Caen. La friperie Absolu vintage a ouvert rue Guillaume-le-Conquérant
Dans sa friperie Absolu vintage, ouverte rue Guillaume-le-Conquérant à Caen, samedi 4 décembre 2021, Lysiane Lebreton habille hommes, femmes et enfants.
"I went by chance, rue Guillaume-le-Conquérant and I saw a" for rent "sign.»Lysiane Lebreton opened, Saturday December 4, 2021, in Caen (Calvados), Absolute Vintage.A thrift store that offers “clothing from the years 1960 to 1990 for men, women and children;Accessories, bags, belts, scarves ... and small decorative objects, vintage ceramics ... Small furniture that is used for presentation are also for sale.»»
Côté prix, les vêtements sont en vente « au prix unique de 8 € pour les enfants et à partir de 5 € pour les femmes»».The offer is wide and you can even find a small sequined outfit for the holidays or a brand of brand clawed Lanvin or Yves Saint-Laurent.
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Chinen, "It's a religion in the family.My parents are both antique dealers and my grandmother was also.I have been addicted and I have histed since the age of 15.I started by selling on the markets in Brittany, but my dream was to open a shop in Caen, my hometown. Ça y est, enfin !»»
Absolute Vintage, 27, rue Guillaume-le-Conquérant in Caen.Such.06 02 72 89 58.Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and, from 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m..