Programming, tickets, transport everything you need to know about the feast of Huma 2021

07/08/2022 By acomputer 674 Views

Programming, tickets, transport everything you need to know about the feast of Huma 2021

Par Dorine GothPublié le
Actu Seine-Saint-Denis
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C’est la Der des der. Friday September 10 2021 s’ouvre la dernière édition de la Fête de l’Humanité en Seine-Saint-Denis. Pendant trois jours, jusqu’au dimanche 12 septembre 2021, concerts, débats et rencontre se succéderont au parc Georges-Valbon de La Courneuve. En raison de l’épidémie de Covid-19, la jauge est cette année limitée à 40 000 personnes par jour.Programmation, billets, transports tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la Fête de l'Huma 2021 Programmation, billets, transports tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la Fête de l'Huma 2021

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As in previous years, concerts will occupy a large place during these three days of festival.On three scenes, a big scene Angela Davis, Zebrock Nina Simone and Joséphine Baker, singers and musicians will perform in front of hundreds of spectators.

Friday September 10

Angela Davis scene

Zebrock Nina Simone scene

Joséphine Baker scene

Saturday September 11

Angela Davis scene

Zebrock Nina Simone scene

Joséphine Baker scene

Sunday September 12

Angela Davis scene

Programmation, billets, transports tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la Fête de l'Huma 2021

Zebrock Nina Simone scene

Joséphine Baker scene


Human festival only sells three -day pass, at a price of 30 euros.10 euros cheaper than the last edition.It is bought directly from PCF activists either upstream or at the entrance to the festival.You must then register online to obtain your invitation, thanks to the code present on the right.

Of the 30 euros, one euro will be donated to the French Secours Française.Good plan, the purchase of a support voucher gives the right to tax exemption or a tax credit up to 66% of the amount of the sum paid.Entrance is free for young people under 12 to September 10, 2021.

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To get there, public transport is to be favored.The site is located just 10 minutes walk from the Dugny stop - La Courneuve du Tram 11 and 20 minutes walk from the Le Bourget du RER B stop.Be careful to consult the schedules of the last trains well so as not to miss them.

"Shuttles are reserved for pregnant women and people with reduced mobility and disability at the Dugny-La Courneuve station of the T11 Express tramway.These shuttles deposit at the gates of the party from 3 p.m. to 01h on Friday, from 9 a.m. to 01h on Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday, "said the party organization.

For those who wish to go there by car, a Facebook page has been created to facilitate carpooling.For personal vehicles, a public and supervised parking is located avenue Waldeck-Rochet (D114), 12 minutes walk from the party.At a rate of 35 euros for three days, it is compulsory to book it now.

For bikes and two-wheelers, a parking lot is dedicated to them, monitored the federation of angry bikers.Its access is free, on a simple presentation of an entry title for the Humanity Festival.Access will be through the Porte R of the Bourget Exhibition Center.


To enter the Humanity Festival, the presentation of a health pass is compulsory.A health pass control system will be set up at the entrance to the Humanity Festival.

The port of the mask is compulsory in all of the spaces covered, as well as at the entrances to the party.If it is not on outdoor spaces, it is "strongly recommended".

An application

Full program, timetables, interactive plan ... All practical information is to be found on the application dedicated to the event.The application is available on the App Store and Google Play Store.

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Actu Seine-Saint-Denis
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