The string dangerous for health?Gynecologists give the alert

01/01/2023 By acomputer 672 Views

The string dangerous for health?Gynecologists give the alert

Modified by Maurane Hugon

Sexy and imperceptible under clothing, the thong is one of the favorite lingerie pieces of women.Yet to wear it daily would be dangerous for the private parties.Explanation.

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Invisible under jeans and perfect to highlight your buttocks under a skirt or tight pants, the thong has many interests.This is why he makes a lot of followers.Preferred to the panties for his sexy side and his imperceptible effect, he seems to bring together only advantages.But it was before gynecologists looked at the subject and made a rather alarming observation on the impact of the string on our body on our body.

The dangerous thong for the private parties?

On this subject, many doctors have been interviewed and their responses are final: the thong can be dangerous.The doctor.Shieva Ghofrany, obstetrician and gynecologist and DR. Jill Maura Rabin, professeur à Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology and Women’s health à l’Albert Einstein College of Medicine aux États-Unis ont expliqué qu'un string porté quotidiennement pendant plusieurs heures pouvait causer de nombreuses irritations au niveau des parties intimes.But that's not all, it also promotes the proliferation of bacteria.Result ?The favorite underwear of women can lead to urinary, vaginal infections and can even cause hemorrhoids.In question, the material with which the thongs are manufactured.

To make the room elegant and sexy, the brands that sell this type of lingerie often rely on lace with very fine cuts.Even if this choice makes the room visually pleasant, this is not quite the case in terms of comfort.Under clothes, the thong tends to create friction in the hips, the jams and buttocks.These are the friction that can have serious health consequences.

What should we wear as a underwear?

Le string dangereux pour la santé ? Des gynécologues donnent l'alerte

If wearing the thong is not recommended on a daily basis, it is not prohibited to carry it occasionally.The best time to adopt it is when you do not wear anything over or a fluid outfit in which you are completely comfortable.

For long seated days or to run between several meetings, gynecologists recommend cotton underwear.This soft matter is more respectful of the body of the woman and her private parts.

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