Clitoris: anatomy, size, erogenous zone

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Clitoris: anatomy, size, erogenous zone

What is the clitoris?

Le clitoris est un petit organe érectile de l'appareil génital de la femme, situé au niveau de la partie antérieure de la vulve. Il ne se résume pas au petit bouton que l'on voit et ressent sous les doigts, ce n'est que sa partie émergée. Les 9/10e du clitoris sont internes et invisibles. Le clitoris joue un grand rôle dans l'excitation et le plaisir féminins.

Where is the clitoris?

At the junction of the small lips, inside the vulva, is the clitoris.

Clitoris anatomy

The female clitoris corresponds to the human penis: it also includes a glans (3 to 6 mm at rest and up to 6 or even 10 mm during excitation), a foreskin and a motor nerve.

The clitoris cap is the skin layer that covers and protects the clitoris in its glans.The clitoris cap is to the woman what the foreskin is to the man.It is connected to the small lips.

The visible part of the clitoris is small but can, like the penis, knowing erections in the event of excitement.The hidden part composed of the rod and two roots is larger and located inside the vagina, under the small lips.The two zones participate in female pleasure, and the stimulation, by penetration, of the internal part of the clitoris also has its role to play.

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— Dan Ibbetson Wed Nov 09 17:40:00 +0000 2011

Internal clitoris diagram


The visible part of the clitoris measures between 0.5 and 1 cm, while the rod, invisible and localized as a result of the glans, can measure up to 10 cm.

Why is it an erogenous zone?

Like the male penis, the clitoris enters erect when stimulated and excited.The clitoris includes between 8000 and 10,000 sensory sensors, while the acid glans includes 3000 to 4000 on average.

The clitoris is a very innervated and vascularized erogenous area and therefore particularly sensitive.Its erectile tissues are full of blood in the event of excitement.The mode of stimulation, whether masturbation or caresses with a partner, varies according to women, some prefer very light caresses, and others a stronger pressure.""Depending on the position of the partners during the penetration or caress of the area, the clitoris is very sensitive to excitation and participates in the power of the orgasm.Located on the anterior side of the vagina, the base of the clitoris corresponds to point G (or zone G), initial of the Gräfenberg gynecologist who understood her role "", specifies Isabelle Braun-Lestrat, psychologist and clinical sexologist, vice-president of the National UnionClinical sexologists, who develops: ""We speak rather of zone G because it affects the nervous tissues of the vagina, the urethra and the base of the clitoris.""

What is the clitoris for?

The clitoris plays a fundamental role in female orgasm.As it is a part of the very innervated anatomy, which is on the passage of the penis at the time of penetration, the clitoris is then naturally pressed, rubbed, stimulated.


The clitoris is excitable very quickly thanks to caresses of the fingers, lips, tongue or via regular friction.It can also be excited by a vibrator, at its base, on the sides or at its end.The caresses of the clitoris provide intense pleasure and well-being to women.When it is excited, it fills with blood and then releases oxytocin (pleasure hormone).

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The clitoris is the only organ that has no other known function than the pleasure.Stimulation of the clitoris cap leads to orgasm.This stimulation can be direct, by friction, or indirect thanks to the back and forth of a sexual intercourse.

There is the received idea according to which some women are clitoral and other vaginal, but it is a totally false idea: it is impossible to determine the part that each area takes in pleasure. ""L'orgasme est un orgasme global de toute la zone : parois internes du vagin et clitoris. Certaines parties peuvent être plus réactives que d'autres"", conclut Isabelle Braun-Lestrat.

What are the clitoris diseases?

""The clitoris can undergo irritation due to too tight clothing friction (pants, thongs...) but also to reactions to synthetic materials. Il peut aussi souffrir de petites blessures accidentelles, comme un coup d'ongle ou de rasoir"", explique Isabelle Braun-Lestrat.

Selon elle, d'autres maladies peuvent toucher cet organe, comme ""les mycoses ou l'extension d'un herpès vaginal"". Sans oublier ""les suites d'un piercing mal supporté et mal désinfecté"". Elle conseille d'ailleurs que ""si une irritation, une douleur ou une sécrétion blanchâtre persiste quelques jours, il ne faut pas hésiter à consulter un généraliste, une sage-femme ou un gynécologue"".

Furthermore, under medical pretexts, excision was widespread throughout the 19th century.Today, this female mutilation is mainly practiced for cultural and religious reasons.We speak of excision when the clitoris has been cut (and part or all of the small lips).It leads to serious risk of hemorrhage and infection as well as sexological and obstetric complications.

What exams can be practiced in the clitoris?

There are no specific examinations in the clitoris.

Thanks to Isabelle Braun-Lestrate, clinical psychologist and sexologist, vice-president of the National Union of Clinical Sexologists.