Business creation: three out of ten French people have passed the course or think about it, according to Bpifrance

30/07/2022 By acomputer 665 Views

Business creation: three out of ten French people have passed the course or think about it, according to Bpifrance

The desire to undertake has not disappeared with the crisis, on the contrary!Three out of ten French people run a business or want to get started, according to a survey published Wednesday by Bpifrance.A stable proportion compared to 2018, but which increases in disadvantaged neighborhoods (QPV) where 20% of the population is part of this "entrepreneurial chain", against 14% three years ago, according to the survey conductedfor the public bank by the IFOP Institute with 5.066 people, including 501 in the priority districts of the city (QPV).

Still important disparities

However, the delay in these neighborhoods remains significant with only 3% business owners in QPVs, compared to 14% in the entire population.On the other hand, the glass ceiling is not yet broken for women.While about a third of men (34%) in France are a business manager or has a project to create professional activity, only a quarter of women (26%) directs a company or to put themselvesto their account.

The under-representation of women would be linked to a lack of "self-confidence": they are "significantly fewer than men to estimate to have the qualities required to direct a business", according to the survey, which sees the hope of'A future rebalancing in the fact that they are as numerous as men among "intentionists".

Indeed, with the crisis, more and more women want to become a business manager, according to the widowed barometer Clicquot published in July.38% of French women are decided to go through the entrepreneurship box and a third of them estimates that the crisis has strengthened this desire, according to the barometer.Nevertheless, the feeling of a more increased difficulty when one is a woman in desire for business creation indeed persists.In addition, funding seems less obvious when you are an entrepreneurial woman, 69% of French women are convinced, the consequences of the crisis bring back the funds granted to them.

A crisis that boosts ambitions

Création d'entreprise : trois Français sur dix ont passé le cap ou y pensent, selon Bpifrance

Nevertheless, the crisis did not evaporate the ambitions of the French to become a business manager.Between the third quarter of 2020 and the third quarter of 2021, more than a million companies (including micro-entrepreneurs) were created, according to INSEE, against 813.000 between the third quarter of 2019 and the third quarter of 2020, during the first wave of COVVI-19 in 2020.

In addition, the status of micro-entrepreneur is on the rise, the French are embarking in particular in solutions, in the face of health restrictions linked to the COVID crisis, such as home delivery.

In general, "we have an entrepreneurial engagement rate which remains very stable when we are in a health context which has strongly impacted business leaders", three quarters of them saying that they were affectedBy the crisis, explained to AFP Laurence Tassone, head of SME observatories and business creation in Bpifrance.But this impact has sometimes been positive because it has enabled 20% of business leaders "to take the time to think about their strategy, to launch new products, or even to offer new services", in particular digital, A-she said.

Young people very concerned

Finally, young people are much more affected by entrepreneurship than their elders, with half (51%) of the under 30s involved, compared to only a quarter of the over 30s.

"The welfare state is of enormous generosity, incredible in this post-Cavid period, and therefore entrepreneurship is less and less risky," said a press conference Nicolas Dufourcq, theCEO of Bpifrance.

(With AFP)

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