Maturity, or how to ensure the growth of the person

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Maturity, or how to ensure the growth of the person

Posted on December 3, 2012-A+

Maturity is absolutely essential to assume and live in full responsibility your adult life.How to make adolescents grow? By Jean-Baptiste Noé.

Maturity is becoming an adult.A fruit goes through a ripening phase, and when this phase is finished it can be consumed.Likewise for a child, who has a period of maturation until an age when he becomes a young adult, after being an old child.

Maturity is absolutely essential to assume and live in full responsibility your adult life.The observation of immaturity of certain students, or even some young professionals, must lead us to reflect on the best way to make boys and girls who are entrusted to us grow.Maturity is not acquired over time, it is acquired by effort and circumstances.It is illusory to believe that an 18 -year -old boy who is not mature will be at 20 years old, simply by the effect of time.A fruit tree of cold regions needs a greenhouse to grow fruit, without that, even by spending a lot of time, they will not ripen.For men, it's exactly the same thing.

Immaturity has several harmful consequences.

At the professional level, this brings an constantly irresoline attitude, the inability to hold your goals, to do full and long studies, to choose a job.The immature person flutter from one training to another, without being able to choose and decide.

At the social level, immaturity manifests itself by a misunderstanding of contemporary issues, an incomprehension of the events of the world, whether international relations, economic and cultural situations.The immature still lives in the world of childhood and much of trouble getting attached to reality and its issues.

At the behavioral level, the immature shows great weakness towards all the temptations and the spirit of the world.This can be manifested by excessive alcohol consumption, or even the use of drugs and drugs, by unstable emotional behavior.By this behavior, the immature seeks to make people believe, and to persuade himself, that he is a mature man, when he is in reality incapable of showing strength and temperance, virtue of thematurity.Immaturity also leads to the rejection of faith.

La maturité, ou comment assurer la croissance de la personne

How to detect immaturity.

In addition to the elements that we have seen above, other aspects make it possible to identify the immaturity of a person, immaturity which may be more or less strong.

1/ Immaturity is emerging first in dress.For a boy, there is an age when it is normal to abandon children's clothes to put on those of the mature man.The garment is not just a symbol or a social norm, it is also a reflection of the person's state of mind.Wearing sneakers and t-shirts, apart from a sporting activity, is an external sign of interior immaturity.Likewise for clothes with too colorful colors or childish patterns.In adults it can be a sign of commendable fantasy, in young adults it rather marks the presence of immaturity.

2/ Immaturity is also visible in leisure activities.Reading fantasy books, or manga, viewing films disconnected from reality (science fiction, cartoons), the practice of video games or outdoor activities that are not adapted to age (make hutsOr big games is excellent when you are 10 years old, it is less so when you have 18), are also signs of immaturity.Of course it depends on the dose to which the activity is practiced.Playing a video game from time to time can be useful for relaxing.But in general, this is the mark of a refusal of reality and a refuge in the virtual so as not to face the world as it is, often because the person does not know how to face it.

3/ Immaturity is finally visible in conversations.The ignorance of basic news, in particular political issues, ignorance of economic or diplomatic questions, are signs of immaturity.A person may obviously have various tastes and prefer one subject to another, but each person is called upon to be a citizen of his country, which supposes a minimum of knowledge of his political life.It is also the sign of selfishness, experienced by a person withdrawn from themselves and who does not seek to understand others.As Pius XI pointed out "politics is the supreme stage of charity".Makeing politics does not mean being enrolled in a political party, but being informed of the affairs of your country, and world affairs.

How to make mature?

Time does not make mature, any more than prohibitions.You can prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages, or the duties of girls, it only takes time and leads either to Puritanism or to debauchery.The only solution remains education.Education for maturity must be done very early, it continues during a lifetime.If we take up the elements that we have analyzed previously we can identify different ways to educate to be ripe.

1/ First, develop the sense of work and effort.Teaching children to finish what they started, to go all the way. Do not undertake either work that we cannot afford to complete.

2/ Then, develop the sense of virtues, educate in temperance, know why we do things, and not do them by simple automatisms - notably in questions of faith, and even in school work.

3/ Ask what the extra -academic activities that are practiced, how they mature, the qualities and virtues they allow them to acquire.

4/ Have a dress suitable for its age.

5/ Take an interest in the contemporary world, visit exhibitions, seek to cultivate.To want to progress personally, even if it contradicts the ambient environment.

--On the Web.