Marie Kondo's advice to save space in her wardrobe

25/09/2022 By acomputer 702 Views

Marie Kondo's advice to save space in her wardrobe

The queen of "Less is more", whose book "The magic of storage", sold more than 10 million copies in the world, gives us her tips to make room in the cupboards.

Spread your clothes on the floor

To start her storage well, Marie Kondo advises to raise all her things, then place them on the ground."The grouping phase in one place is essential," she writes in "the magic of storage".By exposing them to daylight and reviving them, you will be surprisingly easier to judge if they trigger an emotion in you.»»

Get rid of those who no longer give us joy...

Keeping only the clothes that give us joy represents the key to navigate.Each piece therefore deserves to be studied.And if there is one that does not make us any more effect, there is no reason to wear it to wear, you might as well part with it.

...Without forgetting to thank them

Chaque objet ou vêtement joue un « rôle particulier»». Si un vêtement ne nous va pas ou plus, elle invite tout de même à le « remercier»» avant de s'en séparer – « ce vêtement nous aura par exemple peut-être montré ce qui ne nous va pas»».Or how to establish a dialogue with your clothes ...


To put forward effectively, the Japanese defends a simple method: create categories and subcategories.She therefore invites to bring together all the tops, stockings, parts that hang, handbags ... This allows you not to get lost in too vague categories (like those intended for work for work).

Do not accumulate interior clothes

Les conseils de Marie Kondo pour gagner de la place dans sa penderie

Marie Kondo deplores the fact of carrying at home the clothes with which we no longer want to appear outside."I don't see any interest in keeping clothes that are not a source of relaxation. Perdez cette habitude»», écrit-elle.His credo: wear pieces that highlight you (and joy!) Even at home.

Bend her clothes

The thirty -something is known to master the art of folding.The goal: to avoid offending clothes and not damaging the material - but also gaining space.An almost sacred gesture for her: "Folding a garment is an act that goes beyond making it more compact to store it.Is to take care of it, to express your love for him and to appreciate his place in your life.»»

Respect her socks and tights

No way to neglect them.The golden rule?Never tie them or roll them in a ball - it also takes up more space.For tights, Marie Kondo advises to fold them in two lengthwise."The main thing is that your tights are firm and stable once folded, a bit like maki rolls.»»

Do not work

Hormis pour les manteaux, les maillots de bain ou les casquettes, Marie Kondo juge « démodée»» la technique qui consiste à ranger les vêtements en fonction des saisons. La raison ? « Avec l'introduction de la climatisation et le chauffage central, nos logements sont moins impactés par la météo»», écrit-elle.Without forgetting that the effects of global warming are always felt more ...

Remove the packaging and labels

According to Marie Kondo, it is only once an article is unpacked that it belongs to us fully."Some people fear that once the labels have been removed, the value of the clothes falls if they try to resell them, but it is contradictory.If you do the shops, buy clothes intending to welcome them.»»

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