Vaccines: Julien Dray's big rant: Vaccines must become a public good!

16/02/2023 By acomputer 713 Views

Vaccines: Julien Dray's big rant: Vaccines must become a public good!


Vaccines: Julien Dray's big rant: Vaccines must become a public good!


Addition to my answer of 06/02 at 10:22 a.m. to my article of: 03/02.

Vaccine: Global good for humanity?

My political sensibility tends towards the "Gaullist of the left", that is to say "an iron fist in a velvet glove"

There are sometimes politicians for whom, for various reasons, I have no sympathy, and until now Julien Dray was one of those politicians who interested me little.

Yet an old wisdom says that a man with whom you don't have a chemistry can one day, and to your great surprise, surprise you favorably, and that's what happened on 05 /02/21 on Cnews, in the show hosted by "Ça se dispute"

This Friday 05/02/21, on Cnews, around 6 p.m., there was the program: Ça se dispute hosted by Patrice Boisfer. This program is weekly with a discussion between two journalists who analyze the political news of the week and argue about the most popular current themes. That day, the guests were: Eugénie Bastié and Julien Dray.

Julien Dray: “These vaccines must become public goods” we need a G 20 on vaccines, Macron has a date with history!

It was during this program that Julien Dray pleasantly surprised me, because he launched this moving and strong "coup de coeur" rant."These vaccines must become public goods »

Vaccines: The big rant blow Julien Dray's favourite: Vaccines must become a public good!

Note that in this program, the first to speak was Mathieu Laine (presented by a banner on the screen) as an intellectual entrepreneur. From the outset, the latter declares: "I fear that we have been won over by the 'epidemic of fear'... and towards the end of his short speech (2 mins) he declares that he hopes that in this country that he there are enough people to support a political offer, I hope for the presidential election, which can try to carry a kind of vaccine, to cure this evil that we never treat which is infantilization ”. his works on this subject: Sources.

Julien Dray's appeal: "These vaccines must become public goods"

In the video of the show, (58 mins) Julien Dray (who, for the record, was a victim of covid 19: Source), speaks at 4 mins., and less than a minute later, he launches his appeal which I think will be the spark that will trigger a moment that will certainly be historic with this sentence which will remain, I am sure, engraved in the memories of history “These vaccines must become public goods,... it must become a public good”: Source. (the short extract of his call 1 mn06.: Source.)

The most interesting part is between 4 mn and 7mn 44, you will notice that Julien Dray evokes the holding of a G.20 for this idea, and that also at 5 mn 35 he launches his message intended for the President of the Republic by declaring: Mr. Macron, he often says, "I would like to have an appointment with history, the appointment with history, it is at the moment, we must convene a G20 and say : “Now all the laboratories give the formulas, we already did it once in 2009 with azt to save lives with AIDS. »

At 21 min, Julien Dray presents a very simple little device (which costs about forty euros) but which is important in monitoring the first symptoms of the disease, in fact it makes it possible to measure its rate of oxygen in the blood the oximeter, (on my blog, in my article of: 19/12/20, this small device mentioned) Covid 19: No by wearing a mask you are not likely to cerebral hypoxia.

Julian Dray also advises wearing ffp2 masks which have an efficiency of 94%: Source.( Personally, this is the model I wear, and a week ago while visiting my GP, I wore a mask ffp2, the doctor measured my oxygen level, result: 98%., which is a normal level: Source.

If all the guys in the world wanted to join hands!

At one point Julien Dray evokes an old movie: "If all the guys in the world wanted to join hands", so to sum up and in view of this pandemic I think that his call is without appeal!


I'm not going to go on too long, I'm throwing overboard all the "birds of bad omen".

We have a date with history, I still believe in the wisdom and humanism of men. (and as an old adage says "history will judge"!) Concerning the wisdom of men, I made this quote: Source. (see my links in the appendices below)

Links in appendix!

If all the guys in the world, is a poem by Paul Fort (elected prince of poets in 1912): Source. !

The film: If all the guys in the world: Source ( wikipedia ) .. and the possibility of reviewing or seeing this old film: Sources.

The video of the song: If all the guys in the world sung by the companions of the song: Source.

My 45 quotes on the Parisian website: Famous quotes: Source. (by clicking on the quote on an orange background, sometimes the site displays my quote on a beautiful image,)

Thanks for reading.

Gilbert Spagnolo says P@py