In Creuse, a clothing brand to show its support for the fairer sex

07/04/2022 By acomputer 873 Views

In Creuse, a clothing brand to show its support for the fairer sex

“The inequality between men and women, I have been sensitive to it for a long time. And in my personal life, I met women who were victims of violence, so it made me even more aware of the extent of the phenomenon and all that it covered. At the time of metoo, I took a second shock on this scale precisely: between sexist remarks and inappropriate flirts, from clumsy behavior to aggression, there is not a woman who has gone through this during his life. »

In Creuse, how pharmacies are involved in the fight against domestic violence

A speech that the forties wanted to wear a little higher. Post it to share it. “A good way to do it was to wear it on clothes. And I went on a quest. But I couldn't find a message t-shirt for men. So I said to myself: might as well do it and do it for the cause I want to defend. »

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Support that doesn't just show

En Creuse, une marque de vêtements pour afficher son soutien à la gent féminine

He had had this project in mind for nearly two years. We had to think about the best way to make it happen. He created his own business under the status of author graphic designer - and under his pseudonym, DjZ -, and finally opted for online sales, via a platform that manages commercial transactions. T-shirts, sweatshirts, masks, bodysuits, mugs…: around a hundred products for men, women, children and babies are available by design. With a wide range of sizes for clothing and also the possibility of personalizing them by choosing in particular the location of the logo. Online since May 1, the DjZ 4 Style brand is intended for nothing more than to support this cause. “I already have a job, underlines this journalist from Le Populaire. So I don't need that to support myself. The margin which, depending on the product, ranges from €3.51 to €6.51, will be donated to associations which defend the cause of women. »

Violence against women in Creuse, we must first talk about it

Initially, it is to Intermède 23 (a place open to women victims of domestic violence) that these royalties will be paid. “And depending on the sales thereafter, a second could benefit from it, I am already thinking of family planning in Creuse. "Practice. Facebook page: DjZ 4 Style. Shop online at:

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