Pregnancy mask: causes, how to avoid it and the best solutions to get rid of it

09/02/2023 By acomputer 680 Views

Pregnancy mask: causes, how to avoid it and the best solutions to get rid of it

Pregnancy mask: what exactly are we talking about?

Pregnancy mask: definition. The pregnancy mask is defined as hyperpigmentation of the skin during pregnancy. Concretely, on the skin of the pregnant woman appear grayish and/or brownish "spots". On the face, these "spots" can form like a mask, hence the name.

Pregnancy mask: is it common? The pregnancy mask is far from rare: it concerns 50% to 75% of pregnant women.

What are the causes of the pregnancy mask? The pregnancy mask is linked to an overproduction of melanin (this is the pigment that gives the skin its color) under the combined action of the sun and pregnancy hormones (estrogen and progesterone).

Note. "Contrary to what its name implies, the pregnancy mask can also appear outside of pregnancy: this hyperpigmentation of the epidermis is also a complication of estrogen-progestogen contraception (contraceptive pill)" remarks Prof. Cyril Huissoud, obstetrician-gynecologist.

And also... In medical language, the pregnancy mask is sometimes called "melasma".

Pregnancy mask: what are the symptoms?

To know. The pregnancy mask most often appears towards the end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy / towards the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnancy mask: symptoms. The pregnancy mask results in the appearance of layered pigmentations, in particular on the face (nose, cheeks, chin, forehead, cheekbones). Very concretely: these areas seem darker and can draw a mask on the face.

Pregnancy mask: causes, how to 'avoid and the best solutions to get rid of it

"In reality, the pregnancy mask affects the entire body, specifies Prof. Cyril Huissoud. In pregnant women, the breast areolas and the line of the abdomen (between the navel and the pubis, but also around the navel) can also appear hyperpigmented; moreover, the "spots" already present on the body can also darken."

Pregnancy mask: what are the risk factors? It has been said: the pregnancy mask is not uncommon since it can affect up to 75% of pregnant women. Some women, however, are at increased risk of pregnancy mask. This concerns in particular:

Pregnancy mask: how to avoid it and how to get rid of it?

Pregnancy mask: is it serious, doctor? "The pregnancy mask is never serious, assures us Pr. Cyril Huissoud. It can be unsightly, but has no consequences on the health of the pregnant woman or the unborn child." It is therefore a benign condition... which can however have psychological consequences. Speak to your doctor or midwife!

Pregnancy mask: what can be done to prevent it? The pregnancy mask concerns in particular women who expose themselves to the sun – we think in particular of tanning addicts! To prevent its appearance, it is therefore essential to protect yourself against the sun during pregnancy:

Pregnancy mask: is it definitive? If, despite all your precautions, you have developed a mask of pregnancy, do not panic: this hyperpigmentation of the epidermis generally regresses within 1 to 3 months after childbirth. "The regression may however be incomplete: the pregnancy mask may also be persistent" underlines Pr. Cyril Huissoud.

Pregnancy mask: if it persists, what are the treatments? In aesthetic medicine, there are now solutions to reduce (or even completely eliminate) a pregnancy mask that persists after childbirth. We can notably mention the peeling (a technique which consists in removing the first layer of the epidermis), the laser or the pulsed light (these two techniques consist in burning the pigment present in the skin). Please note: the treatments must be carried out by a dermatologist!

Thanks to Prof. Cyril Huissoud, obstetrician-gynecologist in Lyon and general secretary of the National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF).

To read: The big book of my pregnancy – National College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF), ed. Eyrolles.

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