Savanah, a nursing assistant becomes an apprentice painter

10/08/2022 By acomputer 656 Views

Savanah, a nursing assistant becomes an apprentice painter

Savanah, aide-soignante durant un an et demi, a opéré une reconversion professionnelle il y a quelques mois. A 22 ans, elle prépare un CAP peintre en un an.Savanah, une aide-soignante devient apprentie peintre Savanah, une aide-soignante devient apprentie peintre

Holder of an economic baccalaureate, Savanah, 22, first oriented towards the career assistance profession that she practiced for a year and a half ... in the midst of COVVI-19 crisis.

Then, she decides to change her orientation at the end of 2020 and to become a painter."I chased the hours of work and did not see the light of day, while accumulating a lot of fatigue.One day, my body dropped me and there I questioned my professional choices "testifies the young apprentice.

It must be said that Savanah Bourdoulous has long thought of the building trades."I have always had a taste for DIY, notably seeing my mother carrying out renovations," says the young woman.Before obtaining her baccalaureate, she had also visited the CFA forming in the building trades in Nangis (77), near her house, but had not found the sector corresponding to her wishes.

Savanah, une aide-soignante devient apprentie peintre

After his experience as a caregiver, the click is done and Savanah decides to get closer to the CFA of Nangis.Determined, she calls companies in the sector in order to explain her project to them: to train alternately in the profession of painter."Only two companies were interested in my approach, including that of Luc Papovoine in Vaux-le-Pénil (77)", explains Savanah.

A two -week immersion course and an apprenticeship contract

The same day of the call, Luc Papovoine, offers him an interview."Things have become concrete from that moment and I could see that the company led global renovation projects, such as the installation of kitchens or floor coverings, which has always interested me" resumesSavanah.

After a two -week immersion internship in the company, she discovers a job that she likes and decides to try the adventure.But business integration was not easy in the first times.

"I admit that I had a lot of trouble understanding the humor of my colleagues.It took us a time of adaptation to understand our respective operations ”underlines the girl."I explained to my employer that I needed to be reassured and encouraged, and this exchange helped unlock the situation".

As for integration into the CFA, it went well despite the particular circumstances linked to the pandemic."I entered the CFA in September 2020 and immediately joined the class, without any particular welcome or visit to the CFA," says Savanah.

The only woman painter in CFA and easy integration

"My all -male counterparts were very intrigued but I was able to approach them more easily, thanks to business work.I was even able to create a group of friends that I am happy to find at the CFA, "said the young apprentice delight.

Today, Savanah says he is well integrated and ensures that he can carry out all the missions entrusted to him."My employer considers me as an employee in its own right and I can perform all the spots inherent in the profession, including carrying bags of coatings or parquet boots.I don't mind and I muscle my biceps, "she said amused.

What advice would she give women interested in the profession?"You have to make immersions in the sector to find out if you like the job or not.And then you have to put your a priori aside on the machismo of men.Of course, you have to put your "hypersensitivity" on the side if necessary, and then go for it, "says Savanah.

"The profession of painter presupposes good physical condition"

"Our professions remain physical professions, adds Luc Papovoine, employer of Savanah, we must therefore be in good shape and rather sporty".But it was above all the motivation of Savanah and his personality who convinced him to recruit her.

"When she called me, she knew what she wanted and knew who she was talking to.She did not come by chance and it was her voluntary approach that reassured me "takes up Luc Papovoine.Of 7 apprentices he trained in the company, 4 were girls.

What dream feeds the young woman for the future?"I would like to improve my skills with a professional patent, after the course, and be able to use it to renovate housing and rent them afterwards," says Savanah who is well.

"But my workshop teacher sees me becoming a long-term trainer," she adds.In any case, one thing is certain, according to her: her training will open many doors to her and allow her to evolve throughout her professional life in a profession that she likes, she is sure, and probably for a very long time ...

It was the motivation of Savanah and his personality who convinced Luc Papovoine, his employer, to recruit her

Source: f.Leroy