photographes d'un genre particulier consiste en grande partie à s'attarder sur la vie privée des stars afin de dégoter l'histoire la plus croustillante qui fera jaser en Une des tabloïds. Que ce soit une infidélité, un nouveau couple, une grossesse cachée, une addiction aux substances illicites ou une photo dénudée, les people sont pris pour cibles et voient leur intimité bafouée et exposée à la vue de tous. C'est le jeu du chat et de la souris. Les personnalités publiques sont généralement obligées de composer avec cette situation, parfois humiliante, qui se transforme doucement mais sûrement en un mode de vie contraignant pour une grande majorité. La raison ? Le droit à l'image est minimisé par rapport à la liberté d'information aux États-Unis. En France, c'est le contraire car chaque personne possède un droit exclusif sur son image. Toutefois, il existe quelques exceptions.Tous ces scandales incroyables révélés par des paparazzis Tous ces scandales incroyables révélés par des paparazzis

Thus, it is not necessary to obtain the authorization of people photographed when it comes to clichés which illustrate the news or made in a public space.In both cases, when privacy is proven, it is sanctioned.Consequently, damages can be obtained for moral damage caused.Despite everything, these followers of stolen clichés play it investigators and often hide hours in order to reveal the hidden side of the showbiz, even if it means attacking. "Ce sont les photographes qui travaillent le plus dur. Ils vivent dans une société hypocrite où ils sont traités comme de la racaille et des animaux par les mêmes personnes qui achètent les magazines et soutiennent cette industrie" confie le célèbre photographe de rue Phil Penman lors d'un entretien accordé à LOENKE, en 2018.It is undeniable, the history of the press is clearly marked by completely crazy scandals highlighted by these images hunters.The editorial of melty invites you to discover some below.

The death of Princess Diana

We are August 31, 1997 when Lady Diana left the Ritz by a stolen door at the back of the Parisian hotel.In the Mercedes, the ex-wife of Prince Charles is not alone since his boyfriend Dodi al-Fayed, the bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones and the driver Henri Paul accompany him.Very quickly, motorcycle paparazzi take the spinning vehicle to get the photo that will go around the world.And for good reason, the new romance of Lady Di revealed a few weeks earlier fascinates because the couple is in Paris to recover a engagement ring called "tell me yes".A marriage seems to be seriously considered.Unfortunately, he will never take place.Overwhelmed by the situation, the driver accelerates 150 km/h to escape insistent image hunters but quickly loses control.It was midnight when the car of the princess of Wales struck a post of the Alma bridge.The photographers arrive the first on the scene and machine gun.It is an emergency doctor who goes by chance who gives him first aid before the arrival of the firefighters.In vain.Harry and William's mother died of an internal hemorrhage at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital.The funeral took place on September 6, 1997. À l'époque, une dizaine de paparazzis sont mis en examen pour homicide involontaire et non-assistance à personne en danger.The profession takes a hell of it.Pursued by Dodi's father, only three of them are finally condemned to pay him a symbolic euro.As for the investigation, it concludes a negligence homicide on the part of Henri Paul who was in intoxication in addition to having taken an antidepressant.A tragic event that has moved the whole world.Even today, the one that was nicknamed "the princess of the people" is in all hearts.This terrible drama will have forever tarnished the image of the paparazzi, already not very brilliant.

Britney Spears shaves her head

On February 16, 2007, Britney Spears marked the spirits by shaving his skull in front of a paparazzi horde.At the time, the singer just asked Kevin Federline, the father of her two children Sean and Jayden.With a decided step, the artist arrives in a hair salon located in the Tarzana district of California.She asks the manager Esther Tognozzi to cut her all the hair but the latter categorically refuses as she is shocked.Far from accepting this refusal, the young woman seizes a mower and runs by launching: "Mom will fart a cable." À l'extérieur de l'établissement, les chasseurs d'images se délectent et n'en ratent pas une miette.When she leaves, the star ends her evening in a tattoo show where she would have revealed at La Boss des Place, Emily Wynee-Hughes, the reasons for her unexpected gesture: "I just want nobody to touch my head.I don't want someone to touch my hair.I am enough that people touch my hair."A few days later, she was seen hitting a photographer's car with an umbrella.

During this period, the media is convinced that the interpreter of "Toxic" completely lost his minds.In reality, they attend his sad descent into hell.In depression, Popstar can no longer manage its celebrity."My twenty was horrible.My life was controlled by a lot of people and it didn't really give me room to be myself.I was lost and I didn't know what to do. Quand j'y repense, je me dis 'Mais pourquoi j'ai fait ça ?' Je crois que j'aurais dû m'accorder plus de pauses dans ma carrière et me soucier de ma santé mentale" confie-t-elle au magazine israélien Yediot Aharonot, en 2017.A year later, the artist was placed under the supervision of his father before being released in September 2021.Today, Britney Spears is much better and has found a balance, especially with his darling Sam Asghari who made her marriage proposal.But this episode, which has become a major event in pop culture and one of the most striking memes on the net, will probably always stick to the skin.

Amy Winehouse covered with blue and blood

Large icon of soul despite her too short career, Amy Winehouse is also known for her escapades.Alcohol, drugs and violence are unfortunately part of his daily life.The singer is a tortured soul. En 2007, les paparazzis prennent d'ailleurs des clichés troublants sur lesquels l'interprète de "Rehab" s'affiche avec des ecchymoses et du sang sur ses vêtements et ses chaussures, à l'instar de son mari Blake Fielder-Civil, griffé au visage.But what happened?According to a witness to The Telegraph, the couple would have yelling in their room at the Sanderson Hotel in London.Pursued by her husband, the young woman would have fled at 3:30 am, before getting into the car of a stranger."She was 200 meters in front of him and he shouted his first name.When she got off the car, she ran to a newspaper to buy cigarettes.It saw that she had fought.Her clothes were bloody and she had scratches "confides the source.

If the police are called to the scene, no complaints are filed.Finally, the two lovebirds would have found themselves an hour later to enter the 5 -star establishment together.A version denied by the main concerned.During an exchange by SMS with blogger Perez Hilton, the Briton said: "Blake is the best man in the world.We would never hurt ourselves.I scared when he found me in the room about to take me drugs ... rightly, he said that I was not good enough for him.I collapsed but he saved my life.I'm fine but I have to support my man.He never hurt me.He is criticized while he supports me.He deserves the truth to be told, he is incredible."Four years later, Amy Winehouse died after an overdose of alcohol. Retrouvée morte dans son appartement de Candem Square à Londres, la diva rebelle rejoint le tristement célèbre "club des 27" en mourant à cet âge.

Michael Jackson's death

Tous ces scandales incroyables révélés par des paparazzis

Impossible to forget this day, as if it had frozen in time for a whole generation.On June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson left this world at the age of 50, leaving behind his three children Paris, Prince and Blanket, as well as millions of fan.While he is about to go back on stage one last time for around fifty concerts during his tour This is it, the king of pop dies suddenly.A myth of music disappears.It is our colleagues from TMZ that reveal the sad news exclusively. À l'époque, le paparazzi Ben Evenstad choque profondément l'opinion en prenant le chanteur en photo entre la vie et la mort, alors qu'il est intubé dans l'ambulance qui le transporte à l'hôpital Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center de Los Angeles.The very last shot of the star.Victim of a cardiac arrest, the artist dies tragically due to an overdose of propofol, a very powerful anesthetic prescribed by his personal doctor, the cardiologist Conrad Murray."There was enough propofol in his body to complete a rhinoceros" admits the police inspector Orlando Martinez in the documentary Killing Michael Jackson, released in 2019.Following the publication of the autopsy report, the healthcare professional is found guilty of having precipitated the death of the singer by administering this anesthetic drug as a sleeping pill.Sentenced to four years in prison for manslaughter in 2011, he was released after two years for good conduct.

Upset, the whole world pays a vibrant tribute to Michael Jackson.If the planetary icon is finally in peace, accusations of pedophilia are surfaced and tarnish its image.Ten years after his death, the documentary Leaving Neverland has the effect of a bomb in the audiovisual landscape. Wade Robson et James Safechuck accusent l'artiste d'avoir abusé d'eux sexuellement lorsqu'ils étaient enfants.They claim that these facts took place in the late 80s and early 90s.MJ's reputation then takes a hell of it and a boycott is slowly put in place.Some radios no longer broadcast its songs in their playlists, the Louis Vuitton brand removes references to the king of pop in one of his collections and an episode of the Simpsons in which he lends his voice to one of the characters is removed from theseries catalog.And yet, sales and streaming listening of its titles are still as much increasing.The reason ?His fans are outraged by these allegations and do not hesitate to go up to the niche to defend it.In addition to pointing the finger at the inconsistencies in the testimonies of the victims, they recall that their idol obtained an acquittal after his trial for sexual abuse in 2005.For their part, the detractors of the star deplore that his popularity is barely blurred by these numerous scandals.You will therefore have understood, opinions on Michael Jackson diverge still today.

Heath Ledger's addictions

Considered one of the most talented actors of his generation, Heath Ledger is in the midst of the 1990s-2000 ascent.The world of cinema is at his feet and the actor gives him back.Hailed by critics for his performances on the big screen, the actor already has a hell of a list of awards to his credit.But as we know, the life of stars is often strewn with addictions to which it is sadly easy to succumb.In 2006, the hero of the secret of Brokeback Mountain, however, was suddenly orchestrated by two photographers and a journalist.He then finds himself filmed without his knowledge recovering a sachet of cocaine offered by these three accomplices during an evening at Château Marmont, a famous hotel in Los Angeles.Although it is not seen sniffer coke in the video secretly turned by one of the paparazzi, the actor openly admits having smoked 5 cannabis joints per day for 20 years.These images quickly make the buzz in the press but the popularity of the Australian is such that the fans support him, furious that he has been trapped and pushed to consumption.Prosecution is then engaged against the two photographers who are accused of having deliberately provided drugs to the actor to have a scoop to sell to the media.The case is finally classified without the details being revealed. Après s'être secrètement battu contre ses démons pour rester sobre, le jeune homme meurt à l'âge de 28 ans, le 22 janvier 2008, sans avoir pu terminer le tournage du film L'Imaginarium du Docteur Parnassus.The autopsy concludes that a drug overdose resulting from a terrible mixture of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine.He leaves behind his daughter Matilda, born from her relationship with actress Michelle Williams.

At the time, rumors were rude and suggest that the descent into hell of Heath Ledger is due to his very intense preparation to embody the Joker in the film The Dark Knight: The Black Knight.The one who is renowned for giving himself in his work seems to be completely upset by this character. Vous l'ignorez peut-être mais avant de donner la réplique à Christian Bale, l'acteur s'enferme pendant un mois dans une chambre d'hôtel et ce, afin de s'immerger dans la peau du clown psychopathe.According to urban legend, it is this role that makes him sink into depression.A theory strongly refuted by his relatives.Another mystery around her disappearance, the role played by Mary-Kate Olsen.As a reminder, the actress frequent him in secret at the time of her death.Besides, when the actor's masseuse, Diana Wilozin, finds her in her Manhattan apartment, she immediately calls her girlfriend who quickly becomes suspect in the eyes of all.Faced with the scale of the situation, his lawyers transmit a press release to AFP in which we read: "Despite the speculation of the tabloids, Mary-Kate Olsen has nothing to do with the drugs found in the apartmentoccupied by Heath Ledger or (detected) in her body, and she does not know how he obtained them."The twin sister of Ashley Olsen claims her innocence and claims to have no connection with the disappearance of her lover.The case is finally completed even if the mystery continues to hover.Anyway, the actor will forever remain an icon of the cinema that is far too early.

Prince Harry's escapades

Prince Harry knows a very agitated youth.Indicker, he loves alcohol and smokes firecrackers from the age of 16.Considered the ugly duckling of the royal family and nicknamed "Dirty Harry" by the English tabloids, the son of Prince Charles continues the excesses.When he is 20 years old, the Duke of Sussex is displayed drinking and smoking dressed in a Nazi uniform worn for a disguised party.Recovered by the Sun, who warns Clarence House upstream, the photo quickly made the headlines.At the time, the scandal broke out during the 60th anniversary of the release of the Auschwitz camp.Suffice to say that the timing is particularly bad.Faced with the magnitude of the controversy, the future brother-in-law of Kate Middleton apologizes flatly in a press release: "I am really sorry if I offended or embarrassed someone.It was a bad costume choice." En 2012, il est immortalisé complètement nu, ses mains cachant son sexe, lors d'une soirée à Las Vegas en charmante compagnie.A "strip billiards" that would have skidded.Image hunters are on the spot and soon sell the photo to the celebrity press.But despite his many setbacks, the public cannot help but love the attractive red.One of the main reasons is that he constantly sees him in him the 12 -year -old boy, bounded at having lost his mother Lady Diana, and forced to follow the funeral procession under the eyes of the whole world.Growing up, Prince William's brother becomes the darling of the United Kingdom and even bought good conduct with a passage greeted by the British army.The grandson of Queen Elizabeth II finally settles down, until it becomes a real model.

Growing up, Prince Harry dedicates an unprecedented hatred for the paparazzi who have always spied on his every facts and gestures.Angry, the son of Prince Charles also considers that they are responsible for the death of his mother Lady Diana, killed during a road accident in Paris, August 31, 1997."The hardest part to accept is the fact that those who chased her in the tunnel are the same people who took her picture when she was dying in the back of the car (...) Elle avait un gros choc crânien, mais elle était bien en vie.And these people who caused the accident, instead of helping him, they continued to take photos.And these photos appeared in the press "he declared in the documentary Diana, 7 days broadcast on the BBC in 2017.A year later, the Duke of Sussex married the ex-actress Meghan Markle and became a dad of two children, Archie and Lilibet.But his relationship with image hunters is only getting worse because the latter openly attack his wife by harassing her.The young woman being Métis quickly becomes the target of racist remarks.For Prince Harry who was addicted to alcohol and cigarettes in the past, it is the drop too.He refuses to play the game of British tabloids.And after two years of ordeal in the firm, he officially announced his departure from the Windsor clan with his family to settle in Los Angeles in California.Since his move in the Montecito district, Prince William's brother is much more peaceful and it is himself who says it."Here I can raise my head, I feel different.We can walk by feeling a little more free "he underlines at the end of 2020 during an interview for the Podcast Armchair Expert.

Justin Bieber completely naked

He thought he went unnoticed but that was not the case.In October 2015, Justin Bieber flies towards Bora Bora with his supposed girlfriend, the model Jayde Pierce.The perfect opportunity to move away from media pressure and recharge your batteries in a heavenly setting. Mais alors que le chanteur canadien profite à fond du soleil chaud de cette île du Pacifique, il est photographié en tenue d'Adam sans s'en apercevoir.Paparazzi have found the address of his hotel and clichés more intimate than ever are shamelessly published by the daily New York Daily News.If the photos create the stir among the Beliebers, they are also parodied on the canvas.Many Internet users have dressed the artist with Photoshop.At the time, the interpreter of "Sorry" did not hesitate to give the substance of his thought by declaring to Access Hollywood: "The first thing I said to myself, it was ... how can they do that?Like, I feel super violated.I feel like I can't put a foot outside or go outside naked.You should be able to feel comfortable in your own space ... Especially if it's so far away."Furious, the artist threatens to sue the tabloid having published the shots if he does not erase them from his site.And yet, rebelote.

A year later, the biebs is again seen by a paparazzi in the simplest device when swimming in a cove.At that time, he enjoyed a stay in Hawaii with his alleged new darling, the model Sahara Rayra.The images are obviously shared by the media.But this time, the young man prefers not to care.This is not the case for all celebrities.Others also face this kind of situation, like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton or Lady Gaga who find themselves machine -gunned when they do not wear panties.In 2012, Closer magazine was ordered to pay two fines of 45,000 euros and 100,000 euros in damages in Kate Middleton for having published stolen photos of her naked breasts.If this practice is unfortunately common, it encourages Fat-Shaming, Body-Shaming or Slut-Shaming.These trends to lower or feel guilty women because of their appearance or their sexual behavior deemed moved.Fortunately, years pass and speech as listening are released.Speeches around sexuality continue to go path. Assez pour ne jamais oublier que les victimes ne sont ni responsables ni coupables lorsque leur intimité est exposée contre leur gré.

Kristen Stewart's infidelity

From its launch in 2008, the Twilight saga was a real success and its actors are on the rise.More popular than ever, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are the favorite couple of Internet users.Not a day goes by without them being accomplices on the red carpets.But after four years of a beautiful idyll, it is the drama.To everyone's surprise, the actress is photographed in the middle of a passionate kiss with Rupert Sanders, the director of Snow White and the Hunter, a film in which she plays the main role.Obviously, this betrayal captured and broadcast by the paparazzi has the effect of a bomb in Hollywood.Her ex-girlfriend is devastated, the director's marriage ends and the young woman is portrayed as a cleaning breaker.Distramed, Kristen publishes a press release in which she wrote: "I am deeply sorry for the pain that I have caused to my loved ones and all those affected by this story.This moment of error has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and that I respect, Rob.I love her, I'm sorry."But evil is already done. Invitée dans l'émission de radio The Howard Stern Show en 2019, l'actrice tient cependant à préciser : "Je n'ai pas couché avec Rupert.This is my most honest interview.No, we did not have sex together.I was not in love, it was a complicated period of my life and I did not know how to manage it all.I made mistakes." Aujourd'hui, la jolie brune assume fièrement son homosexualité et file le parfait amour avec sa chérie Dylan Meyer.For the little info, other unfaithful celebrities were caught in the bag.The proof, Tim Burton deceived Helena Bonham Carter, Ryan Philippe a betrayed Witherspoon while Tristan Thompson chained the conquests on the back of Khloé Kardashian.And the list is still long.

The question often comes back: do paparazzi go too far in the non-compliance with the privacy of the stars?The question is legitimate when we see that obtaining these exclusive shots sometimes cause dramas or altercations.In 2013, a photographer died by trying to take Justin Bieber in photo.Present on the set of Touche pas à mon poste, the paparazzi Sébastien Valiela revealed that Johnny Depp had summoned him to leave his property using a knife.Angry, many celebrities are fisting on the table when they are photographed without their knowledge.And when they do not push a rant, they take radical measures. En 2013, les actrices Jennifer Garner et Halle Berry ont réussi à faire passer une loi en Californie : l'interdiction de photographier ou filmer les enfants de stars sous peine d'une amende.A small revolution that still does not spare people, especially since the appearance of social networks.Indeed, if the celebrities without hesitation attack the images of images in justice, the latter can also turn against them.They can file a complaint against a star who publishes a stolen photo of herself on Instagram if she does it without having the rights and without credit the source.In general, the paparazzi ensure that they lose profits on this famous shot when the personality is the post before them.Compensation can even rise to millions of dollars.

To thwart this kind of problem, people share their intimacy more with their fans in order to build a proximity while controlling the image they refer.It is also for this reason that certain personalities make up with photographers, by being receptive.This phenomenon can become a real partnership. Quand les stars sont complices et jouent le jeu en prévenant elles-mêmes les chasseurs d'images, c'est ce qu'on appelle de fausses paparazzades.Sometimes these are two artists who get closer to promote their song, their film etc.Other times, they simply seek to restore their coat of arms.In 2016, Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are also accused of being together for the buzz and became the laughingstock of the canvas.These bogus situations, invented from scratch are generally staged to make people speak in the press.This is an opportunity for photographers to receive an easy small post while celebrities redirect media attention to them.An exchange giving-back that only increases the fascination around this practice.As proof, in 2014, the Center Pompidou-Metz organizes an exhibition on paparazzi with no less than 600 works from photography, to painting through videos and sculptures.In other words, this job has clearly not lost its attraction.

Austin Visschedyk, who is the youngest paparazzi in the world, is only 13 years old when he seizes his very first camera.Intrigurating work that even pushes Internet users to get there.These are the snaparazzi, those who seize their smartphones to swing on the web the presence of a star in a public place.There are also applications allowing their location, some media even invite their readers to participate in their content by sending their own scoop.A real lucrative business.And if some people take offense at this attack on intimacy, others secretly love these touting subjects or not."We have to stop hypocrisy, we are all voyeurs" admits the famous paparazzi Pascal Rostain in L'Express in 2014.In other words, as long as there is demand, there will be paparazzi.A trend that is probably not ready to stop but which is clearly intended to change and evolve in view of the increasingly strict laws on respect for the privacy of celebrities of celebrities. Sans compter l'évolution constante des réseaux sociaux qui pourrait mettre en péril la profession.Especially since over time, anonymous is sometimes faster than photographers.Difficult therefore to preserve this notion of exclusivity.Is the golden age of the paparazzi then behind us?Only the future will say it.
