Ten good reasons to come to Senegal
Africa could do may if we only listened to the alarmist information of the major Western media.But everything is fine in Senegal: the tourist season has refueled and next year promises to be very good, the hoteliers are happy and the tourist guides too.We now have a brand new international airport and beautiful highways, baobabs wear their monkey breads and birds chirping in the blue sky.
So if you still hesitate, here are some reasons to come and see us.
The weather is nice and there are colors
Here the weather is nice, but we never say it because it's all year round.We never consult the weather because the time of tomorrow looks like yesterday's.It is never a subject of conversation, except in wintering, short period during which nature bursts with a thousand ornaments.
And there are colors: those of the sea and the sky, bougainvillea, large boubous, canoes and carts, leaves of baobabs, laterite, walls of the houses of Gorée and Saint-Louis, ofmangrove, metallic nestles...
> Le climat et la météo
It's a bit of a mess, but it's nice
We Senegalese, we have a lot of faults: we are beamn and a little bitter, we do not respect the rules much and are neither very organized nor provident, we speak a lot, like to be well dressed and have a big sheep for the Tabaski.
So, inevitably, it's a bit of a mess.Buses do not always go on time, taxis can break down, it's not always easy to program something very precisely, there is very often an unexpected.
But we are nice.We never leave you, we will manage, there is no problem.We will invite you to us, we will present the family to you, you will share our meal and you will drink tea with our friends.And we will never forget you either, even years later.
It's alive
Here we live outside and that's where the show is.Place yourself on a Dakar sidewalk, in the shade preferably, and look, we never tire of it.World everywhere first: young and old, tie executives, underdog girls, women with a basket of fish on their heads, a guy who sells hugs in traffic jams, another who walks a sheep.And a young apprentice full of cudds who tries to restart a large 4x4, workers who ride bricks on the sidewalk, a cart with arms full of watermelons, a seller of Ray Ban glasses and Rolex watches, a blind man helped by achild.It swarms, it's alive and full of smells.
There are lots of things to do
If you are tired of lounging yourself on a beach under the coconut palms, do not panic, you can do something else: walk in a canoe in the labyrinth of the saloum bolong, fat in big or palangrotte, do the mountain bikeSomone or in the rice fields of Casamance, circulating in a carriage in the old town of Saint-Louis, going up the Senegal river to Podor on a boat, making quad on the beach of Lake Rose, a dromedary stroll in the desert ofLoumpoul, from tree climbing in the baobabs to Sindia, observe the hyenas in Palmarin, the hippopotams on the Gambia river, thousands of birds in Djoudj, discovering lost villages in the country Bassari.
And above all meet people who greet you and smile.
> Découvrir le Sénégal
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There are lots of events
Senegal moves and it invents.There are festivals, concerts, music and dance, traditions, artists.In mess and in all regions.Soon it will be the Fête de la Musique, the Duo Solo Dance festival in Saint-Louis, then the harvest festival in Ossouye.We have the Sahel Festival in Loumpoul, the Biennale des Arts every two years, the Senegalese struggle in Saloum and Casamance, fashion shows.You can see exhibitions, learn to dance or go to the movies, introduce yourself to painting under glass or the typing of the djembe, participate in a debate dinner.
> Agenda
It’s a real democracy
Senegal is like France, it is a real democracy.We spend our time in the electoral campaign, politicians hold meetings and make speeches full of promises that they do little, we vote in peace.And then we spend sound time to criticism that we have elected.We read eagerly all the newspapers, especially those who propagate rumors, we discuss and we redo the world around the kiosk or in a quick coach.
We are in our fourth President of the Republic.All were democratically elected.
> Les institutions de la République du Sénégal
There is no more disease than elsewhere
There has been less cases of ebool in Senegal than in the United States or in Spain.Here there is no flu as she decimates thousands of people in Europe.There is the malaria, but we can protect.Senegal has an excellent health system and monitoring contagious diseases is rigorous, doctors are competent, well -equipped hospitals.
> La santé au Sénégal
There are no madmen of God
Here no Islamic state, Al Qaeda or other terrorists who violate, plunder and murder in the name of an alleged divine word.
Here we have Muslims, Christians and others who believe in a little mystical things.Everything mixes a little, including in the same family, the gray-gray rub shoulders with the rosaries.Mosques are used for prayer, not to endocate young people, cathedrals and churches are full on Sunday, women are not veiled, we have the right to drink beer and eat pork if we want.Imams visit the priests, cemeteries can be shared.The nightclubs and the bars are full on Saturday evening.The Republic is secular.
> Les religions et les croyances
Senegal is at the center of the world
At the western tip of Africa, a few hours from Europe and pleading from Brazil, Senegal has a privileged geographical position.So people come from everywhere, it brews, it mixes and it's good.
All United Nations agencies are present and all cooperation.It does not necessarily help us, but the big air -conditioned cars, it's pretty to look in the street.
There are Lebanese, Europeans, Guineans, Malians, Mauritanians, Cap-Verdians, Ivorians, Canadians, Chinese, Russians, Turks, Americans...And all exchange and mix their cultures.
And also
You can buy cigarettes by the unit, it is practical to limit your consumption or when there are only a few parts left.It's the same for the dose of coffee, candy, sugar...
There are lots of major projects which, like everywhere else, are not used for much, but we hear about it on television: we had the accelerated growth strategy, now this is the emerging plan.Acceleration may not have been in the right direction...
The phone and the Internet walk everywhere.Telephone recharges can be easily bought in all shops, Wi-Fi is present in bars and hotels and most people are on social networks.
Mac Donald does not exist.But on the other hand you can eat a delicious tieb u dien in a gargote for cheaper, or mafé, chicken yassa, soupou kandja.You can soak your mayonnaise toast in your cafe in the morning in Tangana near the street.You can eat sheep grilled at the Dibitery.The food is excellent and varied.
We speak French well, with a few nuances, normal is the Francophonie: we say a angueul to talk about an intersection, we buy monoussoirs with bitik, we last when we have been there for a long time and we say Grawoul because nothingis never very serious.
Voila, that's Senegal.