Rules, a real revolution: why and how to choose them?We tell you everything

05/07/2022 By acomputer 705 Views

Rules, a real revolution: why and how to choose them?We tell you everything

Towels for the night, stamps during the day, Cup to go to the beach ... You know, your period periods are not always easy to manage and forgetting has happened very quickly.Fortunately, the life of women in this world is now much cool thanks to menstrual panties.A real gift!We confirm it to you.

High waist or shorty panties, for the day or night, swimsuit, abundant or normal flow, there is something for everyone, and in all colors.We give you a little recap to help you right here.

What is menstrual pants exactly?

Also called rules of rules, or also periodic panties, menstrual panties is an absorbent, reusable and washable underwear (practical, and good for the planet therefore, it is noted).But above all, it offers both effective protection during periods and lingerie that is pleasant to bring day and night.Composed of an ultra-absorbent insert and a waterproof membrane, menstrual pants accompany women throughout the day, without risk of leaks and bad odors. Plus, significant: menstrual panties can be usedDaily against light urinary leaks and white losses.

How it works ?

Les culottes de règles, une vraie révolution : Pourquoi et comment les choisir ? On vous dit tout

The menstrual pants must be personal, and chosen according to your own flow.Composed of an absorbent insert, it thus allows the absorption of blood of the rules for a duration ranging from 6, to 12 hours.A wide choice is therefore available to you.It is for this reason that brands offer different types of menstrual panties: normal flow and abundant flow.

How to take care of it ?

The great advantage of rules of rules, in addition to being beautiful and practical is that it is reusable.And that is priceless.But to be able to reuse it for several years, you have to take care of it.Don't panic, it's super simple!Just follow these few steps, detailed by the site in, for cleaning: "Rinse the panties with lukewarm water to remove the maximum of absorbed blood. Or rub gently with our organic soap.At 30 ° C with similar colors by preferably using a biological laundry. And finally, let it dry in the open air or possibly in the dry cycle dryer. "And voila !

How to choose it?

Once you have determined your flow, normal or abundant, choose according to the usefulness of the menstrual panties.For example, for the night, it is advisable to take a high waist, however, to play sports or move a lot during the day, opt instead for a shorty.

However, a detail is to be taken into account: the quality of the panties.Indeed, it is important to distinguish between "low -end" menstrual pants, and those in mid -range which are, they are menstrual cotton panties.It’s much healthier, and pleasant!

It only remains to choose the color and you freedom.


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