Machine Gun Kelly has just been tattooed a bloody slit in the throat

27/02/2023 By acomputer 841 Views

Machine Gun Kelly has just been tattooed a bloody slit in the throat

22 avril 2021, 11:32Machine Gun Kelly vient de se faire tatouer une fente sanglante dans la gorge Machine Gun Kelly vient de se faire tatouer une fente sanglante dans la gorge

Machine Gun Kelly has officially added another tattoo to its vast collection.

Machine Gun Kelly est connue pour avoir beaucoup de tatouages ​​et son dernier ajout (une ligne rouge allant droit dans son cou) est, euh, intéressant …

Tuesday, April 20, the singer of "Bloody Valentine" shared an Instagram post subtitled "Bye, Bye Neck".The collection of images showed the new MGK tattoo - a thin red line descending in the middle of its throat, which was frighteningly giving the impression of having had your throat cut.

He also included a video of himself just before the start of the tattoo process."If someone has already liked my neck ... it's going to be different," he said, while the tattoo gun buzzed in the background.He then tweeted: "Yatied the neck.Sorry.»»

Machine Gun Kelly vient de se faire tatouer une fente sanglante dans la gorge

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But why would someone want to give the impression that his neck has been horribly decided, are you asking?Well, MGK has not really confirmed the true meaning of its inking, but we can only imagine that it is symbolic.

MGK a environ 80 tatouages ​​connus et chacun a une histoire spéciale derrière eux. Il a « RIP B Arnold»» sur son bras droit en hommage à sa défunte grand-mère, Jessica Rabbit sur son biceps droit représentant sa femme fantastique et une fausse plaie rouge sur le côté gauche de sa poitrine signifiant que quelqu’un lui a arraché le cœur.

L’un de ses tatouages ​​préférés, cependant, est celui d’un bus à impériale rouge.MGK revealed the story behind the GQ tattoo Tour in 2016, he said: "I was struck by an imperial bus in Manchester.At 7 am, we were looking for grass and I saw guys and I was like, ‘It looks like he would certainly.He took a step in the street and [Crash Sound].

"The bus was driving at full speed.The whole front of the windshield was cracked, like a spider web.I woke up on the ground, my clothes were torn and I tried to run away.I was so messy that I thought I committed a crime.or something.»»


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