Vaginal yeast infection: a itchy truth

22/06/2022 By acomputer 640 Views

Vaginal yeast infection: a itchy truth

A vagina that itching day and night, white losses whose appearance recalls that of curd milk and, more rarely, a burning sensation ... If these symptoms are familiar to you, then you are most likely affected by avaginal yeast infection.Rest assured: although the intense itching it causes are painful, this infection caused by a fungus - more precisely, a yeast - is benign.But, without treatment, it is very rare that it disappears spontaneously.Le Figaro takes stock with Dr. Jean-Marc Bohbot, infectiousologist specializing in urogenital infections at the Fournier Institute in Paris and co-author of the book "Vaginal microbiota, the pink revolution"*.

"The main symptom of a yeast infection is the occurrence of vulvar itching," confirms Dr. Bohbot.But this is common to a number of dermatological diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.For this reason, you must always consult before embarking on self -medication. "However, specifies the infectiologist, "when the itching is accompanied by abundant, very thick and stodrant losses, there is every chance that it is a yeast infection".

What are the yeast infections due to?

In 80 to 90% of cases, they are caused by a microscopic fungus called Candida Albicans.In other cases, the infection is due to another species of candidates."Candida Albicans is present in the vagina of a large majority of women, in the form of inactive spores," said Dr. Bohbot.Under the action of various factors, the spores come out of their sleep and start to produce filaments that will be evacuated outside the vagina in the form of losses.By joining the vulva, these losses will be responsible for very important irritation."The vagina is an area rich in nerve fibers, where the skin is very thin, that's why itching is particularly annoying," said the infectiologist.

Among the factors triggering yeast infections, we find antibiotic treatments and corticosteroids.The former cause an imbalance in the vaginal flora by destroying the protective bacteria that are there, which can promote yeast infections.As for the latter, they weaken the immune system.Too aggressive intimate hygiene, that is to say too frequent (more than twice a day) or with antiseptic soaps such as betadine, also triggers yeast infections.

Mycose vaginale: une vérité qui démange

Finally, female hormones play a role."Mushrooms develop rather at the end of the cycle, just before the rules, under the effect of estrogens," said Dr. Bohbot.Mushrooms feed on glycogen, a sugar contained in vagina cells, produced under the effect of hormones."This is why pregnant women are more prone to yeast infections because there are more hormones during pregnancy," said Jean-Marc Bohbot.Mycosis is also more frequent in diabetic women, in whom blood sugar is above average.

How to get rid of it?

Fortunately, yeast infections do not cause complications."Contrary to popular belief, they do not increase the risk of collar cancer or that of becoming sterile," reassures Dr. Bohbot.However, these infections cannot stop without treatments."We prescribe antifungal eggs on very short durations, in combination with a cream," says the doctor.Probiotics to be used vaginal are also recommended."You have to be very careful because there are several types of probiotics without a prescription and, in the case of a yeast infection, you have to take the right strain of lactobacillus and not something else," warns the specialist.Some women sometimes develop repeated yeast infections.In this case, an oral antifungal is prescribed over periods from 3 to 6 months, associated with vaginal probiotics.

On a daily basis, simple gestures limit risks, such as using soft hygiene products, without soap or antiseptic."You should never make an internal toilet, which is also called" vaginal shower "," said Dr. Bohbot.It is also good to report to his doctor his propensity to make yeast infection when he plans to prescribe long antibiotic treatment.

Some popular ideas

Unlike prejudices, yeast infections are not sexually transmitted."The partner has nothing to do with it!It is absolutely useless that he takes a treatment, "exclaims Dr. Bohbot.The swimming pool either presents no risk."Water can attack the mucosa of the vulva, which can accentuate itching," explains the doctor.In this case, we recommend putting a hydrophobic protective cream before going to water. "

Wearing hygienic towels, a menstrual cut or buffers during the rules is not a problem."On the other hand, it should not be permanently carrying it because it is a source of irritation," added the doctor.As for the question of synthetic fiber clothes, there is no indication that they promote the occurrence of yeast infections.On the other hand, too tight clothes are not recommended: "friction can worsen irritations, and heat the development of fungi".

* "Vaginal microbiota, the pink revolution", Dr Jean-Marc Bohbat and Rica Étienne, ed. Marabout