ISF: Those who will pay more than they earn

07/11/2022 By acomputer 836 Views

ISF: Those who will pay more than they earn

  1. Economy
  2. France
There will be several hundred taxpayers, even a thousand, who will have to pay taxes this year that exceed their income, according to Gilles Carrez, chairman of the National Assembly's Finance Committee. In question: the exceptional contribution of ISF, now uncapped.

2 minsISF: those who will pay more than they earn


To hear the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, Gilles Carrez (UMP), there will be "several hundred" taxpayers this year, even "a thousand", having to pay taxes that exceed the level of their income. In question, of course, the exceptional contribution of ISF, which was voted this Thursday morning by the National Assembly. It aims to restore the old scale of the Wealth Tax, which taxes net assets of debt up to 1.8% (compared to a maximum of 0.5% for the scale voted in 2011), and above all , with no cap on income. A first, since 1998, and the establishment of the "Rocard ceiling". According to Gilles Carrez, some of these taxpayers “will not be able to pay an exceptional contribution which will represent 200%, 300%, 400% or 500% of their income”.

"Widows with a rich heritage" Who are they, these victims of a "spoliation", according to the terms used on the right? "In particular widows with a rich heritage," says Gilles Carrez. Widows with, for example, one or more Parisian apartments, who generate a rather low income... In fact, it is by definition the holders of a large heritage, but bringing in little, who are likely to find themselves in difficulty. Gilles Carrez points out that a wealth tax peaking at 1.8% is much more bearable when investments in ?State bonds, for example? yield nearly 15%, as was the case in 1982 when the? tax on large fortunes than today, while the return on this type of investment is around 3%. Today, therefore, the ISF represents more than half of the yield of a government loan, against 10% when the tax on large fortunes was instituted, notes the UMP deputy. Ile de Ré had hit the headlines in the early 2000s, before the introduction of a tax shield by Dominique de Villepin in 2006. Taking into account local taxes, which were not then included in the calculation of the existing cap, some retired farmers had to pay taxes in excess of their income, due to soaring prices for their land. They will again be put to the test this year. contribution appears very heavy. For them, the bill will, on average, be multiplied by 2.4. Unless the Constitutional Council decides not to validate this contribution, on the grounds that the tax can become spoliator. The government values ​​its constitutional mechanism, insofar as the contribution is of an exceptional nature.

2 mins


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Bernià wrote on 02/08/2012 at 14:58
It's always the same demagoguery with the socialists who, under the guise of egalitarianism, confiscate and dissuade from undertaking, from creating, we must not forget that the well-to-do people make the system work, why force them to e.. It is always the same demagoguery with the socialists who, under cover of egalitarianism, confiscate and dissuade from undertaking, from creating, it must not be forgotten that the well-to-do people make the system work, why force them into exile??

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smart investorwrote on 07/23/2012 at 4:31 PM
Well, I sold my 4 apartments: it's done: 650,000 euros in my bank account + 150,000 euros for the little ones. It feels good and I'm going to retire at 55! Admittedly, I had to accept a 7% discount on what the agencies had given me is... Well, I sold my 4 apartments: it's done: 650,000 euros in my bank account + 150,000 euros for the little ones . It feels good and I'm going to retire at 55! Admittedly, I had to accept a 7% discount on what the agencies had estimated me (they always overestimate to make sellers believe anything and nab the mandates), but it doesn't matter! too tired of unpaid bills, taxes, cleaning and boiler costs!!! Basta, I'm retired hooray! I'm off for a dream vacation on the islands.... That's real life! You only live once! What's the point of staying like a donkey paying hard taxes, the ISF and staying in your corner without traveling! As long as we haven't sold our apartments, it's worth nothing!

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Answer from Et la marmotte...on 07/23/2012 at 18:05
... well, she saw purple cows!!

Answer from Françoison 09/08/2012 at 22:17
The intelligent investor does not know how to count: even with this heritage or the equivalent in your bank account: it is not taxable at the ISF. Reality is always cruel to dogmatic ideas

Tulipa wrote on 07/22/2012 at 08:33 PM
It will be necessary to resolve to sell to foreign interests, who will only pay the property tax in France. French savers will have to find profitable investments, even if it means engaging in speculation, which they refused to accept. Great!

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alex wrote on 07/21/2012 at 03:34 PM
We are asking the rich to show solidarity, OK (although as we say below, DEBT is the politicians fault, so it should be up to them to pay). My question is: why are we not asking for counterparties to the poor ???Why a young person in... We ask the rich to show solidarity, OK (although as said below the DEBT is the fault of the politicians, so it should be up to them to pay). My question is: why aren't we asking the poor for something in return??? Why can't a young person in good health do community work (such as cleaning graffiti, scouring gutters or maintaining public parks) in exchange for the RSA paid to him by the State. I am for the purchase of social peace, but those who benefit from it must provide compensation.

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Answer from To our children of the homeland.on 07/21/2012 at 17:59
okay Alex, but they can't, they're at the cotorep, crippled from having too much purpose, too much substance, always something to give a fuck, on the other hand those who put something aside in building their life, you have to take it all in... okay Alex, but they can't, they're at the cotorep, crippled from having too much purpose, too much substance, always something to not give a shit, on the other hand those who have put something aside while building their life, you have to take everything, it's not normal since they haven't succeeded."the bells"France is not a society based on merit (as we learned at school), just a legion of honor for anything often, you have to stay but invest the earnings elsewhere.usa usa usa

ANTISOOOCEwrote on 07/21/2012 at 02:28 PM
Resistance to socialism is done every day on

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OSARMESwrote on 07/21/2012 at 13:08
this country has been walking on its head for far too long and it is tired of always pointing the finger at the rich without whom there would be less economic activity and therefore still more poor people; the only wrong that these people- there have, is of n... this country has been walking on its head for far too long and it is tired of always pointing the finger at the rich, without whom there would be less economic activity and therefore even more poor people; only wrong that these people have, is not to appear like the other obstacles to go around in circles. Long live expatriation!!!!

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Reply from melole 07/21/2012 at 1:34 PM
Do not go astray and carry the debate on taxation, the real subject and the only thing that is bewildering is real estate aberration, it is delirium, ineptitude, unreason, extravagance prices reached by apartments and houses c... Do not get confused and bring the debate to taxation, the real subject and the only thing that is bewildering is real estate aberration, it is delirium, the ineptitude, unreason, the extravagance of the prices reached by apartments and houses in recent times

Reply from immole Jul 22, 2012 at 10:55 AM
Yes, real estate prices are really too low. This real estate aberration must stop: prices must still rise.

Reply from imotenon 07/22/2012 at 1:41 PM
@immo: Totally agree with you. But rest assured, it will go up.

Gabriela wrote on 07/21/2012 at 1:02 PM
I don't understand why this exceptional tax is based on wealth? why not do this in relation to the declared income for the year 2011? That would be less of a problem and there wouldn't be this kind of puzzling case. Dan... I don't understand why this windfall tax is based on wealth? why not do this in relation to the declared income for the year 2011? This would pose less of a problem and there would not be this kind of puzzling case. In the other direction, certain politicians and the president will therefore also be put to contribution given their high heritage.

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Trucque wrote on 07/21/2012 at 12:31 PM
The people responsible for the state debt crisis are those who spend lavishly, that is to say our politicians. They are the ones who must pay for the faults they have committed and start by reducing their advantages as princes. Long live the tax... Those responsible for the state debt crisis are those who spend lavishly, that is to say our politicians. They are the ones who must pay for the faults they have committed and start by reducing their advantages as princes. Long live the exceptional tax on the politician responsible for the crisis. It's too easy to take money from someone else's pocket.

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Answer by Nayle 07/21/2012 at 19:42
Hmm it's not the politicians but the general demands of the French workers and the non-desire for change that the French, in general, are showing, it could start with the end of the 35 hours and not to go to 32... Hum it's not the politicians but the general demands of the French workers and the non-desire for change which the French, in general, are showing, it could start with the end of the 35 hours and not to pass at 32, complete tax exemption for overtime, then cap the tax at a maximum (50% of income passing a point for example) to avoid the frustration of large wealth-producing companies and owners, in short, a constant stimulation of the growth and productivity because, after all, we have never stimulated employment through new taxes and deproductivity (I'm not pointing the finger at all the 35 hours haha) in the French way and we can clearly see it today as we see it saw in the early 2000s. But it takes time, like in 1981, for the power of the left to reclaim public spending and finances and then we'll see what happens :)

lotowrote on 07/21/2012 at 12:15 PM
The most fun thing is that you pay taxes on a fictitious value, an unrealized profit !! If your apartment is worth 4 million on December 31, you pay then if 9 months later there is a real estate crack and the apartment is only worth 2 million, ... The funniest thing is that you pay taxes on a fictitious value, an unrealized profit !! If your apartment is worth 4 million on December 31, you pay then if 9 months later there is a real estate crack and the apartment is only worth 2 million, you are no longer supposed to pay but have paid the previous year!!! pure theft!! Taxing an income or a capital gain realized, of course, but taxing on a simple theoretical value which varies with volatility according to economic conditions, is quite simply theft. Long live expatriation!!!!

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Reply from vingeaireon 07/21/2012 at 12:35
long live expatriation and long live spelling!

Answer from bescherelleon 07/21/2012 at 15:06
even if you write with a qwerty keyboard, that doesn't prevent you from knowing its conjugation. another thing, when a real estate market collapses by 50%, let me know.

Answer from Adrienon 07/24/2012 at 15:06
Hello, 1992-1996 -45% in the 7th arrondissement in Paris (3000? per m2 at the time, it seems to me...). -50% in Catalonia since 2008, the same in the states. A drawing? Thank you good evening

Strangler wrote on 07/21/2012 at 12:12 PM
Well they are selling. When we cannot afford a good, we sell it. This will make a congested market more fluid. Obviously, we can say "this causes isolated cases", only when we look a little closer, these are people who often po... And although they sell. When we cannot afford a good, we sell it. This will smoothen a congested market. Obviously, we can say "this causes isolated cases", only when we ask ourselves a little closer, these are people who often own a real estate complex which is only rarely rented (speculation my friend ) allowing the rental stock to take on an unhealthy value. Well sell to no longer pay the ISF. If you keep 1M of? heritage, I don't think you'll be unhappy and that you won't pass anything on to your children.

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Reply from lotole 07/21/2012 at 12:26 PM
Sell to whom? your reasoning is questionable. The French heritage will end up Chinese with these stupid politicians. Politicians are solely responsible for the crisis, it is up to them to pay, but it is smarter to point the finger at the r... Sell to whom? your reasoning is questionable. The French heritage will end up Chinese with these stupid politicians. Politicians are solely responsible for the crisis, it's up to them to pay, but it's smarter to point the finger at the rich!!!

Answer from zabeilleon 07/21/2012 at 15:19
sell??? it still takes power, for my part I do not pay the isf, that said I have a small building of 3 apartments in the city of our dear president, believe it or not but once I have paid the property tax and taxes in any ge... sell??? it still takes power, for my part I do not pay the isf, that said I have a small building of 3 apartments in the city of our dear president, believe it or not but once I have paid the property tax and taxes of all kinds (let's not forget the tenant who does not pay) I have a profit of 250 euros per month. I am on parental leave 4 children and no right to auxapl because of this building which weighs on me, so yes I too want to sell but... but.... I would have to have my property for 30 years, moreover when you buy a property a pittance (30,000) because it is unsanitary and you do the work yourself or you no longer have the bills since you have been told 5 years the bills and well your 100,000 of work we don't do not take them into account you are entitled to a flat rate of 15 percent of the purchase price, and as in Corrèze it is resold a misery if I resell it for 130,000 (which would already be miraculous) well oh thank you Mr President I owe you pay around 30,000 euros .... more value so sell ok but at this price .... ps: for those who are going to give me the verse of not having to make 4 kids and well had to plan that my 2 babies would be sick , otherwise I would have gone back to work as planned instead of running the hospitals

Answer from christophele 07/21/2012 at 17:41
sell? I live on the Ile de Ré where I am an agricultural employee. Here the price of agricultural land is indexed to the constructible although construction is prohibited! How do you explain to a farmer who owns vines and potato fields that... to sell? I live on the Ile de Ré where I am an agricultural employee. Here the price of agricultural land is indexed to the constructible although construction is prohibited! How to explain to a farmer who owns vines and potato fields that he has to pay the isf? Socialism is beautiful. To say that I voted for this and that thanks to them my boss will have to fire me

torch wrote on 07/21/2012 at 12:06
Banks are being asked to be punished for the crisis that was caused by their behavior. I find it normal and as Hollande says, finance must be reformed and those responsible punished. BUT !!! in this case I am also in favor of punishing those who... Banks are being asked to be punished for the crisis that has been caused by their behavior. I find it normal and as Hollande says, finance must be reformed and those responsible punished. BUT !!! in this case I am also for punishing those who are responsible for the pharaonic debt of the states which 2 years after the 2008 crisis is causing a new crisis on a European scale. It is therefore also necessary that politicians, solely responsible for decisions about debt, pay and be punished for the management of the last 30 years (like the banks). I therefore propose an exceptional tax on the salaries of politicians so that in the future, they directly assume their decisions and pay (like bankers) the consequences. Too big too fail??? gold too hypocrite too fail !!!!

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Answer from without illusions07/21/2012 at 13:51
ah yes, I agree! when you spend more than you earn, or worse, when you spend more on the state than you earn, your bank does not take long to react, cut you off and discredit you. When it comes to... ah yes, I totally agree! when you spend more than you earn, or worse, when you spend more on the state than you earn, your bank does not take long to react, cut you off and discredit you. When it comes to a state, most of the time irresponsible, lying, aiming at its own interest, all the shenanigans are implemented and the bill ends up being paid by the taxpayers: come on, there are the sheep of panurge And the others ! skilfully aided by their equally unscrupulous cronies: the bankers! when is the revolution? no doubt, I will lend a hand!

Vonvonnic wrote on 07/21/2012 at 12:03 PM
I would like to be part of the % of French people paying wealth tax, don't you want to change with me? Their second home is more than 1,000,000 euros? I don't have one, I suggest they realize their capital, to achieve... I would like to be part of the % of French people paying wealth tax, don't you want to change with me? Their second home is more than 1,000,000 euros? I don't have any, I suggest that they realize their capital, buy a residence below the tax threshold, ensure an income in relation to their investment on the residual and presto they can pay this time and will be able do it afterwards... Now if they don't know how to do it, I'm willing to take their place.

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Reply from lotole 07/21/2012 at 12:22 PM
We don't take a place, we win it. nothing prevents you from giving the maximum of yourself to try to become rich. I have a friend who in 1980 earned a little more than the minimum wage and hit the rich etc.... then thanks to the internet at the beginning of 2005 e... You don't take a place, you win it. nothing prevents you from giving the maximum of yourself to try to become rich. I have a friend who in 1980 earned a little more than the minimum wage and hit the rich etc....then thanks to the internet at the beginning of 2005 had a fortune of around 11 million he hits Holland. Only jealousy or stupidity makes us want to punish men who have succeeded where we failed. Sad France, only politicians are responsible for the debt, it is they who must pay.

Reply from Georgiele 07/21/2012 at 1:37 PM
Ha Loto, what nonsense. Do you think we call it "heritage", from the Latin "father", because it's something you have earned with your own money, through your own work? It's not a question of jealousy, it's a question of a country whose... Ha Loto, what nonsense. Do you think we call it "heritage", from the Latin "father", because it's something you have earned with your own money, through your own work? It's not a matter of jealousy, it's a matter of a country one of whose values ​​is relative equality. It's not communism, but you still have to keep some semblance of reason and realize that there is no reason for some people to own lots of real estate in Paris when others can barely rent a small house in the suburbs.

Answer from merlotle 07/21/2012 at 14:01
the word is out, it's pure and hard COMMUNISM.

toto94a wrote on 07/21/2012 at 11:44
the usual cream pie on the ISF and its alleged injustice .... I imagine that we will be entitled to the same kind of very demago articles as soon as we put the subjects of human rights back on the table succession or gift inter vivos. Oh the poor franks... the usual cream pie on the ISF and its alleged injustice... I imagine that we will be entitled to the same kind of very demago articles as soon as we put them back on the table the subjects of inheritance tax or gift inter vivos. Oh the poor French who have a heritage of more than 4 million euros!! how hard it is for them to pay twice as much wealth tax!! why do we never speak in front of the revenue that this tax provides and what it allows to finance?

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Answer from adle Jul 21, 2012 at 1:53 PM
when you're not a millionaire and you sell the family home and all your childhood memories to pay for the isfça, you're a little pissed off... the heritage tax... what a great invention and the estate again better, your parents have worked... when you're not a millionaire and you sell the family home and all the childhood memories to pay the isfça a little pissed off... the tax on heritage... what a beautiful invention and the estate even better, your parents have worked all their lives to pay for their barracks... you inherit, it's ugly, the inheritance rights are too heavy... you just have to sell it... thanks WHO?

Answer from poutineon 07/22/2012 at 18:15
As you say, your parents have worked all their lives....but you want to inherit it so as not to give a shit afterwards and you find it unfair that the State takes a small part of it from you to redistribute it to the whole of society... anyway... As you say, your parents have worked all their lives... but you want to inherit yourself so as not to give a shit afterwards and you find it unfair that the State takes a small part of it from you to redistribute it to the whole of any case, even modified inheritance rights are only paid by a minority, that's the reality! now you have to work to become an annuitant and not build on a legacy :-))))))

PIERRE 47 wrote on 07/21/2012 at 11:14
It's good for the French, they voted for someone who doesn't like the rich who proclaims it loud and clear and yet is much richer than most of us. Next time do like me vote FRONT NATIONAL

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Stone's answer 47 the crowd 07/21/2012 at 13:13
my poor sir, it's not that he doesn't like the rich...he's one of them's good that his predecessors Fillon-Sarkoléon left him in a catastrophic situation like had never seen France since the war, alo... my poor sir, it's not that he doesn't like the rich... he's one of them himself... it's good that his predecessors Fillon-Sarkoléon left him with a catastrophic situation such as France had never seen since the war, so the money has to be found where it is... because you want to tax the poor? ...the fault of the French is to have believed in "working more to earn more" and not to have voted for Holland, so stop being blind, be blind, it will already be better :-))) ))

Pragmaticwrote on 07/21/2012 at 11:14
So be careful, let's put things in context. We read that and there some complained about the fact of their subjection to the isf because of their secondary residence. And even talking about Spoliation. So I ask a few questions:... So be careful, let's put things in their context. We read that and there some complained about the fact of their subjection to the isf because of their secondary residence. And even talking about Spoliation. well, isn't this also the spoliation of other taxpayers??? We agree that all these aids and incentives paid by all governments with public money come for all or part from taxes and duties.... So here too we can, as I said, talk about Spoliation. Without these aids these same subjects today, would they have bought or had all these goods built????? surely not all of them. From then on, we realize that making "tax gifts" is counter-productive at one time or another we are "forced" to recover these gifts. And on the other hand we can clearly see that "subsidizing "A state-controlled sector unbalances the whole system. The State does not have to intervene in the economy in any other way than that of creating a simple and equitable framework which allows this economy to develop, this has the advantage of reducing "its power", its expenses and therefore its need for revenue and above all, it makes the economy more fluid!!!!

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Answer from Mr T. on 07/21/2012 at 12:04
The tax aids you are referring to have been, and have been for many years, intended for the purchase of rental investment property, in order to create housing. Housing whose rents are moreover controlled. In no case these d... The tax aids to which you refer are, and for many years, intended for the purchase of property concerning the rental investment, in order to create housing. Housing whose rents are moreover controlled. Under no circumstances do these devices concern second homes which are heavily taxed (higher local taxes, etc.). It would be a question of obtaining information before launching false debates.

Answer from Pragmatiqueon 07/21/2012 at 12:29
Sorry, not all of them....PTZ and PTZ+ which is not correlated to the income...there is another process.... And even for the rental it remains a subsidy paid by the State with PUBLIC money, so the resonance remains the same.... Would you have invested in the rental... Sorry, not all of them.... PTZ and PTZ+ which is not correlated to the income... d other process.... And even for the rental ca remains a subsidy paid by the State with PUBLIC money, so the resonance remains the same.... Would you have invested in the rental without these aids???? no and what's more you are talking about the rent >>>> the APL which are very often paid directly to the owner is also a disguised subsidy with public money, therefore spoliation... the reasoning remains the same! and therefore proves that any state intervention in a market is counterproductive!

Y'a qu'à wrote on 07/21/2012 at 11:08
These good landlords just have to raise their rents. Ah well no, the government blocked them. Soon we'll be forced to sell our car for 1,000? max.

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Answer from the right responsibleon 07/21/2012 at 11:27
Another nonsense comment! It's so easy to write without thinking! I rent 2 apartments in Paris. This brings me all costs deducted (CSG, taxes, charges) 50% of the rent! I find that reasonable. I did not ab ... Another comment close to anything! It's so easy to write without thinking! I rent 2 apartments in Paris. This brings me all costs deducted (CSG, taxes, charges) 50% of the rent! I find that reasonable. I haven't abused raises to keep my tenants paying smoothly. Some landlords whose greed is immeasurable, have increased their rents disproportionately! Afterwards, they are surprised by the difficulty of paying the rent and the reaction of the government! Do they think about the difficulties that their own children will encounter in the future.

Jujule's answer Jul 21, 2012 at 12:22 PM
oooh, I pity you....two apartments in Paris, and you have to pay taxes up to 50% and where do the other 50% go?; probably not at the restaurant of the heart; or as a donation to the donquichottes????. learn to be a bit adult and responsible,...oooh, I pity you...two apartments in Paris, and you have to pay taxes up to 50% and the other 50% where do they go?; probably not at the restaurant of the heart; or as a donation to the donquichottes????. learn to be a bit adult and responsible, people of the right.

Albatrosa wrote on 07/21/2012 at 11:06
I am appalled by the reaction of people complaining about the return to the previous base of the ISF. To hear them, the government will confiscate all of their property. Apart from a few extreme situations of people having to pay more than their... I am appalled by the reaction of people complaining about the return to the previous base of the ISF. To hear them, the government will confiscate all of their property. Apart from a few extreme situations of people having to pay more than their income (an amendment will no doubt be passed to avoid this), taxation will take away a few % of their income. I am in this case and I find it normal to participate in the national recovery effort. the right that I left since it no longer kept France's accounts (Dettes Balladur and Sarkozy) and became anti-social (where did the Gaullists of yesteryear go?), role of storming when it has not repealed the 35 hours or reduced this debt. To all pseudo-entrepreneurs tired of taxation, go to the USA and let France take the path it has chosen for 5 years and above all SHUT UP because big talkers, little doers!

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Answer from welcomele 07/21/2012 at 11:41
Leaving, yes more and more people are starting to think about it and it will certainly not be to come back here afterwards....

Answer from Le bretonon 07/21/2012 at 15:27
and yes leaving is a good solution. I'm lucky, I started a new job in January in an Arabo-Persian Gulf country and when I see how things are going in France, I don't know how I would have done to maintain my family... and yes leaving is a good solution. I'm lucky, I started a new job in January in an Arabo-Persian Gulf country and when I see how things are going in France, I don't know how I would have done to support my family, already only for several years, I was continuously losing purchasing power. And let no one tell me that I lived comfortably, I was far from being crazy. So yes, working more but earning less and less is going to be a while. I don't see myself coming back to France for quite a while.

mimie wrote on 07/21/2012 at 10:50 AM
All this will not boost consumption and therefore growth if even the rich are going to be deprived of income. We spend when we have money if we have to give more to taxes the rich will also consume less and it's just as bad. And the c... All this will not stimulate consumption and therefore growth if even the rich be deprived of income. We spend when we have money if we have to give more to taxes the rich will also consume less and it's just as bad. And the working classes will never earn more. There will soon be more than Twingo on French roads

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Answer from Vivre mieuxle 21/07/2012 à 11:17
So, will people be more unhappy to travel by twingo? The chemical pollution of our cities is beginning to reduce our lifespan (increasing cancer, allergies etc...). We must learn to consume less but distribute better. D... E then, will people be more unhappy to travel in twingo? The chemical pollution of our cities is beginning to reduce our lifespan (increasing cancer, allergies etc...). We must learn to consume less but distribute better. In any case, we will have to since we can no longer borrow to stimulate consumption. After the wealthiest, a shot of CSG then maybe TVA. I prefer socialists responsible for the accounts of the nation than egocentric, polluting and never satiated individuals vociferating in these comments!

Answer from living quite shortle 07/21/2012 at 11:43
What a lesson in demagoguery! If you want to return to nature, live in the Larzac, not the cities!

marya wrote on 07/21/2012 at 9:53 AM
well, let's see, it would be enough to declare that it is exceptional to prevent it from being considered as spoliator? it's too easy! it would be enough to steal everything from the taxpayers at once and it wouldn't be despoiling? see article 17 of the cons ... well see, it would be enough to decree that it is exceptional to avoid that it is considered as spoliator? it's too easy! it would be enough to steal everything from the taxpayers at once and it wouldn't be despoiling? see article 17 of the constitution and you will see that it is about a true attack on the right of property. HOLLANDE had said not to like the rich person, it proves it! (although he is himself because he calculated his assets just below the threshold of the ISF. expenses to escape the tax. Ah the beautiful consciences!!

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zelectron wrote on 7/21/2012 at 7:55 AM
it's called spoliation (not even disguised), it's normal it's a leftist government.

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sissia wrote on 07/21/2012 at 4:59
yes fort lauderdale for's nice..there's everything...we choose the life we ​​want where in florida you're from?

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Answer from Ludo Dle 07/21/2012 at 11:22
Sarasota, actually Siesta Key :-) and frankly when I see what's going on in France I don't want to go back there... besides, it doesn't cross my mind :-)

Dokà wrote on 07/21/2012 at 1:22
I know a postman in the south, despite the land of the sun, who ended up leaving France to simply live better and happily, and he is. yet he had job security and not too far from retirement, an apartment with + rooms that... happy and he is. yet he had job security and not too far from retirement, an apartment of + rooms that he gave to his children and to hear more about our beautiful country, he went straight to the other side of the planet fed up (no social ladder), I was on my ass, he did like the lottery ad except that he had nothing on the financial side, he was losing his hair, they are growing back, morale has been better since that he discovered a country without the hassle of taxes and taxes all over the place, radar and all the rest, freedom where life is more and less expensive and people are more relaxed, another planet and a another policy which remains in its place. he did not believe that it could exist. Compared to this old France our international Johnny (fiscally) gave the note, my postman friend took his dog with him and ciao, me who is worked hard to have something is negotiating with my having in another more welcoming country to leave here, taxes because there are poor people and doing good for my country, I agree but if that puts me in a situation where taxes fly into the pockets of my own children, sorry, I'm leaving because I've reached my limits to produce more wealth. to pop the champagne, right on the iceberg. we're just a little thing lost in space life must be cool I'll come back as a tourist, long live France long live Europe. and a csg in - for them too greedy.

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Answer from T'en veuuuux !!!!on 07/21/2012 at 7:12
Between dream and reality, Dok has chosen. Peace and Love

Ludo D wrote on 07/21/2012 at 0:17
Good evening everyone, I'm very happy to have sold my small business and moved to the USA. Here I recreated a small company with 35 jobs. This activity could have been done in France, but given the taxation no thank you... I am not ... Good evening everyone, I am very happy to have sold my small business and to have gone to the USA. Here I recreated a small company with 35 jobs. This activity could have been done in France, but given the taxation, no thanks...I'm not sure I'll come back to what I call your country. My children aren't motivated either. For entrepreneurs, come here to the USA and you'll be happy! And if you live like me in Florida 350 days of Sun per YEAR :-)... Good luck

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Answer from Annele 07/21/2012 at 1:29
Yes, but don't go to the movies too much (especially don't sit too close next to the guy armed to the teeth...) There is no perfect country!

Answer from lule 07/21/2012 at 1:41
I feel jealous of you Anne like all those who vote for socialism

Answer from David Cle 07/21/2012 at 2:21
I remember in France, in Paris the film the last temptation of Christ.... there were no deaths too? Joking aside, I am an expatriate in the USA as well. I just made $28 million from the resale of my company. If I come back to... I remember in France, in Paris, the film The Last Temptation of Christ... weren't there deaths too? Joking aside, I am an expatriate in the USA as well. I just made $28 million from the resale of my company. If I come back to France with my money earned here, will I have to pay your tax? What do you think I do? You're not ready to get out of this

Answer from Annele 07/21/2012 at 2:47
I don't care, I don't live in France (for almost 10 years, on 3 continents and 4 different countries) and I don't even pay my taxes there (I pay them elsewhere). But don't worry, apart from the passport, I don't have much to owe to this... I don't care, I haven't lived in France (for almost 10 years, on 3 continents and 4 different countries) and I don't even pay my taxes there (I pay them elsewhere). But don't worry, apart from the passport, I don't owe much to this country (its gastronomy?), so don't tax me as a tax exile (to top it all off). And then for the vote, the admirable French administration worked well to put a spoke in my wheels and I was not able to vote... On the other hand, I am not one of those who leave the country for stories of under, it's not very noble all that ...

Answer from sissile 07/21/2012 at 4:52
Bravo Ludo!Bravo David C!I too went to America....more than 30 years ago and I started a business but let's say that the people of my family in France find it strange.. .retirement so soon? how did you manage to save money... Bravo Ludo! Bravo David C! in france find it weird...retirement so soon? how could you save enough to live without a pension check??behind my back...I must have "schemed" to have built up a good capital...from the very mouth of the person who saw us work 7 days out of 7 to completely renovate a building from the 1930s and said to us "oh you work too much. it's not normal" 25 years of work at 70 hours min/week... it's still the equivalent of 50 years old at 35 hours right?? The best plan is to spend half the year traveling in europe (not just in france) to see friends, landscapes, eat well etc and the other half in america where our mentality does not bother anyone! The French government does not seem to understand that we pay our taxes where we use the services and that NO we are not "tax exiles" simply expats who have gone to try our luck elsewhere. .. where personal initiative is more appreciated ... and rewarded... No question of falling under French taxation, the isf and all the complications... especially since the famous secu I am not entitled to it!

Answer from nessle 07/21/2012 at 5:35
Anne you've heard of the pink city Toulouse, March 2012 so far there's no worse killing, I'm thinking of the little French children of Jewish religions among others, Norway isn't bad either, isn't it? not, no relation with the ISF, ... Anne you have heard of the pink city Toulouse, March 2012 for the moment there is no worse as a killing, I think of the small French children of Jewish religions among others, Norway isn't bad either isn't it, nothing to do with the ISF, CSG, taxes, royalties these, taxes and VAT on that, it's more than clumsy and stupid (not for everyone obviously) the france is not the america or monaco and it is regrettable. bad luck, what a handsome kid this president of holland.

Answer from nagale 07/21/2012 at 10:56
what happened in Norway is precisely that the guy wanted to punish the socialists and their way of spoiling his historical universe. Understand me in half

Reply from mic13016on 07/21/2012 at 11:37
I live in PACA, I have my own business and more than 300 days of sunshine a year (3000 hours depending on the weather)! Here the sea is beautiful and warm, I have no tides or cyclones, and I enjoy crystal clear water in fabulous and often deserted places... I live in PACA, I have my own business and more 300 days of sunshine per year (3000 hours depending on the weather)! Here the sea is beautiful and warm, I have no tides or cyclones, and I enjoy crystal clear water in fabulous and often deserted places: these are called the Calanques! The other 60 days of sunshine, we leave them to the other French people, let them share them! Regarding the cost of living, ALL my French or foreign friends envy me (cost of clothes, shoes, food, accommodation, etc. divided by 2 at least, ex.: 1 Kg of bluefin tuna or swordfish = 5 euros, 1 pair of shoes <20 euros, 1 dress <10 euros, several brands: Kaporal 5, Captain Tortle, American Vintage, etc.). When to crime? well ... G good living next to the "northern districts" (in l'Estaque), we don't have any !!! In any case, less than in the big cities in the USA! Well, it's true, the population rate is increasing by 17% per's normal, the Côte Bleue and the French Riviera have always been attractive! The "dream" does not only exist in the USA !!! P.S: I drive in German and have a Triumph as a motorcycle (I hate Harleys)

sissia wrote on 07/20/2012 at 11:02 PM
definitely it's the witch hunt in France!!! guilty is the one who either saved big, or took risks to capitalize, or went into exile and was able to accumulate savings .... or who received the fruits of the work or the efforts of his... decidedly it's witch hunting in France!!! guilty is the one who either saved big, or took risks to capitalize, or went into exile and was able to accumulate savings...or who has received the fruits of their parents' work or if you have "succeeded" financially...the only solution is to live elsewhere, and...if we are already expatriates like me IMPOSSIBLE to return to retirement in this MURDER...and I won't add all the adjectives that come to mind!!! Reading some of the reviews it feels like 1789!!! except that it is no longer the people of royal blood that we want to kill but all those who have managed to live WITHOUT being assisted!!! what a shame!

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Answer from L'ermiteon 07/20/2012 at 23:52
1789: nothing to report, it's 1793 the Terror and that's what will eventually happen! If you believe that 4/5ths of humanity will continue to watch you stuff yourself, you are seriously mistaken!!

Reply from sissile 07/21/2012 at 4:10
say...are you itching for envy and jealousy?at least small entrepreneurs create jobs during their working life and...on retirement...have - through their savings to hire someone who has just lost his job... tell me... you are itching for envy and jealousy? At least small entrepreneurs create jobs during their working life and... in retirement.. .have - through their efforts to save the means to hire someone who has just lost their job - which I am doing right now-Your comment of "threat" is totally out of place! In America people manage, take 2 or 3 small jobs or work on their own while waiting to find a "good" full-time job The mentality is not to be assisted!!! My Alsatian origins mean that I work 70 hours minimum per week , no paid holidays, no time to take vacations for many years, no such illusory "security" of a future pension check (so meager anyway) In America... our savings are is our pension: we CAPITALIZE, we don't wait for the pension check, the housing allowance, the allowance x and x Let's say you have an average income in France... if you had put aside everything the government gave you took (too much compared to other countries) all your life... you would surely have the equivalent of the pension check that you will be given... in return for interest or dividends or income from other investments. .. So here everyone assumes! Passing through France last year I was shocked to see how many people hate working, hating the boss, the job and success... In America we are happy to see people who succeed and have their own tips on how to get there yourself. Anyway, at the pace where things are going...Hollande will not only scare away the well-off and the retired...but also the youth... to canada, the usa or south america, or even to asia He could lead France to ruin....if he wants to keep his campaign promises... Congratulations to LudoD, message from 00.17, who has his business in the USA... he understood!!!

More than rich widows!Wrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:50 PM
It's not just widows: I'm a business owner under 60. I created a company 15 years ago which I sold, and I constituted a heritage. I recently took over an SME with 5 employees, and I am surety (block assets... It's not just widows: I'm a business manager under 60. I created a business there. It's been 15 years since I sold, and I built up a portfolio. I recently took over an SME with 5 employees, and I am surety (blocked assets) for the takeover and company loans. I have a small more income and alimony (or less...) So I won't be able to pay an extra ISF. I'm going to have to borrow from the bank (if they accept) What should I do? A socialist, so quick to give lessons, advise me how?

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Answer from gerard du Vauclusele 07/21/2012 at 1:00
Your alimony is your problem. Do not mix everything up. For the rest, your blocked assets will guarantee you the benefits of the bank. Think of those who have NOTHING and yet make a lot of effort sometimes

Answer from livreon 07/21/2012 at 6:17
"Your alimony is your problem. You shouldn't mix everything up. "On the contrary, I think it's part of the problem, because the tax is supposed to depend on income, which alimony reduces."For the rest, your patrimony... "Your alimony is your problem. Do not mix everything up. "On the contrary, I think that's part of the problem, because the tax is supposed to depend on income, which alimony reduces." For the rest, your blocked assets will guarantee you the benefits of the bank. "Heritage which is fell from the sky of course, he never had to work to obtain it."Think of those who have NOTHING and who nevertheless sometimes make a lot of effort"If they have nothing by having made a lot of effort , is that they preferred to slam everything instead of saving (or else we don't have the same definition of effort).

Reply from ggdu83on 07/21/2012 at 7:54

Answer from Oupssle 07/21/2012 at 8:21
Example in Correze: if you earn less than 870 Euros/month it's cool: you have the right to all the aid (CMU, APL, RSA,...) and a rent of 5 euros (it's the CAF which pays the complement). I know several people in this case. Their problem, of course... Example in Correze: if you earn less than 870 Euros/month it's cool: you are entitled to all the aid (CMU, APL, RSA,...) and a rent of 5 euros (it is the CAF which pays the complement). I know several people in this case. Their problem, very often, is that with idleness, they sink into alcoholism or become over-indebted because they gamble on the Internet... poor. Let the poor settle in the countryside, cultivate their gardens, do odd jobs. And all these building sites where you can't find anyone who speaks French... Isn't it weird with these 3 million unemployed?

Philà wrote on 07/20/2012 at 22:49
That the rich are relegated to the level of the poor despite their efforts, isn't that what the Communists did in the USSR? We see what happened.

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mimie wrote on 07/20/2012 at 22:49
It's not Robin Hood Holland, he takes it from the rich and the middle classes to give it back to the international banks which we lend to France in fact he works for the banks not for France

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sidjadi wrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:43 PM
it's clear, it's better to jerk off nothing and be assisted. example, my grandparents have worked all their lives to buy their apartment, no holidays, almost no pleasure, and in the end, even today, no help... I have the impression that they are... it's clear , it is better to jerk off nothing and be assisted. example, my grandparents have worked all their lives to buy their apartment, no holidays, almost no pleasure, and in the end, even today, no help... I have the impression that they are almost blamed for being owners, while the other friends they have retired are tenants, with more help from caf, si, mi.. they were able to go on vacation always begging from right to left... in short, happiness....

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And bé ...wrote on 07/20/2012 at 22:31
We must not forget that the value of a land heritage is only worth what it brings in rental income! A person who only supports by land income (by renting two or three houses built of his hands) does not have to do q... It should not be forgotten that the value of a land heritage has no value except what it brings in rental income! A person who only supports by land income (by renting two or three houses built by his hands) doesn't care if his assets are estimated at 200 or 500,000 euros... if the three rents bring him 1,500 or 2,000 euros. Some explain it well, real estate is only a speculation in its value. For my part, I don't care how much my capital is worth, what matters is to rent cheap, to be in adequacy in my rents with the low salaries of my region, and with this, to live well materially and with a clear conscience. . So the ISF in my case would be a challenge, right?! I remind for those who will say to me: "you just have to sell!" that the taxes once again will not forget: 1 to take the capital gain 2 + a recovery of this so-called capital gain if the sale price does not suit them not and appears below the market price.3to retax this income from the sale on the CSG CRDS+ the income tax on this sum!For the record: The taxes this year told me: "Sir, your property income is not enough to pay income tax, we will only charge you 150 euros". However: "your property income amounts to 35,000 euros, please pay 4,000 euros of CSG and CRDS". Understand, I do not earn enough income to pay taxes and live decently, however, I have to offload 4,000 euros for society????And you would find that normal?Last precision: These incomes are the only ones for my wife, me and our three children, i.e.: 35000 / 12 / 2 = 1400 euros gross salary each. So if some find that it is too much and that it is advisable there still to confuse “rich” and “rich”, well I will pay the ISF. Thank you for telling me how.

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tristanà wrote on 20/07/2012 at 21:53
We steal from the rich, it's a scandal when you've worked all your life to build things, it's true you have to have a certain intelligence to move forward in life. To move !!! I have done this all my life as an EDF executive. I was good at... We steal from the rich, it's a scandal when you've worked all your life, building things, it's true, you have to have a certain intelligence to get ahead in life. To move !!! I have done this all my life as an EDF executive. I was good at school I advanced in life and I built a heritage. Now I feel guilty for having succeeded in life, I am a wicked rich while I worked and invested my income in real estate.

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Freewheelwrote on 07/20/2012 at 09:51 PM
It is becoming increasingly clear to everyone that the socialists have established a set of electoral promises without realism, especially unrelated to economic, educational or even moral progress (the story of the receipts q. .. As the days go by, it becomes increasingly clear to everyone that the socialists have established a set of electoral promises without realism, above all unrelated to economic, educational or even moral progress (the story of the receipts that the police would have had to put back in the event of control illustrates the moral decline in which the government draws us). Does the government necessarily navigate on sight, seeking to attenuate, compensate, or even purely and simply cancel such and such a promise because it discovers that it produces perverse effects or the opposite of those it was supposed to produce? is a caricatural example, demonstrating that there has been, once again, no reflection worthy of the name before, as was the case for the 35 hours. I am very worried because because of this absence of consistency, I fear that France, unlike countries like Italy and Spain which are suffering but logically straightening out their fundamentals, will tomorrow be Europe's moribund. I ask that the government resign as a matter of urgency and that the President that we are forced to endure for nearly 5 more years, dissolves the Assembly and proceeds to new elections at the start of the school year.

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number 6 wrote on 07/20/2012 at 9:15 PM
Nothing to do, there are still people who haven't understood anything. Without the rich you're screwed, we may not be cash cows, but we don't need these rich to make milk. Don't mind, even if it's a rich heir or someone who... Nothing to do, there are still people who haven't understood anything. be cash cows, but we don't need these rich to make milk. Don't mind even if it's a rich heir or someone who started from nothing like this brave gentleman below me (bruno), thanks to them they create companies therefore create jobs, factories and others, and they pay your expenses heavily, most only see their "small" case. You will see when they will leave, we will not talk about it again same here.

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number 6 wrote on 07/20/2012 at 8:58 PM
When I see the rudeness of some people like Marie for example, I don't understand how the moderator doesn't intervene. With such behavior, there's no point in arguing anymore.

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Reply from mariele 07/20/2012 at 21:51
and me when I see that some people dare to complain for no reason, I can't help but be angry... And if, shit is a bad word, then I assume!!! don't mind, dear number 6... rudeness, for me, it's complaining when... and me when I see that some people dare to complain for no reason, I can't help but be angry... And if, shit is a big word, then I assume!!! don't mind, dear number 6... rudeness, for me, it's complaining when you have a heritage of 1.5 million euros!!!! shame on them and on those who cry over the word "shit"!!!

Answer from number 6on 07/20/2012 at 22:21
Once again I see only jealousy. I'm not richer than you, but I don't envy people who have done better than me, or who are luckier, don't be jealous of them, they also have their trials like everyone else...You find... Again I see only jealousy.I am not richer than you, but I do not envy people who have done better than me, or who are luckier, don't be jealous of them, they also have their ordeals like everyone else... Do you find people who have worked and saved ashamed?? I don't understand you there. You know, we We just had to get more education you and me or start a business and believe me it's not as easy as you think.

bruno040956wrote on 07/20/2012 at 8:50 PM
I started from zero, I created my company, I am now in the 4M?, I will have to take out more than 50k?! it's a real scandal => we are going to create a holding company to keep everything warm, to lay off to reduce activity sorry M Montebourg... I started from scratch, I created my company, I am now in the 4M?, I will have to take out more than 50 k ?! it's a real scandal => we are going to create a holding company to keep everything warm, to lay off to reduce activity, sorry M Montebourg, instead of lowering the cost of labor, you are putting down those who create jobs... too bad for those who will find themselves on the floor.. .they will vote lepen

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Answer from brutuson 07/20/2012 at 21:44
Beyond the question of the "super rich" who leave (ask the real estate agencies!), it is rather the question of entrepreneurship that concerns me: the impact of the "punitive" taxation to which we are going being taxed will obviously have... Beyond the question of the "hyper-rich" who leave (ask the real estate agencies!), it is rather the question of entrepreneurship that concerns me: the impact of "punitive" taxation to which we are going to be subject will obviously have a profound impact on the desire to undertake or invest, and therefore on France's competitiveness. We are not already (and by far) a daring and conquering country like the Dutch, Germans or Italians of the North... so it is not the "Kholkozian" policy in power that will reverse the trend. How can it escape so many people that the restoration of employment requires business dynamics and a minimum of profit (to be shared)!

Joycea wrote on 07/20/2012 at 08:34 PM
1) make everyone pay taxes even if it's very little for the poorest, 2) do not create a despoiling tax for anyone, rich or poor, 3) remove all tax loopholes 4) Let those who decide apply the same rules... 1) make everyone pay taxes even if it's very little for the poorest, 2) do not create a despoiling tax for anyone, rich or poor , 3) remove all tax loopholes 4) That those who decide apply the same rules as an average taxpayer

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mariea wrote on 07/20/2012 at 7:25 PM
the "poor", I will almost have tears in my eyes...And the gentleman below, who happens to be a pseudo "middle class" with a heritage of 1.5 million euros..No , but I'm dreaming...The cash cows that we are are dry...nothing left to give...the "poor", I'll almost have tears in my eyes...And the gentleman below , who happens to be a pseudo "middle class" with a heritage of 1.5 million euros.. No, but I'm dreaming... The cash cows that we are are dry... nothing left to give.. .So it's up to you, beneficiaries of tax loopholes, moans and mourners... it's up to you to participate in the recovery effort... We win together: 2200 euros and we pay 1300 euros in taxes... We don't don't complain, we don't have time, we go to work every morning... And if you can't pay your dues, well sell your assets... No, but I'm hallucinating to see such comments... Bastards of selfish shit, I vomit my anger on your dough and on your heritage!!!!

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Answer from Venarle 07/20/2012 at 20:37
1300 per year, it's nothing, I pay triple and I earn the same thing alone.

Answer from STEFOT07/20/2012 at 20:38
OH Marie! That I follow you!...Complaints from these millionaires who say they are virtual when they are in reality, what a good joke these speeches are compared to those who receive minimum social benefits and have to survive with 500 Euros/month!!! Q... OH Marie! That I follow you!... Complaints from these millionaires who say they are virtual when they are in reality, what a good joke these speeches are compared to those who touch the social minima and have to survive with 500 Euros/month!!! That they sell part of this heritage, it will allow them to get out of the ISF, and to pay for the coming year what they Owe to society and to the poorest! The evaluation of heritage is indeed the result of speculation or at least of a valuation of the goods possessed... So Pay and in silence out of modesty!!!

Answer from Arthurle 07/20/2012 at 20:39
I agree with what you say.

Answer from Léonidas07/20/2012 at 20:52
Move your ass! It's so easy to constantly complain about not making enough money! Marie, Stefot, what did you do at school, and what job do you do to be so badly paid? (Stefot, we get it: you don't... Move your ass! It's so easy to constantly complain about not making enough money! Marie, Stefot, what did you do at school, And what job do you do to be so badly paid? (Stefot, we get it: you don't do anything, it's easier.) My Romanian housekeeper, who barely speaks French, earns twice as much! in charge, and stop waiting for the state to take care of you like babies! Instead of wasting your time on Yahoo, go work or train! That's how most of the millionaires you criticize have become: by working, by taking risks, instead of sitting with their ass in their chair waiting for the State to help them!

Answer from Danle 07/20/2012 at 23:35
Dear STEFOT, since when do I "OWE" anything to this regime of beggars? For what reason(s) should I sell my heritage, created by me and by my work, to pay an unjust and confiscatory tax? Is it my fault if the property ... Dear STEFOT, since when do I "OWE" anything to this regime of beggars? For what reason(s) should I sell my heritage, created by me and by my work, to pay an unjust and confiscatory tax? Is it my fault if the goods I have acquired, and for which I already pay taxes, see their value increase without my doing anything about it? Without bringing me more, but I should pay more? With your beggar's spirit, don't be surprised to see the few last possessors of France selling their goods, placing the sums collected safe from thieves of your kind and getting the hell out of warmer skies... Your France will be beautiful when you are among yourselves, miserable beggars. I do not greet you

Reply from a taxpayeron 07/21/2012 at 1:17
DAN is much more rude than those who say shit and translates well in my opinion the state of mind of the majority of this category of wealthy people whatever they say: selfishness, lack of respect for others etc etc.. .. for my part I give 30 each month ... DAN is much ruder than those who say shit and translates well in my opinion the state of mind of the majority of this category of wealthy whatever they say: selfishness , lack of respect for others etc etc .... for my part I give 30% of my income each month to taxes and I will not cry over my fate but rather think of those who live with the subsistence minimum. I would add that with the efforts that I have made I have not been able to build up a heritage but I have always paid a lot of taxes. So ladies and gentlemen who have an EFFORT INSTEAD OF SPITTING YOUR CONTEMPT.

Answer from Seble 07/21/2012 at 10:51
I also don't see how I "owe" the poor, they are neither my children nor relatives. Moreover, a forced solidarity is not one, it is rather a theft. As my grandfather said, "The biggest thief is the state".

patrick4263 wrote on 7/20/2012 at 7:14 PM
The wealth tax is already spoliator and that whatever the rate practiced. You are made to pay for an inert property which has already been subject to previous taxes of all kinds. Moreover, this property is not renewed from year to year like investment income. and this regardless of the rate applied. You are made to pay for an inert property which has already been subject to previous taxes of all kinds. Moreover, this property is not renewed from year to year like income from investments or work. Very often a property of estimated and not certain value, because the evolutions of trends are not rare in this field costs very expensive in maintenance and safeguard to the owner. We would like to make France ugly that we would not take otherwise. Most terrible cruelty, what is visible to all is taxed what is very confidential (work of art) is not.ISF = SPOLIATION

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classaveragewrote on 07/20/2012 at 05:53 PM
The return to the old scale will cause my ISF to jump by...700 euros. My assets are around 1.5 million euros, a little too much to take advantage of the increase in the threshold , but not enough to have really been able to benefit from... The return to the old scale will make my ISF jump by... 700 euros. My assets are around 1.5 million euros, a little too much to take advantage of the raising of the liability threshold, but not enough to have really been able to benefit from the reduction in rates decided by the previous majority...

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Dokà wrote on 07/20/2012 at 17:47
Like the provisional CSG of the intellectual Rocard, the socialos and their ideas of urluberlu, they had to pass DSK etc... it is planned since 2007, Sarko spoke about it in the debate against Ségo ( see the video again), and the taxes have the calculation in their vali... Like the provisional CSG of the intellectual Rocard, the socialos and their ideas of urluberlu, they had to pass DSK etc... it's planned since 2007, Sarko spoke about it in the debate against Ségo (review the video), and the taxmen have the calculation in their suitcase since that time, France a country of sheep to mow, a coconut country now we can no longer doubt, all these privileged politicar are big pretentious fools if we look closely at the attitude of flamby, a real psychiatrist locks him up directly in st Anne the asylum for dingoes of his kind, already Sarko president it was borderline, now anyone from this milieu of so-called you take care of nothing I take care of everything, in France, can become president of the French, white cap and white cap the laws that his ladies and gentlemen vote (right left confused) never concerns them, they almost never own anything and end up having castles, villas, buildings in assembly holding and I go to 10, 20, 30 00000 euros with a salary of 20 000 euros??? ? you have to continue to sleep the anesthesia has still taken, long live the holidays, pretending to be an ostrich is starting to hurt your ass. how to overthrow these intellectual plutocratic monarchies which put themselves on their own and when they decide to, in power, it's discouraging There is no shortage of examples of revolt in this world, however, you need a real Saint in charge like Charles de Gaulle was, I put all my money in real estate under the Sarkosy air, poor me, 3 young child, an unemployed woman without any compensation, I would not let myself be done no matter what. Good luck to all.

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Answer from crazyle 07/20/2012 at 19:27
Your text is incomprehensible unless...please go see a shrink. He will help you.

Answer from laflowernale Jul 20, 2012 at 7:46 PM
well tell me, the solution is a disillusionment, we can't feed the world, the general was right we are only sheep,.of out for alarm clocks.

Answer from mariele 07/20/2012 at 19:48
I agree with "crazy", go see a shrink!!!

Answer from number 6on 07/20/2012 at 21:21
this text is however very clear.

Answer from Dokle 07/21/2012 at 0:06
it can't be invented Crazy, you wear your nickname well, don't be jealous: Gospel according to St Mark, 9.30-37 raising your level would do you a lot of good.

heptameron wrote on 07/20/2012 at 05:46 PM
Having a large estate and income that is not up to par... amazing! Why not reduce your wealth if you can't bear the cost: a forced redistribution whose fallout should be favorable to the rest of the population... Having a large wealth and income that is not up to par... surprising ! Why not reduce one's wealth if one cannot bear the cost: a forced redistribution whose repercussions should be favorable to the rest of the population. Is this injustice?

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Answer from Goutanoule 07/20/2012 at 18:01
yes, it's unfair. Think a little if you can.

Answer from number 6on 07/20/2012 at 18:21
yes it's unfair. To do that, I don't do anything if it's to share afterwards.

Answer from Viretteon 07/20/2012 at 19:08
If I read this article correctly, which talks about widows who have several apartments in Paris, investments at 15% in 1982, I tell myself that I must have missed something. Me, in 1982, I repaid a loan at a rate of 12 or 13% at Crédit Foncier de France... If I read this article correctly, which talks about widows who have several apartments in Paris, investments at 15% in 1982 , I think I must have missed something. Me, in 1982, I repaid a loan at a rate of 12 or 13% at Crédit Foncier de France, my small salary was blocked. I was really struggling to make ends meet. So those who had the keys to getting so rich from that time on may well help fund the current crisis effort. I agree with you heptameron. Such wealth and no liquidity seems suspicious to me.

Answer from Vincele 07/20/2012 at 20:07
However, it's simple: the one who bought a property worth 150,000? (or equivalent in francs) in the 1970s... has seen the value of his property multiply by nearly 10 (probably more in Paris) since then... So it can be a... It is however simple: the one who bought a property worth 150,000? (or equivalent in francs) in the 1970s... has seen the value of his goods multiplied by nearly 10 (probably more in Paris) since then... So he can be a person with modest incomes... with a high heritage. It's like the farmers of the Ile de Ré: they have agricultural land that was not worth much 30 years ago but whose prices have exploded with the construction of the bridge and the increase in tourism...So of course they can sell. But since no farmer has the means to buy it back... it's a safe bet that it will end up being sold to a promoter who will build a beautiful property complex for summer residences. The municipalities obviously do nothing against it ( they could legally freeze urbanization) because second homes bring in more taxes (with more real rich people - those who can afford to buy a second home on the Ile de Ré) than agricultural land... So in the long term, we condemn agriculture to disappear from the Island

Answer from Bidochonon 07/20/2012 at 20:09
There is nothing suspicious about being the widow of a man who had studied (ie medicine), then studied again (ie: surgery) and then worked really hard all his life (ie: a a little less than 2x 35 hours per week.. and I'm not exaggerating)... There is nothing suspicious about being the widow of a man who had studied (ie medicine), then still studied ( Ie: surgery) then who has worked really hard all his life (ie: a little less than 2x 35 hours per week .. and I'm not exaggerating) and who has built up a real estate portfolio honestly, paying a lot of taxes all his life. Can't this person, who left too quickly, bequeath his real estate assets to his wife and then to his children? Is it necessary in addition, after taxes (superior to 60% all his life) + inheritance rights, that this capital be a little more corroded by the socialist program of Francois Hollande? Well I don't think so. At this rate, smart and hardworking people will no longer want to live and work in France.

Fed up with dictatorshipswrote on 07/20/2012 at 5:34 PM
Legalized racketeering exposed once again...

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Tyler wrote on 7/20/2012 at 5:16 PM
Do not stop there children, we are at 485 comments... Another little effort...

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Answer from hadesle 07/20/2012 at 17:47
just a few words to get to 486 :-)

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 6:00 PM
Aaah, someone joins my noble quest...

algà wrote on 20/07/2012 at 17:03
This will lower the price of real estate! And so much the better, because we will sell our property at 20 or even 30% cheaper, and that's good. Go to Germany to see how much an apartment costs and also see the relationship between jobs and rental offers. Spolier, v... This will lower the price of real estate! And so much the better, because we will sell our properties at 20 or even 30% cheaper, and that's good. Go to Germany see how much an apartment costs and also see the ratio between jobs and rental offers. Spolier, you say, it's now that the rich who own more apartments do that! Let them pay, if it doesn't suit them they just have to sell their 10 to 15 studios, and with the 2 million euros in their pockets they just have to do PMUs, to give work to young people !

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matheo wrote on 07/20/2012 at 04:08 PM
to charge more than the income is to squander the heritage. squandering the heritage to pay half too many elected officials, bogus commissions, air travel when you announce traveling by train it is to discourage even the best patriot if... to charge more than the income is to squander the heritage . squandering the heritage to pay half too many elected officials, bogus commissions, air travel when we announce traveling by train it is to discourage even the best patriot if the constitutional council is not able to cancel such measures then he too must be removed ex to sit it seems to me that a former president in addition to his advantages receives 13000 euros per month

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qatviro1a wrote on 7/20/2012 at 3:11 PM
of the Goncourt brothers.........."equality" is the most shameful of injustices.......I agree 200%

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Reply from Kermao1800on 07/20/2012 at 16:23
Okay my friend, but if inequality one day switches from the power of money to the power of numbers... will you stand your ground!? ;-)

mamémoire wrote on 07/20/2012 at 15:07
Already in 1981 the rich left. At the time of the nationalizations, the rich became even richer and they put all their money abroad. Real estate soared, the stock market went so crazy that in 1987 it went wild. The French co... Already in 1981 the rich left. At the time of the nationalizations, the rich became even richer and they put all their money abroad. Real estate soared, the stock market went so crazy that in 1987 it went wild. The stupid Frenchman imagined that it was going to last until the end of time, but unemployment returned and Jospin, supported by Mitterrand, said that they could do nothing since they had tried everything. Today, Hollande and Ayrault shout everywhere that it is Sarkozy's fault. Too bad the media do not take over from history lessons absent at school.

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Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 15:36
History, it doesn't seem to me to be telling his point of view with his UMPist voter's telescope...

Answer from Landrysle 07/20/2012 at 16:46
Especially when it's a UMP government that puts an end to the teaching of history in the classes of final S.

Answer from Totole 07/20/2012 at 18:26
As for the rich who leave the country, let them leave, but then, let's be extremist, they don't want to contribute, while we take away their nationality, pension rights, social security and everything advantages. We shouldn't be m... As for the rich who leave the country, let them leave, but then, let's be extremists, they don't want to contribute, while we take away their nationality, the rights to pensions, social security and all the advantages. You shouldn't make fun of the world. You are right, the rich, leave quickly, for the moment we only want your money, but one day we will slit your throat!

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 6:45 PM
@Toto: plague all you want, but the reality is indeed there: the flight of capital is accelerating...

Answer from MDon 07/20/2012 at 18:55
Are all Portuguese, Italians, Algerians and Moroccans asked to give up their pensions and social security when they return to their country? They come back to France for treatment. taxes in France

Totole's answer 07/20/2012 at 19:08
@MD: do you know many in this case? We must stop believing that the problems of this country come from immigration. It is this type of extremist discourse in times of crisis that brought a certain Adolf Hitler to power. Remember, it was i... @MD: you know a lot of that? We must stop believing that the problems of this country come from immigration. It is this type of extremist discourse in times of crisis that brought a certain Adolf Hitler to power. Remember, that was not so long ago!

Answer from brutuson 07/20/2012 at 19:09
Some remarks are unspeakably aggressive. For my part, I prefer to be (moderately) rich through my work, than envious and with the permanent objective of "stealing" others. Simple question of self-esteem and loftiness. I don't... Some remarks are unspeakably aggressive. For my part, I prefer to be (moderately) rich through my work, than envious and with the permanent objective to "steal" others. Simple question of self-esteem and height of view. I will also pass on the main subject which is the use of the state budget: How much is the addition of "cheaters" (security, fraud employment...) and "dissimilators" (VAT fraud).??. This is where the "effort" that is asked of us will start. So, a little less jargon, and lessons please!

Henrià wrote on 07/20/2012 at 14:33
@hector31 You think politics are rotten. I think the system is rotten and that it corrupts politicians. In the following statement, you mention direct democracy, a beautiful utopia, to give power back to as many people as possible. J... @hector31 You think politicians are rotten. I think the system is rotten and that it corrupts politicians. In the following statement, you mention direct democracy, a beautiful utopia, to give power back to as many people as possible. I note your change of posture, congratulations! Unlike you, I think we have the political system we deserve: if human beings, and particularly the French people, were less sated by overconsumption and stupefied by the intellectual mediocrity of 68, things would change! Unfortunately, this thread still demonstrates that it is the reign of Tout Pour Ma Gu.le and After me the deluge! In short, dream again but not too much ... PS: I have as much as you against Melenchon the comedian ...

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Reply from antisocialole Jul 20, 2012 at 3:36 PM
@Henri: very sincere congratulations.

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 15:51
My troll: everything ends up happening! Thank you

P@n@sonic wrote on 07/20/2012 at 2:31 PM
Nice these comments, in fact in this country there are only rich and poor according to these discussions (and others) the good old neo-class cleavage, when in fact those who suffer the most from tax arbitrations are the... Nice these comments, in fact in this country there are only rich and poor according to these discussions (and the others) the good old neo-struggle cleavage of classes, whereas in fact those who suffer the most from tax arbitrage are the middle classes, not rich enough to access interesting niches, not poor enough to exempt themselves from levies and be within the thresholds.

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Pioule's answer 07/20/2012 at 16:45
finally here is a useful comment! The middle class is the biggest victim of this crisis because it must always pay without ever receiving!

Answer from @valeriale 07/20/2012 at 18:23
Well said! the middle classes are still being sacrificed, are never entitled to anything, pay more than they can and will never become rich.

P@n@sonic wrote on 07/20/2012 at 2:27 PM
France 1st country in the OECD by the weight of compulsory levies/GDP here we are 1st in something and world class, we should overtake Sweden thanks to the latest adjustments, a place that will not be too much hard to defend... France 1st country in the OECD by the weight of compulsory levies/GDP here we are 1st in something and world class, we should pass in front of Sweden thanks to the latest adjustments, a place that does not will not be too hard to defend since Sweden has begun to lower its taxation some time ago. What do you want to do later? Official.. :)

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No worrieswrote on 07/20/2012 at 2:12 PM
Year 1, we make the rich pay (it's nice but doesn't bring in much). Year 2 is the turn of the poor: 3/4% CSG, 2/3% VAT, there it pays off. The year 3 rerendum on the following choice: more taxes or we attack ... The year 1, we make the rich pay (it's nice but does not bring much). Year 2 is the turn of the poor: 3/4% CSG, 2/3% VAT, there it pays off. The year 3 rérérendum on the following choice: more taxes or we attack the expenses. After the 2 year measures, voters got the hang of it. And then we can do what has worked wherever it has been tried: suppression in one go (August 4 if possible) of all the statutes, including of course that of civil servant (as in Sweden), single employment contracts, reorganization of the State (as in Canada) with the result of a 20% reduction in expenditure, reduction of labor law to 10 pages (as in Switzerland), reorientation of taxation to favor the death of business, investment, entrepreneur to the detriment of real estate, pensions, profiteers from the regime, independence of all the colonies, division by 2 of the number of elected officials... Afterwards, our children may have a chance of not ending up as servants in Shanghai.

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Answer from chrisle 07/20/2012 at 14:53

Ben's answer here is 07/20/2012 at 15:26
I buy your screenplay!

Reply from antisocialole Jul 20, 2012 at 3:40 PM
@no worries: Me too, I buy but if in the colonies to be heavy, we include Corsica.

Ha Ha Ha wrote on 07/20/2012 at 1:30 PM
And the evolution of the distribution of wealth over the past 40 years? Look at the evolution of the Gini coefficient! Otherwise, we can also default. It is a way of re-balancing the levies.

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Smilea wrote on 07/20/2012 at 1:20 PM
And the grouiks!! While you cry the banksters keep picking your pockets LOL!!

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Answer from Pioule 07/20/2012 at 14:36
stop playing the victim the banks you are very happy to find them to finance your car your house etc

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 15:39
Here! Another bank employee who thinks he is a banker! Funny ... And he is the one who equates banker = bankster

Answer from roodle 07/20/2012 at 16:18
ah, what do you think, pro banks, where does the interest on the DEBT go?? and to whom do we owe this DEBT?? I agree Smile, all this controversy is nothing compared to the DEBT scam and the monetary creation system...Rensei...ah, your opinion the pro banks, where do the interests of the DEBT go?? and to whom do we owe this DEBT?? I agree Smile, all this controversy is nothing compared to the DEBT scam and the monetary creation system... Find out, open your eyes !!

carpatrick wrote on 07/20/2012 at 1:13 PM
How many opposing positions, depending on whether you are "rich" or "poor". Why quotation marks? Because at some point in your life you have to ask yourself the real questions. Rich... of what? Poor... of what? True wealth is not that of goods... How many opposing positions, depending on whether one is "rich" or "poor". Why quotation marks? Because at some point in your life you have to ask yourself the real questions. Rich... of what? Poor... of what? True wealth is not that of material, superficial goods... True wealth is having the bare minimum, a roof, enough to eat, in short enough to live on, but in good health, and surrounded by people who love you and whom you love. The rest is surplus that you can do without: True poverty is being too rich, to the point of not knowing whether the people around you are there because they love you, or only to enjoy your fortune... True poverty is being alone without anyone.... Meditate...

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Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 1:44 PM
"True wealth is not that of material goods" well, good for a Montmartre sore, I don't mind, but tell that to the couple who live in the RSA, their vision will probably be a little different... ( this does not mean that putting your hand in ... "The real wealth is not that of material goods" mouuuuais good for a boo from Montmartre I don't mind, but go out to the couple who lives in the RSA, its vision will undoubtedly be a little different... (this does not mean that getting hold of all available resources or punitively imposing incomes raised to 75% will improve the situation...)

GEO wrote on 07/20/2012 at 1:01 PM
Imbecile tax voted by an incapable government. the rich will leave and the poor will pay as usual with the left. all these deputies who vote taxes for the French but who refuse to vote for them......... it's beautiful the imbecile tax voted by an incapable government. the rich will leave and the poor will pay as usual with the left. all these deputies who vote taxes for the French but who refuse to vote for them......... great ideas are beautiful but it costs too much

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Answer from socratele 07/20/2012 at 13:57
Well done!

Anonle's answer 07/20/2012 at 14:16
Very good comment, realistic and honest.

Answer from mrugalale 07/20/2012 at 16:45
Since the time we say that the rich are going to leave, I'm surprised to still find them in France! Surely people who were classified in the "poor" category 10 years ago? there will be more rich people in France", this kind of message has the same meaning... Since the time we have been saying that the rich are going to leave, I am surprised to still find them in France! Surely people we classified in the "poor" category 10 years ago?" There will be no more rich people in France", this kind of message has the same value as that which said "Mitterrand in power: Russian tanks in Paris 3 months after". Those who spread this kind of message only seek to protect their "heritage" (or that of their masters), whereas today it would be necessary above all to think of solidarity and to help those who are badly , before they get too desperate before they make an inconsiderate move. I'm not going to cry if an old widow who owns 10 apartments in Paris has to sell 2-3 jewels to pay her taxes.

Reply from Psychogunle 07/20/2012 at 23:08
The poor aren't going to pay anything at all. It is the middle class that will still pay.

alphadelta64 wrote on 07/20/2012 at 1:01 PM
What shocks me the most, contrary to everything I have just read, is that the money recovered will not be used to reduce the debt but to finance new expenditure, according to the Ministry of the Budget . So we are going to destroy some small pa... What shocks me the most contrary to everything I have just read is that the money recovered will not be used to reduce the debt but to finance new expenditure, according to the budget ministry. So we are going to destroy some small family assets to create new civil servant positions. That we take from the real rich in heritage and income but that we make at least an exemption for the smallest, without income, if that makes a few officials less we will put up with it.

ISF: those who will pay more than what they earn

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Answer from Pffffle 07/20/2012 at 14:16
To be sent to the government for info

Kermao1800wrote on 07/20/2012 at 12:22 PM
Why always speak in general? The rich, the civil servants... Not all the "rich" have become so through hard work... All these fortunes made by buying real estate thanks to state subsidies (Robien, Scellier, .. .) the... Why always speak in general? The rich, the civil servants... Not all the "rich" have become so through hard work... All these fortunes made by buying real estate thanks to state subsidies (Robien, Scellier, .. .) leaving him full of debts are not from work... I too would like to invest for my generation but the State no longer subsidizes. And why is it shocking to tax a widow who has two or three apartments , that she sells them... I would like to have this kind of problem but my ancestors rather served France than their interests and I have nothing... I am not jealous, am respectful of income from work but hates the rent and hopes that yes it will be taxed. In fact how many industrial premises or apartments are not rented... let's tax them exponentially whether they are for resale or that the State recovers from the money. Rent is killing France. Let's rent entrepreneurs, state servants and break rents and petty civil servants...

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Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 12:47
It wasn't too bad...until the fall: what did THE petty officials do to you? I have a little trouble with the ''leather ring'' mentality and fake teachers, but they are not all to be put in the same bag! Here: I had a pro... It wasn't too badly...until the fall: what did THE petty officials do to you? I have a little trouble with the mentality ''circle of leather'' and false teachers, but they are not all to be put in the same bag! Here: I had a communist philosophy teacher who adored Desproges! Like what we can have full of embarrassing defects and a little taste...

Response from Matthieuon 07/20/2012 at 13:38
Ah, it is enough to be subsidized by the state to buy a property? Shit then, I did it wrong.

Answer from Chrisle 07/20/2012 at 1:50 PM
Bad times or humor Matthieu?-Robien, Borloo, Scellier>>> Defiscalitation-PTZ+ without notion of income level and all these similar laws, what is it if not disguised subsidy?

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 13:53
Welcome to the club!

Reply from Kermao1800on 07/20/2012 at 14:57
I specify Henri, the civil servants that I like I named them "servants of the State", the "small civil servant" is of no use to him or like the annuitant only his own cause... Besides, it's is a bit the theme of my introduction, we globalize too much, it is... I specify Henri, the civil servants that I like I named them "servants of the State", the "small civil servant" is useless to him or like the annuitant than his own cause... Besides, it's a bit the theme of my introduction, we globalize too much, it's time to stop protecting some to the detriment of the majority, there is thus a whole new generation of civil servants amazing territorial...As for subsidized real estate purchases, yes a little fed up with the couplet of this generation which tells us to do what they did: we, we can no longer indebt the State to do this ;-)))

Chrisa wrote on 07/20/2012 at 12:20 PM
stop extremist drifts. Let's put things into perspective, for a tax to be fair and accepted it must be simple, clear and broad-based>>>The IRPP today no longer has any of its 3 things! ... stop extremist drifts. Let's put things into perspective, for a tax to be fair and accepted it must be simple, clear and with a broad base>>>The IRPP today no longer has any of its 3 things! via relief and other - by 49% of taxpayers! The only solution is to give it back its PROGRESSIVENESS but for 100% of taxpayers to pay for it. It supposes of course to add 1/2 slice at the top and the same at the bottom. Similarly include ALL income whether transfer or capital.Simple: Removal of the ISF and its corollary all tax loopholes!Clear: It goes hand in hand with the following 2 points.

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Ghostlya wrote on 07/20/2012 at 12:20 PM
This concerns a marginal part of taxpayers or even people paying the wealth tax. I find it hard to understand that with a heritage of 4 million € one can chouiner. What do these people do for a living? They work or not. Have they done studies... This concerns a marginal part of taxpayers or even people paying the ISF. I find it hard to understand that with a heritage of 4 million € one can chouiner. What do these people do for a living? They work or not. Did they study? In France, you have to stop complaining and start working, because the Chinese and emerging countries are working precisely to have this heritage of 4 million.

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tonyjam wrote on 07/20/2012 at 12:19 PM
"We're being robbed"...Wasn't Arlette already saying that? Copiers go!

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welcome wrote on 07/20/2012 at 12:18 PM
Always the same. They increase taxes and duties and will never decrease state spending. Even if it destroys the country's economy, it doesn't matter... You have to be able to get re-elected through "social clientelism".

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tonyjam wrote on 07/20/2012 at 12:16 PM
Want a bit of nostalgia... But it's still true.. The last couple is the best! And man! Let me introduce myself My name is Charles-Henri Du Pré I live in Neuilly uniqueIn a private mansionIt's the... Like a little nostalgia... But it's always true.. The last couple is the best!And man!I introduce myselfMy name is Charles-Henri Du PréI live in NeuillyIn a poor neighborhoodI'm an only childIn a mansionIt's the cross, the bannerTo sustain me.Not a local ArabNor a Euromarket.Auteuil, Neuilly, Passy: this is our ghettoHey man, my own nameIt's Hubert ValéryPatrick StanislasDuc de MontmorencyAt 5 and a half I already had my Ferrari. I couldn't drive it, Of course, I was too little! , shit, shit... "[Repeat]: Auteuil, Neuilly, Passy: it's no cakewalkAuteuil, Neuilly, Passy: this is our ghetto. Hi, are you - okay? x2Y's fed up with Fauchon, Hédiard, salmon, caviar Hi, it's Patrick, On the phone Yeah, it's Pat', Are you okay? And me? What about me? You don't know what my life is? Rubbing shoulders with Chantal Or Marie-Sophie Kissing hands Badly fucked sluts Finally, I meant Girls a little stuck... I want to be a thug, Really real outside the law. But when you were born here my brother, you have no choice. Tired of Mylène, Ségolène, Sylvie, Gwendoline, Églantine, Marie-Chantal... Tired of it, my brother, We've got big problems. We're fed up, brother, Of ​​going through the system. My future is already mapped out: Private companies, Science PO, ENA or H.E.C. And in the worst case scenario If I don't work no,I'll have to take back Dad's box.[Repeat]Hi, are you ok?We are all productsOf an economic society dependentOn stock market fluctuationsThat destabilize the market.Yes man!And to get out of this shacklesEducational, capitalistYou have to know how to say no , no, no, man! [Repeat] Hi, how are you? We come from a family That has never suffered We come from a family That we can no longer suffer...

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tonyjam wrote on 07/20/2012 at 12:08
Your 4-year-old moans are pathetic yes! So stop crying all the time and pay your ISF :) Go blow up the checkbook! :))

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Answer from welcomele 07/20/2012 at 12:19
There are starting to be a lot of them who are starting to piss off the expat...

Reply from GoodByele Jul 20, 2012 at 1:22 PM
tonyjam didn't get it. If a person loses money or earns very little while near his home, he can avoid losing it, the choice will quickly be made: departure. Unfortunately, that is what is happening. happen. And after? It will be there... tonyjam didn't understand anything. If a person loses money or earns very little while near his home, he can avoid losing it, the choice will quickly be made: departure. Unfortunately, that is what is happening. happen. And after? It will be the middle classes. Even for us (middle classes), for certain professions it can be interesting to leave in view of future increases. Expatriations only affect "the rich". In the end, only the assisted will remain.

Reply from GoodByele Jul 20, 2012 at 1:22 PM
tonyjam didn't get it. If a person loses money or earns very little while near his home, he can avoid losing it, the choice will quickly be made: departure. Unfortunately, that is what is happening. happen. And after? It will be there... tonyjam didn't understand anything. If a person loses money or earns very little while near his home, he can avoid losing it, the choice will quickly be made: departure. Unfortunately, that is what is happening. happen. And after? It will be the middle classes. Even for us (middle classes), for certain professions it can be interesting to leave in view of future increases. Expatriations only affect "the rich". In the end, only the assisted will remain.

Reply from @GoodBye on 07/20/2012 at 14:33
"Only the assisted will remain", assisted by whom? with what?

Answer from welcomele 07/21/2012 at 11:31
This is obviously what we can ask ourselves, but I'm sure Tonyjam will be able to answer you...

tonyjam wrote on 07/20/2012 at 12:02 PM
The money is in real estate right now! Between 2008 and 2011, the media repeated that stone was the safe haven par excellence and the rich listened like panurge sheep. The notion of safe haven makes no sense... And we're going to tr... The money is in real estate right now! Between 2008 and 2011, the media repeated that stone was the safe haven par excellence and the rich listened like panurge sheep. The notion of safe haven makes no sense... And we will soon realize that. Already a national price drop of 1% in the first quarter of 2012.. (INSEE) and this is only the beginning of the end :)

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Answer from paconyle 07/20/2012 at 04:41 PM
The "rich" as you say, they are the ones who get jobs and wealth by buying apartments (creating construction jobs) and spending their money on restaurants in clothes and other hotels.. .. So created emp... The "rich" as you say, they are the ones who created employment and wealth by buying apartments (creating jobs in construction) and spending their money at restaurants in clothes and other hotels .... So created employment. I moved to the US for 14 years. I was planning to come back.. But I'll tell you one thing... I will only come back on vacation with another nationality because I will give my money to create civil servant jobs, no thanks... France is declining and it is accelerating with the band of incaables who was put in power... Poor France

Answer from vivi06on 07/20/2012 at 17:13
Well don't come back! We don't need you! Besides, we should abolish housing allowances, at least all those landlords who are fattening up on social assistance would stop driving up prices for more and more apartments... Well, don't come back! We don't need you! Besides, we should abolish housing allowances, at least all these landlords who are fattening up on social assistance would stop driving up prices for apartments that are increasingly shabby and unworthy.

Answer from Désabuséle 07/21/2012 at 10:06
"they are the ones who get jobs and wealth by buying apartments (creating jobs in construction)" False archi False, because once you get out of the ground except for an annuity, your real estate does not create any wealth , 2 to build it... "they are the ones who get jobs and wealth by buying apartments (creating jobs in construction)" False archi False, because once out of the ground except for an annuity your real estate does not create any wealth, from 2 to build it for 20 years you benefit from tax assistance and other advantages which ultimately only made it possible to artificially inflate the prices, from 3 when you rent you benefit from APL which very often are paid to you directly and which also contributed to increasing the price of rent ....... So if we calculated what successive governments paid you and what you did not pay on that the difference is in your favour! It is time for the French to understand that the Annuitant who invests in the stone does not really and durably create any wealth, I loathe this population which calls itself an investor and engine of the economy..... .The wealth-creating investor is the one who will do it over time, who will create a business, who will invest in a business.....with all the risks that entails! They deserve all the tax benevolence and help from the state the others.....

jo42a wrote on 07/20/2012 at 12:01
Stop taxing the rich! the poor, there are more of them!

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 12:17
Isn't it a quote from Louis 14, taken up by Sarko off? :)))

Reply from damnedle 07/20/2012 at 12:59
1) It was an exchange between Colbert and Mazarin2) It was about taxing the middle classes and not the poor.Excerpt:Colbert: To find money, there comes a time when fiddling no longer enough. I would like Monsieur l... 1) It was an exchange between Colbert and Mazarin2) It was about taxing the middle classes and not the poor. Extract: Colbert: To find money, he there comes a time when fiddling isn't enough. I would like the superintendent to explain to me how you go about spending more when you are already in debt up to your neck? Mazarin: When you are a mere mortal, of course, and you are covered in debt, we go to jail. But the state? The state is different. We cannot throw the State in prison. So he continues, he digs into the debt! All states do that. Colbert: Ah yes? You think ? However, we need money. And how to find some when we have already created all the taxes imaginable? Mazarin: We are creating others. Colbert: We cannot tax the poor more than they already are. Mazarin: Yes, it is impossible. Colbert: So, the rich? Mazarin: Neither are the rich. They would spend no more. A rich man who spends helps hundreds of poor people live. Colbert: So how do we do it? Mazarin: Colbert, you reason like cheese! Are there many people who are in between, neither poor nor rich? French people who work, dreaming of being rich and dreading being poor! These are the ones we are going to tax, even more, always more! Those! The more you take from them, the harder they work to compensate? It is an inexhaustible reservoir.

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 1:29 PM
"The poor are made to be very poor, and the rich very rich!"

Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 14:46
thank you dear damned: like what, when politicians from left and right always tax the same people, namely the middle class, they only copy Colbert and Mazarin.. :))

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 16:41
And not Don Salustre!

Answer from Pierrele 07/20/2012 at 17:00
This conversation never took place, it is taken from the "Red Devil"

Blanche wrote on 07/20/2012 at 11:58
Unfortunately, the ISF even affects the poor and makes them poorer. You inherit a house from your parents, the value of which is added to the heritage that you have created for yourself by going into debt over 25 years and you are taken for a rich person!!! This governm... Alas, the ISF even affects the poor and makes them poorer. takes you for a rich person!!! This government has not understood that being an owner does not mean rich.

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Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 13:56
The question is: is an economic system based almost entirely on credit viable? The answer is in the financial news... Finally, if you make the effort to follow it, which is not easy, must I admit!

Reply from Kermao1800on 07/20/2012 at 15:04
Poor Blanche...Yes owning two houses is wealth...

jedi64 wrote on 07/20/2012 at 11:56
That's pathetic, and Spolation below describes it well. And all this bathed in injustice, which means that the owner of a 1950 Picasso or a Ferrari worth several million Euros pays nothing, not to mention the various annuities paid by the state to... is pathetic, and Spolation below describes it well. And all this bathed in injustice, which means that the owner of a 1950 Picasso or a Ferrari worth several million Euros pays nothing, not to mention the various annuities paid by the state to politicians whose capital-equivalent is not counted in the wealth tax (unlike a life annuity constituted by savings). Democracy: the greatest number can decide to rob a minority, and that is constitutional!

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tonyjam wrote on 07/20/2012 at 11:54
between the massacre of 6 million Jews and a small increase of tens of thousands of euros in wealth tax, there is still a small margin, isn't it? You are really mentally ill to make the analogy between the two... and there is even who applauded... between the massacre of 6 million Jews and a small increase of tens of thousands of euros of ISF, it there is still a small margin, isn't it? You are really mentally ill to make the analogy between the two... and there are even those who applaud... "Poor" France of the "rich".. ::)):))) fortunately that ridicule does not kill him.... :))))

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Charlesa wrote on 07/20/2012 at 11:35
UMP = PS = Despoilers

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Albatrosa wrote on 07/20/2012 at 11:24
A spoliation: a state is anything but a multinational that takes and throws its staff, makes its profits by defrauding a maximum. A society is a whole that an absence of redistribution turns against the wealthiest. Secure subdivisions exist... A spoliation: a state is anything but a multinational that takes and throws away its staff, makes its profits by defrauding a lot. A society is a whole that an absence of redistribution turns against the wealthiest. Secure housing estates already exist. How to escape an army of destitute all around you? Social benefits may be abusive but they help a lot to maintain social cohesion. Everyone will be affected by the debt crisis, you, your family, your neighbors. The right is as responsible as the left. So, you have to find the money where it is! After the ISF, the CSG. Will you talk about spoliation of little people next year??

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antisocialowrote on 07/20/2012 at 11:17 AM
The Council of State will not be able to accept that the argument is exceptional from the moment when the Minister of the Budget (whose name is of no importance) thought he was clever to shine in front of the media to confirm the contrary to know that this ... The Council of State will not be able to retain that the argument is exceptional from the moment when the Minister of the Budget (whose name is of no importance) thought he was clever to shine in front of the media to confirm the opposite of knowing that this contribution would be maintained until the debt is extinguished (1,700 billion, excuse the little, Madoff is an apprentice) is that we would see again, yes would see again afterwards if......... ..

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Spoliation ...written on 07/20/2012 at 10:42
The looting and spoliation of Jewish property enabled the Reich to guarantee the civilian population a high standard of living for the Germans who were in a catastrophic economic situation (a bit like today no) .. Then it was the star... The looting and spoliation of Jewish property enabled the Reich to guarantee the civilian population a high standard of living for the Germans who were in a catastrophic economic situation (a bit like today no).. Then it was the yellow star to differentiate them, why did Hitler choose the Jews? in your opinion ? they just had more money than the others, maybe one day a government will force rich people to wear a distinctive sign on their clothes. 4 stars for assets above 4 million euros, 1 star when you are just above the ISF ... I can already hear people screaming, but I continue, remember our new president does not like rich, what he is doing today is just stigmatizing them, some will soon beat them up, put crosses on their stores, see them denounced (to the tax authorities?, to justice? I see one lower in the forum who already wants to take a person's IP address and file a complaint against him because he dared to compare socialism and national socialism) .. and to do what? to make them the culprits and above all to hide the incompetence of our policies .. (and I put everyone in the same bag from the most extreme left to the most extreme right) .. Don't you think it would be better to have a man like Bernard Arnault at the head of the country, a real business leader to straighten out public finances, rather than politicians who know nothing about management, finance ..???, because what is a state it's just a multinational and more big ... We must stop being jealous of people, being rich is not a defect .. how many of us would like to be in their place?? many rich people have moved their ass to get there .. you can be born with a spoon in your mouth but lose everything in the end, because you're too stupid to know how to manage and grow your heritage .. it takes years to to build an empire, a few days to lose, if I take the example of northern France and the entire post-war textile industry, many families at the head of these companies had money, but all the factories have closed and where is their fortune?. Being an entrepreneur is not easy and thinking that all bosses are thieves is very reductive .. when they return home they certainly have as many worries as you if not much more in these times of crisis ... Paying de the tax we all agree, because we have to pay for the infrastructure of our beautiful country, but taking 75% or even paying more taxes than what the person earns is purely and simply looting or theft, it's confiscatory and I wouldn't like to have the same thing done to me if I were in their place. Today the scale is a little over a million euros, but if tomorrow this scale went down to 50,000 euros per year because our policies considered that a family can live on 2 smics per month and that we come to take all the rest from you, how would you react??? A man who does not pay the ISF who does not not rich but not jealous either...

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Answer from grandgele 07/20/2012 at 11:00
Very well developed, thank you

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 11:00
Point Godwin reached! And in a particularly outrageous, shabby and pathetic way...

Answer from patviro1on 07/20/2012 at 11:24
excellent analysis and excellent reasoning thank you Spoliation

Answer from Pelionon 07/20/2012 at 11:31
Mr Spoliation, you should reread (or read pardon me) the novel "Les Bienveillantes" by Jonathan Litell, which may give you a different approach to the German Reich. As for Bernard Arnault, President, and a reduced state to a company... Mr Spoliation, you should reread (or read forgive me) the novel "Les Bienveillantes" by Jonathan Litell, which will perhaps give you a different approach to the German Reich. As for Bernard Arnault, president, and a state reduced to a pyramid business... where the whims of his wife dispute it with those of his children installed as politicians without any knowledge of business management at the head of certain subsidiaries...

Answer from Spoliation ...on 07/20/2012 at 11:34
To answer Henri, No, I don't want to do Godwin, I don't want to block the dialogue, I just want us to stop stigmatizing others.. when it's not the assisted, it's the rich, when it's not the Arabs, it's... To answer Henri, No precisely, I don't want to do Godwin, I don't want to block the dialogue, I just want us to stop stigmatizing others .. when it's not the people on welfare, it's the rich, when it's not the Arabs it's the Jews, when it's not the Jews it's the Chinese and so on... Each time we have to find a culprit , let's think together about what is going wrong in this country and in a smarter way and try to get out of this mess together in which our policies have put us...

Answer from Jean-Pierrele 07/20/2012 at 11:40
Well done.To me, this hunt for the rich reminds me of the great hunt of 1793 and the law of its suspects.It is indeed an old French tradition that jealousy and denunciation...As for you Henri, we must suffer your little regular spitting, m... Well done. To me, this hunt for the rich reminds me of the great hunt of 1793 and the law of its suspects. It is indeed an old French tradition that jealousy and denunciation... As for you Henri, we have to endure your regular little spitting, but without any interest. But maybe you're not even able to develop the slightest argument against the message of our friend "spoliation"...

Answer from hector31on 07/20/2012 at 11:40
CQFD! Bravo "Spoliation" I agree with you 200%! This country has been run by incompetent and power-hungry oligarchies for 40 years. It is easy to find scapegoats when the country has been ransacked, the rich, the euro, ... CQFD! Bravo "Spoliation" I agree with you 200%! This country has been run by incompetent and power-hungry oligarchies for 40 years. It is easy to find scapegoats when the country has been ransacked, the rich, the euro, globalization, Greece etc etc, it's never their fault! explain so well in your post? What a shame, this country is drifting and the harder the fall will be!

Answer from Miloole 07/20/2012 at 11:44
Yeah dear Pelio, well whether we like Bernard Arnault or not, the guy has succeeded in an exceptional way, and it's not thanks to luck. So I vote immediately for this guy at the head of state, it will change us from the usual baltringues.

Answer from Jfb83on 07/20/2012 at 11:53
Thank you spoliationPersonally, I am looking for the solution to escape this isf

Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 11:59
The level is rising here, it would be scary... And there are people who are also applauding wildly. And he must have spent time there writing such bullshit, while believing himself to be very intelligent... No, wealth does not make you less stupid... the proof!

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 12:02 PM
@patviro1: "excellent analysis and excellent reasoning" is that a joke??! It's as funny as "Montebourg, an expert in the world of business and wealth creation"...

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 12:08
@ Jean PierreAnother new nickname? We haven't kept the pigs together even if you spend your time trolling me... it's that we m... @ Jean PierreAnother new nickname?We haven't kept the pigs together even if you spend your time trolling me...As for the nauseating amalgams of Spoliation, I persist and sign: when we has reached the Godwin point, it's that we lack arguments. Last little thing: I'm on the threshold of ISF but it's only a drop of water compared to what I pay in IS and IR, among others. The difference with some: I don't squeal about my “poor fate” as a taxpayer!

Answer from Spoliation ..on 07/20/2012 at 12:12
In response to Pelion, the book of "The Benevolent" by Jonathan Litell, explains the holocaust how ..? by the very great resemblance, even the symmetry between the Germans and the Jews. In the end, we only kill the other because he embodies... In response to Pelion, the book "Les Bienveillantes" by Jonathan Litell, explains the holocaust how...? by the very great resemblance, even the symmetry between the Germans and the Jews. In the end, we only kill the other because he embodies what we cannot bear in his own being. Moreover Turek, the character of the novel who massacres the Jews with so much sadism, has for the narrator a typically Jewish physique if I am not mistaken?? to make a parallel, we could say that it is often the rich people who do not like the rich. are the richest .. (In an interview with "La Croix", Jean-Luc Mélenchon said he was hostile to total transparency of the heritage of elected officials !!! why in your opinion?) and during the campaign who was the most virulent? ..

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 12:26
Do you want a shovel to dig yourself into? Stop talking about the Holocaust wrongly and through!! Try to argue calmly. - a little hindsight: it's not the chosen ones who... Do you want a shovel to bury yourself in? Stop talking about the Holocaust wrongly and through!! Try to argue calmly. '' that you are fond of, it seems, take a step back: it is not the elected officials who are deficient, it is this deeply anti-democratic system which consists of making you sign blank checks (bulletin vote) and never to be accountable! Stop at the Godwin point!

Answer from hector31on 07/20/2012 at 1:13 PM
Sorry Henri, you are talking about the system, but who put this system in place?Those who govern us! Who benefits from it from the start? Those who govern us! Who tried to change it? Nobody! You pose the problem but you avoid soig... Sorry Henri, you are talking about the system, but who put this system in place? Those who govern us! Who benefits from it from the start? Those who govern us! Who tried to change it? Nobody! You pose the problem but you carefully avoid proposing a solution, easy! As for the "all rotten" if you are not yet convinced I pity you a lot! Ask Jean Luc Mélenchon to disclose his heritage to you, you may understand -be a little better why he is against! Unlike you, I have a proposal to break this system that you rightly criticize, it is the creation of a participatory democracy, where the people must be consulted by referendum on major social issues, this will prevent an imbecile minority from imposing what they want on us without our opinion! But I'm dreaming, because it's not for tomorrow!

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 1:35 PM
"it's the creation of a participatory democracy, where the people must be consulted by referendum on major social issues" the idea is noble, but I don't believe it for a second... Every take decision will turn into a political battle... "it's the creation of a participatory democracy, where the people must be consulted by referendum on major social issues" the idea is noble, but I don't believe in it one second... Each decision-making will turn into a political battle where the only objective will be to conquer public opinion, and not to do well. This is already the case today, but once elected we have a minimum of strength and stability to carry out its program. On the other hand, there are unpopular and necessary reforms, as you know. The system you are proposing here would lead to complete immobility and the paralysis of institutions...

Answer from @spolationon 07/20/2012 at 13:44
There are several untruths in what you have written.1) The "German economic miracle" of 1935-1938 was due to a Keynesian revival of the German state (public deficit in 1938 at around 35% of GDP) . 2) The so-called wealth did not prof... There are many untruths in what you have written. 1) The "German economic miracle" of 1935-1938 was due to a Keynesian revival of the state German (public deficit in 1938 at around 35% of GDP). 2) The so-called wealth did not benefit the middle classes of the time since the average income fell, but in return, they benefited from several social measures. 3) The occupation of Austria, of Czechoslovakia brought much more to the German budget than the spolation of the Jews.

Answer from Jean Pïerrele 07/20/2012 at 1:50 PM
@RitonWe didn't keep the pigs together, but that's because I didn't agree. Quite frankly, I find your barking very weak, and without any argument. Ok, now I understand it's not easy to hit an i... @Riton We didn't keep the pigs together, but that's because I disagreed. Quite frankly, I find your barking very weak, and without any arguments. Well, now I understand that it's not easy to type on an iphone, but it would be necessary to develop a little, rather than constantly trolling.

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 13:59
@ Tyler I absolutely don't believe it either: at 9 then 12 billion on this planet, it's absolutely utopian! Why do you think I've been an anar on the right since 1981?

Answer from hector31on 07/20/2012 at 13:59
My dear Tyler, if you are not convinced, go and see how things are going in Switzerland and you will quickly understand why this country has had rock-solid stability for 2 centuries and a standard of living to make us green! To my knowledge,... My dear Tyler, if you are not convinced, go see how things are done in Switzerland and you will quickly understand why this country has had rock-solid stability for 2 centuries and a standard of living at make us green! To my knowledge, it is the only true democracy that exists to date.

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 14:15
My troll: either you have a selective memory, or you forget the comments that I have extensively developed elsewhere. Tyler, for example, whom I read and who reads me, follows him... If you take the trouble to be a little less in the sarcasm of the can... My troll: either you have a selective memory, or you forget the words which I have extensively developed elsewhere. Tyler, for example, whom I read and who reads me, follows him... If you take the trouble to be a little less in the sarcasm of the dunce who attacks the first in the class, you could progress a little with us in your thinking. You obviously prefer to indulge in the ease of Manichaeism and ideological ready-to-think...PS: I don't know what you have against the apple brand but in your frequent allusions, as in your occasional nicknames , do we feel a bad experience?

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 02:17 PM
@Henri: ah ah, I would have liked to know the period it is true, but unfortunately I was not born yet...

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 14:20
Hector31: exception which confirms the rule and which is based on two other particularities: strongbox of Europe and Neutrality! Do not dream... Not even sure that it will hold for a long time yet...

Tylerle's answer 07/20/2012 at 14:23
@Hector31: Knowing very little about the Swiss political system, I would be careful not to answer you... But I will take a closer look...

Answer from Pelionon 07/20/2012 at 14:29
@spoliation, you really need to re-read Mr Litell's book, because the episode you quote is only a very short passage out of the 1400 pages that "attempt" to account for this drama. Please stop drawing this parallel between holocaust and... @spoliation, you really need to read Mr Litell's book again, because the episode you quote is only a very short passage on the 1400 pages that "try" to account for this drama. Please stop making this parallel between the holocaust and "hunt for the rich in France", it's just indecent for the victims and ridiculous on the merits. All of this even though I'm willing to hear arguments from people unwilling/unable to pay more taxes, but there are complex matters that are beyond you. Good day.

Answer from P@n@sonicle 07/20/2012 at 14:40
Ah yes, the Swiss, those who concealed the Nazi gold, traditionally harbor a number of offshore operations, tax exiles, accounts of dictators and so on. Indeed, here is a healthy and fertile democratic ground, paragons of the ... Ah yes the Swiss, those who have concealed Nazi gold, traditionally shelter a number of offshore operations, tax exiles, accounts of dictators and I on the way. Indeed, here is a healthy and fertile democratic ground, paragons of probity no doubt. On that in these conditions it is a little easier to maintain a consensual social pact.

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 14:47
The story is beyond a lot of people on this thread, you're right! +1 for the call for a modicum of decency.

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 14:56
@ Tyler: we had a good laugh at the time Choron, Reiser, Desproges, Jean Yanne... All dead the poor! We were enjoying the face of the whole Earth: cocos, fachos, socialos... I'm going to seem to you what I'm not (still completely)... @ Tyler: we had a lot of fun at the time Choron, Reiser, Desproges, Jean Yanne... All dead the poor! We were enjoying the face of the whole Earth: cocos, fachos, socialos... I'm going to seem to you what I am not (still completely): an old c.n but it was a time when we could still give voice !Well, we still find a little of this spirit among the Grolandais, Siné...

Answer from number 6on 07/20/2012 at 15:01
@spoliation bravo and thank you for this constructive comment.

Answer from spoliationon 07/20/2012 at 15:26
@pelion, for your information Mr Litell's book is a novel if I remember correctly and in no way a historical fact or a history book and the only parallel I draw is just to show that the stimagtisation of a community is not... @pelion, for your information Mr Litell's book is a novel if I remember correctly and in no way a historical fact or a history book and the only parallel I make it's just to show that the stigmatization of a community is not healthy for France, whether financial, color, or religious stigmatization... Under no circumstances would I allow myself to put the same rank hunt for the rich and the holocaust. But agree, however, that our politicians on all sides are in an oligarchy that works for their well-being before that of others .. according to Thomas Holland, his mother should be a minister if it's not a call for his father, j I have a serious hearing problem .. it's this system that bothers me, the "do what I say not what I do", whether they are on the right or on the left they start to show the example .. Whether it's a minister on the right who knocks down a person because it causes a fire to burn or a president who rolls at 140 instead of 70 ... it's the same for me, that they start to show us the example .., for example, I would like to know the difference in taxation of a Laurent Fabius, a Strauss Kahn or any other right-wing minister with a lambda citizen who is at the ISF .. J I would like to know what in their home is tax-exempt what we pay for them!!

Tylerle's answer 07/20/2012 at 15:26
A little weakness for Coluche too ^^...

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 16:04
Yes, he still had a melon at one time (which he did to his little comrades at the station café, it wasn't nice at all) an excessive thirst for revenge no doubt and an alcoholism violent... but he has evolved a lot and has been able to relate... Yes, he had nevertheless taken the melon at one time (what he did to his little comrades at the café at the station, it was not nice at all) an excessive thirst for revenge without doubts and a violent alcoholism... but he evolved well and knew how to remember that he was born poor. A classy guy!

Answer from spoliationon 07/20/2012 at 16:13
Last thing and I'll stop there, concerning the politicians, take their population and the population of France, take those who have had or who have judicial pots and do the ratio of all this in relation to their population, all this... Last thing and I'll stop there, concerning the politicians, take their population and the population of France, take those who have had or have judicial potholes and make the ratio of all this in relation to their population, all this without taking into account the fact that they are good at covering up the cases in which they are involved and you will understand "my almost all rotten", if my memories are correct in this government you have 4 ministers who made the subject to legal action, the first of which and in my opinion in the previous government we must be in the same proportions.

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 16:51
Spoliation: note that those who invented ''all rotten'' were rubbish: even more rotten and more murderous! But of course, I do not classify you in this category: like many people, you are exasperated by morals... Spoliation: note that those who invented ''all rotten'' were rubbish: even more rotten and more murderous! But of course, I do not class you in this category: like many people, you are exasperated by political mores.

hmhm wrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:41 AM
There should be a derogatory regime for certain cases. Shouldn't the farmer of the Ile de Ré consider his land as professional property, exempt from wealth tax? The delirious rise in prices should be stopped because indeed... There should be a derogatory regime for certain cases. Shouldn't the farmer of the Ile de Ré consider his land as professional property, exempt from ISF? delusional prices should be stopped because indeed, the return is ridiculous and any taxation is heavy. But above all, if we (especially young people) were not obliged to put 30 to 60% of the salary in stone, we could damn well restart the engine of consumption, jobs, etc.

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Answer from tropdepeineon 07/20/2012 at 11:25

Answer from @hmhmle Jul 20, 2012 at 3:30 PM
If the land of a farmer on the Ile de Ré makes him subject to the ISF, then it is no longer agricultural land but building land. It is normal for it to be taxed. Farmland is worth nothing right now

Cavaliere wrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:37
An economy based on real estate speculation kills youth and income kills work, the France of tomorrow will be the Spain of today. I am lucid but it is in this way that I enriched myself, I do not have particular talents for... An economy based on real estate speculation kills youth and income kills work, the France of tomorrow will be Spain today. I'm lucid but that's how I got rich, I don't have any particular talent for setting up a club and we're not in the USA here.

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Answer from hadesle 07/20/2012 at 11:37
you inherited more than 2 million .... you got rich like that my guy, neither more nor less, stop giving moral lessons to everyone, you're drunk !!!

Nathalie wrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:21 AM
To SteveM "Some people pay the ISF and have trouble making ends meet at the end of the month... Selling a family memory to pay a tax is the limit..." To pay money 'IS you must already have a bundle of goods (I remind you of all the d... To SteveM "Some people pay the ISF and have trouble making ends meet at the end of the month... Selling a family memory for paying a tax is a limit..." To pay corporate tax you must already have a package of goods (I remind you of all the deductions: credit, accounts receivable, local, land and personal income tax, before determining the base tax...) So, sell 1 property, my faith, I was not crying....

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Answer from Bastienle 07/20/2012 at 10:42
It's indeed very easy to imagine selling what you don't own. From the moment when "the other" becomes the target to cut down fiscally, it is that the situation of the country smells scorched.

Answer from tropdepeineon 07/20/2012 at 11:24
"Selling a family memory to pay a tax is a limit..."There are many people who are forced to sell their parents' house to pay for the retirement homes of their elders or simply because that they just don't have the means... "Selling a family memory to pay a tax is borderline..." There are many people who are forced to sell their parents' house to pay the retirement homes of their elders or simply because they simply cannot afford to pay property taxes. Not to mention the divorces or the loss of one's job which can lead to reselling one's principal residence to even make ends meet. It can happen to anyone. So we have to stop complaining to those who have wealth. Some have also built empires because they have benefited from state aid (and therefore from middle-class taxes) for decades, from tax reductions and so on. (I know some examples). And today that the coffers are empty and they have come out of it well, they do not want to return the favor and prefer to leave abroad?! We are talking here about straightening out a country! Everyone will put their hand in their pocket and it is necessary if we do not want France to become tomorrow, the Spain of today. And not only the rich (cf. the measures on overtime which benefited the most modest households). And for those who really worry about the real "rich", (I am not talking about farmers whose land flew away under real estate pressure), you just have to do a quest or take to the streets with them to protest loooool

Answer from Mickadorle 07/20/2012 at 11:48
I love it!

very good newswrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:21
tired of these people who call themselves "investors in real estate" when they are nothing but leeches for the active and the young .... France, does not need them wind ! Ouch! how can a household consume or save when a huge p... fed up with these people who call themselves "investors in real estate" when they are only leeches for the active and the young.... the france, does not need them wind! Ouch! how can a household consume or save when a huge part of their salary goes into their pocket for housing. as if the building needed them! it is because of them that real estate is overpriced. how can an asset align itself with the price that a senior "investor in real estate" can pay when he must: also pay him his retirement, his social security, the public debts he leaves, the school and the health of his kids. a good heat wave.

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Answer from grandgele 07/20/2012 at 11:08
If there were no more investors in real estate, rents would explode because there has been a shortage of 500,000 homes per year for decades. Real estate gives work to a very large part of the French people and when real estate is bad, everything is bad. A... If there were no more investors in real estate, rents would explode because there has been a shortage since decades 500,000 homes per year. Real estate gives work to a very large part of the French and when real estate is bad, everything is bad. So spitting on real estate investors is really stupid. Not to mention the taxes, duties, arrears, repairs paid by them which make them the cash cows of the state.

Answer from Miloole 07/20/2012 at 11:55
Our friend's "very good news" argument flies very high: He imagines that because real estate owners are leaving France, real estate will go down, and rents with it. But, my young friend, your rent, it's no longer up to Mr. Tartanpion... Our friend's argument "very good news" flies very high: He imagines that because property owners leave France, real estate will go down, and the rents with. But, my young friend, your rent, it is no longer to Mr. Tartanpion that you will pay it, but to a property company held by Russian, Qatari, Dutch or American capital. And there is no question of negotiating what whatever, they have armies of lawyers, and will throw you out at the slightest misstep. must believe that the phenomenon is global, because real estate has tripled around the world for 20 years...

Reply from Ghostlyle 07/20/2012 at 12:59
Welcome Good News. The pay-as-you-go system makes current workers pay the pensions of most owners. The latter make pay for their real estate to the assets of the goods that they were worth two to three times less expensive there is... Well seen Good News. The pay-as-you-go system makes current workers pay the pensions of most owners. The latter charge their real estate to the assets of the goods that they were worth two to three times less 10 to 20 years ago. Retirees cost more to health insurance than any segment of society. Before looking at real estate in the world (Luanda, London, ...) try to understand why the m² is 2 times cheaper in Munich than in Paris, while France is trailing Germany.

comiquewrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:15
I don't like foreigners, they come to eat the bread of the French, said Fernand Raynaud, I don't like the rich.....The fall of the story will be exactly the same. What's great about it the Socialists is that by killing the investment market... I don't like foreigners they come to eat the bread of the French said Fernand Raynaud I don't like the rich ..... The fall of history going to be exactly the same. What's great about the Socialists is that by killing the real estate investment market among other things, at least everything will go very quickly, so much the better it's preferable to a long agony, long live euthanasia long live the revolution!

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Cavaliere wrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:14
One of my cousins ​​inherited a house on the Ile de Ré, he sold it for 1.5 million euros...he had to pay inheritance tax, despoiled by a Marxist state .

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Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 10:40
The Ile de Ré is very overrated and then there is all the caviar left, ugh! The real rich have bunga bunga parties on viagra on the maddalena islands, don't they?

Reply from antisocialole 07/20/2012 at 11:21
@Henri, in agreement with your comment, which is still just as spirited, no spiritual forgiveness, finally more of the same thing, but you are forgetting about banga banga your section comrades specialists from the Place des Vosges in Paris. How ? you cough?... @Henri, in agreement with your comment always so spirits, no spiritual forgiveness finally of the similar to the same but you forget in terms of banga banga your specialists comrades of section of the place des Vosges in Paris. How ? you cough ?? So take a Vosges pellet, they are green like your green allies.

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 12:11
My troll, you definitely don't know how to find your way around anymore by dint of using many pseudonyms: I am neither a socialist nor a cassoulet rightist, nor green nor anything you imagine in your little mental universe. My creed, if I dare say: neither god, nor m... My troll, you definitely don't know how to find your way around by dint of using many pseudonyms: I am neither a socialist nor a cassoulet rightist, nor green nor anything you imagine in your little mental universe. My creed, if I may say so: neither god, nor master, even swimmer...

Cavaliere wrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:12
The ISF is likely to affect real estate prices, it was a good time when inheriting real estate brought in more than winning the Lotto.

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Pelion wrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:09
Most of the articles on this site see a few dozen comments, the most "performing" often exceed a hundred, but this morning we see more than 300 comments... so I wonder what we're talking about here ? taxation? non d'argent b... Most of the articles on this site see a few dozen comments, the most "performing" often exceed a hundred, but this morning we see more than 300 comments... so I tell myself what I'm talking about are we here? taxation? not money of course. The French have always had a difficult relationship with money...since when? and especially since it has been established in value, as a standard meter of social success. But how does a firefighter and/or a nurse who save lives every week would have been less successful in their lives than a footbaleur.? Has a senior executive or SME entrepreneur been less successful if he does not have an annual investment banker bonus? The question is not whether his grandfather's house or his land are inherited illegitimately, because the fruit of work, the question is whether we want to maintain our model of society and the tradition of a country that has redistributed its wealth to its descendants for centuries. We are all more or less descendants of peasants, people of the land who married off their children to pass on a heritage to them. Our model of Nation is that of a certain form of solidarity, (which can be more or less well distributed / organized I agree) and not a model where the simple personal accumulation is the law, and which arrives today to build, in defiance of the law and of the greatest number, globalized financial systems to satisfy the greed of an elite. Money should only remain a tool, not a value, to build what we all want, a certain well-being and good living in our society, but it will be up to us to do it, against a certain political class ; This global crisis may be a trigger. Have a nice day.

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Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 10:59
"and especially since it is erected in value, in standard meter of social success" No, I think that it is linked to a particular sense of Judeo Christian morality and a false idea of ​​equality resulting from the revolution (which, let's remember, has been... "and especially since it has been established in value, as a standard meter of social success" No, I think that this is linked to a particular sense of Judeo Christian morality and a false idea of ​​equality resulting from the revolution (which, let us remember, turned out to be a bitter failure)... Continue to philosophize, during this time capital is fleeing massively and the country is emptying of his blood... After the hand put on the ISF, the 1600 billion of life insurance, the 1% housing... What will still find the State to satisfy its thirst for cash disproportionate, spoliator and destroyer of wealth? Nationalize Total perhaps?

Answer from Pelionon 07/20/2012 at 11:18
@Tyler, I take your point on religious morality, not revolution, but I have a question for you, isn't the global financial system's inordinate thirst for cash more destructive? Because banks invest little/more in... @Tyler, I take your point on religious morality, not revolution, but I have a question for you, the inordinate thirst for cash of the global financial system n not more destructive? Because the banks invest little/more in the real world...that of TOTAL including...

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 11:59
@Pelion: "Because the banks invest little/more in the real world..." I can tell you that despite the difficult times, they are not idle in the structured finance teams... And that finances billions of very concrete projects, ... @Pelion: "Because the banks invest little / more in the real world..." I can tell you that despite the difficult times, they are not idle in the teams of structured financing... And it finances billions of very concrete projects, highways, bridges, factories, power plants, oil fields in Ghana... Exceptional teams who work hard and do a monster job. And this is just one example. Loans in areas in full development, there are many. These very heavy corporate financing activities over long periods of time could hardly continue without the technology, the skills, the resources that are then found in the trading room, from a risk management and balance sheet management point of view. the bank. I'm not saying that banks always do this very well (!), but I'm trying to explain how even though market activities may seem abstract, it also contributes to the "real economy" as you say. In this context, speculation is essential (that doesn't mean that you shouldn't control and regulate), otherwise you wouldn't find anyone to close the deal. And it's not just the banks that invest, there are also many funds, business angels (again, there are very few of these in France)... It is certain that credit has scarcity, that there is a flight towards quality, that overall the investor is less inclined to take risks, but you cannot put a knife to his throat, all this is not unrelated to the uncertain global environment... I personally have no confidence in the State, which I believe will invest badly (i.e. clientelism, or support unprofitable projects) money that does not belong to it, except for well-established sectors. specific in the public domain (that being said, the private sector knows how to do that too at times: just look at the Spanish banks... But many "Caja" walked hand in hand with local politicians, including some were largely corrupt). In short, my point here is to try to explain how current finance is complex and probably abstract for many, and that if it is certain that there are abuses/dysfunctions, we must also see its positive effects. The banks, at this level, were wrong to over-cultivate secrecy, and should + communicate to the general public on these points, just to qualify the points of view a little. Once again, don't get me wrong, bankers are certainly not children at heart... But they are useful to the community, more than you might think!

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 15:23
I don't like communists because they're communists, I don't like socialists because they're not socialists, I don't like mine because they love money too much! You know who it is... He also said ''politics... I don't like communists because they're communists, I don't like socialists because they're not socialists, I don't like my people because they like money too much! You know who it is... He also said ''politics is not done in the trash'' Pompidou's betrayal!

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 16:02
@Henri: Oh no, don't get me started on it :) I have already given my opinion on the subject many times, and why I firmly believe that this massive argument from Melanchon as from Marine Le Pen is totally demagogic.

comiquewrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:06

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hector31 wrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:06
The left doesn't like the rich, that's clear! It wants to drive them out of the country and replace them with poor people from elsewhere! After all, it's its right, isn't it? Those who voted for it should be happy.

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Answer from a Hector 31on 07/20/2012 at 11:19
in fact I didn't even realize that before May 2012 there were only rich people in France. I must be the only old poor in France so, maybe that's why I Sometimes it feels like living on another planet!!

Answer from number 6on 07/20/2012 at 13:01
@ hector 31 yes the left does not like the rich but likes to be rich. Yes, it wants to replace people with poor people from elsewhere, in order to be able to lower wages. Nothing is from the heart, you know ...

Albatrosa wrote on 07/20/2012 at 10:05
To tonyjam: don't waste your time answering the invectives, it will be endless; anonymous comments will always be the place of excess. Some do not understand that the country is on the verge of chaos and that EVERYONE must participate in the e... To tonyjam: do not waste your time answering the invectives, it will be endless; anonymous comments will always be the place of excess. Some do not understand that the country is on the verge of chaos and that EVERYONE must participate in the financial efforts. The turn of the small middle classes will come and let's hope that spending cuts will follow....To please wealthy people like Françoise Hardy, the main house could be excluded from the calculation of the ISF; apart from this exception, we are not going to cry over their fate.

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àfinsutiles wrote on 07/20/2012 at 9:58
To anyone using the nickname "Churchill": For all intents and purposes, I screenshotted and saved this whole thread...

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bartga wrote on 07/20/2012 at 9:41
The nobles have abandoned their a rich widow can part with part of her heritage...

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tonyjam wrote on 07/20/2012 at 9:27
most of the new rich in France are rich because of the explosion in real estate prices and rents since 1998. They boast that they are rich thanks to the fruit of their work, but how is this a work than twiddling your thumbs while looking... most of the new rich in France have been made so by the explosion of property prices and rents since 1998. They boast that they are so thanks to the fruit of their work, but what is it work to twiddle your thumbs watching the price of your house skyrocket? a comedy moment huh? :) Today, it has become impossible to do such a thing: the prices of the immo are at their peak: they can no longer climb cardu overnight Sarko your hero has cut state aid (PTZ + in the old and scellier ). And there the buying pigeons can no longer keep up. The prices are slowly falling because you greedy owners are thick-skinned and do not want to "sell off" as you say so well, but nevertheless it will have to go down if you want that it sells... Young people buying real estate today are sure to make a LESS value if they sell before ten years... As today, young people move (because they have to move) from town to town, more has mutations in shambles or layoffs, they often have to sell quickly .. And there they will make a big loss! So please, become rich by being a simple worker without a diploma thanks to the fruit of his work, please, to others ok? We all know that it is only thanks to real estate speculation (land and apartments).... I know a lot of people who are honest and admit having bought apartments in Paris for mouths of bread (80,000) euros in 1998 , and today resell almost 5 times more expensive!!! You may criticize us that we are not intelligent enough, us young first-timers.. It's just that you were born at the right time.. if we buy today, we are SURE to lose, thanks to your friend Sarko, which caused prices to soar between 2008 and 2012, via the scellier and ptz, when the bursting of the bubble was well under way in 2008.

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Reply from claude34on 07/20/2012 at 11:22
And others win millions by playing Euromillions, kicking a baballe in various ways, etc etc etc etc. So, to sum up in one line: no wealth is legitimate, only the Worker's labor is legitimate, let's plunder everything. We have... And others win millions by playing Euromillions, kicking a ball in various ways, etc etc etc etc. So, to sum up in one line: no wealth is legitimate, only the Worker's labor is legitimate, let's plunder everything. We have seen your ideology at work in the past, I believe :)

churchilà wrote on 20/07/2012 at 9:12
it's not the first time that socialists rob people; already, during the second world war, the German socialists despoiled the Jews.... that says a lot about the next step, huh?

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 9:29
How can the moderator leave such bullshit?? if I threw a militant socialist, I would immediately ask for the IP of this individual at the podium and file a complaint!

Answer from Blendedle 07/20/2012 at 9:43 AM
Churchill your revisionism is sickening

Answer from Spoliation ..on 07/20/2012 at 9:57
You would ask churchill's IP to report him!!!

Reply from Rameaule 07/20/2012 at 10:34
Bravo spoliation: CQFD

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 10:36
There are laws in France against this kind of talk, whether you like it or not. And revisionism or the apology of revisionism are severely punished. In your place, I would not go on this slippery slope...

Answer from L'ermitele 07/20/2012 at 10:45
The denunciation, we leave that to the collaborators, the militiamen of Pétain and their ultra-right heirs on this forum

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 11:04
In the same spirit, there is one you will like above, by "Spoliation"...

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 12:12
@Tyler: It's one and the same, don't tell me you didn't notice?

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 1:51 PM
I don't spend enough time on these forums yet to toast Dr Jekyll & Mr. Hyde running rampant here...

Steeve M wrote on 07/20/2012 at 7:21 AM
A word without a number? The word rich will always be debated because no number is associated with it, and the rich is always his neighbour. and have trouble jo... A word without a number? The word rich will always be debated because no number is associated with it, and the rich is always his neighbour....To work in heritage advice, I can assure you that some people pay the ifs, and have trouble making ends meet at the end of the month. These are often real estate assets built up over several generations, not necessarily rental or low-yield (already taxed) and which receive low pensions. In this case, the sale of a property is almost obligatory to find the cash. Selling a family memory to pay a tax is limited....the old system was not so bad and designed in this direction....That the left wants to restore social justice why not, but it is illusory to believe that it is by taxing the rich that the poor get richer And Holland has understood very well how to get elected for free. He moved the problem. You are poor because of the rich. Sarkozy advocated the discourse of purchasing power to him... Which is from a lesser point of view the real problem of the French people today. Knowing that my neighbor pays the isf personally I don't care, knowing that I will have more means at the end of the month that interests meTo conclude the definition of the rich under the left of 2012. If you earn one euro you are rich, if you work overtime you are rich, if you have one euro to invest you are rich.... Good luck

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Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 7:48
You can imagine that all this Sarkozo-Dutch cinema is to amuse the gallery! Libor scandal or since... You can imagine that all this Sarkozo-Dutch cinema is to amuse the gallery! , as evidenced by the Libor scandal or since 2007 the triggering of the chain reaction that has been improperly called ''subprime crisis''. .

Reply from claude34on 07/20/2012 at 11:27
Yes Henri, the goal is indeed to designate a new villain on whom we will type. There it is "the rich", which pleases many jealous / embittered since everyone considers that the rich is the one who earns more than himself. Personally, I can... Yes Henri, the goal is indeed to designate a new bad guy on whom we will hit. There it is "the rich", which pleases many jealous / embittered since everyone considers that the rich is the one who earns more than himself. Personally, I think the villain of the story [specifically from the perspective of the deficit in France] is the state apparatus and the low productivity of the EN... To each his own.

Brodnik wrote on 07/20/2012 at 7:13
As for those who have to pay to work...I'm thinking of all those jobs that require having a car, being impeccably dressed every day, paying for the professional certification that goes well, for example work like... As for those who have to pay to work...I'm thinking of all those jobs that require having a car, being dressed impeccably every day, paying for the professional certification that goes well with example to work as a security guard etc ... in fact spend 100 to earn 80 ... Employees, VSEs, self-employed .... They are not to be pitied too?

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Answer from chrisle 07/20/2012 at 8:17
it's not because there are more unhappy that people paying a higher tax than their income will not complain!! because in this case in France we shut our mouths because compared to the majority of countries we have the good life... this law is... it's not because there are more unhappy than the people paying a tax higher than their income will not complain!! because in this case in France we shut our mouths because compared to the majority of countries we have the good life... this law is stupid, instead of trying to save money the state is always trying to have more income!!

A virtual playground?wrote on 07/20/2012 at 3:57
Frankly, the rich, the less rich or the others, no one is therefore able to exchange while taking care to respect each other a minimum?!? Everyone is free to think what they want, to express it or not, but get carried away and let yourself be... Frankly, rich, less rich or others, no one is therefore able to exchange while taking care to respect each other at least? !? Everyone is free to think what they want, to express it or not, but get carried away and indulge in simplistic, contemptuous and generalizing reflections because behind a keyboard it's easy, it's really no. We roughly deviate from the initial subject with impulsive comments, and then what? Nothing. I will not react to the subject itself, on the other hand I will just give my impression after reading the various comments, that of a flagrant discrepancy. I don't despise those who have "what it takes", I respect them, but I have the feeling that many are not aware of the difficulties that lack of money represents. Looks like we're not from the same world. For some it seems easy, as if all they had to do was give themselves the means to "succeed", but it's not that simple! To those who have succeeded in realizing their projects, who have seen it succeed and who have benefited from it, so much the better for you, but don't think that it's possible for everyone, everywhere, all the time. With that, PEACEEee!

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papacooloosewrote on 07/20/2012 at 2:57
So much the better for those who are rich and have given themselves the means to be so. Most indulge in idleness and become embittered. It takes luck, relationships, intelligence of course, but also willpower, risk-taking... So much the better for those who are rich and who have given themselves the means to be. Most indulge in idleness and become embittered. It takes luck, relationships, intelligence of course, but also willpower and risk-taking to get by. This is not the case of everyone...

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Answer from Tanithle 07/20/2012 at 3:42
Risk-taking, willpower, intelligence? It's true that it takes a lot to be a rich widow, LOL...And it's also true that it's not the case for everyone (to be a rich idle widow) re - LOL...

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 7:51
It takes courage to sleep with big dicks! They have merit!

Answer from lecomte03on 07/20/2012 at 8:22
the widow often worked with her husband to build, and since you are so smart why aren't you rich? Those who failed criticize those who succeeded and wish to see them disappear to hide their mediocrity.

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 8:39
You're right: the Tanith suburban kingpins! They are smart and therefore they are rich!

Response from jacqueson 07/20/2012 at 9:20
most of today's rich haven't had to rack their brains or work hard, for many it's heritage. is nothing compared to those who live on the streets, where... most of today's rich did not have to rack their brains or work hard, for many it is a heritage. to own several house / apartment, they have case to sell one. it is nothing compared to those who live in the street, or have only 100? to live.

Answer from Tanithle 07/20/2012 at 10:18 AM
@ lecomte03Tout fauxI am a happy owner on an island in the South Pacific, I am my own boss and I work when I want to in a job that I am passionate about and in which I have succeeded while the sector in which I 'evolves is e... @ lecomte03 Tout faux sector in which I operate is in the doldrums (and it's not real estate). And for all that, I don't belittle those who couldn't (and not "knew") to succeed, because at some point in my life, for literally finding myself in the gutter, I know how difficult it is to make it out. Swallow your crass stupidity which pushes you to spread invectives by judging the people who comment according to their nickname, which is moreover revealing of your narrow-mindedness. Mine in this case, and for those who do not know its etymological origin, is a c.. trap in which you are engulfed head first. :-))) Hello to your widows...(The first lesson is free)

Reply from lecomte03on 07/20/2012 at 11:25
your lesson can be free because it sucks, we are not the aggressors that everyone gives half of their income and we will talk about it. poverty is not a proof of quality when the nickname is simply in relation to a name of ... your lesson can be free because it sucks, we are not the aggressors that everyone gives half of their income and we will talk about it. poverty is not a proof of quality when the nickname is simply in relation to a street name in my neighborhood!!!

Answer from Tanithle 07/20/2012 at 15:08
You're right, I should have started with a reading and writing course, and then I would have given a short presentation on bad faith, but there, I have something else to do than to trying to argue with an obtuse anonymous person who continues to deny... You're right, I should have started with a reading and writing course, and then I would have given a short presentation on bad faith, but there, I have something else to do than try to argue with an obtuse anonymous person who continues to deny the evidence with his nose in his mistake after having taken me to task and called me mediocre without knowing who he was dealing with .For your information, if indeed you have one, I consider that indeed we will not have the occasion to speak about it together, (which saddens me very little to tell the truth) because you do not seem satisfy the condition required for a courteous dialogue, a condition established unilaterally by you which consists in donating half of one's income, and to which I have been happy to subscribe for my part for some time now, and not by inheritance, but thanks to my work. A handkerchief?

Thomas wrote on 07/20/2012 at 1:50
The French are unique in that they don't like the rich, but rather play lotto and other games of chance like crazy with the insane hope of becoming... rich!

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Answer from Picsoule 07/20/2012 at 4:10
Never seen. The French hate money...Other people

Answer from number 6on 07/20/2012 at 13:03
yes, so it comes down to jealousy, a bad thing! Well, we tax their lottery at 75 percent too.

tonyjam wrote on 07/20/2012 at 1:27
One thing is certain: dear greedy rich who would rather have a kidney removed than sell off your house, you will be in trouble.... pay hard in taxes.... it's going to hurt a lot when you're going to receive the 1st third ..... it will hurt a lot in ... One thing is sure: dear greedy rich who would rather have a kidney removed than sell off your house, you will be morfler .... pay hard in taxes.... it will hurt a lot when you receive the 1st third..... it will hurt a lot in ISF.. it will hurt a lot in local taxes.. :))You say I'm jealous ? but not at all .... I'm laughing and I'm very happy to see you moan, because greed is the worst fault! And if you believe that money makes you smarter, well, you are proof to the contrary..:))Go and heat up your credit cards, checkbooks and pay hard! You will see it hurts a lot where it goes at the beginning but you get used to it quickly.... But know that the hardest part is yet to come for 2015!! because we will have to find the pennies to satisfy the 3% debt in relation to the GDP .. :) in any case what a knot of viper this forum .... amazing how money can make you crazy, insulting and despising people folks......

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Answer from alicele 07/20/2012 at 1:47
@tonyjam, GREED IS GOOD! I'm greedy and proud of it! Ah, I have to do it, I don't pay the ISF anymore: I left! Money doesn't make you smarter, it makes you happier !Vi, vi! With dollars in my pocket, I worry less, for... @tonyjam, GREED IS GOOD! I'm greedy and proud of it! Ah, I have to, I don't pay the ISF anymore: I left !Money doesn't make you smarter, it makes you happier!Vi, vi! With dollars in my pocket, I worry less about my children's future. Goodbye!

Answer from Aquale 07/20/2012 at 2:06
Tonyjam, you could re-read or rest a bit, no one insulted you. now if the idea that your "dear greedy rich" will "morfler", and if it does you good, good for you after all, it's a pleasure like any other, sir... Tonyjam, you could read or rest a bit, nobody insulted you. now if the idea that your "dear greedy rich" are going to "morfler", and if it does you good, good for you after all, it's a pleasure like any other, Mr. don't trust? I do, for a nice report shortly.

Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 2:08
it's good to at least admit it, especially since it doesn't make you smart... :)))

Answer from Atomele 07/20/2012 at 2:22
I don't understand this hatred of wealth. Many rich people are rich by the fruit of their labor. It is rather the tax which is screwed up in France... We want to make the rich pay unbearably but at the same time we have to pay them... I don't understand this hatred of wealth. Many rich people are rich by the fruit of their labor. It is rather the tax which is screwed up in France... We want to make the rich pay in an unbearable way but at the same time we have to brush them in the direction of the hair because they are also holder of many production goods of our country... So we tax them heavily but we find ways for them to avoid tax. We must review all French taxation... and above all change this absurd mentality which in the end denigrates work, ideas, innovation and levels society downwards. If the French ideal is to be all destitute, I prefer to be German.

Answer from yclickle 07/20/2012 at 4:17
Well come to Germany, there is still room ;)

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 7:54
Obviously, you're doing well abroad, otherwise you wouldn't be on the back of the crypto-Bolshevik Tonyjam so much! Moaaaaarrrrr!

tonyjam wrote on 07/20/2012 at 1:09
to all the lesson givers here on this forum, you call tenants lazy and good-for-nothing, you despise them, you say you deserve your heritage from your father worked hard, but how do you deserve to being a daddy's boy exa... to all the lesson givers here on this forum, you treat the tenants as lazy and good for nothing, you despise them, you say that you deserve your heritage ar your father worked, but how exactly do you deserve to be a daddy's boy? :) and above all, it doesn't bother you at all to have seen the price of your house multiplied by 4-5 with the surge in real estate... Or else you are avoiding the subject... Frankly, you are ridiculous and don't have no credibility.... By the way, do you follow the news? because your Heros Sarkozy has just had a surprise visit from the police for a house search.... What a beautiful image that gives of France in the eyes of the world, doesn't it? :)))

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Answer from That's good. on 07/20/2012 at 1:34
In France, everyone is allowed to speak. Even to those who do not understand anything. Beautiful country. But that makes exchanges complex to get the wheat out of the chaff.

Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 2:06
We even give voice to those who speak without saying anything, and you are the proof...

Answer from Gin tonicle 07/20/2012 at 2:59
Readers don't scare Tonyjam away, he's a good one, since we lost Coluche good comedians are rare and here I have the feeling that we have one, a real breeding product, a pure one, I hope his number will catch the attention of... Reader friends, don't scare Tonyjam away, it's a good one, since we lost Coluche good comedians are rare and there I have the feeling that we have one, a real breeding product, a pure one, I hope that his number will quickly catch the attention of an impresario so that the rest of the planet can benefit from it. Long live the clowns! long live Tony jam! Long live France, one and indivisible! lol

No one has actually understood yet.wrote on 07/20/2012 at 1:04
France is a Marxist communist country. It is not out of spite that my assertion, it is a simple observation. And it has been for almost a century. Even a big bourgeois ends up saying, yet I am a good social worker, a good Frenchman... He is normal... France is a Marxist communist country. It is not out of spite that my assertion, it is a simple observation. And it has been for almost a century. Even a big bourgeois ends up saying, yet I am a good social a good Frenchman... It is normal that the poor Malisens... They will applaud (or went) Ferrat, and boast of communist culture with the great literary classics and mid-century varieties. Everyone praised the good and courageous worker and everyone applauded. However, I who come from there, I can tell you that there have always been very few saints in the working world or that of low-level employees. The same war as above them only worse, the losers no longer have an alternative. But they united under an aura of Rousseau's "good savage" and the famous actors practically never played anything but that, with the worker who wins in the end. Legend coming from the really well done USSR propaganda, you have to believe. Look closely, 70 to 90% of the money produced by everyone and their work is confiscated, directly or indirectly. From the intellectuals of the 1950s, all Stalinist communists, we still have the permanent communism in all our heads to look good and intelligent. Once the fruit is confiscated, the totalitarian tyrant state to enslave you redistributes it to you. In the form of a niche, family allowance, unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, returned allowance, "single mother allowance, subsidy for your business, subsidy for your transport, school support... from ci to there ... everyone becomes demanding and dependent on the state, except the smart ones who will never be touched by the right or the left. The PS is a little more Marxist than the UMP? Yes it's true The ruined will only be collateral damage and additional claimants ready to kneel before the political master to regain his hard-earned pittance.Those who have never done anything in their lives except claim will see no change. except that their number will grow, the pittance will be progressively meager, but everyone will be "equal"

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 1:33
What a prosaic / What a magnificent lyrical flight, all this following a very small increase in the ISF...really it's magnificent..... we want more!!!! :))))

Reply from lilounetteon 07/20/2012 at 8:03
@tonyjam - you must be really very embittered and have a possibly wasted life to make so many hateful comments about people who have money, "the rich". I have no money and no possessions and I can barely finish the ends... @tonyjam - you must be really very embittered and have a possibly wasted life to make so many hateful comments to the against people who have money, "the rich". I have no money and no possessions and I can barely make ends meet, but that doesn't mean that I vilify those who have it and that I'm glad they have to pay tax. higher than their income! The rich don't take money from the poor?! That's not the problem. On that, good luck, you need it.

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 8:50
Well, frankly, there's nothing to brag about! You might have to move a little to earn some Lilounette! Ah these poor people... Idleness will ruin them!

Aqua wrote on 07/20/2012 at 0:49
It's not paying more when you have the means that's unbearable, it's the way of presenting things. The "sergeants" of Hollandism, who hold the Assembly and also refuse to be taxed on their professional expenses, appeal... It's not paying more when you have the means that is unbearable, it's how to present things. The "sergeants" of Hollandism, who hold the Assembly and also refuse to be taxed on their professional expenses, appeal to the "patriotic" sense of what they call the rich. One must have fallen very low in ideology or in ignorance, not to know that patriotism is a feeling based solely on volunteering, which leads to protecting one's country. The use of the word is even an insult to those who have carried this feeling to the point of losing their lives to it recently. The ideological left did not even remember that the patriots, poor peasants, were opposed to the aristocrats in 1789, the rich today! Anyway, and sorry for the naive, the state coffers will not be filled with fine words and promises. Many of us will no longer pay ISF next year, or less, as legally as possible. For my part, I agree to be a patriot, but for my country, not to help Hollandism and the French, who only talk about protests, filthy rich people. I have the right to work more, but also the right to to work less, to spend futilely instead of investing, to stop hiring, so to refuse contracts, and that's what I'm going to do. I will never be the "patriot" of an ideology, on principle.

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free thinker wrote on 07/20/2012 at 0:37
Tonyjam must have a problem with his parents who don't want to strip themselves for him and I'm very sad about that. Moreover, whatever he says, I don't think he has bac + 10, he doesn't think enough about what he says. His jealousy and his frustration... Tonyjam surely has a problem with his parents who don't want to strip themselves for him and I'm very sad about that. Moreover, whatever he says, I don't think he has bac + 10, he doesn't think enough about what he says. His jealousy and his frustration prevent him from thinking sanely. Moreover, as he feels no feelings either for his family or for his ancestors, it is easy for him to say "we must sell". But not everyone works like him, there are French people who are viscerally attached to their land and their roots, an almost carnal attachment. My husband was one of those. It turns out that he was born in an area where real estate is very high. What is the point of building up a heritage if not to leave it to your children so that they have a roof over their heads. After all, he paid inheritance tax on his father, on his mother, who also paid on their parents. All these people were honest people who worked hard, why should we be ashamed. Because a government, inspired by Machiavelli, tries to divide and rule? I must add that my children lack for nothing and that I see to it. I also have a little anecdote which means that I can't stand jealous people. My father, who was an immigrant worker, went to the factory one day with a rotten old dauphine that we had bought for half, my grandfather and me. Someone said to him "Ah these immigrants, they come with a suitcase and they have a house and a car". The problem is that my father worked 14 to 16 hours a day and this gentleman was lazy. He would have worked as much, he would have had the same thing. Those who have succeeded have worked hard and they deserve to have what they have.

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 0:49
ahhaa what a flood of insults. who allows you to judge what I think of my parents? Although very modest, my parents were able to help me get my thesis at MIT and make me become a researcher in one of the most prestigious universities in the year... ahhaa what a flood of insults. who allows you to judge what I think of my parents? Although very modest, my parents were able to help me get my thesis at MIT and make me become a researcher in one of the most prestigious English universities. "What is the point of building up a heritage if not for the leave it to his children so that they have a roof over their heads." and when exactly are you planning to give it to them, when you're 80 and they're 60? :)) and who told you that they will work next to you?

Answer from tonyjqmle 07/20/2012 at 0:55
in fact you want to give a poisoned gift to your children: they will end up with land and houses which they love madly, and will have to pay heavy taxes including the ISF! awesome! :))) you better sell now... in fact you want to give a poisoned gift to your children: they will end up with land and houses which they love madly, and will have to pay heavy taxes including the 'ISF! awesome! :))) you better sell now and give them the money now, because they need it when your children are young and not at 60 years old...:)))) And if it's viceral and carnal .. euuuuuuuuuuuhuuhuhuh, excuse me, I'm crying again... it's too much.. euhhhhh that these moving...., well know that there is no neuron in the vicres nor in the skin... :)))) )

Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 0:58
and then after all, continue to pay hard the ISF.... if it amuses you.... :)) it will make money for the state for the construction of HLM and it will lower the real estate!

Answer from free thinkeron 07/20/2012 at 1:17
Don't worry, my children are already housed by us, free of charge, and they work near my house. We have always had a sense of family and our children were our most precious asset. .

Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 1:30
And you don't worry about what I think of my parents because I owe them everything.. Shame on you for making such insults! Vomiting and revolting! Ashamed to see this from people who think they are intelligent and above others... And you don't worry about what I think of my parents because I owe them everything... Shame on you for making such insults! Vomiting and revolting! Shame to see this from people who think they're smart and above others because they're rich!

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 8:08
Here! Free thinker is a woman! My troll is starting to have serious identity problems with his multiple nicknames...

Answer from Miloole 07/20/2012 at 12:13 PM
Very modest parents who pay you a thesis at MIT... Yeah, the cost of studying at MIT is not within everyone's reach, especially PHDs. So, I don't believe it, and given your skin-deep jealousy, I see you more as a socio da teacher... Very modest parents who pay you for a thesis at MIT... Yeah, the cost of studies at MIT is not for everyone, especially PHDs. So, I don't believe it, and given your skin-deep jealousy, I see you more as a sociology teacher in a provincial university. And I imagine you marching with your comrades "all together" against the wealthy who suck the blood of the poor...

Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 12:22 PM
"Yeah, the cost of studying at MIT is not within everyone's reach, especially PHDs." And in your opinion, what is the NSF for? Go type on google to find out what it is , clap clap.. when you know nothing about a field, you go crazy..... "Yeah, the cost of studying at MIT is not within everyone's reach, especially PHDs." what is the use of the NSF?

Answer from Miloole 07/20/2012 at 15:22
One thing that unfortunately you weren't taught was politeness (perhaps the parents couldn't). Well, I sense in this unhealthy aggressiveness in Tony, like a big complex resurfacing. Wasn't worth doing d... One thing that unfortunately you weren't taught was politeness (perhaps the parents couldn't). complex that is resurfacing. It was not worth studying to believe that by hitting the rich and the almost rich we will save the country. The expected income is ridiculous (~1/2bn), and will scare away people who tend to be net contributors to the state budget. The only solution is to cut spending (research, army, education, social assistance, health, etc.). Everything else is bogus. talk again about the good ideas of FH in 5 years when the debt will be at 110% of the GDP.

Julesa wrote on 07/20/2012 at 0:07
The controversy over the isf is laughable, the average salary of bac+5 graduates is 1800 euros down, here are the middle classes on the straw and demotivated by a bankrupt and recessionary system. So the question becomes do we want a regime of... The controversy over the isf is laughable, the average salary of bac+5 graduates is 1800 euros down, here are the middle classes on the straw and demotivated by a bankrupt system and in recession. So the question becomes do we want a regime of progress or a state dictatorship. Like de Gaulle in the past, let's say no to Paris burned, Paris martyred, Paris finished and give us an appointment against the CSG and the taxation in perpetuity of work in place de l'Etoile, the employees will not be rounded up for the slaughterhouse!

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Answer from Yes but on 07/20/2012 at 1:10
95% of suitors have their baccalaureate. 100% of them get into college at whatever. Isn't that why they know how to write out of respect for others? They will be able to read, at least the leaflets of the university of letters

Tonyjam wrote on 07/19/2012 at 11:38 PM
dear rich, I suggest you organize a big anti ISF demonstration in Neuilly, next week! I think we would have a lot of fun.. :)))

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Answer from Abrutile 07/19/2012 at 23:52
And you will laugh less when France will be populated by more than 60 million poor people.

Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 0:10
hahahaha... but of course.... you know paranoia can be cured..... you have to be optimistic dear compatriot in life... and in "compatriot" there is.. patriot...: )

Answer from Snowkitesurfon 07/20/2012 at 0:55
Only simple-minded people like you think that the rich (much better advised than you will ever be), will accept this without flinching... Don't worry, you won't have many people to be jealous of soon.. Except your parliamentarians... Only simple-minded people like you think that the rich (much better advised than you will ever be), will accept this without flinching... Don't worry, you won't have many people to worry about. be jealous soon... Except your parliamentarians, senators and senior civil servants... And We, ugly rich people, we will come on vacation to taunt you in France while listening to your jeremiads on your purchasing power which has become ridiculous, your incessant strikes...

Reply from Tylerle 07/20/2012 at 14:00
Especially since with a bit of luck, Hollande and Merkel will get angry and the euro will continue to slump, it will make vacations even cheaper...

Answer from Miloole 07/20/2012 at 15:26
I foresee a bright future for the French as Lunapark guards for Chinese tourists. And there, be careful, you have to be nice to the new bosses.

tonyjam wrote on 07/19/2012 at 11:34 PM
One thing is certain: given the staggering number of groans and complaints on the forum, the investors' newspaper, there are a slew of rich people paying the ISF in France and that's good: it's going to pay off a lot money! And those who break re... One thing is certain: given the bewildering number of groans and complaints on the platform, the investors' newspaper, there is a slew of rich people paying the ISF in France and c so much the better: it's going to bring in a lot of money! And those who break will sell, increasing the supply of real estate and donating lowering prices! It's getting good, very good... Soon a measure on capital gains will be put in place and without warning (to avoid a windfall effect;.) it will hurt, very very badly: it will be on secondary residences and building plots.. Prepare your handkerchiefs dear greedy owners, because it there will soon be a deklinex out of stock.. :)))* Annuitants collecting apartments for rent, IT'S OVER!

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Answer from accobrale 07/20/2012 at 0:12
Fortunately for us there are legal ways to avoid being fleeced.1. Expatriation: Many countries welcome us with open arms (thanks Europe)2. Creation of one or more investment companies generally grouped under a ho... Fortunately for us, there are legal means to avoid being fleeced.1. Expatriation: Many countries welcome us with open arms (thanks Europe)2. Creation of one or more investment companies generally grouped together under a management holding company, to optimize tax3. Domiciling the holding company in a fiscally attractive country... And yes, it's legal and the government can't do anything about it (thank you, international tax treaties)4. The rich who are not rich enough or those who have not organized themselves may be forced to sell... Good for the others, we will soon have very good deals to do in real estate ;) we will only be more rich!!! NO NO IT'S NOT OVER, IT'S BEGINNING

Answer from Tanithle 07/20/2012 at 3:53
Nice mentality. And above all, a splendid example of stupidity combined with greed. But you're right, it's starting (no need to shout), number your giblets, maybe we'll start with you: When I say "We", I'm thinking of the biggest requ... Nice mentality. And above all, a splendid example of stupidity combined with greed. But you're right, it's starting (no need to shout), number your giblets, maybe we'll start with you: When I say "We", I think of sharks bigger than you who sharpen their teeth (and their more or less legal means). Word of advice, look over your shoulder, you're not at the top of the finance food pyramid. Or follow this Chinese adage: "Man, if you wake up one morning and find you have two sets of testicles, don't get vain about it, you're just getting... "

Answer from Miloole 07/20/2012 at 12:20 PM
To believe that real estate will go down because a few rich people have sold their properties is touching and sympathetic. la du... Believing that real estate will go down because a few rich people have sold their property is touching and sympathetic. greed and toughness in business.

Answer from Henrile 07/20/2012 at 13:01
If ever the economic situation worsens, your little worries as tenant-owners will be very very very incidental...

Fred. wrote on 07/19/2012 at 23:32
If people pay the isf it means they are rich. They just have to sell their buildings.

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Answer from @Fredle 07/19/2012 at 23:51
You are quite right. And then after all, it is so much better to live among the poor!

Answer from Fred. on 07/20/2012 at 9:58
What makes you think I'm poor? According to INSEE, I'm one of the richest 5%. The ISF and especially taxation on death are very good taxes, they make it possible to equalize each generation. Some... What makes you think that I am poor? According to INSEE, I am one of the richest 5%. ISF and especially the taxation during death are very good taxes, they allow to give equality to each generation. Someone can be rich because he works during his lifetime not because he inherits.

Palamède wrote on 07/19/2012 at 23:17
You have a short memory: as early as 1920 Clemenceau wrote: France is a fertile country! you plant civil servants, he grows taxes! ! ! It seems to me that I read an analysis some time ago showing that France is the most ... You have a short memory: as early as 1920 Clemenceau wrote: France is a fertile country! you plant civil servants, he grows taxes! ! ! I seem to have read some time ago an analysis showing that France is the most taxed country in the world and even Kenneth Galbraith (the Kennesian guy!) reminded us that taking from the "rich" never enriched a poor man! But who cares about the elementary principles of the economy? You will regret the Sarko! ! !

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Answer from Julesle 07/19/2012 at 23:39
fix: uberous.

al747 wrote on 07/19/2012 at 23:08
I don't understand how they can repeat past mistakes so much. Why not cap the ISF according to income, when we know that this will lead some to have to sell part of their land to pay the tax! ... I don't understand how they can repeat mistakes of the past to such an extent. Why not cap the ISF according to income, when we know that this will lead some to have to sell part of their land to pay the tax! How can some say here that it is normal to make an effort when some will be taxed at 90%? At this level, it's no longer participation, it's pure and simple theft. This hype will end badly if our biggest taxpayers continue to flee as they do by the thousands every week in Brussels, or in England where I lived and where there are even French people in Cheltenham in the Cotswolds... looking for houses in buy. This hysterical and delirious policy which undoes all that was done by Sarkozy will fall on us on the g... like never before.

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 23:20
you don't understand my goal!! the goal is to encourage resale, these everything, to lower the price of 'limobileir and has reached staggering prices, these everything! . you don't understand the goal!! the goal is to encourage resale, these everything, to lower the price of 'limobileir and has reached staggering prices, these everything! land and leave it fallow! France is the country in Europe where there are the most heirs! This even dates from the revolution and the first bourgeois, in Ile de France! This must stop!

Answer from @ tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 23:32
You feel like a little guy of modest origins who dreams of being rich but doesn't succeed. In the meantime, your reasonings do not show great intelligence in you.

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 23:58
it's you weren't very smart: instead of having sold your property on time without waiting, at the top of the bubble, you wait for something or other and go to pay not only the ISF but above all huge local taxes, and when you go to resell, you ... it's you were not very intelligent: instead of having sold your property on time without waiting, at the top of the bubble, you wait for whatever and go and pay not only the ISF but above all huge local taxes, and when you go to resell, you will pay heavy in tax on capital gains.... In addition, real estate prices are falling and nothing is selling at the moment :)) Yet God knows how much we had enough for you warned, dear greedy owners....

Answer from @tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 0:16
If you want to know everything, I only have a house estimated at 350,000 Euros in the provinces with 250,000 E in cash. So I'm not going to pay ISF, but that doesn't prevent me from thinking, however, that this absurd measure will cause a flight of capital and... If you want to know everything, I only have a house estimated at 350,000 Euros in the provinces with 250,000 E in cash. I will therefore not pay ISF, but this does not prevent me from thinking nevertheless that this absurd measure will cause a flight of capital and therefore a generalized impoverishment. Otherwise, I would advise you to go back to CP to learn how to write French. Good evening.

Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 12:07
"Otherwise, I would advise you to go back to first grade to learn how to write French. "You should go back to first grade: before giving lessons, the first thing would be to be 100% sure not having made a mistake so as not to pass... "Otherwise, I would advise you to go back to CP to learn how to write French. "It is you who should go back to CP: before giving lessons, the 1st of things would be 100% sure not to have made a mistake so as not to pass for an idiot :) We say "write in French", and not "write French.." Do what I say but not this what I do, as my grandfather used to say.. :))

Henrià wrote on 07/19/2012 at 23:03
Finally... While everyone is taking the cabbage for a story of widows, 14 cretins in London have manipulated the Libor, reference of 350,000 billion dollars of derivatives that no one understands anymore! beautiful the fight... Finally... While everyone takes the cabbage for a history of widows, 14 cretins in London manipulated the Libor, reference of 350,000 billion dollars of derivatives which nobody understands anything anymore! Sandbox class warfare is beautiful...

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Answer from Iphoneon 07/19/2012 at 23:21
What does it push back from the neck when it has its torch! Not to mention that he keeps fiddling with me with his big oily fingers!

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 23:42
Here is an honest diary my troll. To satisfy fantasies, there are backrooms!

gfa wrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:52
I'm impressed with the level of discussion and fruitless bickering this article brings. Every day I dream of a government taking the tax file with one hand, and a blank sheet of paper with another. A good tax is a tax before... I am impressed by the level of discussions and sterile quarrels that this article brings. Every day I dream of a government taking the tax file with one hand, and a blank sheet of paper with another. A good tax is above all a clear, understandable and fair tax! French taxation has become crazy, complex, incomprehensible (to see the number of tax management firms in particular!). This feeds the fantasies that are reflected in the comments, the rich believe they are being robbed, the middle classes believe they are being strangled, and the poor believe the rich are protected... We come to the worst situation where everyone is unhappy! ! !And the worst of the worst is that this system maintains these fantasies so much that it becomes counterproductive for work: the poorly assisted poor must above all not struggle at the risk of this impoverishment even more by skipping income brackets which cancel the aid (and it is with great respect that I draw this observation and not a criticism) The middle classes see their lifestyle stagnate or decline often imagine paying too much tax without realizing what it owes to the Company, the well-to-do workers (the rich according to certain policies > 4000? monthly) are offended by the tax brackets at 75% beyond 1 M? ... believing that this is a brake on their potential!!! since when a potential multiplication of these incomes of x20 is a psychological brake! ! ! even among those who may consider themselves very successful in life, there will not be 0.01% who will have received this level of income. The very rich deserving have become in the media the cause of all evil and only dream of leaving ... Two classes have a good laugh at the quarrels between these worlds, the ultra rich heritage who are doing more than well thanks to an army of a tax expert and whose contribution from ISF almost makes you laugh... the lazy assisted people who are very happy in the system and whom no one comes to bother... Come on, I'm still going to dream, the next government can be...

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Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 23:08
You just forgot a slight detail: there is no alternation possible in this so-called representative democratic system! So sweet dreams...

c-lossa wrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:51
most of the comments below are only the reflection of bitterness and revenge of a French "mediocracy" which does not support that a talented autodidact can earn more money than the offspring on- graduates of our fat mass of PON... most of the comments below are only the reflection of bitterness and revenge of a French "mediocracy" which does not support that a talented autodidact can earn more money that the over-qualified offspring of our fatty mass of PONCtionnaires. that's also talent. lol and again lol

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 23:25
why is it worth inheriting from rich parents and passing on this heritage from generation to generation which in the end is useless? when will you understand that this measure is intended to encourage resale to increase the supply goods... why is it worth inheriting from rich parents and passing on this heritage from generation to generation, which in the end is useless? when will you understand that this measure is intended to encourage resale to increase the offer real estate so that young people can buy, and to avoid collectors of apartments and villas like Johnny halyday?

Answer from @ tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 23:55
Precisely, tax measures often have the opposite effects than those originally intended. In the meantime, a little moderation of your hateful remarks would do us good for the eyes and the brain

Reply from @tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 0:19
Even if what you write made sense, it would only be valid for cities like Paris. So what should you do with your real estate assets to the State? To do what ? Let it decay for a few years, become a refuge for drug addicts and... Even if what you write made sense, it would only be valid for cities like Paris. So what should you do with your real estate assets to the State? To do what ? Let it decay for a few years, become a refuge for drug addicts and dog punks, finally renovate it (which will cost a small fortune) to transform it into a bullshit mussel fishing museum? Or better, we pay a super expensive architectural firm to lay us social housing that is innovative, with lots of colors that will be like a revival for the neighborhood. Reading you, I understand that your parents don't want leave you some money to buy your new rims... They prefer to ensure you a good inheritance... Unworthy parents! I don't know what BAC +10 you were talking about, but you must have found it at the photocopier, right? It should have been returned...

Libertarian Frontwrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:49
On the other hand, everyone will have noticed that our dear and expensive deputies and senators have dissociated themselves from the French by maintaining their beautiful "allowances" at a maximum level. These, of course, are not taxable since they do ... On the other hand, everyone will have noticed that our dear and expensive deputies and senators have dissociated themselves from the French by maintaining their beautiful "allowances" at a maximum level . These, of course, are not taxable since they themselves make their own laws. Shame on them.

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Reminderswrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:47
Let's not forget the following facts:- France is the country with the most millionaires in Europe (yes, yes, more than in Switzerland..)- In France, among the richest families (including the peugeot!) there are very few "new rich people" who have... Let's not forget the following facts:- France is the country with the most millionaires in Europe (yes, yes, more than in Switzerland..)- In France, among the richest families (including the Peugeots!) there are very few "new rich" who have acquired their fortune by merit, but above all heirs. The ISF ca therefore does not tax time the merit of a person as the merit of his deceased ancestors...- If you have "earned" your heritage with the sweat of your brow, say 3 million euros in thirty years of work, it means that you earn at least 200,000 euros per year (you spend half of it to live). And for 3 million euros of assets you must pay 7,500 euros of ISF, or 3% of your annual income. And even without counting the slightest investment giving right to a reduction. Raise the taxes of someone who earns 200k by 3%? is it despoiler?

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Answer from edgarle Jul 19, 2012 at 11:17 PM
Don't forget that people who pay the ISF also pay other taxes on income, on income, CSG, VAT, TIPP etc... so don't imagine that a rich person doesn't pay that 7000? taxes. this is already what a worker who earns pays... Do not forget that people who pay the ISF also pay the other taxes on income, on income, the CSG, the VAT, the TIPP etc... so don't you imagine that a rich person only pays 7000? taxes. this is already what a worker who earns 5,000 pays? per month, and only on his work IT is necessary to add the CSG, the property taxes, housing taxes, VAT, TIPP. we are far from being a millionaire. It is not necessary to earn 200K per year to pay a really despoiling tax in view of what is squandered in public funds and various aids that are never controlled, and therefore inefficient.

Answer from Miloole 07/20/2012 at 12:29
@Reminders: With 3mm of Euros in assets, we are more at 17,000?/year.

Nulosa wrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:46
The government hasn't understood that these are not immobile riches... But they are very often mobile entrepreneurs... it's the intelligence that will leave, not the rentiers! But it's true that the PS hate them ... so they will not have ... The government has not understood that these are not immobile riches ... But they are very often mobile entrepreneurs ... it is the intelligence who will leave, not the pensioners! But it is true that the PS hate them... so they will have no regrets!

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 23:09
we don't tax entrepreneurs but precisely the rentiers.... those who collect real estate and are not able to ensure their maintenance... Let them resell them, damn it!

Radical CommunismWrote on 07/19/2012 at 10:42 PM
Honestly, when I read most of the comments on this forum, it feels like 1984, with the minute of Hate. Here, the rich are the scapegoat. When will he be executed in the public square? And then, how far would this take me... Honestly, when I read most of the comments on this forum, it feels like we're in 1984, with the minute of Hate. Here, the rich are the scapegoat. When will he be executed in the public square? And then, where could this lead? after all, a Smicard is richer than a guy who collects the RSA. He is so rich!

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Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 22:50
Monsignor, he is gold, he is gold to rise...

Answer from Tonyjamle Jul 19, 2012 at 10:53 PM
Frankly, I have the impression of being in the USA, in Texas, at the time of the cold war and the witch hunts.. :)) we are increasing the ISF by a few hundred thousand euros on millions and millions of accumulated assets, e... Frankly, I feel like I'm in the USA, in Texas, at the time of the Cold War and the witch hunt. . :)) we increase the ISF by a few hundred thousand euros on millions and millions of accumulated assets, and that's it, it's the end of the beans, it's Stalin's return, it's is the end of the world announced in 2012! :))

Answer from loupe 07/19/2012 at 22:58
totally agree, I am for the public reinstatement of the guillotine.. ;-)

Reply from Radical communismeon 07/19/2012 at 23:29
Oh! Excuse me ! it is true that I have no right to think otherwise than by pure and uncorrupted socialist reasoning. In the meantime, with such reasoning, it is certain that the country will continue to sink into decline! But this man... Oh! Excuse me ! it is true that I have no right to think otherwise than by pure and uncorrupted socialist reasoning. In the meantime, with such reasoning, it is certain that the country will continue to sink into decline! But this obviously escapes the great intelligence of the big socialist pundits like Tonyjam, who says he is very tolerant on the one hand but who actually hates protest. And yes, this is the prerogative of communism: it seems beautiful but in fact, there is nothing more awful than this doctrine worthy of another age!

loup wrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:26
everyone has to make an effort. It is obvious that the minority who hold the capital defend it jealously and are ready to do anything to keep it or flee!! The middle classes can't escape to tax havens... Maybe a... everyone has to make an effort... It's obvious that the minority who hold the capital defend it jealously and are ready to do anything for it. keep or flee!! The middle classes cannot escape to tax havens. Perhaps a "good" war will do them good, as my late grandmother said, but it's true that few people know that we are at war because of of a minority of bankers (traders!), I don't stigmatize anyone but all together depending on our income we could make an effort, right? otherwise we will dance the sirtaki at Christmas! or else the rifles will speak.. the economic model is to be reviewed so let's start

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Answer from Julesle 07/19/2012 at 22:38
@loup, we must demystify: It's not just tax havens! Go to Belgium, the USA, Australia, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, etc.....! Go to a country without isf! AND ALREADY YOU WIN! yes that... @loup, we have to demystify: it's not just tax havens! Go to Belgium, the USA, Australia, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, etc.....! Go to a country without isf! AND ALREADY YOU WIN! yes because you pay less !!!!!

Flamby et sa clique wrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:25
are really pitiful...they take measures at the whim of the weather vane without thinking about the consequences while they create scis to hide their belongings....But the sheep like it

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Reply from Zekle 07/20/2012 at 7:16
Not the sheep....The cattle... (The twilight of the idols F. Nietzsche)

LOLOUSA wrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:22
Cala has been an expatriate for 15 years (tax deducted at source by my employer) for 2 years I have changed my contract to a Swiss contract less social security contributions and better social security I have some property in France so I will... Cala has been an expatriate for 15 years (tax deducted at source by my employer) for 2 years I have changed my contract to a Swiss contract less social security contributions and better social security I have some goods in France so I'm going to separate myself to keep only one foot on the ground the rest of the placement abroad and a big snub to the communist socialist As long as the AME, the RSA the allowances will be paid to the third world I am not about to returnGood luck to those who can't leave

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Answer from Garole 07/19/2012 at 22:35

Answer from on progressele 07/19/2012 at 22:41
great class, fortunately the wheel is turning, hoping that such remarks will get you into trouble very quickly like everyone else. I would like to spend a little time with you!

Answer from pmle Jul 19, 2012 at 11:59 PM
it's very embarrassing, by leaving for Switzerland, you will deprive the FN of your vote...

Answer from accobrale Jul 20, 2012 at 0:00
I too have been an "expat" for more than ten years and I took great care not to have more than 1.3M? of heritage in France;) The rest of my capital I invested in other countries, in companies that create jobs and value... I too have been an "expat" for more than ten years and I have taken good care not to have more than 1.3M? of heritage in France;) The rest of my capital I invested in other countries, in companies that create jobs and added value. These companies pay get the reasoning? My companies also pay much more taxes than me personally. The pettiness of the government is very risky for France and the French. Scare off entrepreneurs (capital) and it will be companies that will leave or not be created. The impact on jobs and taxes will be catastrophic!

Answer from Patrickble 07/20/2012 at 7:55
@accobra: obviously you're super addicted :-) Companies relocate because it's cheaper elsewhere and they will always look for the cheapest elsewhere (soon Burma - Myanmar - which is opening up to foreigners ). Your reasoning... @accobra: obviously you're super addicted :-) Companies relocate because it's cheaper elsewhere and they will always look for the cheapest elsewhere (soon Burma - Myanmar - which is opening to foreigners). Your reasoning is just stupid!

tonyjam wrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:17
and in Paris, 1.3 Miliojn euros, that's 130m2 on average! Do you know a lot of very poor widowed grannies who empty in 130m2 in Paris??:)) I'm laughing gently...

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Answer from Garole 07/19/2012 at 22:37
Yes one, two, no need for 130m2... an apartment in Paris and a house in the provinces can easily reach 1.3m... I don't see how 1.3m? is it so much?

Answer from Maxle 07/19/2012 at 22:45
So if you earn 100 and pay 105 in taxes, is the situation consistent? We don't care if she lives in a 200m2 duplex as long as she has enough money to pay her tax, without it becoming confiscatory, the logic is p... And so if you win 100 and that you pay 105 taxes, the situation is consistent? Who cares that she lives in a 200m2 duplex as long as she has enough money to pay her tax, without it becoming confiscatory, the logic is preserved.

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 22:49
"I don't see how 1.3m is a lot?" Well... You'll tell me everything is relative, huh? You remind me of this ad for Dacia and this couple of young rich people finding the car... "I don't see how 1.3m is so much?" well.. the smicards will appreciate.... 1.3 isn't bcp for you? and well... You will tell me everything is relative, huh? You remind me of this ad for Dacia and this couple of young rich people finding the car not expensive enough.. :)))

Answer from edgarle Jul 19, 2012 at 11:26 PM
But the isf is decided by a guy who owns 2 apartments in Cannes (between the Croisette and rue d'Antibes) and 1 house in mouans sartoux for less than 1 million?. The best thing is that this guy who shouts that in public places doesn't even have a tax audit in... But the isf is decided by a guy who owns 2 apartments in Cannes (between the Croisette and the rue d' Antibes) and 1 house in mouans sartoux for less than 1Mios?. The best thing is that this guy who shouts that in public places doesn't even have a tax audit in a minute! laugh burst. It's logic immo and all the other apartment dealers who are afraid of seeing the sale prices of their goods drop dramatically....

Bravowrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:16
I am distressed by these neo-Bolshevik reactions that highlight the hatred of the rich, certainly generated by an unhealthy jealousy. A little word all the same that my father taught me and which allowed me to become one of these French pariahs that... I am distressed by these neo-Bolshevik reactions which highlight the hatred of the rich certainly generated unhealthy jealousy. A little word all the same that my father taught me and which allowed me to become one of those French pariahs described as rich: the important thing is not to have money, it is to know how to earn it! And that with all the taxes confiscated you'll never be able to take it! Ps: to all the evil spirits my dad was never rich and i made myself also i admire merit and hate socialo communism that will get you more low than where you are: the future rich are you thinking about it!

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 22:51
Well I am distressed by your reaction NEO Texan from the time of the witch hunt.. :))

tonyjam wrote on 07/19/2012 at 10:15 PM
Look at the real estate prices on the Ile de Re and La Rochelle: it's 3000 - 4000 euros per m2.. To have more than 1.3 million euros in assets, you will still need a villa of 325 m2 !!!!!! So stop moaning and complaining... Take a look at the real estate prices on the Ile de Re and La Rochelle: it's 3000 - 4000 euros per m2.. For having more than 1.3 million euros in assets, you would still need a 325 m2 villa !!!!!! So stop moaning and complaining and making people believe that a poor old granny will pay the ISF to Ile de Re or La Rochelle... Do you know a lot of grannies who live in a modest 325m2 house??? as long as the land is not buildable according to the PLUS, (agricultural land), they are worth NOTHING! And it will take hectares and hectares to arrive at 1.3 million euros in assets!! We are not fooled, dear pensioners: your propaganda is useless!

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Answer from unpeudemémoireon 07/19/2012 at 22:35
Report produced without special effects!

Answer from Maxle 07/19/2012 at 22:39
A villa costing 1.3 million euros does not trigger ISF taxation because there is a 30% reduction on the main residence. Agricultural land is worth nothing? in the Nord / Pas de Calais the price per hectare can reach 15,000 / 20,000... A villa of 1.3 million euros does not trigger the imposition of the ISF because there is an abatement 30% on the main residence. Agricultural land is worth nothing? in the Nord / Pas de Calais the price per hectare can reach 15,000 / 20,000?. Afterwards for the Ile de Ré I don't know but I would be surprised if it were given... Then more generally, the problem of our rich penniless granny is that she does not have the necessary income to face her taxes. . We must nevertheless avoid falling into demagoguery and understand that this is a completely absurd situation. La Tribune does not make any propaganda, they speak of a hundred taxpayers harmed by a scale increase... But the hatred of the rich may make you read between the lines :)

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 22:52
You also have to be stupid to build a 130 square meter villa in the middle of a pasture in Ch'Nord Pas de Calais! Especially with a widow...

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 23:05
"ar there is a 30% reduction on the main residence" so the granny paying the ISDF has an even bigger house.. :))"had to reach 15,000/20,000": propaganda!! the average price is 5000 euros: your figures are the high bar (price ... "ar there is a reduction of 30% on the main residence" so the granny paying the ISDF has an even bigger house ..: ))"had to reach 15,000 / 20,000 ": propaganda!! the average price is 5000 euros: your figures are the high bar (highest price). Those who have such prices is that their land is likely to become constructible in the near future... It is therefore propaganda what you are saying (I am a pro of the land to be built, so I am not told on this subject..:)). ". But the hatred of the rich" but no but no, it's not the hatred of the rich that I have, it's the hatred of greedy, stubborn owners who absolutely want to keep everything and thus deprive their children of money.. , nuance .. not all owners are like that fortunately ...

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 23:17
has a little memory, since the ISF level has doubled..:)) a little memory at last! and even if it's at 700,000, why aren't they selling? They would be quiet until the end of their day!! what use are these 6000 m2 to them, which are pro... a little memory, since the level of the ISF has doubled ..:)) a little memory finally! not? They would be quiet until the end of their day!! what use are these 6,000 m2 to them, which are probably buildable given the price? It would be better to sell them and leave room for the ejuens who want to build yours! We understand that it annoys them but it's for a good cause: to force redistribution!

paying isf will hopefully do
paying isf will I hope lower the real estate which has become too expensive today and therefore benefit the middle class

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Reply from school Jul 19, 2012 at 10:30 PM
and not unfortunately. The problem of real estate is a deficit in supply very difficult to fill (with 300,000 more people in France each year). The isf (and rent control) is more likely to discourage investors, which does not... and unfortunately not. The problem of real estate is a deficit in supply very difficult to fill (with 300,000 more people in France each year). The isf (and the control of rents) is more likely to discourage investors, which will not improve this offer.

Answer from Fred. on 07/19/2012 at 23:42
You are dreaming, there are no housing problems in France or even in Ile de France. We will talk about prices again when there will be layoffs in waves of 2000 from the start of the school year. PSA is nothing. Once deflation is over there will be no more... You are dreaming, there is no housing problems in France or even in Ile de France. We will talk about prices again when there will be layoffs in waves of 2000 from the start of the school year. PSA is nothing. Once deflation is over there will be no more middle classes on the France site.

patrick wrote on 07/19/2012 at 22:04
it is true that these poor widows cannot sell their apartments; they just have to allow all the homeless to be able to stay there: it will lower the price of rents it will not be a bad thing, quite the contrary

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Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 22:10
The homeless could make an effort too and marry widows, name of Zeus!

Answer from alalainon 07/19/2012 at 22:26
The poor widows worked or helped their deceased husbands to have an honest retirement without reaching out and supporting themselves without asking anyone for anything.. neither Hollande nor anyone else...

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 22:34
You mean widows helped their husbands die? Damned! What is Scotland Yard doing!?

Answer from a Henri22:10on 07/20/2012 at 11:27
very fair.. especially if the widow is Mrs. de Bettancourt....

tonyjam wrote on 07/19/2012 at 21:59
We will at least have all understood here that the forum is a newspaper for the rich.. :)) and see them here moaning like spoiled 4-year-old children, frankly, what a foot!! How selfish you are anyway do: you prefer to keep everything to yourself... At least we will all have understood here that the forum is a newspaper for the rich.. :)) and see them here moaning like spoiled 4-year-old children, frankly, what foot!! How selfish you are all the same: you prefer to keep everything for yourself, instead of selling and giving the money to your children.. What a shame! Think about them a little! If you were intelligent, you would give a good deal to Abbé Pierre, and that way you would pay less taxes! But hey, if money made you smart, it would be known... Autueil Neuilly Passy, ​​it's not a piece of cake, eh guys! hey: you go to the boncoin, like everyone else, and you post your villa at 1.3 Million , that's all, and you sell, at least if you can because right now, it's a bad time for real estate.. :)))

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Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 22:15
That's ridiculous, I think the rich have better things to do than be on the podium, besides, that's not the point of not wanting to give to your children, it looks like you don't still haven't understood that the State is going to take as much as it can... It's ridiculous, I think the rich have something else to do than be on the podium, besides, there's no not the question of not wanting to give to your children, it seems that you still have not understood that the State will take as much as it can even from the worker. And finished being able to give your heritage to the children, it will be nicely taxed too. The people in question aren't selfish, they don't have to give you something or give it to someone who hasn't done anything with their life, who are in cafes all day at drink like holes criticizing the system. I don't know how old you are, but I'm not 4 no, and I only experienced a bathroom for the first time at the age of 13 with decent amenities. So when you blame someone for having a heritage by their labor, you're the fool.

Answer from LES TONDUSon 07/19/2012 at 22:24
Personally I don't have much But I never wanted to take advantage of other people's money after all if they have it is that they were better than us learn that everyone is master of their own destiny and if we are not rich we don't have... Personally I don't have much But I never wanted to take advantage of other people's money after all if they have it is that they were better than us learn that everyone is master of their own destiny and if we are not rich we only have to blame ourselves elsewhere all these people who want to take advantage of other people's money, if they won a big lot at the lottery they would be the first either to grumble or to leave with their agentcdtwhen even

Answer from Nle 07/19/2012 at 22:27
You have to give, of course, but put yourself in their place. Will you pay more than you will receive without saying anything? Arguments about giving always end in the peversion that we see so strongly in France.

Answer from tonyjamle Jul 19, 2012 at 10:30 PM
"So when you blame someone for having a heritage through their hard work, you're the idiot."'but I don't blame him.. I'm just giving him good advice: SELL! !like that he makes his children happy with the money that they can... "So when you reproach someone for having an patrimony through his work, you are the idiot."' but I don't don't blame him.. I just give him good advice: SELL!! like that he makes his children happy with the money that they can buy their amison, and he can easily pay the ISF for a year, and the year according to them they will pay nothing since it is below; .THAT is all my good sir, it is advice of common sense peasants;. Instead, the poor old widow (according to you :))) will absolutely want to keep her three apartments in Paris, pay the ISF on credit (if at least she can borrow ..), and not give anything to her children because she is miserly as not allowed... Is that what you propose as a solution? :))))

Answer from number 6on 07/20/2012 at 1:17 PM
The problem with you is that you only see "neuilly" to believe that you go there often, and you only see miserly people. We don't only talk about them in taxation. is clear and I am well placed to know. But I knew... The problem with you is that you only see "neuilly" to believe that you go there often, and you only see miserly people. We are not just talking about them in taxation. On the other hand, it is clear and I am well placed to know it. But I agree when you say that it is better to spend the goods or the money as long as the children are young to already avoid succession on the one hand, and on the other hand it's when you're young that you create your future and not at 70. But still, you don't have to force this that people sell everything, you have to invest in bricks, and anything can happen in life, if you no longer have a house, in case of difficulty, you are screwed, you can sell your house to treat a sick person, this which is already painful, And I disagree with you, to trivialize the lives of people who have worked and are deprived precisely to prepare a future as well as for their children if there is... The fact of inheriting property of parents, is a good thing to continue to grow, I would have liked to have this chance but I am in no way jealous of my neighbors, because I admire them for having continued this heritage and not wasting it. No, it's not normal to tax so much. Besides, it seems that Neuilly bothers you more than the neighborhoods where people don't want to work and live on your account, that apparently doesn't bother you. You are obsessed with Neuilly, I don't care, go your own way and don't make yourself so sick.

Answer from number 6on 07/20/2012 at 13:19
@tonduça is a word of wisdom. You have to blame yourself, you are not in control of your destiny. There are already enough events that fall on our heads, but for the rest, we have our free will. Agreed with you.

Powersocialwrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:51 PM
This is great news, finally the rich will be able to put themselves in the shoes of a guy who gets up every morning to earn 1300 euros and who pays 800 euros in taxes! For the rich, it's the same, he earns 100,000, his taxes will be 75,000 (what happens... It's great news, finally, the rich will be able to put themselves in the shoes of a guy who gets up every morning to earning 1300 euros and paying 800 euros in taxes! For the rich, it's the same, he earns 100,000 his will make 75,000 in taxes (what does it do to see all his money go away :-) And for widowers who have property real estate if it does not report to you and that you could pay your taxes SELL THEM!!!!

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Answer from Florentle 07/19/2012 at 22:09
IF that's your case, get out of your way and do something else. Sorry, maybe you're not smart or brave enough.

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 22:18
It's the rendezvous of under-gifted spellers here...

Answer from anyone who doubts anythingon 07/19/2012 at 22:24
You must not have read every line of this piece of legislation. 75,000 euros in taxes for someone who earns 100,000 euros, that's not it at all. qu'il fa... You must not have read all the lines of this text of the law. 75,000 euros in taxes for someone who earns 100,000 euros, that's not it at all. that you have to complain. It would be nice to look at how we manage our property!

Answer from Ericle 07/19/2012 at 22:28
@powersocialNo because the guy who gets up every morning to earn 1300? per month pays 800? of taxes per AN. The "rich" who gains 100000? per month will pay 75000? per month !!! it's like the guy at 1300? paid 800? in taxes per month which... @powersocialNon because the guy who gets up every morning to earn 1300? per month pays 800? of taxes per AN. The "rich" who gains 100000? per month will pay 75000? per month !!! it's like the guy at 1300? paid 800? taxes per month which is far from being the case... So before voting for the left it might be necessary to think more than two seconds...

the cicada and the ant wrote on 07/19/2012 at 21:48
Have fun, spend without counting, if possible abroad, do not think about your future and even less that of your children or grandchildren: what will be kept will be confiscated. is the party, it's Holland.

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Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 22:11
Well, that's what Generation 68 does, isn't it? P.sser to the line of future generations?

Reply from tonyjam on 07/19/2012 at 22:19
pfff: because you are thinking of reselling your real estate when your children are 40 and will not need the money to buy their house? if you love your children, sell when your children are old enough buy their house... pfff: because you are thinking of reselling your real estate when your children are already 40 years old and will not need the money to buy their house? if you love your children, sell when your children are old enough to buy their house!!! After that it will be of use to them NOTHING!!

Answer from Fred. on 07/20/2012 at 10:17
The generation of 68, the one that history says/will say is/was cursed.

comanche13wrote on 7/19/2012 at 9:46 PM
Left mentality: All the same (it's good in itself...) except that they are leveling down! All poor! Let them go and explain that in a company... we're going to have a good laugh with the unions when they propose to put all the... Left-wing mentality: All the same (in itself that's good... ) except that they are leveling down! All poor! Let them explain that in a company... we're going to have a good laugh with the unions when they propose to put everyone at 1000 euros (less than the minimum wage) lol. I bet that if they offer that even in Aulney they pass through the window.

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Florenta wrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:45 PM
Browsing through the various comments, we are witnessing a live killing of the “rich”, “money” and “fucking bosses..” in short. being at one point in this "camp", I allow myself to tell you this ignorant and jealous bands.. From the DASS... By browsing the various comments, we are witnessing a live killing of " rich”, “money” and “fucking bosses ..” in short. situating myself at one point in this "camp", I allow myself to tell you this ignorant and jealous bands.. Coming from the DASS (yes, finally, a child without a parent what), I started in life with a ball of 20 tons. No money, no family, no friends. Studies stopped in second for "disconnection" from the world that "surrounds" it was said.. in short.. Difficult month-ends, I know. believe me. In 1989 I decided to go to the Antilles. I work hard on a shabby construction site to pay for my sesame: My plane ticket. Arrived in 1989 in Guadeloupe with 150 Francs, I managed today to have enough to live on. I have been living in Toulouse for 3 years or so. retired (at 43) and over time bought gold and silver. No investments in banks, no taxes to pay. That said, I work 25 hours a month just to have a "small" social security cover, I don't want RSA or other aid... not to take advantage of the system. But Holland won't take my money, nothing is official and gold takes up little space. I sold my house 2 years ago, I pay rent, piss off my landlord when he has a problem. I voted Sarkozy but you who voted Hollande, you will eat your fingers.. and quickly.. Good luck A happy rich

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Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:57
He looks like an old man from the Muppet Show! Laughing!

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 21:58
hahaha! Well done, and congratulations.

Answer from Tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 22:03
speculator and proud of it. Hats off! good example to follow indeed .... I am the son of poor farmers from Creuse, and I have succeeded in my studies and am a baccalaureate + 10 senior executives, and well I am still for the sharing of wealth! It's graqc... a speculator and proud of it. Hats off! good example to follow indeed .... I am the son of poor farmers from Creuse, and I have succeeded in my studies and am a baccalaureate + 10 senior executives, and well I am still for the sharing of wealth! It is thanks to France and its system with free education that I have, with my neurons, received diplomas upon diplomas, and that I have a good job, and not by speculating and having zero diplomas like you! Merit is neurons and success through education, not luck and speculation!

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 22:05
Ben will at least have you behind his hearse! Mouaaaarf!

Answer from Florentle 07/19/2012 at 22:06
@Henri: ha yes? serious ? Excellent !

Answer from Pti Paulle 07/19/2012 at 22:09
It's on, you came back with your gold in your luggage, and you weren't asked any questions..

Answer from Florentle 07/19/2012 at 22:16
@Tonyjam: Luck? what luck ?? I worked like crazy to succeed. I saved, took important financial and human risks man. Stop whining and feeling sorry for people who don't give a fuck about you. Talking about... @Tonyjam: Luck? what luck ?? I worked like crazy to succeed. I saved, took important financial and human risks man. Stop whining and feeling sorry for people who don't give a fuck about you. You talk about the merit of neurons. Those who give as a reference your own interpretation that you have just typed on your keyboard? Let me laugh. Wealth sharing is wonderful, I grant you that, but it doesn't work! you know why? no, I doubt it, with a baccalaureate + 10 you wouldn't say so much bullshit.

Answer from vivineon 07/19/2012 at 22:16
I love it!!!! even if for me the end of the month is sometimes a little tense, I can't stand this jealous bitterness, especially since most of them have never taken the slightest trouble to succeed (it starts with school of course.... ) for the others... There I love it!!!! even if for me the end of the month is sometimes a little tense, I can't stand this jealous bitterness, especially since most of them have never taken the slightest trouble to succeed (it starts with school of course.... ) for others, life is not always fair but it is not by wanting to make others as unhappy as you that you will be happier....

Answer from Florentle 07/19/2012 at 22:21
@Pti Paul: And no. better, without hiding anything. A simple 40-foot container with my stuff. Pathetic eh? I'll tell you even better, I'm currently in Saint Martin, in the Antilles, on vacation. (it's 4:15 p.m. for me..) I rented a ma... @Pti Paul: And no. better, without hiding anything. A simple 40-foot container with my stuff. Pathetic eh? I'll tell you even better, I'm currently in Saint Martin, in the Antilles, on vacation. (it's 4:15 p.m. for me..) I rented a house by the water in Grand Case. I spent 155 grams of gold for my recreation on site. You know what ? I was pissed off for my 4000 euros in cash, but not for my box... Sorry..

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 22:26
hahaha yes indeed pti paul: his story is not very credible;;.. and the porters would not have let this pass and would have stolen everything.. :)))

Answer from Pti Paulle 07/19/2012 at 22:37
Surprising, problems for 4000?, the maximum without problem is 10000?, how do I know, I have already done it, moving to Mauritius, and no problem with customs or tax, funds being justified and not exceeding the max. On the other hand red... Surprising, problems for 4000?, the maximum without problem is 10000?, how do I know, I have already done it, moving to Mauritius, and no problem with customs or the tax authorities , the funds being justified and not exceeding the maxi. On the other hand, relocation to Reunion (as in the West Indies), export zone from mainland France, and there, the container was completely searched, despite the complete declaration of all the boxes.

Answer from Florentle 07/19/2012 at 22:43
@Tonyjam: I don't care whether you believe it or not. I assure you that I carried my umicores in my hand luggage. at worst, I'm caught? well, I pay the tax and that's it: it's less than 10,000 euros, find out. by the way, you don't know what an um is... @Tonyjam: I don't care if you believe it or not. I assure you that I carried my umicores in my hand luggage. at worst, I'm caught? well, I pay the tax and that's it: it's less than 10,000 euros, find out. besides, you don't know what an umicore is.

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 22:44
This story is getting fascinating! Let's sum up: Tonyjam's widow helped ptipaul's husband kill the homeless man who married Florent to steal his gold stashed on Tonyjam's farm. Scotland Yard was put on the spot unfortunately Cahuz... This story is getting fascinating! Let's sum up: Tonyjam's widow helped ptipaul's husband kill the homeless man who married Florent to steal his gold stashed in Tonyjam's farm . Scotland Yard was put on the spot, unfortunately Cahuzac tapped Libor and pinched Claude34 who was shooting himself with the gold of the vioque!

Answer from Florentle 07/19/2012 at 22:56
The searched container yes, it happens. Mine, it was sealed as at the start. There were 144 kilos of gold and 220 of silver to be exact scattered in furniture, the car and the tools. In short. problem yes, 4000 euros in cash, it makes you moan... The searched container yes, it happens. Mine, it was sealed as at the start. There were 144 kilos of gold and 220 of silver to be exact scattered in furniture, the car and the tools. In short. problem yes, 4000 euros in cash, it makes the customs officers groan, especially West Indians who don't know too much about the law and the law .. but the box with my ingots, didn't even look at it .. Like what. Come on, I'm going for a walk, you make me pity, seriously.

Reply from tonynever went to schoolon 07/19/2012 at 23:08
Tonyjam what is not very credible is to claim to have a bac+10 with such simplistic reasoning and such autograph errors. You should try to rise above your clichés of the "nasty capitalist speculator" type for... Tonyjam what is not very credible is to claim to have a bac+10 with such simplistic reasoning and such autograph mistakes . You should try to rise above your clichés of the “nasty capitalist speculator” type to prove that you really know how to use your neurons.

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 23:16
Ooh! A twist! The gold was squishy by my troll on the way to St Martin airport. Florent is in the Bentley with de Funès but the Youkounkoun is still hidden in the steering wheel! Ptipaul smoked the whole Schnouff and annoyed. .. Whoa! A twist! The gold was squishy by my troll on the way to St Martin airport. Florent is in the Bentley with de Funès but the Youkounkoun is still hidden in the steering wheel! Ptipaul smoked the whole Schnouff and annoys a lot the widow of the guy from Pas de Calais on her piece of agricultural land!

Fraternity Responseon 07/20/2012 at 1:53
@Florent: true or not, your story is huge! As for tonyjam, if he wants to take Florent as a flag, he just has to become a customs officer! With a bac+10 it must be possible, right? Cheers!

Muppeta wrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:44 PM
I'm not interested in talking, only the numbers speak to me! Before the ISF in 2011 on 100ME of net value it was 500KE an easy sum to generate with simple risk-free financial investments without committing a large part of the capital, maint... Chatting doesn't interest me, only the numbers speak to me! Before the ISF in 2011 on 100ME of net value it was 500KE an easy sum to generate with simple risk-free financial investments without committing a large part of the capital , now it would be 1.8ME! By removing 1.8% per year from a heritage, after 58 years there is nothing left. So you can retire by pay-as-you-go at age 60 :) Oh no, you have to contribute to your salary for that. conclusion: The Swiss Confederation will undergo a demographic boom in 2012.

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Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:58
Uh, you must be a writer like me, because when it comes to numbers, it's incomprehensible!!!

Answer from Mathle 07/19/2012 at 22:33
Yes, this calculation is totally wrong. as the capital decreases, the tax also decreases! So you never go down to less than 1.3M and even surely 1.8 (because you must not forget the reduction on the value of the main residence... .. Yes this calculation is totally wrong. as the capital goes down, the tax goes down too! the value of the principal residence..) And let's not forget that 1.3 million is just 100 years of work at the minimum wage...

Answer from AvocatDuDiableon 07/19/2012 at 23:06
True, I had neighbors whose social workers didn't want them to have children. No contempt behind these words, there will always be people who will have to be helped and who will probably not have the ability to earn more than the ... Truthful, I had neighbors whose social workers did not want whether they have children. No contempt behind these words, there will always be people who will have to be helped and who will probably not have the ability to earn more than the minimum wage. I don't see why I should be restricted from earning a maximum of 20 times their salary if I have lots of great ideas, that I create lots of companies and jobs.

stop jealousywrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:31 PM
against the 68ards. you will always live longer than them....

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patviro1a wrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:28 PM
worse than the worst scenario communist socialists are always 1 century behind and apply stupid methods (and again I weigh my words) creators of assistance creators of dogmatic poor for only horizon and only reflectioncomp... worse than the worst scenarios communist socialists are always 1 century behind and apply stupid methods (and again I weigh my words) creators of assists creators of poor dogmatists for only horizon and only reflection completely has been spain greece and soon france will have a hard time recovering from it, however, no way to touch their innumerable privileges and advantages far above what an average Frenchman can imagine....

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Answer from AvocatDuDiableon 07/19/2012 at 22:34
The problem is that 48% of voters disagreed with you and elected Hollande.

jedou wrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:23 PM
Go ahead: tax the "rich" even more! 143% increase is not enough. Much more is needed to support the lifestyle of a state of civil servants and welfare recipients. As Martine says, there is an immense source of resources there... M... Go ahead: tax the "rich" even more! 143% increase is not enough. Much more is needed to support the lifestyle of a state of civil servants and welfare recipients. As Martine said, there is an immense source of resources there... But let our irresponsible parliamentarians not forget that the world remains open and that many countries will be happy to welcome those among our compatriots who have been despoiled today. today unjustly.

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Answer from Jomle Jul 19, 2012 at 9:55 PM
Let her despoilers go. We can do without them.

Answer from Nonole 07/19/2012 at 22:03
Well, goodbye.

bye bye lesrentiers 68ards wrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:21 PM
tired of these people who call themselves "investors in real estate" when they are nothing but leeches for the active and the young .... France, does not need them wind ! Ouch! how can a household consume or save when a huge p... fed up with these people who call themselves "investors in real estate" when they are only leeches for the active and the young.... the france, does not need them wind! Ouch! how can a household consume or save when a huge part of their salary goes into their pocket for housing. as if the building needed them! it is because of them that real estate is overpriced. social security, the public debts he leaves, the school and the health of his kids. good heat wave.

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La France des charlotsà wrote on 07/19/2012 at 21:19
It's cool, we'll all be able to live among the poor, it's great, I'm already impatiently awaiting the tax increase as soon as the new school year begins! We have to find money for the AME.

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 21:46
between 1.3 million euros and being poor, there is a small margin.. right?:))

Answer from Henri on 07/19/2012 at 22:00
Well 1.3 million to be exact... But as Don Salustre would say ''a rich man is made to be very rich and a poor man, very poor!''

Answer from AvocatDuDiableon 07/19/2012 at 22:42
P-t-in.. are there still rich people? It's not normal, where are I shooting them? Let us finally be quiet between civil servants and pov... to pay the civil servants.

Tristanà wrote on 07/19/2012 at 21:18
A lot of hatred against the ISF which only poses a problem for those who do not know how to draw 1.8% of their capital. It's natural selection, the market.

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bonsenswrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:18 PM
The previous remarks reflect a deep jealousy on their part towards others. Under the pretext that their end of the month is difficult, should this be the case for everyone??? We dream !! Just like that, who says no rich, says no investment... The preceding remarks reflect a deep jealousy on their part towards others. Under the pretext that their end of the month is difficult, should this be the case for everyone??? We dream !! Just like that, who says no rich, says no investors, no investors, no companies, no companies, no jobs! We are going straight into the wall with such mentalities!

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Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 21:31
yes common sense, you are aptly named, but I can only see jealousy too.

oroyah wrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:17 PM
my wife and I work, our 2 children go to public school in primary and secondary school. we bought our apartment on credit and we are still paying for it. my father-in-law died recently and left us a heritage that comme ça ne fe... my wife and I work, our 2 children go to public school in primary and secondary school. we bought our apartment on credit and we are still paying for it. my father-in-law died recently and gave us bequeathed a heritage that would not make people green with envy. a saddle of land near a seaside town heritage passed down from father to son for several generations, plots of land acquired a pittance long before the madness of the côte d'azur. Unfortunately the value of this land and my apartment make me exceed the threshold of the ISF. I don't see how I have to sell this land to pay this tax. why should I sell a property normally acquired by a grandfather. We are not talking about an apartment in the 16th arrondissement or a villa. We are all 2 employees, we did not ask anyone for anything and even less owe my deceased father-in-law. so how do 2 employees making a normal living just looking to live on what they have have to pay more tax than all of our income. I don't have support to live on, but I participate as much as others to the finances of my country, taxes taxes csg To hear some it's good for me and I just have to pay and lose a family inheritance, superb mentality of solidarity often advocated but only as an argument... on this good evening all of even

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Answer from patviro1on 07/19/2012 at 21:32
your case is not unique communist socialos as they are c.... and have no ideas except the socialos lay taxes and taxes and more taxes.... .in 1 year france will be at the level of spain and greece and... your case is not unique communist socialos as they are c.... and have no ideas except the socialos lay taxes and taxes and more taxes ..... in 1 year france will be at the level of spain and greece and intelligent people who can will be elsewhere than in this country certainly magnificent but rotten by the cgt m edia and socialos

Reply from claude34on 07/19/2012 at 21:47
Don't panic, their delirium will not pass the Constitutional Council without a tax shield (certainly with a high rate). It won't really solve your problem (unless you agree to live on only 10% to 20% of your income), but it's... Don't panic, their delirium will not pass the constitutional council without a shield tax (admittedly with a high rate). It won't really solve your problem (unless you agree to live on only 10% to 20% of your income), but that's it...

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 22:42
oroyah, this land instead of lying fallow and being useless, to be used to build a building there to house people or individual houses!! It would be very useful in this housing crisis! But this is, I think, the youngest of... oroyah, this land instead of remaining fallow and being useless, to be used to build a building there to house people or individual houses!! It would be very useful at this time. housing crisis! But that, I think, is the least of your worries! what selfishness all that because it was your grandfather's land.. and then after all, make a loan and pay the ISF if you insist on it as long as that has this land: you can thus be buried in it..: )))

Answer from Oroyahle 07/20/2012 at 17:47
@Tonyjam, the least of my worries isn't selling it to make housing to house a few families. But if I sell this land, the nice developer will build a nice building there to sell nice apartments only nice families ... @Tonyjam, the least of my worries is not to sell it to make housing for it house a few families. But if I sell this land, the nice developer will build a nice building there to sell nice apartments that nice lambda families won't be able to buy. Let's stop living in the land of BISOUNOURS, no family will buy apartment on a plot by the sea, you have to think. developers are known to lose money on their real estate project. Housing needs are not in the suburbs of Port Grimaud or Cavalaire but rather in the suburbs of large cities. If I had to stick to your vision I should even give it this pitch. it is not a question of selfishness but simply a state of affairs.

comanche13wrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:11 PM
Finally, what is the point of owning real estate? the French just have to sell everything to the state and stop working. No more taxes on wealth, or property tax, or notary fees, or income... And why not even register... Finally, what's the point of owning real estate? the French just have to sell everything to the state and stop working. No more taxes on wealth, or property tax, or notary fees, or on income... And why not even register for the RSA. Put your money abroad with a titanium visa card (to withdraw everywhere)... and voila...

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/20/2012 at 1:20
any undeclared foreign account is a minimum fine of 10,000 euros (thanks to your friend Sarko)... it's up to you to take the risk... from the first money withdrawals you are automatically spotted and you will have the taxman at the c..l..:))

Warena wrote on 07/19/2012 at 21:09
ISF = Incentive to Leave France

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Bellea wrote on 07/19/2012 at 09:05 PM
With the mentality of the French, it is absolutely necessary to leave the country if one wants to undertake and not be assisted, civil servant or unemployed. France is a new USSR and it will end up like her. Except that devoid of raw materials, it... With the mentality of the French, it is absolutely necessary to leave the country if one wants to undertake and not be assisted, civil servant or unemployed. France is a new USSR and it will end up like her. Except that devoid of raw materials, it will never recover with the added bonus of massive immigration and its consequences.

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Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:17
Another new pseudonym? You are systematically recognized by your two obsessions: the Bolsheviks and the foreigners! One wonders if Mrs. Troll did something wrong with a communist immigrant worker!

Envy, when you hold us wrote on 07/19/2012 at 21:02
So many comments that ooze envy or jealousy... But yes, let's plunder the rich or so-called rich. Typical of France that. Finally, what most envious people want above all is that there are no more rich people. Me, I prefer... What comments that ooze envy or jealousy... But yes, let's pluck the rich or so-called rich. Typical of France that. Finally, what most envious people want above all is that there are no more rich people. Me, I would prefer that there are no more poor people but unfortunately it does not pass by plucking the richest, it is not even the beginning of the solution, Finally it is good for the lowest instincts of voters and that's what counts. There are those who judge their happiness according to the misfortune of others...

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Answer from AvocatDuDiableon 07/19/2012 at 22:50
Didn't you understand? Happiness is when there are no more rich people. It will mean that there will be no more poor people. Holland understood this a long time ago, but there are still forces that resist.

little pensioner wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:58 PM
I pity some of my relations who were on the left when they had nothing. Now that they're rich they're voting right! This leftist government is going to take a lot of the sweat and blood they've shed from them for 40 years... I pity some of my relations who were on the left when they had nothing. Now that they are rich they are voting right! This leftist government is going to take a lot of the sweat and blood they have shed for 40 years. So I don't regret having enjoyed life, having remained modest while voting for the right.

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Answer from AvocatDuDiableon 07/19/2012 at 22:57
You pay taxes all your life, you buy a property and you repay 20% VAT. Then the left comes to power, and that gives you the right to resell to pay the exceptional tax (which will last at least 8 years) on a property on which you have already paid ... You pay taxes all your life, you buy a property and you repay 20% VAT. Then the left comes to power, and that gives you the right to resell to pay the exceptional tax (which will last at least 8 years) on a property on which you have already paid 30% of taxes... without forgetting the 50-55% which have already been deducted in employer and salary charges. And there are still convinced evangelists who come to explain to you that it is just and social and come to contribute a little more than yesterday.

micawisha wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:50 PM
Reading the comments I'm flabbergasted, You're right let's tax more and more and above all let's not review this social system that put us in m.....The world is moving towards more flexibility at all levels and we in France we don't cha... Reading the comments I am flabbergasted, You are right, let's tax more and more and above all let's not see this social system that put us in m.....The world is is heading towards more flexibility at all levels and we in France are not changing anything. It is certain that the world is wrong. We are always right. The social achievements...... retirement is 60 Alllllezzzz. Finally what a snub. While we thought it was dead and buried, communism is about to win the war.

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Flukpeta wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:49 PM
It's funny how many comments here show that the French want to stay in "poverty" all their lives. They think being rich is a shame, but they all want to win the Euromillions! Think before you play! If ... It's funny how many comments here show that the French want to stay in "poverty" all their lives. They think being rich is a shame, but they all want to win the Euromillions! Think before you play! If by misfortune you win, you may no longer be entitled to the APL... In addition, you will not have to pay tax on the winnings, which would be a shame...

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Answer from Innocent VIIIon 07/19/2012 at 22:31
Of course if there are taxes to be paid on the winnings: the ISF! and on the euromillion, the special tax...

Answer from Flukpetle Jul 19, 2012 at 11:59 PM
No, the ISF will only be calculated from the moment the gains enter the estate. I too find it unfortunate...

Bobà wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:46
So much jealousy, so little hindsight from the situations of these so envied "rich"... it's quite simply to vomit.

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Answer from Pierrele 07/20/2012 at 17:03
I'm totally with you!

Oh my god!wrote on 07/19/2012 at 8:46 PM
The poor little rich have to pay for the others? But how are they going to do it? Come on then, no one is keeping you in France, you who despise the poor!

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Answer from fl64fredle 07/19/2012 at 21:49
It's true that if you don't even know how to write French, you're not going to lift France up...

Answer from garogorle 07/19/2012 at 22:06
I also despise those who can't write: leaving should be spelled leave. Paying for assists no thanks

charly74 wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:46 PM
Ouch... Will they still be able to eat their fill?

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olika wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:45 PM
Poor widows who have too many apartments have a case of gifting them to descendants...

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Reply from comanche13on 07/19/2012 at 21:32
They can't... you also have to pay inheritance tax!!!!

olivep wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:44 PM
to prcarr. You should finish your sentence: well it's time to sell them then and go live in Belgium or Canada....

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you have to take the money where it is!wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:43
only happiness for the rich, they pay it's normal long live democracy! Kudos to the government!

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Reply from yoyale 07/19/2012 at 21:57
As long as it is the others who pay I imagine! Typical of the French mentality.

To the left all wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:39
The rich, who have fattened up like suckling pigs for ten years, will finally understand what it is to have difficult ends of the month. The poor darlings, I would not pity them, those who keep their money selfishly while... The rich, who have fattened themselves like suckling pigs for ten years, will finally understand what it is to have a difficult end of the month. Poor darlings, I wouldn't pity them, who selfishly keep their money while neglecting the poorest. This will remind them of the chaos of everyday life for many of us. Serves them right !

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Answer from Miloole Jul 19, 2012 at 10:33 PM
The rich will leave and let you pay the taxes they will no longer pay. It doesn't matter, you must like taxes. A little riddle for microcephaly: what is the 5th French city?

deposederwrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:37 PM
if I were rich I would leave this country but I am not.. unfortunately I would have to undergo this regime

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dydyer wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:35 PM
only the rich without aisles and you will see what you will all do with the minimum wage.

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Ralfà wrote on 07/19/2012 at 8:30 PM
Can't pay the taxes related to your property? YOU SELL ! It's logical.... You have to live up to your means, and it's valid for both a smicard and a contributor to the ISF! And for those who are sulky, know that . .. You can't pay the taxes related to your property? YOU SELL ! It's logical.... You have to live up to your means, and that goes for both a smicard and a contributor to the ISF! And for those who are sulky, know that Hollande will also pay this contribution.

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Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 21:04
I would like to see that with Hollande's file. On the other hand, it's true that it's normal to pay your taxes, but not at 75 percent, don't exaggerate. Let these people leave and you'll see the result.

Answer from Fauxle 07/19/2012 at 21:04
Hollande will not pay this contribution. Indeed, his wealth, according to him, does not exceed 1 million 3. Strangely enough, he only makes 1.2 million. What a coincidence all the same! We understand why the threshold of the ISF was not … Hollande will not pay the said contribution. Indeed, his wealth, according to him, does not exceed 1 million 3. Strangely enough, he only makes 1.2 million. What a coincidence all the same! We understand why the threshold of the ISF has not been revised downwards. Our very dear president did not want to pay more taxes on his heritage. BAR STITCH

Answer from Bravole 07/19/2012 at 21:16
False! M Holland has declared less than 1.3m euros so he will not pay anything at all!!!! But where is this sci fir tree where he invested 4 million francs in 1992????Mystery and ball of gum !He must practice tax optimization... False! M Holland has declared less than 1.3m euros so he will not pay anything at all!!!! But where is this sci fir tree where he invested 4 million francs in 1992????Mystery and ball of gum !He must practice tax optimization like his friend noah!!!

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 21:35
not to mention his good in London, I read that in an English newspaper, but it seems that we don't talk about it much here.Those who are for Holland think that Holland will live like us?? Are you dreaming or what, he was born rich, he doesn't know...not to mention his property in London, I read that in an English newspaper, but it seems that we don't talk about it much here. who are for holland think that holland will live like us?? Are you dreaming or what, he was born rich, he doesn't know what it's like to buy a hovel to fix it up and build a heritage.

Pauvre France wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:28
I'm overwhelmed by the latest comments! You can't see beyond the tip of your nose! The article does not speak of the financiers, speculators or other schemers, but of the farmer of the Ile de Ré who has land that is worth a fort... I am overwhelmed by the latest comments! You can't see beyond the tip of your nose! The article does not speak of financiers, speculators or other schemers, but of the farmer of the Ile de Ré who has land that is worth a fortune, but which only brings him potatoes and salads, the widows from Paris, who has 2 dilapidated apartments in the 16th arrondissement that she cannot rent, and that she does not have the means to have repaired, of the worker who inherits an old barn without water and electricity in Courchevel... ... These examples are true! These people earn their living like you and me, maybe the widow gets a pension, maybe the worker is unemployed and gets the RSA... Do you find it normal that these people give the full amount (see 2, 3 , 4, or 5 times) of their annual income to pay the ISF? Of course, you will say that it is enough for these people to sell what they have inherited, but you, would you sell the family house, where your parents, great-grandparents ... lived? The farmer does not want to sell the family farm (he is nevertheless obliged to do so, to give everything back to the State!) Does the worker not want to keep this barn when he is not even the owner of his Principal residence ? We must stop making this amalgam and shoot the "rich" without even thinking!

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Answer from charly74on 07/19/2012 at 20:53
well, maybe the price of land and housing is a little too expensive! If it can help bring it down...

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 20:53
Well, let's stop making people cry in the cottages: the farmer in Ré doesn't pay the ISF because it's professional property. The poor old woman with her two dilapidated apartments in the 16th century, raptors have long bought her awnings... Well, let's stop making people cry in the cottages: the farmer in Ré does not pay the ISF because it's professional property. The poor old woman with her two dilapidated apartments in the 16th century, it's been a long time that the birds of prey have bought his hovels to resell them for gold! As for the few hundred real cases, personally I am for a derogatory regime but be careful without new tax niniche, it is already enough of a mess like that, taxation! As a wealthy friend of mine used to say, ''Tax experts and lawyers are costing me money!!''

Answer from toto2on 07/19/2012 at 20:55
>Finally, common sense, it feels good!

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 21:05
Bravo poor France, it is very well summarized. This is what I also understand.

Answer from Tchuale Jul 19, 2012 at 9:05 PM
Yes, it's normal that he sells his land (which increases in value every year) the widow of Paris who has 2 dilapidated apartments, and then, there are people who would like to have a roof over their head and I don't know of a barn in Courchevel... Yes, it's normal that he sells his land (which increases in value every year) the widow from Paris who has 2 dilapidated apartments, and then there is people who would like to have a roof over their heads and I don't know of a barn in Courchevel, without water and without electricity, which is worth more than 1.3 m Euros....You have to stop saying nonsense

Answer from grandma Annyle 07/19/2012 at 09:07 PM
So true!! But some little people only see their navels and don't understand anything. They imagine that from where the wealth tax is paid, it's that you're rich at Million, without thinking in the least... That's France!! Poor France... So true!! But some little people only see their navels and don't understand anything. They imagine that from where the wealth tax is paid, it's that you're rich at Million, without thinking in the least... That's France!! Poor France...

Answer from Tristanle 07/19/2012 at 09:13 PM
Well if they own one (or more) wells that they can't rent for lack of capital to renovate them, it seems to me that it would be wise to... sell them? Someone who has a heritage of 4M euros and who is not able to draw 1.8% from it... Well if they own one (or more) well that they cannot rent for lack of capital to renovate them, it seems to me that it would be wise to... sell them? Someone who has an estate of 4M euros and who is not able to draw 1.8% from it still has a serious problem.

Answer from Samle 07/19/2012 at 21:14
You're going to make me cry! All the art of transforming a rare particular case into a generality. You have assets .. you pay or you sell. this is the France of sharing Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. what is the fortune of a thousand when milli... You're going to make me cry! All the art of transforming a rare particular case into a generality. You have assets .. you pay or you sell. this is the France of sharing Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. what is the fortune of a thousand when millions survive?

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 21:36
hehe yes grandma anny, apparently you're not already considered rich if you don't have a house.

Answer from Pauvre Franceon 07/19/2012 at 23:01
A clarification all the same: I do not pay the ISF, and I am far from it! Otherwise, I am all for the rich paying taxes, but instead of taxing the heritage I will find fairer to tax income from assets. For example some... A clarification all the same: I do not pay the ISF, and I am far from it! Otherwise, I am all for the rich paying taxes, but instead of taxing the heritage I find it fairer to tax income from assets. For example, someone who has 4 million in assets, which brings in nothing, will not pay, while someone who has 1 million in assets, but who brings in a lot, will pay.

Swanakin wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:28 PM
She is really beautiful, our sad France on the left

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:57
it is indeed Sarkovour hero (in the words of de Viliers / le pen) who had come out: "you love France or you left it" So listen to your hero and leave France, dear compatriot!

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:21
Unfortunately, France is sociologically on the right cassoulet: the one that makes winds that smell bad...

comanche13 wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:27 PM
Might as well not buy anything in France...I don't see how an apartment (or even hundreds) has a value if it doesn't generate income! In what way does having a good have a value? The value only exists on resale or when I... You might as well not buy anything in France...I don't see how an apartment (or even hundreds) has a value if it does not generate no income! In what way does having a good have a value? The value only exists on resale or when rented. otherwise it's worth quedale! On the contrary it becomes a useless charge (except the main one which allows accommodation) because it is also necessary to pay housing taxes, property taxes, EDF and GDF contracts, household waste taxes, collective charges and above all to maintain it ! even if we don't use it!!!! That we decide to use it for resale on the capital gains even by taxing them at 90% (not at 100 because there may be an improvement in the state of the apartment) is still happening... But there, it doesn't even make you want to buy anything anymore... better to put your money under the mattress and stay a tenant, or better still rent in the sun in the tropics...

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Answer from Investoron 07/19/2012 at 20:50
You are absolutely RIGHT! I am a real estate investor: 25 years in the business! Well I'm reselling EVERYTHING!!! You have to know how to take the right turn in time: we announce a sharp fall in real estate: it's time to sell and quickly!

lulu wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:27 PM
I would like to have to pay the ISF... At worst, if I can't pay it, I sell some apartments... It's sad such a life :'(

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Answer from et sile Jul 19, 2012 at 8:45 PM
And if these apartments are your retirement, because being independent, you have not contributed...Do you still want to sell them?

Answer from tropdepeineon 07/20/2012 at 11:03
Given the price of real estate, even by selling you are more than a winner. Just put the money somewhere else. How many have bought apartments or houses a handful of figs before the changeover to the Euro and who can resell them for 4 or even 5... Given the price of real estate, even by selling you are still more than a winner. Just put the money somewhere else. How many have bought apartments or houses with a handful of figs before the changeover to the Euro and who can resell them for 4 or even 5 times the purchase price? eh... you still have to stop complaining. The only unfair thing to this extent is actually the situation of farmers operating in areas where land has wrongly caused the price of their land to explode. A hectare of agricultural land normally costs between 2000 - 10000 ? per hectare because it is a work tool. Because of real estate speculators, pressure from foreigners from the north who came to invest massively in France as soon as Europe opened up, the price of a hectare of agricultural land soared and could reach 300,000? in coastal areas, as is the case for example in the Alpes Maritimes. However, farmers do not have large incomes and this income is directly linked to their area of ​​cultivated land. As a result, they have to sell their land and find themselves unemployed. And even if they manage to resell because which farmer will be able to invest and amortize a land of 300,000 euros by planting vegetables or fruits there..... In short, the ISF is normal especially when it concerns people who were able, because they had high incomes, to invest in real estate at the right time thanks to State tax deductions: Robien Cellier etc. But the application should meet certain logical rules.

noeloua wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:27 PM
If life is precarious, why shouldn't being rich be?

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Tgaudà wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:25
The most disgusting thing is that if your family lives from father to son in a house, which your great-grandfather built with his hands, for his grandchildren in which you spent your childhood and in which you would like to see your grandchildren... well... The most disgusting thing is that if your family lives from father to son in a house, which your great-grandfather built with his hands, for his grandchildren in which you spent your childhood and in which you would like to see your grandchildren play... well as long as you are retired, and the land in the city increases in value (style la rochelle), you may find yourself paying the ISF, being obliged to sell you need to be able to pay, and find yourself in an HLM when you've worked your whole life and you haven't asked anyone.

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Reply from olikale Jul 19, 2012 at 8:44 PM
Not really true because the value of the main house is only taken into account for 70% => a house at 1 million euros to be taxable at the ISF... it's not the rise in prices that makes you climb so far...

Answer from rble Jul 19, 2012 at 8:46 PM
A variant of the retired from Ile de Ré?! Finally!

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:47
you have to know how to sell one day: this mentality of keeping everything is that of the 1930s... today people are on the move! It's over with living always in the same place! and then the little children will probably go a long way and don't care... you have to know how to sell one day: this mentality of keeping everything is that of the 1930s.. . today people are on the move! It's over the fact of always living in the same place! and then the grandchildren will undoubtedly go far away and have nothing to do with knowing that their great great great grandfather had built the house..:)))) They think more about their iphone t facebook. :))

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:56
ahhaha do you believe that guys who have 1.3 million euros and who sell will end up in HLM? :))))anything...

Answer from nstle Jul 19, 2012 at 9:02 PM
The hereditary transmission of heritage is the main source of the perpetuation of social inequalities. The role of the state is to reduce these inequalities. The capital amassed by labor is infinitely more legitimate than the capital transmitted. On... The hereditary transmission of heritage is the main source of the perpetuation of social inequalities. The role of the state is to reduce these inequalities. The capital amassed by labor is infinitely more legitimate than the capital transmitted. We should tax income less and inheritance more!

Answer from @ tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 09:25 PM
You are right.? The people who want to stay on their land are just dumb dark obscurantists who aren't as smart as you. They should be forced to move like Stalin did when he deported the bra... You are quite right? The people who want to stay on their land are just dumb dark obscurantists who aren't as smart as you. They should be forced to move like Stalin did when he deported the good people to Siberia. Reading such comments reflects the French mentality of the moment: stupid and mediocre.

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:31
Sounds like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates bravo! But in this country of moldy rentiers and rancid conservatives, liberalism has never had good press...

Reply from claude34on 07/19/2012 at 21:43
@nst: In the real world, the role of the State is the sovereign functions: security, justice, defence. The rest was invented rather recently, and causes as many problems as it solves.

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:48
Ah yes, like the Libor fraud at Barclays for example? Well then ...

Answer from Pti Paulle 07/19/2012 at 22:06
Well, if it has taken on so much value that you sell it to pay the ISF, there must be some left over to avoid public housing... OK, it's a family asset, OK, it has a sentimental value, but many people who have nothing would like to have only this problem... Well, if it has taken so much value that you sell it to pay the ISF, it must remain for avoid public housing... OK, it's a family asset, OK, it has sentimental value, but many people who have nothing would like to have only this problem in life.

POLYPENSIONNE AND ISF wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:24
today I was told that my pension would rise to 170? gross + 654? gross because of my transition from private to public. If you knew how much I would like to pay the ISF!!!!!

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Answer from NUL!!on 07/19/2012 at 20:44
My poor sir, the heritage of the French has more sentimental value than pecuniary... That's why they keep possessions, even if they don't bring them anything... Simply out of respect for what they have passed on previous generations.... My poor sir, the heritage of the French has more a sentimental value than a pecuniary one... That's why they keep possessions, even if they don't bring them anything... Simply out of respect for this passed down to them by previous generations.

Mind Manipulation Response 07/20/2012 at 8:11 AM
the rich always have good arguments!!!!

prcarrà wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:23
"Widows with, for example, one or more Parisian apartments, who generate a rather low income..." well, it's time to sell them then....

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Answer from toto2on 07/19/2012 at 20:40
Sure: when you bought your flat in the 60s and, because of other people's speculation, you end up at the ISF, you're happy.

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 21:55
well toto you sell and you buy back where it's cheaper: in Creuse, it's quiet there for the old people! and like that you pay the ISF without problem

Answer from groundhogOn 07/19/2012 at 22:34
your comment is disgusting! if you had even half a neuron you could imagine what that implies!

Tgaudà wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:22
Well, the assisted who have not much, and the immigrants who have just arrived and are starting from zero, are very happy that the families who have worked hard and sweat for several generations are disinherited.

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Reply from tonyjam on 07/19/2012 at 20:31
the real people on welfare in France are the rich daddy's boys who do nothing except go clubbing, get up at 11 a.m. every day and take advantage of daddy's pocket money.... And on the side there's the smicards who get up every day at 7 a.m. to b... the real assisted people of France are the rich daddy's boys who do nothing except go out in clubs, get up at 11 a.m. every day and take advantage of the money from dad's pocket.... And next there are the smicards who get up every day at 7 a.m. to work hard

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:03
Has it ever crossed your mind about the three neurons that immigrants could make a fortune and succeed thanks to their talents of course? An immigrant is necessarily a profiteer, isn't it? It's getting more and more moldy on this forum...

Answer from Miloole Jul 19, 2012 at 10:25 PM
@tonyjam "rich daddy's boys who do nothing" Always in nuance and finesse, our friend. limp and get up at 11.00...Thank you for... @tonyjam"rich daddy's boys who do nothing"Always in the nuance and finesse our friend.It's true that the taxpayers of the ISF are parents many lazy children who only go out clubbing and get up at 11.00... Thank you for this little sociology lesson on the life of the rich.

Answer from Keivle Jul 19, 2012 at 11:00 PM
My father is an immigrant who arrived in France 30 years ago and who succeeded after having a hard time before getting there. Today he employs a good number of French people who are jealous of him and who consider me (his son) as a papa's son. Ce q... My father is an immigrant who arrived in France 30 years ago and who succeeded while having a hard time before arriving there. Today he employs a good number of French people who are jealous of him and who consider me (his son) as a papa's son. What they don't know is that I finance my studies on my own, live in a 12 square meter apartment, and eat a lot of cheap dough. Yet I'm not complaining, because until I was 12 we lived in a studio in a housing estate (3 people in a 20 m2 apartment, I know there are worse but it was already horrible). I'm not complaining because my parents always told me that in life there are the lucky ones, the lazy ones and those who fight to get by. There is a category that unfortunately we cannot choose , 2 choices remain, it's up to you to make the one that seems right to you. In France we prefer to be jealous and speak ill, rather than to take an example, to question and to be interested in others who are successful. it's such a shame! If one day I have to pay the ISF I hope that it will be because of my success and not because of the loss of one of my relatives. some on this forum think that because you have money you don't know sadness. sorry to call it back, but money will never buy our deepest feelings.

Answer from hmmmmon 07/19/2012 at 23:44
best answer of the evening ......... thank you keiv

tonyjam wrote on 07/19/2012 at 8:20 PM
indeed,; let's all shed tears for these unfortunate works who have 1.3 million of real estate assets... to the poor, what a misfortune... when it would be enough for them to sell and pocket the 1.3 million to travel... well, no: i... indeed; let's all shed tears for these unfortunate works who have 1.3 million of real estate assets... to the poor, what a misfortune... when it would be enough for them to sell and pocket the 1.3 million to travel... well, no: they prefer to keep like donkeys and pay the ISF .. my faith, too bad for them huh?

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Reply from comanche13on 07/19/2012 at 20:34
would you sell your house? some have paid a loan for 30 years to afford a house and with the real estate inflation especially in paris or in the south east, its price has risen to more than a million... but they have nothing so much as c is not sold.... would you sell your house? some have paid a loan for 30 years to afford a house and with the real estate inflation especially in paris or in the south east, its price has risen to more than a million... but they have nothing so much as c is not sold...yes a place to stay, sometimes they are just retired

Answer from Yannle 07/19/2012 at 20:41
A good reaction from the tenant that...

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 21:49
well let them sell and buy back where it's cheaper.. :)))

akaa wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:19 PM
So where is the problem? Isn't it enough to create a financial company managing the heritage in a more attractive country on the tax plan? The person is the majority shareholder and is paid a dividend. (and becomes a tenant of this ... So what is the problem? Isn't it enough to create a financial company managing the assets in a more attractive country from a tax point of view? The person is the majority shareholder and is paid a dividend (and becomes a tenant of this company) ISF=0

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Besides wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:19
Nothing prevents them from reselling part of their heritage to pay, often acquired one does not know how but certainly not by an income from work...

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Answer from pffffle Jul 19, 2012 at 8:30 PM
There are people who don't spend, who don't go on vacation and who work 70 hours a week to keep their SME running, balance sheet: he's about to retire, they've never contributed for retirement, prefer to buy real estate to rent and do the... There are people who don't spend, who don't go on vacation and who work 70 hours a week so that their SME is running, balance sheet: they are about to retire, they don't have ever contributed for retirement and prefer to buy real estate to rent and retire, this year they will pay more taxes than what they earn, it's a challenge, no

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:23
You have to be a bit of a badger to believe that real estate will ensure your retirement when you see the face of French demography and sociology... Well, that's no reason to overwhelm them!

CorbiXa wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:18 PM
Entrepreneurs, come or stay in France! Take risks, and if you succeed, the state will rob you... Lamentable France.

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Answer from tonyjamle Jul 19, 2012 at 8:28 PM
nothing prevents you from leaving france: it will also create real estate for sale that a first-time buyer could buy and therefore it would lower the price of real estate go there go we don't hold you back !

Response from Democratixon 07/19/2012 at 20:40
Because those who pay the ISF are entrepreneurs? You take the French for Americans. In France, work tools are exempt. Most of those who pay the ISF today, it is because of real estate or portfolio-t... entrepreneurs? You take the French for Americans. In France, the work tool is exempt. Most of those who pay the ISF today, it is because of real estate or securities portfolios received in inheritance. It is rather a taxation for the purposes of breed.

antoine wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:17 PM
real estate is good, but what are they waiting for to tax works of art? They are afraid that they will leave the country? What do we care, we never see them, they are hidden in their palaces. A, but I had forgotten Fabius, one of... real estate is good, but what are they waiting for to tax works of art? They are afraid that they will leave the country? What do we care, we never see them, they are hidden in their palaces. A, but I had forgotten Fabius, one of the greatest art dealers.

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:26
it's true you're right.. but how to control these works? given the fakes the real ones etc... impossible...

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:24
Artists vote left caviar!

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 21:51
@Henri sure, indeed.

Gillesa wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:17 PM
Ah finally! Now we'll be able to hit the biggest fortunes, that's cool! The little one has been paying for so long and now it's your turn!

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Answer for reflection on 07/19/2012 at 21:13
level zero!

elixir31 wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:13 PM
I don't have any assets but I'm disgusted by this witch hunt... If at least it was going to be of some use in 3, 5 or 5... I bet you my shirt that we'll be just as much in debt... And that it will still be the fault of these enc... I don't have any assets but I am disgusted by this witch hunt... If at least it was going to be of some use in 3, 5 or 5... I bet you my shirt that we will be just as much in debt... And that it will still be the fault of these enc... rich people. the share of taxes and duties that my personal contribution to the state and therefore to the community, is pinuts compared to what those who are subject to the ISF pay... Instead of saying thank you to them, we shout at them and stigmatize them as idecent. It's a shame. We want to be able to dream of a better future in France, let people dream if they want to work to become rich and stop being jealous of everything.

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Norman wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:12 PM
Exceptional... they have the word to laugh... until their passage to power becomes exceptional ;-)

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Jiminya wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:11 PM
it's good, it's the friends in Jospin who will be able to buy houses on the Ile de Ré

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Na94 wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:08 PM
We are not going to pity the "poor" rich who pay the ISF, while so many people live in poverty or even on the street!

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Philà wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:06
"La Tribune" is going to make us cry...and how do the smicards manage to make ends meet?

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rebelle33 wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:02
It's a fantasy to think that the "rich" and especially the "very rich" are taxed more in France than in other countries in Europe or the world!!! And then, these people have so many possibilities of escaping the "rigors" of the taxman that I can't ... It's a fantasy to think that the "rich" and especially the "very rich" are taxed more in France than in other countries in Europe or the world!!! And then, these people have so many possibilities of escaping the "rigors" of the taxman that I can't pity them!!! What would be interesting would be to seriously investigate the origin of their fortune... We would have some nice surprises!!!

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Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:06
Like black market and butt bread? Never sir!

Answer from @rebelle33on 07/20/2012 at 8:53
stupid comment of an article mentioning precisely that rich people will pay a ISF higher than their income.

Arnauda wrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:01 PM
You're not going to make me believe that people with > 1.3m? are not able to invest part of their capital for returns > 1.8%! Even the passbook A rate is 1.75% net. So at worst by selling all the real estate... You're not going to make me believe that people who have assets > 1.3m? are not able to invest part of their capital for returns > 1.8%! Even the rate of the booklet A is 1.75% net. So at worst by selling all the real estate and placing on a booklet A, we do not pay taxes. And you are not going to make me believe that grannies live in a property 1.3m away? by twiddling their thumbs. Most are multi-owners and have incomes much higher than 1.8%. In short, the ISF will only be harmful to the rich idiots, ie not knowing how to invest their money!

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Answer from antoine on 07/19/2012 at 20:16
well done! indeed we are not going to complain to those who have an estimated heritage of more than 1.3 million euros! They pay too much tax, and although they resell everything and give the money to their children!

Answer from Chrisuble Jul 19, 2012 at 8:20 PM
You easily call people idiots! The author of the article has yet well exposed the problem ... As for the booklet A, you seem to ignore that the investments that can be made there are capped (15,000 euros or something like that). And the v... You easily call people idiots! The author of the article has yet well exposed the problem ... As for the booklet A, you seem to ignore that the investments that can be made there are capped (15,000 euros or something like that). And the widows we are talking about are often old or even very old and are not always able to manage their assets as young people would. They aren't "stupid" though.

Answer from Miloole 07/19/2012 at 20:20
The livret A is capped at 15,000?, and its yield is 2.25% dear Arnaud...Concerning yields at 1.8%, you have to quickly set up as an asset manager, the gross risk-free rate (monetary funds containing government bonds) is at 0... The livret A is capped at 15,000?, and its yield is at 2.25% dear Arnaud...Concerning yields at 1.8%, you must quickly set up as a manager of assets, the gross risk-free rate (monetary funds containing government bonds) is at 0.5%... So of course, we can do better than 1.8%, but we take risks; it's a bit like the basis of finance.

Answer from Aurélienon 07/19/2012 at 20:22
The booklet A is capped at... 15,300 euros! Do you really believe that millionaires are going to place on passbooks? Movable property is often a story of inheritance. If tomorrow you inherit a castle in ruins you have to pay the ISF, you could this... The booklet A is capped at... 15,300 euros! Do you really believe that millionaires are going to place on passbooks? Movable property is often a story of inheritance. If tomorrow you inherit a castle in ruins you have to pay the ISF, you could certainly resell the castle but if you care about it because it is transmitted from generation to generation...!? France has a heritage there are many people behind it and they are not necessarily rich.

Answer from me Jul 19, 2012 at 8:23 PM
Except for booklet A, you can't place more than 15,300?...

Answer from el diablole 07/19/2012 at 20:25
the booklet A is capped at 15,300?. There remains life insurance, which yields 3% but ... with taxes on it .... Rents? they too are taxed. However, I remain in favor of the ISF. It would just raise the threshold based on inflation ... the booklet A is capped at 15,300?. There remains life insurance, which yields 3% but ... with taxes on it .... Rents? they too are taxed. However, I remain in favor of the ISF. It would just be necessary to increase the threshold according to inflation, and as long as to make adjust by the same pensions and the SMIC... everyone would be happy?

Answer from toto2on 07/19/2012 at 20:35
"by selling all the real estate and placing on a passbook a...". With a booklet A ceiling at 15300 eur, month I want to recover the real estate!

number 6 wrote on 07/19/2012 at 20:01
I find it disgusting, we see here that not many people find themselves widowed in the comments, and young widows. It's completely normal for widowers to inherit from their spouse, it's is the very will of their spouse and vice e... I find it disgusting, we see here that there are not many people who find themselves widowed in the comments, and young widows. It's completely normal, that widowers inherit from their spouse, it is the very will of their spouse and vice versa. times, the unlived is there. The more I read the newspapers of France the more I am disgusted, quite simply disgusting!

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Answer from tonyjamle Jul 19, 2012 at 8:14 PM
well, these widows are selling their empty apartments! What's the point of them apart from paying the ISF?? and these same widows will either be able to take advantage of the money to travel or give it to their children!:!! it's crazy this mentality to keep everything completely at ... well, these widows are selling their empty apartments! What's the point of them apart from paying the ISF?? and these same widows will be able to take advantage of the money to travel or give it to their children! too bad for them!

Answer from tonyjammle 07/19/2012 at 08:25 PM
what are these disgusting? if the widows sell, they will have lez bonanza, better than the lottery and will be able to pay the ISF without worries .. and the year after they will not pay it any more because they will be below!

it's anythingwrote on 07/19/2012 at 08:01 PM
You didn't want Sarko anymore, you're going to taste Holland. What will be left in 2017? All this is very mediocre. The state would do well to reform itself rather than picking pockets for the French. (see the situation of personnel expenditure in the army... You no longer wanted Sarko, you will taste Hollande. What will remain in 2017? All this is very mediocre. The State would do well to reform rather than to pickpocket the French (see the situation of personnel expenditure in the army which shows that there are far too many high-ranking officers still in place but without troops...)

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Reply from clomeole Jul 19, 2012 at 8:41 PM
well said

Answer from Henrile 07/19/2012 at 21:09
What exactly is ''reform''? Cut pensions which cost 14 points of GDP? Fire the civil servants like dirt? Are you the one who will feed the old and the poor?

don't forgetWrote on 07/19/2012 at 8:00 PM
that there are so many laws to reduce his taxable income, that no one pays tax on his real income but on his taxable income which is much lower than the real one.

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jojoa wrote on 07/19/2012 at 8:00 PM
Well, it's been my case for 3 years that I've been unemployed and not compensated after 25 years of employment. While people with heritage pay but of course, it's obvious. Already they keep the jobs of decision-makers, to decide like m ... AND well it's been my case for 3 years that I have been unemployed and not compensated after 25 years of employment. While people with heritage pay but of course, it's obvious. Already they keep the jobs of decision-makers, to decide like sleeves, ... don't you think that all this is enough!!

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Reply from comanche13on 07/19/2012 at 20:44
And what would you do with it? RIENT wouldn't have the money to renovate it, even less to make a restaurant or a hotel! All you can do is try to make some money showing it around. Except that you too should pay the ISF because... And what would you do with it? RIENT wouldn't have the money to renovate it, even less to make a restaurant or a hotel! All you can do is try to make some money showing it around. Except that you too would have to pay the ISF because you own this castle and it would cost you much more than the income generated by the visits...

I'm going to cry
Come on, let's shed a tear...

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Tchua wrote on 07/19/2012 at 07:59 PM
Just invest all my savings in real estate to stop paying ISF.....Too Cool....Sell land to pay your taxes!!

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Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:13
you obviously haven't understood anything: it's precisely those who have real estate who will pay this ISF... hence the interest in reselling and quickly!

Answer from Tchuale 07/20/2012 at 9:26
You are sure you understood what I wrote!!!

balinta wrote on 07/19/2012 at 19:56
Can a citizen?s entire income be confiscated? even exceptionally

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Answer from probablyon 07/19/2012 at 20:02
But in this case, said citizen will go and plant his cabbage elsewhere. And who will stay to pay? RSA recipients?

tonyjam wrote on 07/19/2012 at 7:54 PM
as for the farmers, they too, let them resell their land!!! they will have plenty of money like that!

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tonyjam wrote on 07/19/2012 at 19:53
and although these widows resell these apartments, to no longer pay the ISF! We are not going to complain about those who collect empty apartments!

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Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 20:02
tell me, do you work?

Reply from Photo73on 07/19/2012 at 20:08
Selling them is not enough, you have to consume them! The sum resulting from the sale of the property is similarly subject to the ISF, it adds up, apartment, and/or bank accounts. By pushing, the principle of the ISF is to sell what we have to arrive at pay c... Selling them is not enough, you have to consume them! The sum resulting from the sale of the property is similarly subject to the ISF, it adds up, apartment, and/or bank accounts. By pushing, the principle of the ISF is to sell what we have to arrive at to pay what is demanded (a punishment of having property). The owner of a factory, I don't know 'he has to sell it to pay his wealth tax? Not everyone earns a million euros a year!! ISF is in addition to income tax, I think...

Reply from malvi23on 07/19/2012 at 20:09
it's true!! don't push anyway!

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:16
yes and? What is the relationship?

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:22
"The sum resulting from the sale of the property is similarly subject to the ISF" well the sum will be used to pay the ISF tizent of course.. and once paid, well the year after they will be below the 1.3 million and won't pay it anymore! :))) it's mat level... "The sum resulting from the sale of the property is similarly subject to the ISF" well the sum will be used to pay the ISF tizent of course... and once paid, well the next year they will be below 1.3 million and will no longer pay it! :))) it's the level of mathsde cp, I'll tell you ..:))

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:24
"a punishment for having property)"no it's the redistribution of wealth: we are in a generous and social country.. If you are not happy, go to the USA, whatever the bottom it becomes the same as in France.. Go to Damascus then :))

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 20:24
the report is that if you work it is to put yourself or your family in safety? Would you like us to take your assets?

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:40
"Would you like us to take your assets?" Because you need more than 1.3 million euros of real estate assets to secure your family? :)) if there was a Nobel Prize for bad faith, you have your chance to win it... "Would you like us to take your heritage?" Because you need more than 1.3 million d euros of property assets to secure your family? :)) if there was a Nobel prize for bad faith, you have your chance to win it!

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 21:39
It's not just these people who will be taxed abusively, you will win the Nobel Prize for naivety.

Answer from Pierrele 07/20/2012 at 17:02
You're right tonyjam, let's deny the property, it's much easier that way! Think about what you write...

Léona wrote on 07/19/2012 at 07:51 PM
Widows owning one or more Parisian apartments, for example, who generate a rather low income... Does that exist? Who is he kidding?

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Answer from marcel couillardon 07/19/2012 at 20:05
Zé if these widows have a capital, c not by chance but often with the force of the wrist. Maybe you would like to share their property with wankers like the reds..........and after that the kao.

too easywritten on 07/19/2012 at 07:51 PM
it's too easy to be millionS rich and to get RSA...

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BIANCA wrote on 07/19/2012 at 07:43 PM
Success is severely punished in France. Our young people who want to succeed and create wealth and jobs must imperatively flee this country as soon as possible. You have to be completely crazy to do business in France with such a tax.

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Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 20:25
Agree with you bianca.

Response from Democratixon 07/19/2012 at 20:41
In France, the ISF mainly concerns heirs-annuitants, not entrepreneurs. Stop taking the French for Americans.

fraternity wrote on 07/19/2012 at 07:35 PM
Europe will finally make sense: our neighbors will be able to welcome those who are tired of being cash cows!

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Reply from rebel33on 07/19/2012 at 19:57
"Cash cows" when you have income that even exceeds the imagination...Are you kidding, I hope or you are armed with a good dose of cynicism!!!...These are their fortunes or their income that no longer makes sense!!!!...

Reply from mamounetteon 07/19/2012 at 20:04
It's true it's too hard to be a cash cow! I have a small salary that won't allow me to pay the tax due on my building on boulevard saint germain... sniff, sniff the unemployed could well help me, no!

Answer from Totole 07/19/2012 at 20:04
don't confuse income and wealth, it has nothing to do. If the state applied its own rules, it probably couldn't pay....

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 20:05
@rebelle33 Are you forgetting the people who have worked a lot to have these assets, does that bother you?? Do the same. Do you think that money is falling from the sky? to those who work and q... @rebelle33 You forget the people who worked a lot to have these heritages, do you mind? Do the same. Do you think that money falls from the sky? For the unemployed perhaps good, but leave the peace to those who work and who have the right to have 100 heritages if they want it. I see only jealousy in most of the comments.

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 08:18 PM
well they should have placed it elsewhere, instead of speculating on real estate! Are we still not going to cry over the fate of real estate speculators who make a lot of wheat on the backs of young first-time buyers?

Answer from Alan Johnle 07/19/2012 at 20:24
Brotherhood, you're right, the rich are going to leave and Hollande will have to make a 180 degree turn, as Mitterand did in 1983 when he fired the leftist Maurois to replace him with the very accommodating Beregovoy. Cynicism, rebel 33, it comes from H... Brotherhood you are right, the rich are going to leave and Hollande will have to make a 180 degree turn as Mitterand did in 1983 by firing the leftist Maurois to replace him with the very accommodating Beregovoy. Cynicism, rebel 33, it comes from Holland who wants to believe that a Robin Hood policy can succeed.

Answer from quicele 07/19/2012 at 08:24 PM
Good point number 6, I have no money yet I have worked all my life; I have never been assisted but I find it revolting to tax those who have "succeeded", I do not own anything but I am not jealous of those who have done better than me! ... Well seen number 6, I have no money yet I have worked all my life; I have never been assisted but I find it revolting to tax those who have "succeeded", I do not own anything but I am not jealous of those who have done better than me! on the other hand, I'm tired of paying taxes to fatten up certain parasites who come to take advantage of the system and get rich on my back while I can't spare anything or even help my children as I would like to do, although they too working! Fuck it, this is completely unfair.

Answer from EGALITEFRATERNITEASSISTEon 07/19/2012 at 20:29
Do you sincerely think that by "charging" exceptional contributions on wealth will get France out of the crisis it is going through? It is not by taking on one side to give on the other that we will obtain growth, employment... Do you sincerely think that by "charging" exceptional contributions on the fortune will come out France of the crisis it is going through? It is not by taking on one side to give on the other that we will obtain growth, stable employment and perrinity. It's a bit like the scrapping bonus, it holds up momentarily but it's not the solution, neither in the short term because we can on the resources that could be invested, but also in the long term because it only does maintaining state aid vis-à-vis a system that is showing us its limits today: pensions, health, education, justice and so on are sclerotic from the inside, France works in an archaic way and still clings to this old idea of ​​power that is no more. As long as we don't realize that we ALL have to stop "pump the system" and get serious about trying to revive our country being dynamic, motivated, inventive, intelligent and determined instead of being embittered, envious , assists, resigns and lazy... we will only sink deeper and deeper. It's not 200m Eur that will save jobs, social security, health and education... the Indians, the Chinese don't have a quarter of what we have and yet they are determined to s to get out of it, we are what we miss: the "geniac" because even if in our Christian judo culture, God supposedly created all men equal, reality shows us that this is not true. Even the late Coluche didn't care: God created whites, blacks, yellows, small, large... how can we think that we are all born equal? Everyone has their own difference, even material if necessary (inheritance or not...what a lack of respect to speak of "old rich people" or farmers who only have "to sell their land"... ), this does not mean that it is by taking some that we will get there! What demagoguery on the part of elected officials to come up with solutions like this to remedy the fact that we all live in a system that shows that we spend more than we earn: we therefore live beyond our means ... why want to continue and this thanks to the "money of the rich"? all this shows that we are once again next to the plate...

Answer from palaple 07/19/2012 at 20:41
Elderly widows? like Liliane Bettencourt? Stop it's so sad to read this.

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 20:42
yes quice, totally agree with you, it's just common sense.

Response from Democratixon 07/19/2012 at 20:43
Because Liliane BETTENCOURT, for example, is someone who has succeeded? And LAGARDERE, and PINAULT, and BOUYGUES, and DASSAULT? All daddy's boys.

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:44
it's sure that being a daddy's boy is really a success, what an achievement.. :)) We need a redistribution of wealth in terms of rights of succession and encourage people to sell their real estate and not to collecting, depriving... of course being a daddy's boy is really achieving what an achievement... not to collect them, thus depriving young people of buying at a reasonable price! If people with patriloine revdent1) they will lower property prices: young first-timers will pay less and have more purchasing power2) the money they can use to travel! What is the point of having heritage? To look good and show off in front of colleagues? Money was used above all to nourish oneself and to enjoy life. What's the point of having 4 empty apartments in Paris while being poor? Might as well sell everything and live WELL, consume and enjoy life, right?

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 20:45
"all this is completely unfair"ahhaha, it looks like a Calimero made in Neuilly.. hahahaha

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 21:12
The problem is that you only see the bad, what are daddy's boys doing in the story? You put everyone in the same bag, there are people who honestly have heritages, in n ' being not a daddy's boy far from it. Moreover, v... The problem is that you only see the bad, what are the daddy's boys doing in the story? You put everyone in the same bag, there are people who honestly have assets, not being a daddy's boy far from it. Moreover, you contradict yourself with your way of thinking, you say "What's the point of having assets? To do beautiful and showing off in front of colleagues? The money was used above all to feed oneself and enjoy life." And your contradiction further on you say "thus depriving young people of buying at a reasonable price!" the same to say to young people to do as they do to buy a good. go on, but let's stay free, we don't have to think like you, and some prefer to sell everything to travel during their retirement, the cicada and the ant....but everyone is free.

Answer from Nezsele 07/19/2012 at 09:13 PM
Some people would do well to quit smoking and talk nonsense out of sheer frustration at their own situation. We have to stop raking down. The fact that there are poor in no way justifies confiscatory measures and spolia... Some would do well to stop smoking and talk nonsense out of sheer frustration at their own situation. We have to stop raking down. The fact that there are poor in no way justifies confiscatory and spoliating measures against those who have something. That there are taxes at the height of real and equitable incomes, completely agree, to levy in an indecent way by dogmatism and political marketing, it is as useless as disgusting. A majority chose this majority. Of which act. Wait 5 years.

Answer from cyndile 07/19/2012 at 09:22 PM
I'm stunned reading some comments

Reply from claude34on 07/19/2012 at 21:37
The most amusing thing is that the envious think they will receive something from this spoliation. But this will not be the case, the majority of the redistribution is consumed by the state, and does not go into the "basic" welfare.

Answer from ninale 07/19/2012 at 21:45
poor frenchy, you get what you deserve by voting socialos, payment is now and it's not over, even the poor are taxed poor France, on the other hand those who govern get richer

Answer from PSdepensieron 07/19/2012 at 21:53
As long as socialist politicos who fart in the silk (cf Fabius, DSK and others...) do not decide to reduce their lifestyle and the lifestyle of the State and its hordes of civil servants. .. the other French will continue to pay ... As long as socialist politicos who fart in the silk (cf Fabius, DSK and others ...) will not decide to reduce their lifestyle and the lifestyle of the State and its hordes of civil servants... the other French will continue to pay to satisfy the electorate PS!

Answer from tonyjamle 07/19/2012 at 22:10
"wait five years".. ahha five years these long: and for five years you will pay hard in taxes and wealth tax .. ahhaahace is just a backlash amply justified, dear pensioners 68 ards! You have taken advantage of the glorious 30, you have gas... "wait five years".. ahha five years these long: and for five years you will pay hard in taxes and ISF.. ahhaahace is just a return of the baton amply justified, dear pensioners 68 ards! You took advantage of the glorious 30s, you wasted without counting, polluted France... Well, it's up to you today to pay the price, not to the young 30-year-olds! Go to your blue gold cards! Pay hard! And to think that this money will be used for your children and that they will avoid repaying the debt: because the debt is you who created it! so it is you pensioners who have to repay it!

Answer from Bloumele 07/19/2012 at 22:13
and God says it is right and good

Answer from number 6on 07/19/2012 at 22:26
Yes, but they don't see it, they see the rich except the ones they voted for, it depends which rich apparently. Anyway, we just change color on top, but the background remains the same I believe. In any case, this subject has e... But yes, but they don't see it, they see the rich except those for whom they voted, it depends on which rich apparently. Anyway, we don't do only change color above, but the background remains the same I believe. In any case, this subject has exploded with comments, good evening all the same to all.

Reply from mayotteon 07/19/2012 at 23:10
And football players, you have to tax them too...

Answer from dada85on 07/19/2012 at 23:51
"the rich" will leave!!! how awful !!! I love the rich, I'm not one of them, but I love them...they shine, they're beautiful, they have beautiful clothes, beautiful cars...frankly, life is better thanks to the rich ...i... "the rich" are going to leave!!! how awful !!! I love the rich, I'm not one of them, but I love them...they shine, they're beautiful, they have beautiful clothes, beautiful cars...frankly, life is better thanks to the rich ... imagine a little life with only poor people (Bolsheviks in addition, surly) ugly and driving in 205 to go to the factory... it's depressing !!!! I propose a special rich telethon, or each poor person who wants a little sunshine in his heart, will give a little something to the unjustly taxed rich, so that he can stay in France, and fill us with happiness! let's be brave, we poor people!! our survival depends on it!!

Fraternity Responseon 07/20/2012 at 1:45
Why do some commentators persist in seeing Bettencourt, Pinault, Bouygues etc everywhere? As if the destiny of a handful of individuals who all ended up at the head of colossal fortunes should also be that of entrepreneurs who... Why do some commentators persist in seeing Bettencourt, Pinault, Bouygues etc everywhere? As if the destiny of a handful of individuals who all ended up at the head of colossal fortunes should also be that of entrepreneurs who started at the bottom of the ladder to finish at the top! There are 450,000 millionaires in France, do not mix everything stupidly! I fail to understand such reasoning. It is precisely this vision that has poisoned the political life of our country for years, and that makes people want to cut off the heads that stick out! Let's take an example: Xavier Niel is an entrepreneur of modest origins, who became a billionaire (2.8 billion?). Should he also be ostracized from society because he is rich? However, it allows its millions of customers to pay less for their telephone bill! Finally, simplifying things a bit, it's an anti-Martin Bouygues. If this guy had decided to do his business in Germany or the United Kingdom, we would be deploring the absence of entrepreneurs of his caliber here. Or would it be the perverse mentality of certain citizens who would like to extricate this type of individuals from the country once it has enabled them to make some (modest) savings? We navigate in absurdity! As for housing prices in Paris, it is not the fault of the rich, but of housing policy. It has nothing to do ! The forked tongues that plague here would certainly also afford sumptuous apartments if they had the means. It is very dishonest to deny it.

Answer from Lambdale 07/20/2012 at 9:45 AM
So many comments on the subject, one way or another. Who's right, who's wrong?... it doesn't matter. In the end, we all suffer in different aspects of life and according to our personal situation, the financial manipulation of heads b... So many comments on the subject, in one direction or another. Who is right, who is wrong? ... never mind. In the end, we all suffer in different aspects of life and according to our personal situation, the financial manipulations of the well-meaning heads who govern our country. A handful of men who pull the strings in short for the few billion men... puppets. Everyone must continue on their way no matter what, whatever the cost too... And if "Utopia" (it bears its name well) existed: a world without money and which must nevertheless continue to turn as it turns with its positive sides and its negative sides??.... what behavior would we adopt in this world? ... what would turn out to be important to us then?... what would we do with our actions?... If we are posting messages on this forum, it means that we are very warm in our homes... right??... As long as money serves man in general, instead of serving him and being used as a "solidarity" currency, we will always, unfortunately, slander the on each other in relation to what we go through in life... it's normal, it's human. To be healthy, to be happy in your life and to have your loved ones around you... think about helping according to its possibilities... these are ideas that are good for morale and which also contribute to our well-being... also yes. good day to all.

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