Do you know what the lining inside panties is for? Explanations

08/04/2022 By acomputer 926 Views

Do you know what the lining inside panties is for? Explanations

Perhaps you have already noticed the presence of a kind of lining inside your panties. A bit like a small pocket, moreover not all panties have one.

No, this pocket is not used to store your credit card. It is actually a matter of hygiene. Indeed, this kind of panty lining helps protect the vaginal area from any bacteria.

Cotton panties, equipped with this small pocket, would therefore be preferred for your intimate hygiene. Yes it's easy to say. And by the way, let's talk about hygiene. Gynecologists are unanimous on this, it is essential to preserve the flora of your vagina.

To do this, here is a reminder of some basic hygiene rules:

Savez-vous à quoi sert la doublure à l’intérieur des culottes ? Explications

Among the things to know to be clean from the minouchette, changing your underwear every day is a good start. If the gynecologists specify, believe me, it's because not everyone does it.

Avoid aggressive or perfumed washing products, a neutral soap will do the trick. Wiping all this beautiful people after the shower back and forth. Nobody wants to have ass-ass residue in the vagina, we agree on that.

This is because of the germs and infections it could cause. Before going to tamper with your private parts for any reason, remember to wash your hands. Hands are full of germs...

And finally, favor natural materials for your underwear and avoid underwear that is too tight (to avoid urinary tract infection).

A change in color or smell of your losses should alert you. Do not hesitate to consult your gynecologist in case of doubt.