Did you know ? The color of our clothes says a lot about our personality

17/03/2022 By acomputer 873 Views

Did you know ? The color of our clothes says a lot about our personality

You may be a fashionista, but you don't choose your clothes just because they are fashionable. Indeed, in our wardrobe, we all have one color that dominates, usually our favorite color.

Black: We often have the habit of naturally directing ourselves towards black pieces when we go shopping. Clothing in this color is not to be taken lightly. This color symbolizes prestige, power, seriousness and intelligence. Ambitious and determined, followers of black are sensitive people despite their efforts to hide it. By betting on black, they try to divert attention from their appearance to their personality. A way to show that they are interested in inner beauty, and not outer.

Pink: The favorite color of little girls, pink has suffered from a rather generated reputation. If you like to dress in a beautiful pale pink, you are calm, affectionate and feminine. Optimistic and romantic, you are very sensitive to kindness and appreciate comfort.

Brunettes and other variations of brown: having mostly brown or brown clothes in your wardrobe means that you are looking for peace and stability in everything you want to do. Those around you perceive you as reliable, intelligent and rational.

Le rouge: We can imagine what comes to mind when you think of him: femme fatale and torrid passion, you are partly right. Red is, indeed, the color of power and passion. According to the statements of several creators, red would be the perfect color to try to impress. On the one hand, not difficult to attract attention, with such a color. Vibrant, you are sensitive to energy, movement and excitement. Some psychologists have even gone so far as to state that men are more attracted to a woman dressed in red. Yet genius, you are also a slightly egocentric person who seeks the attention of others.

Le saviez-vous ? La couleur de nos vêtements en dit long sur notre personnalité

White: Symbol of purity and innocence, but also of novelty. Free, benevolent and optimistic, you always take life on the bright side. Reliable, neat and organized, you are often in search of perfection

Green: Some scientists claim that green would put you in a good mood, because it is the very color of nature. We want to believe it … if you like to wear green regularly on your clothes, you are a dynamic person with an active public life and financially stable. Warm, kind and caring, you know how to be generous.

Light blue or navy blue: According to an American psychologist, blue would be the best color of clothing to wear for a job interview, because it would betray a stable and confident character. Dark blue is associated with intelligence, tranquility and efficiency. The other shades of blue would indicate courtesy, calm and gentleness, even a slight shyness. It seems that women who dress largely in blue would make exemplary mothers and according to several scientists, dark blue would have a soothing effect.

Violet, crimson or mauve: According to the few centuries back, the color violet represented royalty. Wearing purple would betray a skin-deep sensitivity. Dreamy and passionate, you sometimes tend towards mysticism, consciously or unconsciously. Unpredictable sometimes, your loved ones are not at the end of their surprises.

Grey: For stylists, grey, neither too dark nor too light, indicates balance. If you have a lot of clothes of this color, you would like to go unnoticed or, at least, not be noticed. Quiet and mature, it is however difficult to characterize you, given the neutrality of the color. Some argue that women who wear gray are the most stylish, sensible and responsible women.