Decryption of the hearing of the collective "One day 1 Chasseur" at the Senate the weekly Newsletter

24/10/2022 By acomputer 654 Views

Decryption of the hearing of the collective "One day 1 Chasseur" at the Senate the weekly Newsletter

Il y a un an Morgan Kean était tué devant chez lui alors qu’il coupait du bois. Accident horrible commis par un chasseur qui a meurtri une famille, des amis, des voisins. Suite à ce décès, Mila Sanchez et Léa Jaillard, deux amies de la victime ont déposé une pétition « Mort, violence, abus à la chasse, plus jamais ça»»le 10 septembre dernier. Celle-ci a recueilli 120 000 signatures. C’est ainsi la première fois qu’une mission de contrôlesénatoriale est créée suite à une pétition. Mercredi avait lieu la première audition dans le cadre de cette commission.Nous avons souhaité tenter de vous retranscrire ces premiers échanges et donner notre avis sur l’évolution des débats et des réponses données par les différentes parties.Décryptage de l’audition du collectif « un jour 1chasseur » au sénat LA NEWSLETTER HEBDOMADAIRE DE CHASSONS.COM Décryptage de l’audition du collectif « un jour 1chasseur » au sénat LA NEWSLETTER HEBDOMADAIRE DE CHASSONS.COM

As a reminder, at the heart of this petition, the demands of the collective are as follows:

The session started with speech to the collective one day 1 hunter in order to return to the facts and the course of the case for a year:

Collective one day a hunter: "Morgan Kean was killed on December 2, 2020 while cutting wood in his garden with a chainsaw at 4:45 p.m..[…] Following this incident, in the four corners of France, voices were increasingly numerous day to denounce abusive hunter behaviors.Very quickly, we gained the magnitude of this problem which exceeded the local scale.It was impossible for us to continue to ignore the permanent endangerment of rural people 7 days a week for six to ten months of the year.We decided to carry out an inventory of abuses linked to hunting practices by collecting testimonies of rural people.

We allowed them to express themselves by giving them the floor on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter platform whose audience is counted in several tens of thousands of people.This is how the collective "One day a hunter" was born, the #meetoo of hunting.This collective allowed the massive release of the word of the victims of hunting.We have therefore synthesized the aspirations of rural people and proposed reforms to guarantee the safety of all the inhabitants and users of the countryside who simply ask not to be pulled on them, on the paths where they like to walk.For the past year, we have been receiving around twenty testimonies every day (feeling of insecurity, fear of going for a walk due to unpaid battums, attacks of uncontrolled dangerous hunting dogs, close shots, insults,threats, conflicts of use, intrusion, injuries or dead of domestic animals, fire in houses, children's rooms, salons, complaints of gendarmerie classified without follow -up, of physical injuries andMortal shots).»»

Collective requests as part of this hearing:

"A legislator who takes the risk of making 98% of the population coexist with 2% hunters whose bullets are uncontrollable and lethal up to 3km must be able to manage this problem.The recent dramatic events exceptionally publicized its last weeks are repeated each year in the most total indifference*(1) and are only a tiny part of what the inhabitants and users of nature undergo during the time of hunting. Si ils étaient passés là sous silence par la presse nationale et les institutions, nous nous sommes efforcés de porter la parole des ruraux pour rendre visibles ces violences, drames et abus !»» to mention that hunting accidents have passed over in silence by the press seems inaccurate.Each hunting incident is generally taken up by many media.Example of media scope of a hunting accident (an injured man in the face) which took place four weeks ago and which was relayed in Figaro, LCI, Ouest France, La Dépêche and France 3.

The rapporteur Patrick Chaizea thus synthesized the words of the two speakers and then ask specific questions: "If we look at the figures brutally, the number of hunting accidents is in sharp decline, a division by 4 for fatal accidents. Il semblerait en revanche que le nombre d’incidents seraient en hausse ? Quelle est votre analyse ?»»

Collective one day a hunter: Mila Sanchez evokes the OFB table which shows the evolution of accidents between 1999 (39 dead, the highest) and that of 2020 (7 dead or the lowest) but no figure would beCalculated at the intermediary? To the question of the rapporteur, do you have factual and encrypted elements?The collective's response is: "Yes we have around twenty testimonies per day on social networks.»» The graph takes into account the last 20 years and there is a significant drop in the number of deaths in hunting.Despite a month's stop (November 2020), the hunters were able to continue to hunt almost normally.Derogations to chase the small game in February and the big game in March having been possible in many regions of France.Regarding the number of hunting incidents, it is a hundred per year, for a million hunters.Considering that on average a hunter goes hunting 6 times a year (once a month) we can consider that the single hunting act is around 6 million personal outing).Regarding the number of hunters, if it has indeed decreased, never so many large animals have been taken for 20 years.There were 300,000 wild boars, 400,000 deer and 40,000 cervids in 1999, we now take 580,000 deer, 800,000 wild boars and 80,000 deer in 2020 ... We thus drawn nearly 3 million ammunition (large game) in 2019, therewhere 6 million ammunition are now drawn per year.There are fewer hunters but the number of large game ammunition fired has doubled.

Regarding hunting incidents, it is indeed evolving because they were not counted before.This evolution has been taken into account since 2013 and were not calculated before.

Patrick Chaize : « Pouvez-vous nous donner des chiffres de l’augmentation des incidents ?Collectif un jour un chasseur : «Nous pouvons donner des témoignages mais nous ne pouvons pas donner d’éléments chiffrés !»»

Patrick Chaize : « Disposez-vous de chiffres des accidents à l’étranger, d’idées, d’exemples à suivre ?»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « Uniquement ceux fournis par le sénat et s’agissant du Royaume-Uni, il n y a pas autant de morts.»» The United Kingdom has no quantified information.To hunt in England, a simple weapon is sufficient, no permit to pass, no theoretical and practical test.This country is therefore very late compared to the French system and is even less an example to follow.In Italy, last season, 30 people were killed in hunting in 5 months, 20 hunters and 10 non -hunters.There are nearly 480,000 hunters in Italy Spain, 51 people died hunting in the last season.There were 605 hunting incidents.There are nearly 760,000 hunters in Spain.

Patrick Chaize : « Avez-vous des recommandations à faire pour améliorer le fonctionnement du permis de chasser en France ?»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « Oui, l’âge, le permis de chasser se passe à seize ans, on peut donc chasser avant d’avoir son permis de voiture, l’âge est donc déterminant.Currently, with regard to the training in a hunting license, there is a theoretical and practical test, it therefore takes an average of the two, if one of the two is not serious, we can when we can wheneven have the permit.»» Whether in Germany, Spain, Portugal or Denmark, it is possible to hunt from sixteen years.Regarding the hunting license, if you miss the practical test, you cannot pass the theoretical test.So it's not an average of the two.The two also have eliminatory errors, particularly in the context of the handling of weapons.

Décryptage de l’audition du collectif « un jour 1chasseur » au sénat LA NEWSLETTER HEBDOMADAIRE DE CHASSONS.COM

Patrick Chaize : « Avez-vous une idée de l’âge des chasseurs ayant provoqué en moyenne des accidents de chasse ?»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « Nous aimerions avoir les chiffres, obtenir une certaine transparence de la part de l’OFB.When you look at this data, you don't know what's behind an incident.[…] It is those who have long been permit who have committed deadly shots.»» :En France, si vousavez passé l’examen du permis de chasser, c’est que vous avez moins de 60 ans (1er examen en 1976).In addition, each year the OFB communicates specific figures to identify the precise circumstances of hunting accidents (France is the only European country to do so).The document produced by the Hunting Security network thus notes the precise circumstances of each accident, the hunting mode and the age of the authors.A 64 -page document is available from the OFB hunting safety network.For last season, accident authors were: 16 years old, 33, 43, 50, 77, 81 years old and 102 years old.We cannot therefore say that it is the oldest or the youngest who cause accidents.In addition, it is important to note that each year, among the accidents identified the number of auto accidents is on average 30%.

Patrick Chaize : « En quoi le fait d’interdire la chasse le mercredi et le dimanche garantirait plus de sécurité ?»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « Il faudrait au minimum interdire la chasse le dimanche car il y a environ 15 millions de ruraux pour un million de chasseurs.[…] It is therefore at least 14 million rural non -hunters who cannot go for a half of the year.»»

Patrick Chaize: "I reassure you there are not 14 million people who will walk every Sunday.»» in state forests (public), hunting is prohibited on Sunday.In private forests, panels are positioned near the forests to report the presence of hunters.Here is an argument written by master of the Ferté-Sénectère explaining how to suppress hunting on weekends or during the holidays would not affect the number of accidents."Insofar as state forests are not chased on weekends and 90 % of accidents are suffered by the hunters themselves, the proposal to ban hunting on weekends and during school holidays would have no effectsensitive to improve the drop in hunting accidents.»»

Patrick Chaize: “You have spoken of concepts of safety distance from homes. C’est une donnée aujourd’hui qui n’existe pas ?»»

Hunts.Com: Here is the circular relating to hunting, public security and the use of firearms of 10/15/82.

Patrick Chaize : « Quelle serait la bonne distance selon-vous en fonction des armes à attribuer pour la chasse?»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « Nous avons des armes qui sont létales à plus de 3 kilomètres et qui traversent des baies vitrées, des maisons ou des murs.If these weapons are used, it must be certain that at 3 kilometers they can no longer touch someone.It is therefore necessary to have a security perimeter that would allow this ball to touch anyone […] A priori we will not touch a boar at 2 kilometers.»» The objective is indeed not to kill an animal more than a kilometer (which also given our biotopes and the use of our optics is impossible).In battue, the posted are forced to shoot an average between 30 and 100 meters.The rule is that beyond respecting the 30 degrees, your shot is Fichant and that the ammunition freezes on the ground if it does not reach its target.On average most animals are drawn at a distance of 15 - 50 meters.For the past ten years, hunters have been able to train in hunting shooting in real bullets or current wild boars.

The practice of hunting thus prohibits: - shoot with firearms on the roads and public paths, on the railways or the holds or enclosures dependent on the railways.-Pull in or over these roads, paths or railways.- Pull in the direction of electric transport lines or their supports.- Take towards stadiums, places of public meetings in general and particular dwellings (including caravans, discounts, garden sheds) as well as buildings and constructions depending on airports.

Patrick Chaize: "In your petition, you deplore the lack of information with regard to the acquisition and possession of weapons file. La législation change au 1er janvier. Vous demandez également un meilleur contrôle de la détention d’armes, quelles sont vos recommandations en la matière ?»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « Euh, on ne sait pas, euh, je ne sais pas où la connexion ne se fait pas.In the cases mentioned, cases of people who have been condemned for domestic violence, a father killed his daughter with a hunting rifle.This person had already filed a complaint against him, how do these people still have weapons at home?Who should withdraw the weapons?So there are feminicides but also homicides.We would like to know risk behaviors, to be able to identify them, with psychological, psychiatric control in order to be able to hunt.»»

Hunts.COM: The national file of people prohibited for acquisition and detention of weapons (Finiada) provided for by the Internal Security Code was officially created by a recent decree.He lists all the people who, either following a conviction, a psychiatric treatment or a prefectural decision, can neither acquire nor have a weapon.In parallel, Lanouvelle Arms Regulation (SIA) has taken effect with French gunsmiths for a year. S’agissant de la réglementation pour les particuliers, celle-ci prendra effet au 1er janvier 2022.This new French arms declaration system is now certainly one of the most precise in Europe.The state now has the complete census of weapons by hunter.

Patrick Chaize: Regarding criminal questions, you denounce the refusals of complaints or the without continuation of these complaints.Do you have specific examples about these statements?Should the police be mobilized on this subject?

Collective one day a hunter: "We have testimonials from people who did not dare to file a complaint for fear of reprisals or others who really filed a complaint and which we intimidated afterwards.In the villages, everyone knows each other, people do not dare to file a complaint.We have the case of a young man who had an altercation with a group of hunters, the gendarmerie had given the cell number of this person from the license plate.There are links of collusion between the gendarmerie and the hunters, the mayor and the hunters.There should therefore be an external gendarmerie referent to manage this type of altercation.»»

Patrick Chaize: "The gendarmes who use these methods are put in a situation that seems quite reprehensible.»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « Nous avons un autre exemple, d’une plainte qui n’a pas donné suite avec un chasseur qui avait tiré dans une chambre d’enfant à Montpellier et dont la plainte n’avait pas été prise en compte.»» unless several ammunition was drawn in Montpellier in a child's room, here is the judgment of this case."The defendant was sentenced to four months suspended prison sentence and the ban on carrying a weapon for five years.He will also have to pay the damage, up to € 600, pay € 1,000 in damages to the civil party as well as € 1,000 for legal costs.»»

Patrick Chaize: Regarding the care of the victims, what is your request? Collective one day a hunter: "We were shocked to see that there was no specific care when it isa violent death.[…] The fact that no one asked their friend's brother of a fatal shot if it needed something, it raises questions.»» Indeed, it seems distressing that no psychological help is planned for the entourage of victims of hunting accidents.

Patrick Chaize: In the event that you mention there is an in progress procedure which should give rise to a certain number of elements and sanctions.

Dominique Estrosi Sassone : « Sur les accidents récents, avez-vous pu analyser les causes de ces accidents ? Ce sont plutôt de mauvaises manipulations ou des imprudences de la part des chasseurs ? Y a-t-il une analyse des causes ? Quelles sont-elles ?»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « Nous aimerions connaître la transparence des chiffres qui sont donnés par l’OFB.Uh, we will read things in the press, to give figures and analyzes, it is a job that must be done with these data under the eyes.When we have a president representing national hunters who says that even if the security rules were respected there is a risk.These rules are therefore ineffective.»»

Hunts.COM: Each year the OFB publishes specific statistics mentioning accurately the cause of hunting accidents.We had also made an explanatory video on this subject with the OFB in 2020.

Dominique Estrosi Sassone: Is it rather during hunts in battered or individual hunts? Collective one day a hunter: "In the case of deadly shots, the weapons used in battered are extremely powerful and are deadly.There are a lot of incidents that happen with ricochets and lead explosion.This does not prevent that if the person does not die, they are still injured.»» Here are the specific work of the OFB

There are so many people killed in the hunt for small and big game.The problem therefore does not come from the type of weapon but from its use.

Dominique Estrosi Sassone: "You say in your petition that must be prohibited hunting on Wednesday or Sunday. Est-ce que pour vous cela pourrait être entendable que, plutôt que d’interdire la chasse certains jours, l’isolement de certaines zones interdites à la chasse serait-il possible ? Mieux sécuriser ces zones boisées est-il une possibilité ?»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « C’est insuffisant car il n y a pas de murs dans les forêts pour arrêter les balles.I also have a question, for a bullet that touches someone in his car and who dies, how many bullets cross our roads and our paths and do not touch any obstacle.»» We do not have specific statistics on the number of gunshots / rifle drawn each year in France.The number of large game ammunition is around 6 million, that of small game could reasonably be ten times greater if we count the hunt for small sedentary game and migratory.What is certain is that the ratio of the number of ammunition drawn (between 50 and 100 million) relating to the number of incidents (an average of 130 per year) gives an indication of the dangerousness of this practice.

Daniel Salmon: "Thank you for your compilation work, because there are lots of things that we do not know because we only find what we are looking for.You have had many echoes by your site, many testimonies that we would not have had otherwise.You talk about the submerged part of the iceberg, we are completely there. S’agissant du dimanche et du mercredi sans chasse, est-ce pour vous insuffisant, est-ce le minimum ?»»

Collective one day a hunter: “Sunday is the priority of the collective.»»

Hunts.Com: Is a compilation of testimonies the exact reality of the system?A hunter communicated a series of false testimonies to the collective to see if the latter verified the veracity of the information.Journalist Richard on Earth thus develops these inconsistencies in an explanatory video.The information received by the collective is therefore not verified, worse, it is even modified and charged! Here is a video made by a hunting investment journalist and making it possible to highlight the functioning of collective collection within the framework of testimoniesReceived on networks.

Daniel Salmon : « Quelles sont vos relations avec le monde de la chasse, les habitants de votre terroir ? Y a-t-il une vraie écoute, faîtes-vous l’objet d’intimidation ?»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « Nous avons eu des échanges avec les chasseurs, nous sommes régulièrement insultés, mais on s’y attendait.»»

Daniel Salmon: "How do you see the regulation of big game?"Do you have any lines of reflection? Collective one day a hunter: "If we consider that we are forced to regulate the population of wild boars, we think that this must be put in place and controlled by the.In our opinion, we cannot give this power to people who are not trained neither to hunt, nor to handle weapons, nor to manage biodiversity.By giving them this right there we allow hunters to say that they are more victims than walkers, cyclists to be there because they are on a mission of general interest.All of this must be professionalized.»» hunters develop, control, safeguard and produce 2.9 billion euros in biodiversity per year thanks to volunteer hunters.The Canton of Geneva which attempted this management must spend 1 million euros each year for a management of 24,000 hectares (i.e. € 41 per hectare).By combining the 28 million agricultural hectares in France as well as the 16 million forests, we arrive at 44 million hectares of hunting management in France.The cost of fauncher management of the state would therefore be roughly 1.804,000,000 euros without counting game damage and dry biodiversity loss.

Serge Mérillou: "I am surprised by the mass of information that you have been able to collect.Are there other associations that help you?Because if you have managed to do this, it would be possible to do even more.I assume that OFB will have the opportunity to communicate to us in material, documents.Furthermore, there are other biological methods to regulate animals, than to let go or have quantities of animals that must then be regulated.»»

Collective one day a hunter: "We are not helped, there are four of us in the collective.We have a lot of subscribers who relate us to accident echoes.We have people who help us because they want to testify.Regarding regulation, a test was done towards Barcelona with the sterilization of wild boars.There are examples to take from our European neighbors.We have the example of the Canton of Geneva where hunting is prohibited.Since the regulation of wild boars is done by professionals at night (we kill them anyway).There are stretching points that are precise, which are known.There is an calculation with the exact number of animals that must be killed then there are people sent by the state who kill so many wild boars.There is no risk for the human population.And all this from a mirador.»» as indicated in the previous response, the management of 24,000 hectares cannot corroborate that of 44 million hectares.This rule was also explained by the ethologist Manue Piachaud.Here is also an inventory of hunting in the canton of Geneva for 40 years with the levy of almost 30,000 animals in thirty years with regard to regulation fire, if they are made at night, theyare made by car with thermal optics and not by day on Mirador.Regarding the sterilization test in Barcelona, here is the source: "To administer the vaccine, wild boars are captured and put on sedation with a dart.However, after a year or two, adult wild boars need a second dose to maintain the effects of the vaccine.»»

Franck Menonville: "Is it possible to glimpse the possibility of supervising better, better communicating on hunting days in the territories.You know this in a forest massif there is only a tiny part which is hunted, perhaps it would be necessary to anticipate, to declare so that the spaces can be better shared.

Collective one day a hunter: "There are no walls in the forests or in the mountainous massifs so isolating hunting is not enough insofar as weapons have more than 2 kilometers..It is up to walkers to adapt, so a majority of rural people in front of an armed minority.What is certain is that there is progress to be made in terms of communication because the inhabitants of the villages do not know when there is a hunt, on which perimeter it extends and on which perimeter they can walk.A battery is mobile and moves and that does not prevent falling on a lonely hunter on the lookout, so this goes beyond the simple observation of collective hunting.»» French forests all have an owner.Whether it is an individual, a local community, or the State, the owner can if he wishes to prohibit access to the general public with the exception of municipal or road paths adjoining or crossing the forest which cannot beclosed to the public at the sole initiative of the owner Riverain. C’est pour cela que les organisateurs de chasses collectives ont l’obligation d’apposer des panneaux « chasse en-cours»» aux abords des voies publiques qui bordent ou traversent leur territoire afin de prévenir le grand public.Moreover, some public actors go further in the space sharing process during hunting period using for example the Melckone application which makes it possible to geolocate the hunting areas to inform the inhabitants who would like to walk in this sector.This free application for users must be implemented by a local community or by institutions.The Melckone application has notably used since 2017 by the ONF and broadcasts for the 2021/2022 season more than 2,000 hunts on more than 150,000 hectares.

Maryse Carrère: "We have not talked about alcohol problems. Y a-t-il des points là-dessus ?»»Collectif un jour un chasseur : « Nous avons été choqués de voir que l’alcool n’était pas interdit à la chasse.In the testimonies, it comes up quite regularly, from people who testify to watered meals and who will hunt. Ce sera plutôt des témoignages de personnes ayant subi des altercations ou sur la route…»»

Daniel Salmon: "We stay in amateurism because if we are just people who collect and we have very little data, even in accidentology, is there more in the afternoon than themorning.Shouldn't we ban hunting in the afternoon, but with OFB we should have information.»»

Conclusion: it is planned nearly 40 auditions for 6 months ...