How to buy large online clothes without having the Seum when you receive them

19/02/2023 By acomputer 672 Views

How to buy large online clothes without having the Seum when you receive them

When you do more than 44, in France, find well cut clothes, it remains the cross and the banner, especially online since we cannot try.Here are four expert tips to avoid disappointment when your package will arrive!

In partnership with Kiabi (our manifesto)

Buying online clothes is always a little risky, but when you are part of what fashion considers "big sizes", it becomes a fighter course.Especially since for the moment, the French e-shops offering the most size are not that many!

Good news, resaler sites like second hand by Kiabi are increasing - the more these platforms will be known, the more people there will be offering their clothes, the more likely you are to find your happiness.CQFD.

But how do you find your way around what will best suit your morphology, ask yourself?Follow the leader !

1.Know how to read (and enrich) the famous guides of sizes

These paintings offer to measure three strategic places that will define your size, the sacrosanct trilogy of the chest tower, waist tower, pool tower.

Resale sites like second hand by Kiabi know very well that the original brand is a decisive criterion for buyers: they are therefore put forward each time, which will allow you to go see the guide of the sizes of theclaw!

But these measures are not necessarily sufficient when we dress in large sizes.Mathilde Pau, modist, stylist and book to trace her bosses, explains for example:

Comment acheter des vêtements grande taille en ligne sans avoir le seum quand on les reçoit

Feeling oppressed in a sweater or a t-shirt is no!Some additional measures will validate that this pretty little top will accommodate your superb breasts.

The same goes for the circumference of the English Channel: "Some women have the arms who grow a lot, and if the round is not designed and dimensioned for, it can create discomfort," explains the expert.So do not hesitate to ask the seller these dimensions when you buy a top!

2.Buy second -hand large clothes

With the second hand, you can find rare items, which are no longer marketed.But above all the price of clothes is attractive when you get!You can really do business, which is all the more cool than unfortunately, the large sizes are often more expensive in the trade ... Mathilde Pau explains why:

That said, the argument "it takes more fabric so it is normal that it costs more" makes us bleed.If we follow this logic, baby clothes should not cost anything, yet they are overpriced!

Another reason to turn to the second hand: the most size is right now, even for those who do not need it, because in addition to being comfortable, putting on a large sweater on a thin body accentuatedThe impression of Sveltesse.But this Oversize fashion leads more women in the canons of beauty to buy larger sizes, which empties the stock - already restricted - offered to those who have no choice.

What do we mean by limited stock?Well, the French Institute for Textiles and Clothing (IFTH) estimates that only 0.34% of French women, in 2020, bear 34.As for those that make 46, they represent 9% of the population.The problem ?When French retailers offer 1470 models of dresses in size 34, only 65 are presented in size 46…

First observation: the supply is far from meeting demand, so if in addition women who make 38 buy 50, we do not get out.Second observation: French fashion discriminates a whole part of the population.

This is why second-hand sites are a good idea to dress in large size: they will help you overcome the lack of options available on conventional e-shops.While waiting for fashion to line up with reality!

3.Identify brands that offer sizes above 46

Mathilde Pau Note:

So do not hesitate to turn to Anglo-Saxon brands to have a wider choice.

But we can still note the progress of French brands!In some, like Kiabi, large sizes are not on the sidelines: an entire stylists team is specially dedicated to this category, clothes do not cost more, and when you go to the e-shop, the "large" tab is even placed before the "man" section.Like what the most size is far from being a niche: it is a wide range of buyers and buyers that must be pampered!

On its brand new second hand site by Kiabi, the sector giant offers to refine its research until size 60.Isn't that beautiful?

4.Get in the hand sewn for custom parts

What if you used your mimines directly?In any case, this is what Mathilde Pau recommends:

Admittedly sewing it takes time, but hey, that's all we have left after 6 p.m. ... If you start, do not hesitate to ask for the help of professionals at the start, they will be good advice.You can also buy ready -made outfits (hello, Mathilde Pau!).

And then, if you are never satisfied with your creations ... you can always resell them online and make happy!The circle is complete.

Read also: where to dress when you make a "large size"?