Combing technique during childbirth: the painting solution?

17/08/2022 By acomputer 760 Views

Combing technique during childbirth: the painting solution?

Par Julie Giorgetta
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Que vous ayez décidé d’accoucher avec ou sans péridurale, le travail entraînera forcément des douleurs. Pour les soulager, il existe une solution naturelle peu connue mais très efficace : la technique du peigne. Peggy Gemar, sage-femme à Toulouse, nous éclaire à ce sujet.

What is the combing technique during childbirth?

À l’instar de la respiration, de la chaleur, des sons ou encore des massages, la technique du peigne pendant l’accouchement est une astuce toute simple pour diminuer la douleur liée au travail. Elle consiste à serrer fermement un peigne au creux de la main et ce, de manière progressive, au cours d’une contraction. « L’idée, c’est de serrer le peigne autant que la contraction fait mal et de relâcher autant que la contraction se détend. Cet exercice s’effectue sur une douleur installée, autrement dit lorsque l’on est déjà en travail, à un stade avancé de gestion de la douleur. La technique du peigne a un côté très intuitif, le fait de serrer l’objet favorise le lâcher prise et permet d’accéder à un accouchement harmonieux et naturel », explique Peggy Gemar.Technique du peigne pendant l'accouchement : la solution antidouleur ? Technique du peigne pendant l'accouchement : la solution antidouleur ?

Combled technique during childbirth: who is it for?

The combing technique during childbirth can be useful to all women: those who wish to give birth under epidural, and those who do not wish."The epidural does not arise from the first contractions.We must wait until the contractions are intensifying, are regular and that the dilation of the collar started well, "said the midwife.This solution therefore allows the woman who wishes the epidural, to progress in the management of her pain until she can obtain anesthesia, and to that which wishes to give birth naturally, to pass phases of transition to thresholds ofacceptance, when pain decreases.

How does the comb during it relieves the pain of childbirth?

Technique du peigne pendant l'accouchement : la solution antidouleur ?

"The uterus is a smooth muscle under the action of the autonomic nervous system, so you cannot decide when or how it should contract.By tightening the comb in his hand, there is a voluntary contraction, similar to the involuntary contraction of the uterus, "informs the specialist.The peaks of the comb will stimulate reflex zones located in the hand, which will allow the pain to be defocated.In other words, the brain will deport the pain on another place from the body, and thus dissociate itself from the main pain, in this case that linked to the contractions."A physiological phenomenon will also occur: under the action of the pain induced by the pins of the comb, we will release endorphins, hormones of well-being, and thus feel immediate relief," she continues.

Other tips for managing pain during childbirth

Pain during work and childbirth is variable from one woman to another."It depends on several factors, especially the time of work, but also if it is a first or a second child, because women will not absorb the pain in the same way," explains PegggyGemar.For greater efficiency against pain, our interlocutor recommends alternating between conventional techniques (massages, hot bath, breathing and mobility with extension work, tilt in the pelvis and alternative tools like that of comb, song,Bonapace method, or self-hypnosis."In my eyes, self-hypnosis is a fundamental tool because it allows, thanks to a simple visualization of the mind and a modified state of consciousness, to release endorphins and promote the rise of the thresholds for the acceptance of pain.These are techniques that require a little training and preparation, but the idea is to vary all these tools so that women can do their work depending on the intensity of pain and the evolution of dilation ”, specifies the midwife.

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