Kush, the lost kingdom of the black pharaohs

04/05/2022 By acomputer 876 Views

Kush, the lost kingdom of the black pharaohs

Somewhere in present-day Sudan languish pyramids stretching skyward. They are held where the ancient city of Meroe was, now listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Center of a powerful civilization, Meroe was the capital of the Kingdom of Kush, whose culture flourished for centuries. Sovereign architecture and the works of art it leaves behind are immutable witnesses to the majesty of Nubian kings and queens.

Buried in the sands of the desert on a bank of the Nile, the Nubian civilization shapes the destiny of Egypt from the 8th century BC. and even became its 25th dynasty in the Late period. After their fall, the Nubian pharaohs retreated south to Egypt to form the Kingdom of Kush, which would flourish in splendid isolation while the rest of Egypt suffered repeated assaults from the Assyrians, Persians and Greeks. .

Koush, le royaume perdu des pharaons noirs