Dawn, Marne but where do these strange buttons that scratch come from?

23/01/2023 By acomputer 635 Views

Dawn, Marne but where do these strange buttons that scratch come from?

Several dozen people have caught unusual buttons in dawn and Marne since the return of summer.And we do not know exactly what causes them: several hypotheses are possible, from the stinging caterpillars to the sting of blood -eating flies.

Mysterious buttons, itching that last more than a week...One might think that giant mosquitoes escaped from a part of Jumanji bite and prevail in dawn and the Marne.Unfortunately, according to the feedback from certain stung people (if they are bites), the products to push mosquitoes would be...totally ineffective.It is therefore not these insects that have made their return at the same time as the summer sun.Difficult then to find the culprit if it is not the mosquito.There is no (yet) study on this subject, and experts are reduced to hypotheses and other conjectures.

For once, the mosquito is not the culprit...(via giphy)

It scratches hard, and we don't know why

Françoise Munier is one of the unfortunate victims of these buttons.These can be impressive but they are apparently not accompanied by other symptoms (it would only be missing).For this young retiree, it all started after an intense mowing of his garden, """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""in a terrible state"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" after her vacation, Thursday, June 10, 2021.She lives in the heights of Épernay (Marne), more precisely in Champillon.It is a village which is on the edge of the forest (see on the map below).

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Two days later, I started to have pimples everywhere.So I told myself that I had been stung by mosquitoes.Except that these bites, it generally lasts two or three days.And there, that has persisted, some of them have taken on a little weird appearance.That is to say that they had a small hole in the middle of the button that started to bleed, and became a small crust after two days.I remember that when my children had chickenpox, healing, it made them these kinds of small pimples with crusts.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Françoise Munier first thought of a spider bite.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Except that I had about six or seven on the neck, almost as much on each arm, on the abdomen, at the back of the thighs...Since then, it's not happening, it itches very strong.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""And the apaisyl does not make a miracle...

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Curiously, my husband does not have one.It's strange: we live in the same place.That’s why I thought it was after this day in the garden that I had been sting...In addition, new buttons appeared well after this episode of the garden, for example on my ankle.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

It could be simulies: the hypothesis of a pharmacist

These buttons can make those of chickenpox think, we have seen it previously.But the carriers of these damn pimples also sometimes speak of bedbugs of bedbugs.A dawn pharmacist has seen dozens pass, and formulates - very cautiously - a hypothesis. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Dès le retour de la chaleur, on a ça.And it's been three or four years.I will contact the Reims parasitology center, I am surprised that they are not looking for what causes it.I am not a specialist and I do not speak for the profession of pharmacists, these are only my observations at the counter, but I think we have to alert.Every year, it's the same thing.And today, we have no scientific articles on that."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I called a pharmacist from Bar-sur-Seine...We talked about it.He told me that those in the vineyards, doing the overhauling, are devoured by this thing.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Returns exist.The pharmacist intends to use them via a scientific approach, photographing the buttons, collecting testimonies, scrupulously noting the periods when the phenomenon occurs.

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""We have these people who come to the counter, who have bites.I think it's simulie, but I have no certainty.A small black fly which, apparently, would cause these bites [it is hematophagus, that is to say that it feeds on blood;Editor's note].People come to the counter, say that it looks like flea stings...We hear everything.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Cited by our colleagues from the Union, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) argues that it could be oak processionary caterpillars, or even.Solicited by France 3 Champagne-Ardenne, the institution maintains these elements.Pharmacist Aubois is less convinced. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Ici, on n’a pas de chênes...And we have these bites even in areas that are not woody, peripheral.We find it everywhere, rather around the cities, where there are rivers flowing.Afterwards, beware, I have no scientific certainty.That's just what I see.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""And it's not the same symptoms.These caterpillars can create lesions when you scratch, but it doesn't look like that ... Here, it's very characteristic, it's something very different from mosquitoes, spiders, etc..We know it's something else, but not what.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""We don't really believe that these are aoutats-even if we may be wrong-because the aoutas, it doesn't look like that.Usually, it strolls, it stings rather in the folds of the skin.While here, all the parts of the exposed body are affected;Those without clothes, in contact with the sun.A mosquito would have bitten through clothes, for example.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""En tout cas, une maison de champagne - qui a tenu à rester anonyme - confirme, sans aller jusqu'à dire qu'elles sont """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""dévorées"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""", que les personnes effectuant les travaux de palissage dans ses vignes ont fait des retours sur ces piqûres...that could come from Aoutats.Difficult to see clearly.

The opinion of an entomologist

Christophe Brua is an entomologist, that is to say that he is an insect specialist.He works to the Alsatian Entomology Society, and thinks that the processionary caterpillar could be the culprit. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Les simulies, ce sont de petits moucherons, plus petits qu’un moustique et un peu globuleux, qui sont assez agaçants.They enter their ears, under the hair...It’s an inconvenience. Mais de là à ce qu’il y ait des pustules ?"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Après, il existe beaucoup d'espèces de simulies : ça reste à voir.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""The other track could be the hair processionaries [caterpillars].The PIN processionary is rather present in the Mediterranean region.With us, there is the oak processionary.Their hair can fly in the wind, it can be very stinging and staying it for a long time.Even after the caterpillars have made their development cycle and left their nest empty, these hairs remain very stinging, sometimes a whole year.So if they fly away, or fall to the ground in a park for example and it spreads...""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

People cannot see if a hook -in -law has touched them... poil qui """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""pourrait aussi provoquer des pustules sous les vêtements une fois ceux-ci contaminés.Simulies would sting the areas of the body accessible.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""A study is therefore necessary. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Il faudrait corréler ça avec la présence de nids sur les chênes, ou sur les pins...That of pine is a rather southern species, but an INRAE study [see video below], which works on this species, shows that it is expanding.It is a species of the South, but which spreads north.A home had been spotted in Île-de-France, in Alsace also in Obernai [and Reims;Editor's note].It would be a track.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

The insect expert is not pronounced on the Aoutats...who are arthropods.Like spiders. Et suggère que ces boutons pourraient avoir une origine """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""multi-factorielle"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". C'est à dire qu'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""il pourrait y avoir les deux en même temps, simulies et chenilles : ça brouillerait le diagnostic...It is also a possibility.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""We didn't think about it.It remains to be seen what will think of the Reims parasitology center...