Disclaimer: What are the risks to health, linked to the Shapewear trend?

04/03/2023 By acomputer 848 Views

Disclaimer: What are the risks to health, linked to the Shapewear trend?

No longer just reserved for mature women, new generation sheaths have been aimed at the general public for a few years.And for good reason, increasingly praised on social networks and on the red carpet by an armada of fashionistas of all ages, slimming sheaths restore their image, going so far as to impose themselves as real desirable pieces.Proof of this is, the EDITED design firm, stresses that the sheath market would have increased by 147% in 2018.Moreover, these figures which would mainly concern young women aged 16 to 24.Reasons therefore sufficient, to understand the considerable and perpetual magnitude, articulated around the "shapewear" trend, of which here are the limits.

Slimming lingerie: the limits of the "shapewear" trend

If slimming lingerie has overshadowed the reputation of a female curves oppression that he held in the 60s, this category of clothes checks today, multiple good boxes on the style style. Parmi toutes ses promesses ? Un ventre-plat, un effet push-up et un maintien adéquat, permettant de mettre les formes en valeur, sans plus agresser le corps comme elle le faisait dès son apparition aux États-Unis, à la fin du 19e siècle.

Because if the sculpting sheaths woven close ties to their beginnings with stifling corsets and sheathing panties, the latter are now sewn from stretch and more comfortable materials, like stretch microfiber mesh, composed of elastane, of elastane, of elastane,nylon, polyamide, or cotton.All, stung with invisible seams.Proof that today, all pretexts are envisaged to put the body at ease, by molding only certain well -defined areas, and with more respect.

Slimming underwear: What are the health risks?

Gaines amincissantes : quels sont les risques pour la santé, liés à la tendance shapewear ?

All in all, frequently bringing slimming underwear can present health risks.Indeed, professionals recommend taking it only occasionally, due to certain dark points that their port could present.And if it is said that the ducts make it possible to burn fat, the truth is quite different, since only nutritional and sports programs will be able to promote weight loss in this case.In the same line, it is not recommended to wear ducts when they have not reached adulthood, due to damage to bodily development that could result from it.

On the sidelines, carrying slimming underwear daily can compress the organs located on the part of the "trunk", namely the heart, the liver, the lungs, the stomach, the intestines and the bladder, but also block the affluxblood, if they are worn every day.In addition, risks of acute esophagitis and even incontinence, but also stomach burns have been demonstrated in the event of regular use.

Despite everything, being wisered, the slimming sheaths remain "authorized" since their forms have been reviewed and corrected.It is however recommended to take into account the elements indicated, and to ensure that they only draw them on certain specific occasions, if desired.

Available in various versions, high-waisted panties, boxing, leggings, slimming underwear have the merit of better corresponding to all morphologies and carnations, while targeting well-defined body areas, which are summed upin priority by the buttocks, the hips, and the thighs, in the idea of being firmed.And here is our selection of sheaths, in which we place our confidence.

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