How I put my apartment with a coach

12/09/2022 By acomputer 737 Views

How I put my apartment with a coach

J’avais imaginé le premier rendez-vous comme une sorte de confession contrite : « Bonjour, je m’appelle Maud et je suis bordélique. » Lorsque Sévan Matossian entre dans mon deux-pièces parisien de 30 mètres carrés, un matin de juillet, je n’en mène pas large. La quadragénaire a lancé son activité de home organiser il y a trois ans. En bon franglais, elle est coach en rangement. En bon français, elle est magicienne.Comment j’ai rangé mon appartement grâce à une coach Comment j’ai rangé mon appartement grâce à une coach

From my apartment where useless objects have been pile up for years, she promises to make a space at Marie Kondo, famous Japanese consultant in domestic economy, breathing in calm and the absence of superfluous, for 400 euros per day.It is expensive, of course, it is a luxury service, undeniably, but it is the price to pay for my legendary lazy and my almost pathological inability to store.

Sévan Matossian reassures me: "I never judge anyone.We enter the privacy of people, which is not always easy for them.You have to be patient and benevolent, ”she explains.The first appointment is used to assess the damage ... Uh no, the needs."I adapt to everyone.I try to know as much as possible about the lifestyle of customers.Do you cook?Do you work at home?Your shopping habits?Do you read a lot?In which room do you make up?Do you receive your friends a lot?What do you expect from this experience?Do you have trouble separating from your objects and clothes?»»

Lire aussi « L’Art du rangement avec Marie Kondo » : une maison en ordre

Comment j’ai rangé mon appartement grâce à une coach

The diagnosis is refined.If there is not quite a question of "regaining my joy", as Marie Kondo proclaims, I want to gain space, serenity, and above all allegate.Two and a half of storage will be necessary, according to Sévan Matossian, who cuts the task as follows: living room, library and administrative papers on day 1.Room and dressing room on day 2, and a morning for the organization of the kitchen."The bathroom is so small that I don't see what you could do," she said.Welcome to Parisian interiors.

"Getting everything out"

Armed with his equipment-plastic gloves, poubelle bags, different storage boxes, a small labeling machine-, the young woman arrives in my interior disorderly by a sunny morning.His method has the merit of being effective: each dresser drawer, each floor of the library is emptied of its content, which ends up on the floor of the living room.The resulting mountain causes slight heart palpitations."You have to go out to have everything before you," she said, probably reading terror in my gaze.

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