In the extreme right press we speak of Brigitte Macron, Islam of the countryside and inequalities of the races

18/07/2022 By acomputer 761 Views

In the extreme right press we speak of Brigitte Macron, Islam of the countryside and inequalities of the races

This is probably the most delusional reading of the month.Hold on: Brigitte Macron would be transgender and born a man ... And yet, this "investigation" managed to get out of the marshes of the extreme right press to spread in the mainstream media.To the point that the First Lady said to Le Figaro that she was going to file a complaint.

« L’affaire » Jean-Michel Trogneux a éclaté dans Faits & Documents, la lettre confidentielle du journaliste d’extrême droite Emmanuel Ratier décédé en 2015. Très connu à l’extrême droite pour ses enquêtes jugées sérieuses, il était le disciple du journaliste collabo Henry Coston (membre du PPF de Jacques Doriot). Une feuille de chou désormais reprise en main par Egalité & Réconciliation de l’antisémite Alain Soral, qui frappe donc un grand coup avec ses « révélations » sur Brigitte Macron. Une évidente fake news transpirant la transphobie. Et qui a été reprise avec délectation par les sphères complotistes de tout poil, QAnon en tête, qui l’ont fait vivre pendant des jours sur le web. Au point que les rubriques de fact-checking des grands médias ont dû s’en emparer…

« L’enquête » de Faits & Documents se décline sur pas moins de cinq numéros (en vente pour la modique somme de 40 euros), que StreetPress s’est fadés. Des dizaines de pages censées lever le voile sur le « Mystère Brigitte Macron » mais qui tournent surtout au long portrait fantasmé d’Emmanuel Macron. Les vieilles obsessions antisémites et antimaçonniques d’Emmanuel Ratier sont omniprésentes. L’objectif : tenter de prouver que le président de la République serait sous ces deux influences.

Avec une touche homophobe et le retour de la thèse de l’homosexualité d’Emmanuel Macron. Ses proches collaborateurs ne sont « évidemment » que des hommes, argumente l’auteur et le président admire Cocteau et Gide et l’espagnol Pedro Almodovar, « cinéaste de l’homosexualité, de la pédophilie et du transsexualisme », selon Faits & Documents. Quand il n’est pas carrément question de son satanisme supposé, que les « enquêteurs » décèlent dans la décoration de l’Elysée…

We will not come back in detail to the litany of evidence of the transidentity of Brigitte Macron.But one of them still made us laugh: if it wears scarves so often it is not by coquetry.No no.It is only in order to hide his "male" chin and his Adam apple according to Xavier Poussard's duck.Delusional, therefore.

Et comme si ça ne suffisait pas, Faits & Documents en remet une couche : sa source, une inconnue dénommée Natacha Rey, serait désormais menacée suite à ses « révélations ». Complot fantasmé, « Système » soit disant tout puissant, prétendue mainmise juive : les QAnons français sont en boucle.

The incorrect sees minarets everywhere

Dans la presse d’extrême droite on parle de Brigitte Macron, Islam des campagnes et inégalités des races

Solid number of December for the magazine Incorrect which opens for the second consecutive month on an advertisement for the corsairs, this collective who wants to pay himself the Sleeping Giant, without much success for the moment (see our survey on theone of its founders).The monthly of Jacques de Guillebon (a relative of Marion Maréchal-Le Pen) devotes a large part of his pages to an interview with Eric Zemmour.The interview is followed by a very critical article on his campaign and especially on his partner, Sarah Knafo.In short: the entourage of the Maurrassian candidate is zero."All, Christine, all!"».

Back to fundamentals also with a long -term investigation into Islam.And not just any, that of "countryside".There is still a question of "bearded who arises behind the cows" and "sellers of kebabs who replace the bars on the market".We are horrified to see "women in boubous" in a Armorican town to bring out the theory of "great replacement".Let us recall as such that the Breton neo-Nazi Boris Le Lay had been condemned in 2015 for "provocation to racial discrimination" for having estimated "that there were no black Celts".Further on, we amalgamal between the presence of "djellabas" in the aisles of a hypermarket in Saint-Malo and domestic violence and drug trafficking in a city district ...

Capture from the incorrect site./

It should also be noted that the weekly protests that places of worship are built in Alsace and Normandy for Muslim faithful who do not have them.Constructions often financed only by donations of said faithful, which pushes the authors to wonder about the origin of this money.Implied-without providing the slightest proof-that it would not be lawful.And to draw this conclusion from the conspiracy accents: "This phenomenon is clear of a slow but safe assimilation (...), revealing the will to expand this submediterranean religion".You think, faithful who want to be able to practice their faith.

Nostalgic present in ancient South Africa

While the global press, almost unanimously, paid tribute to Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Anglican and cantor of the fight against apartheid, a voice was on the contrary: that of the nationalist daily present.Tutu, close to Nelson Mandela who died on December 26, 2021, had received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. He had become the voice of the oppressed around the world and had made the fight against the feeling of revenge his credo.For present, he was only an anti-Semitic Marxist and one of the leaders of the creation "from South Africa" Arc-en-ciel nation "where it is not good to be a white farmer".

Vincent Reynouard and Weetabix

The anti -Semitic newspaper Rivarol gives us news from Vincent Reynouard, who had been the target of a police descent at his home at the end of October (and not that of a Jewish plot aimed at removing it as explained in a firsttime the weekly, we talked about it here).A man currently on the run in the United Kingdom.We especially learn that the fugitive, hidden from British supports, eats "morning, noon and evening, weekend (note: full wheat cereals) with powdered milk, because it requires neither refrigerator nor preparation, and c'is compact ”.Another "info": he was able to buy clean underwear.

Biological racism

The Breizh Info identity site welcomed a stand for two far -right activists prosecuted for their violence.The first, Marc de Cacqueray is the leader of the Zouaves Paris.He would have simply "physically responded to a provocation of antifas activists of SOS Racisme during the meeting of Eric Zemmour in Paris".The second is François-Aubert Gannat, of the late alvarium, group dissolved in particular for its violence.

"These two young men have physically adjusted what so many spectators and commentators in Charentaises, sitting warm in their H24 armchairs and trendy on CNews to fantasize about the" civil war "that would not dare to do,will never dare to do.These two young men expressed with their fists what others express daily, with the pen, or by speech, "it can be read, justifying the blows against leftist activists.

Otherwise, the same site produced a delusional article entitled “Qi, races, differences, intelligence, delinquency, wokism.Overview of biological negationism ";Worthy of pseudo-scientific publications from the beginning of the 20th century.The author writes there, pell-mell, that "blacks have a highest rate of crimes and crimes for essentially biogenetic reasons because their IQ is lower, the frequency of psychopathic personality is higher at home" or whenWomen are less paid than men because "they have a slightly higher IQ (4.5 more Qi points in adulthood) therefore is logical that they have a small financial advantage".Recall that over the first two days of the year, three women already died under the blows of their spouse.Is that also a Qi matter?