The stylist's eye: why you have trouble getting rid of your clothes

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The stylist's eye: why you have trouble getting rid of your clothes

Perhaps you want people who are relieving their business without moods when you tend to stack.Rest assured, you are "normal".Keeping parts that you do not wear can even reserve good surprises.

Isabelle Thomas

I visited thousands of wardrobes, all unique and different, with treasures loaded with memories, more or less congested holders, pieces still labeled ... Even if a wardrobe is regularly sorted, I always meet clothesthat stubbornly cling."I tend to keep everything, told me one of my customers in front of a busy dressing room that it was problematic to take a sweater without several batteries collapsing.I still have bags filled in the attic of my parents and unprecedented boxes of my move which date from before the first confinement.In the heap, I know that some clothes no longer suit me but you never know.And then, they tell me so many memories that I can't separate.I know I would be lighter if I was having half.But I feel so invaded that I give up before I start.Do you think I'm crazy?»»

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Too much is exceptionally pathological

Keeping too much clothes is just a sign that we make them take the mark of emotions.We keep these pieces of fabric as witnesses of a bygone era which returns to tickle us in the present.There is nostalgia and feeling in there.It is the worn jeans on the benches of college that reminds us of the carefree before, it is a declaration of love which returns through the blouse carried one summer evening, it is a loved one whoRevived thanks to a scarf offered, it is the pants that brought luck during job interviews, the man t-shirts reminiscent of this young girl who was hiding behind too large clothes, the checkered pants thatInvoke this woman who dared everything, the bouloche sweater put on at home to warm up the heart ... Make these "vestiges" would be leaving like erasing ends of existence, joyful or less happy, burn pieces with conviction that would expose us ...It is not easy either to say goodbye to these clothes witnesses to a body that we no longer have.Thin or more flesh.Taking them out definitively from the cabinet would be like giving up to find your line of yesteryear.Unless you control its weight variations (and again), the silhouette rarely comes back completely as before and the desires move according to a body that evolves.

Guilt is hidden at the bottom of his wardrobe

"I thought I had sorted regularly, I was amazed to realize that I had so many unnecessary and invasive things, told me a young woman in front of the pile of clothes that I had just put aside.I was keeping while trying to convince myself that I would one day be able to wear these shoes that hurt the feet and these clothes bought on sales or on heads.But deep down, I knew very well that I would never put them."It is hard to empty her wardrobe because she awakens a feeling of guilt.That of throwing money out the windows with "trivialities".So we try to reason, to convince ourselves that our feet will lose a size, that we will end up loving this advised green with so much enthusiasm by a girlfriend, that we will assume to wear a bag that cost theHalf a month's salary… otherwise what a mess!Relegating its purchasing errors in a corner of your dressing room does not make guilt but only moves it.So you might as well offer them a second life by offering them to an association or a sale.

A small souvenir museum but no more

L’œil de la styliste : pourquoi vous avez du mal à vous débarrasser de vos vêtements

If the place is lacking in your wardrobe and the size blurs your wardrobe, learn to say goodbye to the clothes that you do not wear.Allow yourself a "souvenir" drawer but limit the museum to the most sensitive friendly pieces.I invite you to look at your wardrobe with honesty, to assess the right items and to measure your ability to mix your clothes.Do you know how to match your new Jean Paper-Bag with the blouse that is hidden at the bottom of your wardrobe?Associate your “old” blazer with your last bohemian dress?Identify these "in case" that you will never wear whatever you think."In case it is again the fashion of slim low waist, I would do well to keep mine" etc.Even if fashion is an eternal beginning, it never comes back identical.There is often a little je-ne-sais-quoi that changes: a different volume, new proportions, less or more details ... unless you can handle styles and eras, an old-fashioned garment will remain so and beforeto deserve the threshold of vintage piece, it will age you by ten years.

Go to treasure hunt

But before emptying your wardrobe drastically, keep in mind that you can find surprises.Especially with clothes abandoned for a few years.Maybe you will be able to give them a new chance.Forget those who do not highlight you, do not look like, are of poor quality or mode of fashion.But look with a new eye the pieces that sparkle your eyes.If you have left them aside so far, maybe it's just a matter of user manual.Test unpublished associations.Marry them with the clothes and accessories arrived at home since you left them aside.It’s amazing to see how we manage to transform the style of pants with a different top.It is delightful to finally be able to wear a dress thanks to shoes that she did not know.And it is rewarding to achieve how much forgotten treasures can in turn "run" a wardrobe.Those you did well to keep them.

Isabelle Thomas has been a personal stylist for over ten years and has been an expert in self -image.She created the Detox wardrobe © a method to find her style and shop in her wardrobe.Ig @modepersonelle