Jessica Thivenin reveals where the task comes from on the face of her daughter Leewane

17/01/2023 By acomputer 749 Views

Jessica Thivenin reveals where the task comes from on the face of her daughter Leewane

It was on Sunday August 22 that the flagship candidate of the reality TV of the Marseillais and her husband Thibault Garcia announced the birth of their second child, Leewane.Jessica Thivenin unveiled the face of her second child for the first time on Instagram in early October..But in the photos of Leewane Garcia, Internet users were regularly finger at the comments, the red spot on his face.Indeed, above the eyes and under his nose, Internet users could see a red spot on the little girl.It didn't take more to arouse the curiosity of his subscribers.

Jessica Thivenin révèle d’où vient la tache sur le visage de sa fille Leewane

Many hastened to send a message to Jessica to find out where this famous stain came from.Rumors then spread and the young mother decided to speak on social networks in order to put an end.

A birth spot that should quickly disappear

Thibaut Garcia's wife spoke and declared in Story Instagram "So, the task that my daughter has on the forehead and under her nose is a stain that will leave, it's called an angioma!It's just a little spot that arrives at birth ".Especially since the influencer and her son Maylone also had an angioma and none of the two kept the slightest trace.

Present in the first weeks of life, the angioma comes in the form of a small pink spot located on the infant's body.She blushes when he makes an effort, takes his bottle or cry.These are predetermined vascular malformations probably during the progress of pregnancy, but their origin is currently unknown.This does not require any particular treatment since, in most cases, it spontaneously disappears.

If these spots appear on your baby's face, don't worry.They will certainly end up disappearing.

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