CAMEROON :: Message from the Nation to the Head of State: “LOUIS-NAPOLEON BONAPARTE NÈGRE” :: CAMEROON
Dear Mr. Head of State,
Here in the villages, it is said that adult crying is rare. If, therefore, you encounter a señor (senior person) who is sobbing a lot, pause and consider the mourner carefully. He may be desperate, perched on the last degree of the desolation floor. He may also do theatre; let him play you. Yes, indeed, there are old players, hardened comedians, actors without talent.
One day, in our adolescence, we saw an uncle, the little brother of a certain father, a wealthy businessman, named Germain, who was seized with a rare fit of screaming (weeping) emotions , in front of all its employees together and the large family almost complete. It was a few days before New Years. Two hours earlier, he received the visit of some distinguished guests, including a white man, a French citizen. Suddenly, he came out of his luxurious house and began to shout and bark, like a common villager: “Help! Help ! Stop them, they robbed me. They finished me. And the good man pretended to run towards the gate with an irresolute step. He returned to the trajectory of his cinema and the tears (real!) misted his vicious eyes streamed down his bewitched cheeks. And the "uncle" wept, wept for a long time, and ended up taking refuge in his private apartments.
Everyone in the assembly said goodbye to their nocturnal fantasies: the youngest cursed their underwear and their "unconfidence" (a kind of rubber sandals) that they had seen in their lubricated dreams, for my Christmas; an aunt from far away, who borrowed crumbs, transport costs, to come and "celebrate" at her rich uncle's, in town, did not stop complaining; brothers and cousins, some of whom were polygamous and who worked in their uncle's family business, saw the scents of misery and the appalling starving rigors of the month of January pass through their traumatized heads. However, all this disappointment and unsightly wailing was nothing compared to the torrents of pain from the Big Boss' driver, who was tortured with indescribable eye pain.
The spectacle of this scene of collective humiliation and animalization of humans left only one spectator to thirty-seven: it was the security guard. Very professional, insensitive and indifferent to this unsanitary bustle, he issued the order, to all this world of misfortunes, to reach the road and leave the camp of his Master.
Dear National President of the Republic,
This story could give the illusion that only the little people, the ploughmen, the workers, the beggars, the social rejects, the beggars, the credulous and other damned are victims of the mystifiers. It is not so. Even the most powerful of this world do not escape the claws of these birds of prey; they can even promote their cynicism and put on, in turn, the garb of the heartless fanciful. The time is for thieves and pirates to prosper. Sovereigns, like courtiers and conspirators, all take on, over time, the temperament of buffoons: it is The reign of mystifiers. Omer Molle, the author of this book, portrays it in these terms: “Alongside a few eminent scholars and practitioners, we encounter two harmful species, each as curious as the other. On the one hand, many dilettantes, upstarts in search of fame tempted by the spectacular nature of the too famous reform. On the other hand, always more of these half-cheaters and cheaters trained to juggle words in order to better practice their destructive skills. »
The moral and social consequences of this invasion of imposters, in societies like ours, and in universities, are appalling. What characterizes the reign of the mystifiers is the systematic manipulation of the masses, the looting and brutalization of the masses, for the benefit of kleptocrats (those who govern by plundering the public fortune) and parasites in the "international community". », the promotion of the teachers of war and the self-alienation of the people, who allow themselves to be abandoned in misery, sadness and incredible despair.
Long gone are the days when enlightened scholars instructed rulers on the principles of affairs relating to the common good. It is enough for us to read this letter from the wise and republican Solon to the Tyrant Periander: “You write to me that you are surrounded by conspirators. But when you got rid of all known enemies, you wouldn't be any further ahead. Even those whom you do not suspect will conspire against you, this one because he will fear for himself, another because, seeing you besieged with terrors, he will have nothing but contempt for you. Finally, were you not suspicious, there would still be a crowd of people who, by conspiring against you, would think they deserved the country well. The best thing is therefore to renounce tyranny, to banish all subject of fear. If, however, you cannot bring yourself to abandon it, think of procuring foreign forces superior to those of the country; by this means you will have nothing more to fear and you will not be obliged to attempt the life of anyone.
Thinkers such as Solon and, recently, Étienne de la Boétie, author of the famous Discourse on Voluntary Servitude, to name only these two theoreticians, have a high idea of public policy and responsibilities, as well as of social justice and the freedoms inherently associated with them. These intellectuals, with established ethical convictions, understood the meaning and scope of Rousseau's saying: "We never corrupt the people, but often we deceive them, and it is only then that they seem to want what is bad" . Thus, like the surgeon-apothecaries of yesteryear, they put a red hot iron in the wound of liberticidal behavior, abuse and state violence. They operate on or amputate, raw, the members of the social body who are plagued by these scourges, and the evil par excellence in countries under construction, namely, the hydra of civil servants, which is the invasion of public services by hordes of incompetent, corrupt agents lacking a sense of honor and dignity.
Dearest Great Comrade,
Of course, you have opted for the solution of protecting foreign forces, particularly Israeli ones. But unable to leave tyranny completely, or to settle there definitively, you remain besieged with terrors, and your courtiers have only contempt for you, since you prove yourself incapable of “banishing all cause of fear”. Hence the stagnation, inertia, mismanagement, organized gang looting and stupidity that have taken up residence in the heart of the Republic.
Despite all this traumatic evidence, people who claim to read a lot of books, sometimes upside down, tropical academics, who pass for official ideologues of the Renewal, manage to theorize their lies by articulating them, as well as it follows: “The Jacobin State is an imperative. We do not argue with terrorists; we do not negotiate with the enemies of the Republic: we must preserve our sovereignty, at all costs and at all costs. Support our President. He is our Bonaparte! Like the other dominant actors of Françafrique (a neocolonial system of systematic plundering of the resources and wealth of French-speaking African countries, for the benefit of France, with the complicity of local leaders), the Head of State therefore becomes, by the force of mystification, the negro Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte. In doing so, these scholars of the University manage to plant the uncomfortable seed of disillusionment, pessimism and self-blame in the hearts of ordinary citizens and in those of the most promising historical actors.
It should be pointed out to them, regarding the Jacobin State and the French emperor whose political doctrine they praise, that Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (French Emperor 1769-1821) was elected President, with the consequences that We know: his double coup d'etat in 1851 and 1852, the dissolution of the National Assembly, restrictions on freedoms, the de facto abolition of the Republic and the proclamation of the Second Empire. But before that, the second Republic will have lived; above all, she will have prepared, in spite of herself, this return to the monarchy.
Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned Emperor in Paris on December 2, 1804. He created institutions that gave France all its prestige. He set up the Banque de France, the Prefects to manage the departments, the Lycées, the Legion of Honor to reward military and civil exploits, the Civil Code with its unique laws for everyone and everywhere. This is why Hegel saw in him the embodiment of the Idea, Reason personified in (European) History, the “soul of the world” and the founder of the modern state. To all those who boast to us of a Bonaparte-Nègre, what do you indicate to his credit?
On their mania for Academicians-clerks, let us also object to them that the responsibility of a State is not to constantly make its citizens feel guilty, but to edify them and raise them to the firmament of the republican consciousness. Because, is there any other goal to sign to the State than that of guaranteeing peace and security of life? Spinoza writes in this regard: “Consequently, the best state is one where men pass their lives in harmony and where their rights are not infringed. It is also a certain point that seditions, wars, contempt or violation of the law must be attributed less to the wickedness of the subjects than to the bad organization of the government.
But for the sovereign to achieve his goals, he must shed his feline flexibility, distance himself from this self-abandonment which fertilizes infidelity towards established powers and which makes the underworld and thugs prosper.
Dear Mr. President,
Our country is currently going through terrible times. And the word is not strong enough to translate the excesses and horrors that we face on a daily basis. It is not only tribalism that traumatizes, but also looting, theft, the taste that some take to trample their fellow men, to cut their throats, to spread fear, to flout life. The war of all against all is therefore not a philosophical hypothesis: it is the most immediate threat, which we must get rid of. In this sense, you are called to take strong measures. They will impose themselves as alternatives to the reign of mystifiers and will be presented as follows:
“Bury military eloquence and its bloodthirsty lyricism. Tear to pieces the toy warriors. Burn the writings glorifying the nation or the race and teach the children that the greatest malefactors are called Caesar, Attila, Napoleon or Hitler. "The Roots of Peace?" Instead, uproot habits. For that, stop cultivating the romanticism of battles; to tear from the armies, to throw it in the dustbin, their grotesque tinsel. It is up to you, peaceful peoples, to set an example! If you must prepare your defense, do so without display or ostentation. "Those who possess the truth should go to those who are not blessed with it." Otherwise, we would be entitled to assume that your pacifism, far from being in people's hearts, simply reflects your regret at not being among the strongest.
These words, imbued with common sense, teach that no people, in the recent history of mankind, has attained prosperity by maintaining war in its midst and by perpetuating bullying against the workers of contradiction, academics and opponents, nor by making them homeless, to make them unproductive, vulnerable and docile. Averting war and its social, political and cultural excesses requires the rooting of democratic culture in multi-ethnic states.
But this entrenchment of the virtues of democracy cannot succeed, with convincing results, without you leading a victorious battle against the roots of our secular exploitation, without you fighting neo-colonialism, with its metastases: debt , monetary dependence, demeaning colonial agreements, etc. The countries on the periphery of the industrialized world are, for the most part, victims of the laziness of the intellectual laziness of the ideologues of the metropolis, who are currently unable to renew the colonial software in force, and of a chronic instability of their institutions, which is fueled by the greed of foreign powers and poor internal governance. These entities become, in fact, states of lawlessness, whose nature and functions of political authority can be questioned.
In principle, if we are to imagine the figure of a Bonaparte-negro, he must contribute to embodying, in the eyes of his people, the one who stands up not only against the looters of public wealth, but also against any imperialist system that would be likely to maintain its fellow citizens in impoverishment and sub-humanity. He said, to the French authorities, like Eva Joly:
“Our prosperity is fueled by the wealth we embezzle. […] A France worthy of its ideal and its heritage of 1789 is incompatible with Françafrique: what one generation has done, another can undo. It's possible " ! Putting up with the looting of national wealth, for the benefit of foreign powers and at the same time aspiring to the recognition of one's compatriots, is an inconsistency specific to leaders without insurance and who lack a vision for the future. For a patriotic leader of the African continent, resigning himself to constituting his country as a simple "reservoir of growth" for the former metropolis and the developed nations, allowing himself to be "reconquered" only as "market shares", maintaining omerta on the massacres (past and current) of Westerners against the peoples of the South, forcing his people to represent only the future of others, without working on his own aspirations and the codes of his prosperity, refusing, moreover, to emancipate of the terrifying Franco-African past and to perpetuate it in esotericism and dehumanizing compromises is to betray one's presidential oath.
In conclusion, Mr. Head of State,
Your mission is not to work to save yourself, but to strive to save man from the curse of poverty and war, against all odds, even in detrimental to your safety and health.
Let's end this national message, by telling you the epilogue of the scene where we started this message. A few months after the imaginary theft of which he had been the sponsor, we learned that the white man who had "cheated" an uncle from a landlocked village, according to his public accusations, had succeeded in returning to his homeland thanks to the magnanimity of his expatriate brothers, since he was ruined and could no longer afford to live in the country.
The grieving driver, on the other hand, became blind and died in an unspeakable destitution. Other spectators of the inaugural scene of the enrichment of the businessman also perished in cruel sufferings and in the most appalling misery. But the end of the village Bonaparte was no less pathetic and exemplary. On the last day, when his heart was weighed on the scales by the ancestors, following the initiation rites of Negro-African mysticism, at the bedside of his deathbed, at the General Hospital, he begged the doctor: "Doctor, pardon , save me ! Save me ! Please…” It was in vain. The evil shadow faded, mowed down by the Red Pen of Eternity. What did he fear so much in the face of death?
No one can answer that satisfactorily. One thing is certain: we live to die permanently, in ourselves, that is to say, to mature and to let live. In this sense, a Renewal of times past, in the present conjuncture, would amount to nothing less than the manifestation of a social sclerosis, the product of the turpitudes of the blindness of a power which condemns itself to end evil.
All of you, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte niggers, should you draw political and ethical lessons from the singular end of life of this "Uncle", this extraordinary character who begged to be saved from death, then that he had had enough time to live to the detriment of all. Every true sovereign must ward off the dishonorable fate of this German, who always tempts him...
In the twilight of times past, more than ever, your reason for being, Pauline Excellency, is not to save yourself: the urgent, for you, the real challenge, for your regime, in your degenerating mission ruling is to save man from his own degradation/